Bug in survival game

Chapter 955 Global school opening 22

Chapter 955 Global school opening 22
"Five lights! Five lights appear!"

"Damn, this is the first time that five lamps are lit at the same time."

"Oh my god, are there really 5000 of these densely packed skeletons inside?"


Looking around, the entire playground grass was crowded with densely packed skeletons, and even the outermost runway of the playground was crowded with many skeletons.

This made the players standing on the auditorium feel both shocked and a little frightened, for fear that those skeletons would suddenly rush towards them.

What shocked the players the most was the five lights that lit up above the stage.

"This is too powerful, who is that girl?"

"Is she a singer? She sings so well, it's impossible to be unknown."

The players subconsciously filter out many well-known singers in their minds, and even take some popular Internet singers into consideration.

However, I can't think of anyone whose voice is similar to the girl on the stage.

"Maybe it's a folk expert..."

"Folk masters may not be able to have this level, right? Even the dead can be moved."


On the stage, Su Tingyu looked at the five lights above his head, and looked back with satisfaction.

These audiences are quite knowledgeable.

"Damn it, Ms. Su, you are too powerful, you actually turned on five lamps."

"This level is worthy of being a singer."

"It's so awesome, it's almost 6 times!"

"Hey, small meaning, small meaning, it's not worth mentioning." Su Tingyu pretended to be modest, but he couldn't hide his triumphant little eyes.

This performance was almost all done by Su Tingyu alone.

Whether it's guitar, harmonica or dancing, the other four just chose a small part of the repertoire and added it without affecting the whole.

Su Tingyu used his own advantages to cover up the shortcomings of the other four.

Su Tingyu subconsciously looked at Qin Qi, who pursed his lips lightly and smiled at her, "Very powerful. Great."

Hearing this, Su Tingyu raised her little head: "Hehehe, that's that, that's that." She is a little fairy.

After being humble, Su Tingyu turned to look at the three invigilators at the edge of the stage.

Her eyeballs rolled slightly, and she walked over briskly: "Dear Mr. and Miss, the invigilators, now that the five lights have been turned on, according to the rules, have we passed the exam? And there is no stage." Punishment, right?"

The clown recovered from the shock: "You... how did you do it?"

Su Tingyu blinked innocently: "That's how it was sung, didn't you see it too? Did you hear it too?"

Clown: ...

Gentleman Rabbit came out to smooth things over: "Congratulations to the five candidates who passed the music exam. The five candidates can return to the auditorium and continue to watch the next performance."

Su Tingyu asked, "Then can we go?"

Without waiting for the invigilator to speak, Su Tingyu added: "After all, there is no rule that candidates who pass the exam must stay."

Gentleman Rabbit nodded: "Indeed."

"Then let's go first." Su Tingyu blinked her eyes, she was still thinking about her dormitory.

Just as Su Tingyu and the others were about to leave, several figures suddenly appeared on the stage.

"Is that the player who was originally punished on stage?"

"They showed up again."

"Why just these few people? What about the others?"

"Yes, where did the others go? Not all..."

None of the players dared to think about it further. Someone came back, which proved that the stage punishment was not inevitable, and there was still room for maneuver.

"Congratulations to the examinees, you have successfully passed the stage punishment and completed this exam. Please go down together and take a rest." Rabbit Gentleman T said, which is equivalent to admitting that these players really It's just after stage punishment.

The few players who just appeared were in extremely poor condition, as if they had experienced a great escape, with scars on their bodies.

Before these players came back to their senses, another group of players suddenly appeared on the stage.

Roughly counting, there are dozens of people, all players who performed on stage before, and now they are back.

Su Tingyu frowned and asked, "Mr. Examiner, why did dozens of people come back at once? I remember that the punishment time should not exceed 20 minutes at most. Some were punished early and some were late. Why did they come back at the same time. "

Gentleman Rabbit responded calmly: "Because, before that, you didn't fulfill a condition."

"What conditions?" Su Tingyu asked.

"Five lights are on, and only those candidates who are punished will come back when the time is over."

Su Tingyu smiled and said, "Mr. Examiner, can you explain this kind of rules clearly in advance?"

There seemed to be a trace of apology in Gentleman Rabbit's tone: "I will try my best."

The curvature of Su Tingyu's mouth tightened.

Among the three invigilators, this rabbit gentleman seemed to be the most talkative, but he also had hidden thoughts.

One after another, other players who received stage punishment returned.

After Su Tingyu and others walked off the stage, the players who needed to perform in the next game immediately went up to the stage and began to perform.

In the auditorium, Su Tingyu looked at the three criminal members: "I still have something to do and I need to go. Are you staying here or what?"

"Miss Su, we stay here and want to continue to observe the situation here." Zhu Gusheng said.

"Okay then, let's go first."


After Su Tingyu and the two left, Zhu Gusheng and the three of them looked at each other, and turned to look for the players who had just experienced stage punishment.

At this time, other players who have never performed on stage also wanted to learn about the mechanism of stage punishment from those players who stepped down.

"There's something wrong with that stage."

"We seem to be pulled into a different space, the same stage, but there are no people."

"That stage turned into a monster, a man-eating monster..."

"It is invulnerable, no attack will work on it, so we can only dodge blindly."

"The ones of us are okay, at least we can come out within 20 minutes, and those players who have to continue until the end of the exam are really miserable."

"I have persisted in it for so long and have not come out. I thought there was something wrong..."

"It's a good thing the five lights are on, otherwise, I don't know how long I'll have to stay inside, and it would be dangerous to stay inside for a second longer."



Su Tingyu and the two returned to the dormitory building, and then Su Tingyu began to merge.

Su Tingyu, who has several experiences, is not nervous.

【...The fusion is successful! 】

After more than ten minutes, Su Tingyu was almost fused.

A dormitory building disappeared out of thin air, leaving only the empty ground.

"Da Yu, there is still a lot of time now, do you want to take your little brother in again?" Qin Qi suggested.

Su Tingyu nodded immediately, with a happy face: "Okay, okay, I have another dormitory building here, and it must be filled."

Su Tingyu is full of energy.

So, the two hit it off.

Alone, while subduing the younger brother, while helping the younger brother improve his strength.

The other person, while acting as an accomplice, nourished his own weapon.

On the campus, the Apiaos who hadn't been safe for a few hours ran away in panic again.

"Mom, that devil is coming again!"

"Help, my God! Take these two devils away!"


The Ah Piao were terrified and helpless, and when they tried to resist several times, they all ended in failure.

In the end, they could only run away with their heads in their hands.

Finally, the invigilator who was still proctoring the exam was alarmed.

An examiner whom Su Tingyu had never seen before suddenly appeared in front of the two of them.

The invigilator's tone was quite critical: "Can you please calm down? This is the examination room."

Hearing this, Su Tingyu blinked his big eyes, and asked puzzledly: "Mr. Invigilator, we have all passed the exam, so we can move around freely, right? Now we haven't violated the rules of the exam."

The invigilator was suddenly speechless.

It is true that no rule is violated.

After all, before this, which player could be so noisy?
Ordinary players would have no time to hide when they encountered things on campus.

But this player was lucky, he seemed to have seen some peerless treasure, harvesting A Piao at the same speed as cutting leeks.

If you don't come forward to stop it, can you still play this dungeon?

At the same time, the invigilator was also curious.What kind of tricks did this player hide to subdue so many Ah Piao.

"Your exam today is over, you might as well go back and have a good rest and prepare for tomorrow's exam." The invigilator seemed to be thinking of Su Tingyu very much.

Who knows, Su Tingyu shook her head: "I think it's fine now." As she said that, she turned her head to look at the shivering A Piao who was nearest.

Under Su Tingyu's very kind gaze, that Ah Piao almost burst into tears, and nodded vigorously very moved:

Yes!That's right!
o(╥﹏╥)o She is right!
The invigilator's expression was unusually exciting.

"Look, Mr. Examiner, it's so enthusiastic, it's hard to turn down its hospitality, I'm too embarrassed to refuse, right? So let's play together."

Hearing Su's nonsense without blinking his eyes and heartbeat, the invigilator really couldn't do anything about her for a while.

The invigilator could only show his cards: "Let's say a condition."

Su Tingyu smiled, stretched out his right hand, twirled the first three fingers together, and rubbed them together: "Mr. Examiner, I performed so well, a reward is not too much, right?"

The proctor asked: "What reward do you want?"

"This school looks pretty good, can I move?" Su Tingyu blinked his big eyes.

Proctor:? ? ?
The invigilator suspected that he had heard it wrong, and asked again: "What did you say you want?"

This invigilator turned out to be deaf.

There is no way, as an excellent and sensible candidate, Su Tingyu naturally has to take care of the invigilator's body and mind, so he took the trouble to say it again:
"I think this school is pretty good. There are good memories everywhere. When I think that I will leave after tomorrow, I really can't bear it. So, can you give me the school so that I can keep a memory of it?" think."

What Su listened to Yu said was very high-sounding, and people who didn't know it might be misled by the reluctance and affection in the words, and then moved to tears.

However, in the ears of the invigilator, he only felt that his meowing was ridiculous.

He's already prepared. This player may want a certain kind of precious item, or double rewards for dungeons.

But he never expected that this weird player would be so weird that he wanted to divide the entire dungeon into scenes.

Oh my God!
The idea of ​​this weird player is too whimsical!

Still want a campus?
Why doesn't she go to heaven? !
"Impossible!" The proctor resolutely refused, looking at Su Tingyu, as if looking at some delusional psychopath, with a bit of anger in his tone.

I'm afraid this is not to find fault, is it? !
This is to play with him, right? !

The invigilator took a deep breath and spoke as calmly as possible:
"As long as you can pass all the exams, after the end, I can double the rewards you get."

"Ah, the reward is double." Hearing this, Su Tingyu was a little disappointed.

This is just a seven-star dungeon, how many rewards can there be?

Even if it is double, for Su Tingyu who has seen the big world, it is just a gap between his teeth.

"Then add this friend of yours, you two will be double rewarded, how about that?" The examiner raised his finger to Qin Qi.

"No way."

Without even thinking about it, Su Tingyu ugly refused.

The invigilator's face froze, and he gritted his teeth: "I advise you to use moderation, don't think..."


Just when the invigilator couldn't bear it and was about to explode, Su Tingyu suddenly seemed to change his mind.

"I don't want the double reward." Su Tingyu added.

Proctor:? ? ?
This sudden change made the invigilator hold back a bunch of threatening words that were about to come to his mouth, all in his throat.

The proctor was a little suspicious.

Is this player playing some tricks?
No, maybe she was afraid, after all, she was just an ordinary player.

Su Tingyu turned his head, stretched out his hand to hook Qin Qi's clothes, and said in a sweet voice, "Qiqi, let's go over there again, there should be a lot of Ah Piao over there."

"Well, good." Qin Qi had no objection.

This girl who had just shined brightly on the stage and had a voice of nature, the words at this moment reached the ears of the invigilator, and it was like being struck by lightning.

"Stop!" The invigilator quickly stopped the two of them, his brain was a little buzzing: "You didn't pay attention to my words, did you?!"

Su Tingyu tilted his head: "Yes."


"Didn't the invigilator say that you can't have the campus, so I don't want it now?"

The invigilator went crazy: "...that's not what I said!!"

"Oh?" Su Tingyu blinked his big eyes, looking confused: "You mean you can't violate the rules of the examination room? I understand! I understand everything!"

As he said that, Su Tingyu took out the "School Rules and Regulations" borrowed from the library again, shaking it for fear that the invigilator might not be able to see it clearly in the dark.

"As a good student, I will never violate any of the school rules here. Don't worry, Mr. Proctor!"

(End of this chapter)

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