Bug in survival game

Chapter 938 Global school opening 5

Chapter 938 Global school opening 5
Su Tingyu could have felt a little weird at first, but he still had a smile on his face, like a fool:
"Auntie, I see that you look so kind, very similar to the old mother in my family. I would like to take the liberty to ask, what is your name?"

The aunt's face was amiable: "Little girl, why don't you order some dishes first, and I will tell you when you finish ordering."

Seeing that the aunt was so persistent and enthusiastic, and she was still thinking about her own stomach, Su Tingyu couldn't shirk anymore, so she ordered two or three dishes at random.

"Auntie, that's all."

"Okay, now." Seeing Su Tingyu ordering food, the smile on the aunt's face became more real, and she helped Su Tingyu serve the food quickly.

"Auntie, you should tell me now, what is your name?"

"My name is Liu Cuihua." The aunt smiled and gave the answer after achieving her goal.

As soon as Su Tingyu heard the name, he said loudly: "What a good name, it's really a good name, it matches your temperament so well, aunt."

Su Tingyu glanced at the test paper from the corner of his eye, and the words Liu Cuihua appeared on it.

Liu Cuihua urged: "Little girl, the food has been ordered, hurry up and eat it while it's hot, it won't taste good when it's cold."

"Okay, ouch! I almost forgot, I'm here to cook for my classmates, aunt, why don't you pack it for me." Su Tingyu apologized.

"Package? You don't eat here." The smile on Liu Cuihua's face narrowed slightly.

Su Tingyu didn't seem to notice it, and explained: "I'm not very hungry now, I really can't eat so much, it would be too wasteful if I only eat a little bit and throw away the rest, but my classmate he I haven't eaten anything all morning, not even breakfast, so I must be very hungry."

Hearing what Yu said was true, it didn't look like she was lying, Liu Cuihua gradually became dubious.

"Aunt Liu, hurry up and help me pack, I have to go to the exam, it will be bad if I delay the exam." Su Tingyu said.

Liu Cuihua's tone was stiff: "Okay, I'll pack it for you."

"Thank you Aunt Liu! Aunt Liu, you are so kind!" Su Tingyu smiled.

After Liu Cuihua repacked the packed meals into the lunch box, Su Tingyu took the packed meals and left the dining hall safely.

After Su Tingyu walked out of the dining hall, those all-pervasive prying eyes slowly disappeared.

Su Tingyu glanced at the lunch box in his hand, and then put it directly into the storage ring.

"Where do we want to go next? Well... just the library." Su Tingyu took a few glances at the test paper, and then confirmed it.

... Time passed bit by bit. In this seemingly ordinary campus, in fact, it is full of weirdness everywhere. All the players are racking their brains to answer the questions.

It's not that no players are curious about what's going on outside the school, but they can only see layers of fog covering everything outside.

Because of the restrictions of the main line rules, no player was foolish enough to risk his life and try to get out of the school.

In a teacher's office, several proctors sat on office chairs, comfortably blowing on the air conditioner, drinking coffee, chatting with each other, and from time to time, they would look at the monitoring screen displayed on the computer.

"Why don't you come and guess how many candidates will fail the exam in this round."

"There are too many, I can't guess, let's wait until the last round to guess."

The invigilator spoke to me one sentence at a time, with an extremely relaxed expression.

A clock hangs on the wall of the office, and the time displayed on it slowly moves towards 10:30.

At this time, an invigilator saw something on the computer screen and stood up excitedly: "Why does the evil spirit in the campus feel much thinner?"

"What? Did you read it wrong? Where is it thin?"

"I saw a piece of evil spirit here just now, and it suddenly disappeared."

"It's still the same."

"It may be caused by some powerful examinee who took too much action to answer the question. This is a normal phenomenon."

"Anyway, there are still so many evil spirits, it's okay, it won't delay the next exam."

The invigilator who discovered the problem at the beginning listened to what his colleagues said, and slowly felt relieved, "Maybe I was wrong."

After the episode, the invigilators continued to drink coffee leisurely.


On a playground on campus, Su Tingyu held his test paper, and his eyes fell on the last three big questions.

"There are only three questions left. After answering, you can hand in the paper." Su Tingyu muttered to herself. Then, she glanced at the place where question 28 was answered, and put away the test paper.

Because the topic involved "List of Teachers", for this reason, Su Tingyu also borrowed a copy of "Necessary Classical Chinese for High School Students" from the library

There is no way, that long and stinky "List of Teachers" was returned to the Chinese teacher 800 years ago.

But now, Su Tingyu can only remember the first two sentences: The first emperor died in the middle of his business before he started his business. Today, he scored three points, and Yizhou was exhausted. This is a critical time for survival...

I wonder if my Chinese teacher would be very moved if he knew?
"Hey, there... there is a well, it should be there." Su Tingyu walked, and finally saw a dry well not far away.

Su Tingyu approached and looked towards the bottom of the well.

It was dark inside, and I couldn't see anything.

"Hello, is anyone there? Is anyone here?"

"Excuse me, your takeaway has been delivered, please sign for it."

Su Tingyu walked around the mouth of the well while talking, while taking out the food packed in the canteen from the storage ring.

Su Tingyu waited for a while, but there was still no movement inside.

Su Tingyu opened her item bar, swiped at it, and suddenly, she saw a gadget, and then unconsciously said "hehehe".

A gust of cold wind hits, and beside the dry well that has been useless for more than ten years, there is a petite girl who laughs nervously "hehehe" as if uncontrollably... This scene, no matter how you look at it, is a bit like It's like something out of a horror movie.

Cough, cough, cough...it's all over the place.

Su Tingyu took out two small things that looked like marbles from the inventory, then bent down to pick up a small stone, and gently touched the small stone with the marble in his hand.

After a few seconds, the two marbles turned into small stones.

In fact, this marble is an explosive bullet that Su Tingyu found in the Children's Day dungeon. It is a time bomb, and it can also become the last non-living object that has been touched.
Su Tingyu has been kept in the inventory, and it has been useless for a long time.

But now, it's come in handy.

Su Tingyu set the detonation time to be ten seconds later, and immediately threw two small disguised stones into the dry well.

Then, Su Tingyu quickly moved away from the dry well and ran ten meters away.

Su Tingyu counted in his heart:


"Bang" sound!
"Boom" twice!

A gust of air erupted from the mouth of the dry well.

Immediately, there was a roar of an exasperated child.

Hey hey hey!It's coming out!It's coming out!
Su Tingyu's expression gradually became excited.

In the dry well, a gust of black air surged up, followed by the sound of crawling.

After a while, a child about ten years old crawled out of the well, exuding evil spirit all over his body, with black and red blood clots all over his head.

The little ghost roared: "Woooooooooo!" I'm going to kill you! ! !

Su Tingyu quickly made a "stop" gesture, and said very sincerely on the face: "Wait a minute! Because I have to recite classical Chinese, the Chinese teacher is sick and can't come, so let me do it for you." .”

But the kid who crawled out of the well didn't stop attacking because of this, but rushed towards Su Tingyu with a more fierce expression.

Seeing this, Su Tingyu sighed helplessly, holding his hands empty, the Death Blade appeared and lay in front of him.

The moment the Death Blade appeared, the face of the naughty ghost who was going to tear Su Tingyu apart froze.

"Whooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!"You fuck off!I don't care about it!
While roaring, the mischievous ghost floated back secretly.

Unfortunately, Su Tingyu didn't understand.

Look at this "shy" little gesture of refusal and welcome, this must be a hint!

Su Tingyu's heart suddenly became hot, and the death blade in his hand began to feel unbearable hunger and thirst!

I'm coming!
……15 minutes later.

"I read a sentence, you just say a sentence, the first emperor did not halfway start his business..."


"Hurry up, hurry up, I'll give you half an hour, recite it immediately, hurry up..."


"Come on, come on, you can drip!"


"Are you hungry? Let's eat something first! After eating, let me continue to recite."



After half an hour.

Under Su Tingyu's patient discipline, the mischievous ghost was finally able to stumble and recite a complete "List of Teachers", and passed the judgment standard of the test paper.

Suddenly, Su Tingyu felt the sense of accomplishment of his Chinese teacher in teaching and educating people.

Hmm... still pretty good.

Su Tingyu looked happily at the back of question 28 on his test paper with a bright "√", and patted the naughty ghost on the head very satisfied:

"Not bad, you are a talented person."


"Hahaha, don't you feel a sense of accomplishment too? Me too!"


There were tears in the naughty ghost's eyes.

But before the mischievous ghost was happy, it heard Su Tingyu's considerate voice: "Look at you alone in this dry well, so lonely and cold, how about I introduce some neighbors to you!"

With that said, Su Tingyu took out the angel stele from the inventory.

The mischievous ghost looked dumbfounded.

Su Tingyu threw out the stele of the angel, and took the naughty ghost into it before he could react.

"Hey, you guys help me greet my new neighbors!" Su Tingyu picked up the angel stone tablet, muttered softly, and put it in the inventory.

"Nice! Next stop! Administration building!"


Administration Building.


When Su Tingyu came up in the elevator, he found that there were many players on the roof, all of them looked as if they were suffering and hating each other.

Su Tingyu glanced at it roughly, there were probably thirty or forty players.

"Hey, what can be done about this..."

"The exam is over in one hour..."

"Or forget it..."


Hearing the scattered complaints from the players, Su Tingyu became curious.

Didn't you say there is a rooftop ghost on the roof?
Now there are a lot of people alive.

What about the ghost?
"Ula Ula~"

"Well haha~"


At this time, there was a burst of yelling like howling ghosts and wolves in front of them.

Su Tingyu followed the source of the sound and walked over.

Squeezing out from the crowd, Su Tingyu swept his eyes, and suddenly, his expression was slightly startled.

A male student whose whole body was bloody and bloody, couldn't see his face clearly, and could only be identified by the boy's school uniform on his body, stood directly on the guardrail on the roof, with his hands outstretched, his throat rolled, and he kept making strange noises.

Su Tingyu looked skeptical: "Is this the rooftop ghost who recites poetry?"

What is it so compelling?

I can't understand all of them!

Suddenly, Su Tingyu had an idea.

Just beat it up!
If you get beaten up, you will always be angry, right?Painful?Helpless?

Just when Su Tingyu was about to implement this good idea, a male player next to him caught a glimpse of Su Tingyu's strange face from the corner of his eye, and asked casually, "Are you here to answer the questions too?"

Hearing this, Su Tingyu turned his head and saw that the male player next to him was rather handsome and elegant, and he didn't look like a bad guy at first glance.

"Yes, they are all gathered here now, what's going on? Why don't you answer the questions?"

The male player suddenly looked helpless: "The rooftop ghost can't be attacked, and even the special props to restrain this kind of ghost are useless. All players can't do anything about him. It's called 'ghost screaming' here, and no one knows it. What was said, let alone what emotion was expressed.”

"Oh~ I see." Su Tingyu suddenly realized.

Su Tingyu was still wondering!

Why do so many players listen to "poetry" patiently, instead of taking a little tough approach, the original problem lies here.

An invulnerable ghost?
Su Tingyu didn't believe in evil, so he pulled out the Death Blade with his backhand.

Seeing Su Tingyu suddenly take out a big knife, the male player became slightly vigilant, but when he saw Su Tingyu walking towards the ghost on the roof, he quickly said: "It doesn't work, everyone has tried."

This male player is not a rookie player, and he has some eyesight. He can see that the death blade in Su Tingyu's hand is extraordinary.

But just before Su Tingyu came, I don't know how many players took out their props with confidence, but after that, they all failed and returned.

Don't look at the fact that there are only 40 or [-] people on the top of the building. In fact, there were more than [-] people before, but slowly, many players gave up and went to answer other questions.

"Another player tried it, is she still a girl?"

"This girl is carrying a knife, doesn't she want to beat up the rooftop ghost?"

"Is this girl just here?"


(End of this chapter)

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