Bug in survival game

Chapter 954 Global school opening 21

Chapter 954 Global school opening 21
When Su Tingyu heard that he could form a team, he immediately called Qin Qi: "Qi Qi, let's form a team, and I will take you with me, hehe."

"Okay." Seeing Su Tingyu's eager anticipation, Qin Qi responded.

Qin Qi is really not very good at singing and talent shows.

"Wait a minute, I'll call some more people." Su Tingyu took out the contact phone, fiddled for a while, and immediately contacted the nearby criminals.

Soon, in this playground, Su Tingyu contacted three criminal members.

Su Tingyu proposed an invitation to form a team, and the other three readily agreed.

After it was done, Su Tingyu saw that Qin Qi had been looking at the communication machine, and explained: "Qi Qi, this is the internal communication method of Xing, I just discovered it, hehe, it's quite useful, turn around , you and Fatty can also get involved."

"Communication machine?" Qin Qi also didn't pay attention to these things.

Because he was mentally ill, and no one had ever mentioned this to him.

Hearing Su Tingyu's suggestion, Qin Qi nodded: "Yes, this is really convenient."

After the other three members arrived, they were also overjoyed when they learned that Su Tingyu was a singer by profession.

For a singer, talent shows such as singing are not a piece of cake, and they can be regarded as hugging their thighs.

Su Tingyu checked the game nicknames of the three members.

【Cold River Snow】

【Note Gusheng】

【Kill the Unshuiqun】

A literary youth.

An aspiring young man who has a clear understanding of his late straight man.

The last one, the nagging, enthusiastic big brother.

"Miss Su, what kind of talent show are we going to perform later?" Brother Shui Qun asked.

"Do you have singing skills? Or, have you learned any musical instruments? Dance and the like are also fine."

The three of them thought for a while and replied:

Han Jiangxue answered first: "I have practiced the harmonica for a year or two."

"When I was in college, I joined the guitar club and touched the guitar a few times." Brother Shui Qun said.

In the end, Zhu Gusheng said nothing, he scratched his head: "I haven't learned any musical instruments, as for dancing...is square dancing okay?"

Su Tingyu felt that he had heard it wrong, so he asked again: "What did you say? What dance?"

"Square dancing, Ms. Su, my parents would go to the nearby square to dance square dancing every night, and then I would accompany them. I watched a lot and learned a little bit of fur." ​​Zhu Gusheng explained road.

Su Tingyu blinked his big eyes, put away his astonished look, and said solemnly: "Very good, very good."

"At that moment, those of you who play the harmonica will play the harmonica, and those of you who play the guitar will play the guitar, and you can do a dance along the way."

Su Tingyu looked around, and finally, his eyes fell on Qin Qi: "Qiqi, why don't you play the harmonica too? This is quite simple."

Qin Qi had no objection: "Yes."

"Okay, let's confirm the repertoire of the performance..."


Five minutes passed in a flash, and the music test officially began.

The panel began to randomly select players to perform on stage, while the players who were not performing for the time being stood on the stepped audience seats near the stage.

The invigilator was mysterious and told the players not to step on the grass in the playground.

Although it is not clear why, the players followed suit.

The first to perform on stage was a white male player.

I saw him with the same hands and feet, and his expression was tense.When choosing a talent show, I chose the simplest singing.

The white player is holding a mic and even holding it in the wrong position.

From this point of view, it is obvious that they are people without musical skills.

During the 5-minute preparation time, it is difficult for most players to form a team, because most of the players do not know each other. If they form a team with some players who are lagging behind, they will only drag themselves down when they perform on stage.

And the white players on the stage are just a lot of unlucky guys who can't form a team.

Gentleman Rabbit said gracefully: "Please start your performance."

After saying that, all the street lights in the playground were turned off, leaving only the brightly colored lights on the stage.

Under the light, the white players standing on the stage became particularly conspicuous.

The accompaniment sounded, and the white players staggered and sang the lyrics along with the accompaniment.

The singing voice was of course ordinary, and even sang broken notes at some places.

Normally, someone might have laughed out loud.

But now, no one can laugh without scruples, they are more nervously staring at every corner of the playground.

Because this is the player's first performance on stage, before that, the specific situation was not clear.

The white players on stage sang for just over a minute before it was over.

Afterwards, he stood nervously on the stage, a little at a loss, not knowing what to do next.

"What about the audience? Didn't you say that there are audiences who want to watch? Why didn't I see it?"

"There are still lights on, isn't a single light on?"

While the players were whispering, the rabbit gentleman on the edge of the stage said coldly: "Unfortunately, the examinee 'Xiao Erlang' did not impress a single audience member. The lights were not turned on, and he needs to be punished on the stage. The time limit is until the end of the exam."

As soon as the voice fell, the figure of the white player disappeared directly on the stage.

At this moment, the dazzling stage seemed to have turned into a dark bottomless pit that could eat people. At that moment, it seemed that the players on the stage were sucked into it.

The players looked a little unreal, but they all became vigilant.

This stage is not easy.

A player asked: "The examinee who just performed on stage, where did he go?"

Gentleman Rabbit replied: "Originally he needs to be punished on the stage. However, in order not to affect the exams of subsequent candidates, we slightly changed the rules and asked him to go to another place to accept punishment. As long as he can persist until the end of the exam, You can come back naturally."

The invigilator didn't say, what if you can't persist?
The players didn't ask either.

All the players knew this answer well, if they couldn't persist, then there was only one result to welcome the players, and that was to be eliminated.

The unknown punishment made all the players present nervous.

"Please, the candidates from the second group will perform on stage."


one, two, three...

The players came to the stage to perform one after another.

When the seventh group of players came to the stage to perform, there was a sudden rustling sound of digging on the grass in the playground.

Under the astonished eyes of the players, many human corpses were drilled out of the grass in the playground. Some of these corpses may be relatively "fresh", and they were still wearing tattered body covering clothes, mixed with grass, trees and mud. odor.

But what's more, the whole body is already covered with white bones, and even some dark, unknown little bugs crawled out of the empty eye holes.

After those skeletons crawled out, they raised their hands high and howled to the sky, as if they were very excited.

At this time, a faint blue flame suddenly lit up in the sky above the stage, about the size of a human head. In the dark night sky, it looked extraordinarily ghostly and blurred.

"Damn, this is the audience the proctor said?!"

"I'll go, no wonder, he said he can't stand on the grass in the playground."

"Light on, it's a light now."

Some players carefully counted, and now, there are only forty or fifty skeletons popping up on the grass in the playground.

At this time, the eight players performing on the stage saw these "special" audiences come out to support them, and for a while, they almost forgot to continue performing.

But fortunately, in a team of eight, even if there is a mistake, the voices of other people can be covered up to a large extent.

In this way, after more than two minutes of performance, a total of 96 skeletons crawled out of the grass.

On the stage, there is always a light on.

The clown man said: "Congratulations to the candidates who performed on stage this time. They successfully impressed 96 audience members and turned on a light for you. Next, you need to accept 20 minutes of stage punishment. I wish you good luck."

As soon as the words fell, the eight players on the stage didn't even resist, and disappeared from the stage again.

And those skeletons that came out also drilled back into the ground.

"This is... to impress the audience?"

The eight players just now sang in a chorus. Although they were not as good as professionals, they were not out of tune, and in terms of the sound alone, it was not that unpleasant.

However, this is at most a little better than ordinary people.

This is also the level of most people.

Such a level only moved dozens of spectators.

It is undoubtedly extremely difficult to completely light up the five lamps without accepting punishment.

Some players are very depressed:
"Only professional singers or some musicians can light up five lamps, right?"

"I don't know what the punishment is, but as long as the lights can be turned on, the punishment time can be shortened anyway."

"That's right, even if only one spectator comes out, it's better than none at all."


The breakthrough of the seventh group of players gave the follow-up players hope.

It's like a signal.

Among the players who performed on stage later, gradually, many of them were able to turn on their lights.

However, no one has been able to light up five lamps. The most time, it was almost able to light up four lamps.

Moreover, only a few viewers were missing.

Su Tingyu watched the performance on stage while paying attention to the movement on the playground.

After a performance, Su Tingyu looked at the dungeon time displayed on the panel.

[Dungeon time: 20:32]

It's not right.

So far, hundreds of players have performed on stage.

With so many players going back and forth, the time it takes has already exceeded two hours.

However, the dungeon time on the panel has only passed half an hour.

The proportion of the passage of time is completely disrupted.

Or, it was artificially controlled.

"Please, please, the candidates from the 950th group and the fifth group will perform on stage." On the stage, the clown man said loudly.

In the next second, the panel in front of Su Tingyu and Qin Qi popped out.

The panel of the three criminal members who teamed up together also came out.

On the panel, the number "955" was displayed, which meant that it was their turn to perform.

Su Tingyu looked very relaxed, just singing.

There was no change in Qin Qi's expression either.

On the other hand, the three criminal members were a little serious.

Su Tingyu saw that the three of them were a little nervous, so he comforted him: "Relax, relax, we are going to perform on stage, not the execution ground, come on, let's have a laugh~"

"Miss Su, you are in such a good mood." Interrupted by Su Tingyu, the tense nerves of the three of them did relax a little.

In short, just do your best!

Even if none of the lights are turned on, what kind of stage punishment is going to be accepted, as long as it is not a fatal game, there is still a chance!

Su Tingyu and the five of them stepped onto the stage together.

On the stage, when the three invigilators saw Su Tingyu's somewhat familiar face, they immediately felt turmoil in their hearts.

Especially the clown, that kind of inexplicable heart attack faintly appeared again.

It's this guy.

The clown snorted coldly.

This time, she will take the test under their noses to see what tricks she can do.

On the edge of the corner of the stage, rows of musical instruments and speakers were placed.

According to the original arrangement, those who take the guitar take the guitar, and those who take the harmonica take the harmonica.

Su Tingyu picked up a microphone and chose the accompaniment by himself.

After finishing, Su Tingyu turned around and made an "OK" gesture to Qin Qi and the others.

Su Tingyu patted the microphone lightly with his hand, and the voice was normal.

The accompaniment starts to sound...

Su Tingyu's eyes lit up with a glimmer of light, and he raised the microphone to his lips:

"I have an obsession with my dreams, greater than pain than this world,

Like a night with only one star, its brilliance, its loneliness, without being seen..."

The rhythm at the beginning is eloquent, and it seems to be bit by bit sentimental, like a scarred cub licking its wound alone in the dark.

Only in the first short paragraph, the grass on the playground started to move.

One, two... many skeletons emerged.

Above the stage, a light was also lit.

This scene stunned all the players.

...Is this too fast?The previous ones all reached the most exciting climax to impress the audience.

The girl's singing gradually spread, adding a different light to the endless night.

"Who can be born to have everything and have nothing, is not a destiny, a doomed prophecy,

So I want a free tomorrow, maybe brilliant, maybe plain, I will not change,

Choose to be alone, don't cry, no matter how much pain I suffer, I won't admit defeat,

Choose to be alone, don't cry, all sacrifices are in exchange for my road to freedom..."

More and more skeletons kept popping up, they didn't even roar like before, but remained motionless, quietly listening to the sound of nature at this moment.

Above the stage, there is no longer a lamp.



... four!
In the blink of an eye, four lights appeared.

On the playground, there were still rustling sounds, and many skeletons that had come out were pushed away by new skeletons because they were too crowded.

"The bustling passing by is not the end, we will also go far away after meeting each other,

When I step over glaciers and flames, over rumors, many growths, in one instant,

Maybe tomorrow, maybe tomorrow, I keep my promise with my scars,

Just tomorrow, tell the world, tell yourself that you have lived up to this dark night..."


At the end of the song, the climax came to an abrupt end.

The five faint blue flames in the midair shone like jewels.

 Lyrics from "One Star Night"

(End of this chapter)

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