Bug in survival game

Chapter 950 Global school opening 17

Chapter 950 Global school opening 17
Su heard Yu Teng suddenly, stood up from his seat, and walked towards the podium in a few steps.

According to the method during the day, she tapped on the podium a few times to call the invigilator.

Su Tingyu waited for a while, and the Pumpkin Man appeared.

"What do you want from me?" The pumpkin man looked puzzled. For a second, he was still comfortably drinking coffee in the lounge, chatting about life and gossip with his colleagues.

Being called over all of a sudden, and having to work overtime for no reason, no one would be in a good mood.

Due to the restrictions of the rules, the pumpkin man had no choice but to put on a businesslike attitude and asked Su Tingyu about it.

Su Tingyu said: "Dear Mr. Invigilator, I just have some doubts about this exam, so I specifically ask you for advice."

"Oh? Tell me what you are asking for." The Pumpkin Man asked again.

Su Tingyu showed a very scheming smile: "What I want to ask is that the criterion for judging the passing of the exam is to satisfy the enthusiastic masses, so how can the enthusiastic masses express their satisfaction to be considered satisfied? They don't know how to speak human language, or just let them nod?"

"Ah, this..." The Pumpkin Man was really stumped.

No way no way?It's not true that some candidates will be so stupid that they think they can get the satisfaction of the skeleton skeleton, right?

Isn't this fucking a scam?

The pumpkin man, who knew the inside story, complained silently in his heart.

However, he didn't show anything on the surface, but coughed twice, but his brain was running fast, thinking of a response: "Here, wait for a while."

The standard for judging the satisfaction of the skeleton skeleton involves the exams of all candidates, not just the exam rooms and classrooms he is in charge of.

Therefore, he alone cannot be the master.

After the words fell, the figure of the pumpkin man disappeared in place.

However, Su Tingyu was not in a hurry, because she knew that Pumpkin Man must have gone to discuss with other invigilators.

But Su Tingyu just had to wait.

After a few minutes, the invigilators of all the classrooms in the examination room reappeared.

At the same time, one thing was announced, that is, the criteria for judging the satisfaction of the skeleton skeleton.

"Candidates, since there are some obstacles in the communication between our enthusiastic people and you, the criteria for judging the satisfaction of enthusiastic people on skin is that he will not suddenly get angry and angry, and he can accept it quietly. If he can If it lasts for 5 minutes, then you can pass this exam."

The first time Su Tingyu learned about the judging criteria of the exam, he looked at his own skeleton.

And the skeleton skeleton that had been "educated" by Da Hui and the others, when they noticed Su Tingyu's gaze, also very interestingly began to remain motionless.

After a full 5 minutes.

Su Tingyu passed the exam.

So, Su Tingyu fell in love with Pumpkin Man again.

"I passed the test, can I go?"

The pumpkin man glanced at Su Tingyu in surprise. No wonder she suddenly came to ask about the judging criteria for the exam. It turned out that the skeleton had already been dealt with early in the morning.

The Pumpkin Man held a fair and impartial attitude and said, "Where is your skeleton? I need to see it."

Su Tingyu stretched out his finger: "It's right there, how about it? Does it look good?" There was a bit of pride in his tone.

But when the Pumpkin Man saw the skeleton, the corners of his mouth twitched uncontrollably.

This, this... what are these?



It's like a child's doodling.

That's it?What aesthetics?

However, a certain culprit is still selling melons to Huang Po and boasting: "Isn't it beautiful? Is it ingenious? Is there a different style?"

"Hehe, are you sure your enthusiastic crowd will like this?" The pumpkin man became suspicious.

However, Su Tingyu's skeleton didn't start to run away, but his breath seemed to shrink a little, as if he had accepted this cruel fact numbly.

Su Tingyu patted his small chest, and assured him: "Of course, sure, sure and sure! My enthusiastic people like this new skin very much. You see, he is so moved that he can't speak. Lu Du Not going away."

Pumpkin Man: ...

Skeleton Skeleton: ...

This ability to talk nonsense with eyes open is really...

Although 1 pumpkin men didn't believe it, the criterion for judging was what he said himself.

But now, the skeleton skeleton didn't show any signs of anger or rage, so Su Tingyu had indeed passed the exam.

This is within the rules, and the pumpkin man couldn't refute it. He nodded: "Of course it is possible. You passed the exam."

"However, after your exam is over, you can't approach the classroom at will. In addition, the school has a curfew. When it reaches 23:[-], you have to go back to the dormitory to rest."

Su Tingyu nodded: "Understood, I will write it down."

(っ╥╯﹏╰╥c) Oh~
Now that he was about to leave, Su Tingyu suddenly felt a little bit reluctant to part with his skeleton.

However, there is no other way, there is always a feast in the world, Su Tingyu can only suppress the grief in his heart, and bid farewell to the skeleton with reluctant eyes.

Then, resolutely turned around and left this "sad place".

After Su Tingyu left, the pumpkin man was about to take back the skeleton, and saw the colorful colors again, and suddenly, he felt a little heartbroken again.

On the other side, Su Tingyu, who came out, seemed to be immersed in grief one second before, but strolled away happily the next second.

The exam is not over yet, and the curfew is very early.

Su Tingyu began to ponder.What to do to pass the time?

Su Tingyu raised his head and looked at the sky. It was pitch black at this time. If there were no lights, it could be said that he couldn't see his fingers and couldn't see anything clearly.

Su Tingyu suddenly had an idea: "Why don't we try the fusion dormitory now?"

"...The exam is still in progress, even if those invigilators are watching, they are watching the exam."

Soon, Su Tingyu made up his mind.

Su Tingyu took out his hat, used his invisibility ability, and went to one of the dormitory buildings in the dark.

Because Su Tingyu had already greeted the residents in the building in advance, so now he didn't have any scruples.

Su Tingyu took out the angel stele directly, and stuck the surface of the stele tightly to the wall of the dormitory building.

[It is detected that the prop 'Angel Stele' has an opportunity to upgrade, please try to upgrade]

Su Tingyu said silently in his heart: "Yes."

【Begin to integrate...】

【Fusion is successful! 】

[Congratulations to player 'Angel Su', the item 'Angel Stele' has been successfully upgraded! 】

The fusion this time was much easier and simpler than the last time in Angel's apartment.

Su Tingyu guessed that maybe it was born in the first time and cooked in the second time. Therefore, there might be some hidden attributes in the angel stone tablet?

Su Tingyu checked the information of the successfully fused angel stele.

[Props: Angel Stele]

[Grade: Rare]

[Function: A seemingly ordinary small stone tablet, who would have thought that this is a mobile complex apartment building (temporarily unable to integrate: 23:59:50)]

[Durability: 100%]

[Remarks: With a stone tablet in hand, thousands of troops come to call]

"Not bad." Su Tingyu was very satisfied.

Because there is still time for the angel stone tablet to "digest", the other dormitory building will not be merged for the time being tonight.

Leave it for tomorrow night.

Su Tingyu called out all the younger brothers.

Because there are a lot of new younger brothers here all of a sudden, there are some rules and regulations that need to be clarified first.

"The first point is that your leader is Big Hui. If you can be better than him, you can also run for the leadership."

Originally, Dahui, who was a little complacent after hearing the previous words, immediately felt a little more sense of crisis.

And Da Hui also noticed some unfriendly eyes.

Da Hui snorted coldly in disdain: He actually wants to covet the position of the king's chief younger brother!Dream it!
"Second point, the manager inside the Angel Stele is Wen Ruojun. Inside the stele, you must obey his management."

"The third point is that you should live in harmony with each other. If you have any conflicts, resolve them head-on. You are not allowed to compete in private, let alone hurt your peace."

"Fourth point, don't fight casually, we are civilized and qualified Ah Piao, you understand?"

New residents can understand the first three points, but what about the fourth point?

What do you mean don't fight casually?

Is this what Su Tingyu can say?
Damn...he still has the face to say such things? !
But no matter what, the new residents did not dare to show any resentment, and all nodded obediently.

After Su Tingyu said briefly, he collected all the residents into the stele.

They all got new rooms for Dahui, so naturally it took time to choose them.

After completing this matter, Su Tingyu left the area.

With the passage of time bit by bit, tonight's exam is finally over.

And the players who passed the exam can more or less breathe a sigh of relief.

Tonight's art exam is really a bit abnormal.

Dragging their physical and mental exhaustion, the players went back to the dormitory.

Su Tingyu was the first to return to his dormitory.

But after waiting for a long time, only four people came back.

Including herself, just five.

As for why the others didn't come back?The answer is self-evident.

The cat girl who had a good chat with Su Tingyu before did not come back either.

That's right, a rookie player, or a girl, is really difficult to deal with the rampage of the skeleton.

Su Tingyu felt a little regretful, it seemed that one of his investments was in vain.

When the curfew time came, Su Tingyu went to bed.

This night passed without any wind or waves.

...that's weird.

After the exam, the proctors found that there seemed to be something missing in a campus scene.

After investigation, it was found that a dormitory building disappeared directly.

"What exactly is going on?"

"You guys are in charge of this campus scene. Didn't you notice anything unusual?" An invigilator looked at Gentleman Rabbit with a hint of dissatisfaction in his tone.

"How could a good dormitory building disappear all of a sudden?"

The invigilators mobilized the monitors to conduct an in-depth investigation, but found that they couldn't find anything.

Coincidentally, the area where the disappearing dormitory building is located is outside today's exam.

Therefore, the proctor does not have full authority over that area.

The clown boy said angrily: "Damn it! Don't let me catch which player it is!"

"Is this made by the player? Or is there a bug in the dungeon itself?"

"I remember before, it seems that a copy also disappeared, but I can't find out the reason."


While the invigilators were working hard, a certain culprit was already sleeping comfortably on the bed.


Copy the next day.

[Dungeon time: 6:30]

The alarm clock set by Su Tingyu woke her up.

After Su Tingyu got up, he simply washed his face first, then took out the food and started eating.

When the time was almost up, the panel popped up automatically, displaying the information of the new exam.

The next day's exam is about to start.

Su Tingyu walked out of his dormitory, but as he walked, he realized that something was wrong.

Su Tingyu stopped and turned to look to the right.

Here, it is obviously an open space, with at most one or two green trees.

But now, there is an extra four-story building out of thin air.

Su Tingyu continued to walk forward.

Gradually, she found that the layout of the entire campus had changed a lot, and it was no longer the campus that she touched yesterday.

Su Tingyu frowned.

It's a bit of a hassle.

The campus has changed in a different way. Is the dormitory building that was optimistic about it no longer there?
And after a day of adaptation yesterday, the players who had been able to get a general understanding of the campus environment seemed to have returned to before liberation overnight.

Not only Su Tingyu, but also other players gradually discovered this problem.

According to the information displayed on the panel, Su Tingyu came to the new examination room classroom, waiting for the arrival of the invigilator.

The exam this morning was a foreign language exam, which made Su Tingyu a little curious.

If it is according to the real world, then the foreign language test of the Chinese people is English.

But if it is the other way around, the foreign language test for other foreigners is another language.

I don't know what kind of test content will be in this foreign language test?Will it be related to this change in the campus?
Players entered the examination room one after another.

When it was almost time for the exam, the invigilator appeared slowly.

The invigilator of Su Tingyu's examination room turned out to have a white ball on his head, and a big black question mark on his face.

Compared with yesterday's several invigilators, this invigilator's figure is a little short, about 1.6 meters.

Not only that, but she was still wearing a pink skirt.

This is a female proctor.

As soon as the invigilator opened his mouth, there was a lovely loli voice: "Candidates, how are you~ I am your invigilator for this exam, please take care of me~"

(End of this chapter)

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