Bug in survival game

Chapter 937 Global school opening 4

Chapter 937 Global school opening 4
Seeing the sound of footsteps getting closer and closer, several elongated figures were printed on the tiles in front of the dormitory door, a slender white and tender jade hand rested gently on the half-closed dormitory door, and then a gentle and pleasant voice came out. the sound of:

"How did the door open?"

"Ah..." Another completely different female voice exclaimed slightly: "I don't seem to have closed the door, just closed it slightly."

"Xiaoli, remember to close the door next time, and don't let any little mice come in."

"I know……"


The man in glasses who hid under the bed in time lay on the floor, not daring to breathe for a moment. He raised his hand to help his glasses that were crooked, and stared nervously at the four pairs of girls' leather shoes walking on the floor.

The four girls outside walked into the dormitory talking and laughing, and the last one closed the dormitory door.

"Bang" sound.

It was like the heart of the man with glasses that was about to jump out of his chest at this moment, trembling violently.

"The physical education class in the morning was so tiring, and the new physical education teacher was too rude. I tested 800 meters and didn't release any water. I felt like my legs were useless."

"It seems that there is still a math test coming this afternoon, have you all reviewed it?"

"Ahh! I forgot! I was too busy playing games a few days ago, so what should I do? I don't want to fail!"

"It's okay, it's okay, you sit next to me during the exam in the afternoon."

"Little Lingling! I love you! Let's have a fragrant one! Hmm~"


The man with glasses hid under the bed, he could only see the moving legs of the four girls and the chatter of the girls.

Listening to these ordinary chats, for some reason, the man with glasses felt a little less nervous.

This is the topic among ordinary female students.

It seems that I am oversensitive.

Maybe the reason why these girls appear is a kind of time travel back in the dungeon?

The man with glasses spread his test paper on the floor, and his eyes fell on question 2.

[Question 2: The names of the six female students in Room 603 of the female dormitory building in Building B , , , , , . ]
The man with glasses silently said "Xiaoli" and "Xiaoling", and the two names immediately appeared on the horizontally lined answer area.

Only four names left!

This topic can be completed.

talk quickly talk quickly!

Say more!

The man with glasses held back his excitement and continued to eavesdrop on the conversation of the four girls outside.

"Xiaozhen, can you understand this question?"

"Let me see... this question is very simple..."



I know another one!

The man with glasses looked happily at another horizontal line showing the answer to Question 2, and suddenly, he was taken aback.

and many more!

The title said six girls... There are only four outside, so where are the other two girls?

At this time, there was a sound of running water from the bathroom in the innermost dormitory, followed by the sound of footsteps.

"You are all back." The fifth strange female voice came, and there was another pair of legs outside.

Seeing this, the man with glasses was secretly glad that he didn't run to the bathroom just now, otherwise he would have been discovered.

"Xiao Yang, are you feeling better?"

"Hey, my stomach still hurts, but it's much better."

"That's good."

"By the way, where's my takeaway?"

"Ah! We forgot to bring you food..."


Among the four girls who had gathered together, one of them walked towards the girl who had just come out of the bathroom, with a soft voice, asking for her health.

It turned out that I had diarrhea, so I stayed in the bathroom...

The man with glasses thought casually in his heart, glanced at the question and found another answer.

"Are you fooling me? I can clearly smell the aroma of food."

"Have it?"


The girl's tone was a little dissatisfied, and the ending was a little provocative.


The man with glasses hiding under the bed froze.

Just now... did the bed shake?
"Hmm... what are you talking about?" Above the man with glasses, came a dazed girl, who seemed to have just woken up from a dream, and even yawned.

"Huh? Xiaoxue, you're awake."

"Did we wake you up? Sorry..."

The man with glasses watched helplessly as the pair of legs outside walked to the bed where he was. He couldn't help covering his mouth and nose with his hands, for fear that he would leak a little sound because of being too nervous.

"No...but, I can also smell the smell of food."

At this moment, the man with glasses couldn't care less about the new name that he overheard.

I don't know if it was an illusion, but the man with glasses felt that the relaxed and lively atmosphere outside disappeared in an instant.

In just 1 minute, it was like the scythe of death hanging high above his head, unable to fall down.

The man with glasses had bloodshot eyes.

He felt like he couldn't hold on any longer!

Suddenly, an impulse surged in my chest!

Run away!
Can't stay here anymore!

Just a second after the man with glasses moved his body, the girl's naive and cute voice sounded outside: "Since Xiaoxue also said so, there may be some delicious food in the dormitory." .”

"Sisters, how about, let's guess where the food is hidden?"

"I haven't eaten food for a long time, I'm almost starved..."

"Come here! Let me guess first, the food is in the... cabinet!"

With a bang, the cabinets in the dormitory were opened one by one.

Seeing that he couldn't find it, the original girl was very disappointed: "It's not here..."

"Is it on the balcony!"

"On the ceiling!"

"It's still... on the bed!"


After suffering for a full 10 minutes, the girls outside were very interested at the beginning, but gradually lost interest.

Just when the man with glasses breathed a sigh of relief, behind him, there was a clear and pleasant voice from a girl: "I found it!"

The pupils of the man with glasses shrank suddenly, and goosebumps appeared uncontrollably around his ears.

He could clearly feel that behind his back, there seemed to be some kind of "liquid" sticking to him, and the slippery tongue was licking his neck bit by bit...


Two 10 minutes later.

Su Tingyu glanced at the dormitory's number plate: "It's here... Dormitory No. 603."

"Huh? The door isn't closed?" Su Tingyu was just about to take out his meteor stick and smash the door, but from the corner of his eyes, he saw that the door lock of the dormitory was open.

However, Su Tingyu still took out the meteor stick, and gently pushed open the dormitory door with one end of the stick.

In this dormitory, there are a lot of daily necessities, such as beds, quilts, water glasses, shoes, etc., but all these daily necessities are covered with a thin layer of dust and spiders. network.

Su Tingyu pressed the lamp switch in the corner, and the old lamps flickered dimly, as if they might be scrapped and turned off at any time.

Su Tingyu walked straight to the bathroom of the dormitory.

In the bathroom, there was a small window sill with several pots of plants on it. The leaves were a little wrinkled and dark green.

With sharp eyes, Su Tingyu noticed that the bottom of the petals of the small pot of sunflowers on the far right was oozing with blood red.

Su Tingyu looked at Question 5 again:

[Question 2: In Room 603 of the female dormitory building in Building B, on the window sill of the bathroom, the innermost plant is . ]
"Isn't this a sunflower?"

Su Tingyu reached out to touch the small flower pot containing sunflowers, and found a piece of white paper taped to the side, with "Xiaoli" written on it.

"Xiaoli? Is this a person's name? The owner of Sunflower must be this girl named Xiaoli."

Su Tingyu withdrew his little paw.

At this time, a line of words appeared on the horizontal line of Question 5 of the test paper.

——"Xiao Li's Sunflower"

Answer completed!

Su Tingyu walked out of the bathroom.

"Hmm...why is it so peaceful this time?" Su Tingyu muttered suspiciously, the door of the dormitory was already in front of her eyes, and she only needed to walk two more steps to get out.


its not right!
How could it be so smooth?

Su Tingyu hesitated for a few seconds. After seeing that there was really no movement in the whole dormitory, he could only leave the 603 dormitory with a slightly regretful expression.

On Su Tingyu's test paper, there were no questions about the dormitory area, so she focused on question 3.

The third canteen mentioned above is near the dormitory area. You can go to the canteen to answer the questions before going to the library.


The third canteen.

The second floor.

Three white-skinned male players lingered around the windows, staring at the delicious dishes with glowing eyes, swallowing their saliva incessantly.

"There's food here? (There's food here?)"

"Shall we have some? (Shall we have some?)"

“I suddenly feel so hungry. (I suddenly feel so hungry)”


The three male players looked at each other and immediately hit it off.

During this period of time, it was not yet the prime time after school. Inside the window, there were only two or three sporadic uncles and aunts sitting on chairs and playing with their mobile phones.

One of the male players waved to the nearest bald uncle: "Uncle, let's order (uncle, let's order)"

The bald uncle glanced at the three of them, put away his phone, and approached the window: "Today is the entrance examination. The food in the canteen is free for three days. What do you want to eat (today is the entrance examination, The food in the canteen is free for three days, what do you want to eat?)”

The language spoken by the bald uncle was automatically converted into the language most familiar to the three male players.

"I'd like this barbecue with some rice and vegetables (I want this barbecue, add some rice and vegetables)" One of the male players took a fancy to a plate of crispy and golden barbecue, so he stretched out his finger and saw the bald uncle After serving the barbecue according to his wishes, he turned his head and proposed to the other two players:

"Would you like to try this barbecue? It smells delicious! (Would you like to try this barbecue? It smells delicious!)"

“Indeed, beautiful and delicious”

“Then I'll have this barbecue, too (then I also want this barbecue)”

Soon, the three dishes were ready.

The three male players took their respective meals, found seats, and couldn't wait to sit down and taste the food.

“yummy! (delicious!)”

“This is the best meat I've ever eaten! (This is the best meat I've ever eaten!)”

"Oh, my God! It's delicious! (My God! It's delicious!)"

The three male players were full of praise while gobbling it up, their faces full of amazement and satisfaction.

The three of them used the knife and fork with restraint at first, but slowly, they grabbed it with their hands, and the expressions on their faces became uncontrollable and became crazy.

"I have finished eating! I have finished eating! (I don't eat! I don't eat!)" Someone realized something was wrong, shook his hand, and knocked over the rice plate.

"Why can't I stop! Shit! (Why can't I stop! Shit!)"

The person who overturned the rice plate at the beginning suddenly had a flash of pain on his face, and covered his abdomen with his hands: "Ah! My stomach hurts! (Ah! My stomach hurts so much!)"

"Are you okay? (What's wrong with you?)"

"II have a stomachache (I...I have a stomachache...)"

The remaining two people were not spared either. Within ten seconds, they were all clutching their stomachs with pained expressions on their faces.

At some point, the bald man appeared behind the three of them, and he said quietly: "Don't waste food (don't waste food)"

At the end of the sentence, the three of them who were about to roll on the ground in pain were like puppets on a string, and they were dragged up by the invisible thin transparent thread.

The male player who knocked over the rice plate, his eyes were dull, he lay on the ground recklessly, picking up the food that fell on the ground with both hands: "yes! Yes I'll keep eating! Keep eating! (Yes! Yes...I Keep eating! Keep eating!)”

"Can't waste Can't waste (can't waste...can't waste...)"

The bald uncle stared at the three with a blank expression. He stood still, waiting for the three to lick up all the food on the plate. Then, he dragged one person's feet with his left hand and two people's feet with his right hand, like It was like dragging a little piglet, slowly dragging it to the kitchen behind...


Su Tingyu glanced at the map of the test paper, then looked up at the "Third Canteen" marked on the entrance of the canteen, and heaved a sigh of relief.

"I didn't make a mistake this time."

Just now, Su Tingyu accidentally ran to the adjacent fourth canteen, thus wasting a little time.

Su Tingyu walked into the dining hall, and happened to meet a cleaning lady on the first floor, who greeted warmly:

"Little girl, do you want to come to eat? Today's food is free~"

Su Tingyu paused, and glanced at the dishes in the window that smelled good and looked delicious, and his heart was moved.

After hesitating for two seconds, Su Tingyu's eyes became firmer.

Forget it.

I'm still taking the exam!
Come over to eat after the exam!

"Auntie, come and eat after I finish the exam!" Su Tingyu said goodbye with a smile.

Before leaving, Su Tingyu beckoned to the cleaning aunt who seemed to be "reluctant"... He didn't pay attention, and didn't even "notice" that he was holding a two-meter-long meteor stick in his hand.

Su Tingyu walked to the stairs and walked briskly up to the second floor.

Without stopping for a moment, Su Tingyu walked straight to the innermost window.

It's just that no one was seen inside.

So, Su Tingyu raised his hand and knocked on the glass of the window, and shouted inside: "Is anyone there?"

"I'm coming……"

A middle-aged aunt walked out of the small door. She was wearing an apron, which was stained with a lot of fresh blood.

Seeing that Su Tingyu's gaze stayed on her, the aunt explained with a smile: "I just helped my colleague butcher a pig. The pig's strength is so strong that I almost missed the pig's feet."

(End of this chapter)

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