Bug in survival game

Chapter 949 Global school opening 16

Chapter 949 Global school opening 16
"What? What painted skin?"

"How do you draw skins...give them these paintings?"

"It's the literal meaning, Painted Skin." The pumpkin man explained briskly:

"Look, these enthusiastic people are miserable. The bones are exposed, and even the skin is gone. I believe that the candidates should also sympathize with them. Therefore, this exam is to draw pictures for them. Come out with a skin that can satisfy them, even if you have passed this exam."

"You only need to adjust the skin color you have determined on the drawing paper, and then paste the painted drawing paper on the enthusiastic people, and you can help them replace their skins."

"My God, this is really a painted skin."

"This, this, this...how do I draw this?"


"As for how to draw, it depends on the candidates to use your whimsy."

"Okay, now the exam can start, all candidates please work hard."

After the Pumpkin Man finished speaking, he disappeared in place.

Many players looked at the pair of skeletons in front of them, looked at each other, and couldn't help but panic.

Suddenly, the skeletons moved, one by one walked towards the easels of the players, and then, standing there motionless, seemed to signal the players to start painting them.

"This...can I not draw this?"

A female player looked at the extremely ugly skeleton in front of her eyes, almost crying out loud.

"Try it, don't you want to disappear in place like those people before?"

The players are comforting each other, but they are also comforting themselves.

At least, the proctor didn't let them fight with these skeletons, right?
And seeing the pair of skeletons just standing there, as if they were asking them to draw, there was no other action.

The players gradually became more at ease.

Su Tingyu picked up a paintbrush, and seriously drew on the side of the skeleton shelf.

Then, Su Tingyu began to prepare the paint, and while making it, he also spoke, as if he was treating an ordinary customer, asking the customer's preferences:
"Brother, what color skin do you like? Is it red, yellow, green, blue, or black?"

As he said that, Su Tingyu expressed his opinion on his own: "I think the colorful black is pretty good, what do you think?"

But no matter how much Su listened to the fish, the skeleton in front of him didn't respond at all, as if he didn't care at all.

Su Tingyu gradually frowned.

No, didn't the pumpkin man say he wanted to know the preferences of these enthusiastic people?
This cannot be communicated, so how do we understand it?
Is it possible for the players to try a little bit?

Su Tingyu thought about it, and used paint to mix out two colors, one was the same color as the skin of a living person, and the other was colorful like a rainbow.

Anyway, if you adjust a little more, you can choose.

Su Tingyu began to draw on the paper with great interest.

At this time, other players also started to do it.

At the same time, players in other exam rooms also received the same exam content.

Even though he was very unwilling, he still had to bite the bullet and take this nonsensical exam.

The vast majority of players may not have even touched a paintbrush many times in the real world, let alone drawing in front of a skeleton frame, how could they draw so well?

However, it is said to be painted skin, and the players also thought of looking at their skin while starting to smudge on the drawing paper.

After more than half an hour, some players had almost drawn, so they boldly took the painted paper and carefully pasted it on the skeleton.

[Single Machine King] is one of them.

When the stand-alone king saw that the pasted drawing paper really did what the invigilator said, it would automatically turn into skin, and his eyes flashed with amazement.

There is still such a drawing paper.

After pasting one, the other parts were still empty, so the stand-alone king picked up other drawing papers and pasted them one by one.

"I've posted it. I should be able to pass the exam, right?" Stand-alone King looked at the work in front of him, and suddenly felt complacent.

Unexpectedly, I also have the talent to be a painter.

"It seems that this exam is not very difficult."

Just when the stand-alone king was so proud, he didn't notice at all that there was a red light flashing in the black eye sockets of the skeleton that was motionless, like a dead object.

The arms that were hanging down were lifted forward a little bit stiffly.

The layer of skin attached to the skeleton suddenly started to ignite spontaneously without fire.

For a moment, the flames that appeared attracted the player's attention.

The stand-alone king was also startled, and involuntarily took two steps back to prevent himself from being burned.

But he couldn't stop making doubts:
"This...what's the situation?"

"Why did it suddenly burn?"

The players were a little confused. The proctor never mentioned this kind of situation.

Other players in the same classroom also noticed this situation. The other players who had just thought about pasting the drawing paper on the skeleton saw this scene, and put down their hands hesitantly.


In the flames, the skeleton seemed to come back to life. When he stretched out his hand, the straight skeleton directly pierced the stand-alone king in front of him.

Immediately, blood flew everywhere, and a look of astonishment flashed across the stand-alone king's face, but soon, he was covered up by pain again.

"Help me, save me!" the stand-alone king wailed, wanting other players to save him.

"Damn, why did the skeleton skeleton go crazy?"

But now, the other players couldn't figure out the situation, so they could only choose to stay away from him and all the skeletons.

The skeleton skeleton that stabbed the stand-alone king moved again, and this time, it gave birth to another hand, and the hand bone was like a sharp knife point, slowly sliding down from the stand-alone king's head, Peel off the skin of the player little by little.

The stand-alone king's screams became louder and louder, and after a short while, a blood man with a bloody body but no skin fell to the ground.

And the missing layer of skin was covered with blood on the skeleton.

Immediately afterwards, the skeleton leaned down, opened its fangs, gnawed on the blood man on the ground, swallowed it little by little, and finally wiped its mouth with great satisfaction, and finally walked out of the classroom.

And this situation was repeated one after another in different examination rooms and classrooms.

It's not that no players reacted immediately and wanted to save themselves, but these skeletons themselves showed even more terrifying strength.

Even among the old players, there are quite a few who have become food in the mouths of skeletons.

"No! I don't want the exam, I don't want the exam..."

Among the other players who were in the same examination room and saw this bloody scene, many of them could no longer hold on.

Those players who tried to escape from the classroom of the examination room, but before they could completely walk out of the classroom, the originally quiet skeletons also ran away in an instant and began to slaughter.


"Do you like this?"

"Is this good?"

"If you don't open your mouth, just treat it as you like it, and you can't go back on your word!"


Su heard the words in Yu's mouth, but he didn't see the slightest panic.

This made the other players who were in the same exam room feel in a daze that they were not taking the same exam.

Su Tingyu glanced at his "masterpiece" with satisfaction, then put down the brush, picked up the painted "skin", and began to skin the skeleton in front of him.

A female player beside her couldn't help but said, "Aren't you afraid that this thing will eat you?"

"I'm afraid." Su Tingyu nodded.

Female player: Uh...then you are showing a look of fear anyway!Who would believe so calm! !
Su Tingyu posted them one by one...

The head is green.

The arms are red.

The legs are blue.

The front chest is black.

The back of the back is yellow...

The players who were in the same examination room as Su Tingyu silently walked away from Su Tingyu in an instant.

But one second, two seconds, three seconds...

The players didn't see Su Tingyu's skeleton start to go berserk.

How is this going?

Could it be that her skeleton is broken?
But within the angle of view that all players couldn't see, around the skeleton in front of Su Tingyu's eyes, there were more than a dozen floating black shadows.

Among them, there was a black figure with sharp mouth and fangs, gray hair and a big tail.

At this very moment, he was threatening with his mouth open.

"Don't move."

"To be a model, you have to look like a model."

"If you dare to move, we will eat you."

Da Hui communicated very friendly.

Skeleton Skeleton: Not moved, not moved at all.

After Su Tingyu pasted up the colorful skins he had painted, he admired his masterpiece with great satisfaction.

"Not bad, really nice, I am worthy of being a genius!"

Su Tingyu was unconsciously complacent.

The other players who were in the same exam room became a little suspicious.

Could it be that these skeletons won't attack people again?

Some players couldn't hold back and tried it.

As a result, the skeleton suddenly ran away.

Typical try and die.

Damn it!Why can't they?
Why is her skeleton so obedient and quiet?
The skeleton skeleton of this female player will not be fake.

That's right...it must be fake!

... Woohoo, they also want such good luck.

Su Tingyu, who was secretly poked and envious, encountered another problem at this time.

That is, how can the skeleton express that he is very satisfied with the new skin?

Otherwise, Su Tingyu would not be able to pass the exam.

Su Tingyu immediately became embarrassed.

This skeleton skeleton can't speak either.

Adhering to the idea of ​​"more people are more powerful", Su Tingyu humbly asked the big grays: "How can I make it respond, I am very satisfied with this skin."

Da Hui immediately began to make suggestions: "It doesn't matter if you don't know how to speak human words, if you let it roar, take it as a very satisfied attitude, or nod your head."

The skeleton in front of Su Tingyu: ...it thinks it's normal for it not to speak human language, and it doesn't need to learn to speak human language...

But now, it doesn't have skeleton rights at all.

"I also think that this method is very good."

"However, you can ask the invigilator first, in case he cheats and says it doesn't count."

"That's right, you can't just let him speak human language like this. What if it is too stupid and can't learn to speak human language all the time."

"Yes, yes."

Su Tingyu listened to the suggestions of his younger brothers, and suddenly felt enlightened: "That's right, what you said is not wrong."

But what Su Tingyu didn't notice was that the big gray of the conference was still invisible.

Therefore, in the eyes of other players, Su Tingyu was speaking into the air, or speaking seriously into the skeleton.

This scene is as weird as it needs to be.

Although the skeleton skeleton is difficult to deal with, it is not completely impossible for players to deal with.

At the same time, in different examination room classrooms...

"He's amazing."

"Who the hell is he?"


In a classroom of an examination room, the players were discussing in low voices, or looked at a man not far away with envious or admiring eyes.

Qin Qi put an ancient bronze sword on the easel, and on the drawing paper, he just daubed two strokes randomly, and then stuck it directly on the skeleton in front of him.

But the skeleton in front of him didn't want to move at all.

Skeleton skeleton: dare not move, dare not move at all...

In the eyes of the rest of the players, it felt amazing. They wanted to ask Qin Qi how he did it, but when he saw Qin Qi's indifferent expression, even though he had many excuses, he didn't dare to say a word.

Someone bit the bullet and pasted up drawing paper.

At this time, he found that his skeleton skeleton had not gone berserk either.

"I can do it too!"

"Hahaha! Mine is fine too!"

Soon, the players in the entire classroom of the examination room found that the skeletons were a little restless, and they were all as quiet as chickens.

Although it is not clear what happened, but inexplicably, the other players all looked in Qin Qi's direction.

Could it be because he was there...so...


In the second examination room classroom.

The fat man huddled in a corner, holding stacks of drawing papers in his hands.

The "skin" drawn on the drawing paper is lifelike, just like the skin of a living person.

In terms of skin texture, there are old and young, male and female.

In terms of skin color, there are black and yellow, white and pink.

In terms of skin style, there are high-cold male god models, gentle boy models, sweet loli models, and sexy royal sister models.

"These are all you, you can change whichever skin you like at any time." The fat man kept selling sets of exquisite skins to the skeleton.

Finally, the skeleton in front of him couldn't bear it anymore!
However, instead of attacking Fatty, he let out a howl, which seemed to contain a hint of excitement.


In the next second, the skeleton skeleton began to try on the skin.

The fat man also thoughtfully took out a large mirror to show the skeleton skeleton a new skin.


The third examination room classroom.


A violent blow sounded.

A skeleton skeleton knelt on the ground without dignity, holding its head in its hands, obviously without a face, but exuded a sense of grievance from its bones.

In front of it, the man wearing sunglasses slowly took off the gloves that had been stained with a trace of paint, and put on new ones.

When he tilted his head and glanced at the skeleton, his expression was cold and disgusted: "Stay away from me, it's so ugly."


(End of this chapter)

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