Bug in survival game

Chapter 956 Global school opening 23

Chapter 956 Global school opening 23
These deliberate nonsense remarks made the invigilator very angry.

This player came prepared! !
"If there is nothing else, we will leave first. We will meet later, Mr. Examiner." The girl smiled and bid farewell obediently.

Then, she pulled the man beside her and turned to leave.

Indistinctly, there seemed to be a girl's muttering voice:

"Not even a school... how stingy..."

When the invigilator heard this, he immediately broke his guard.

"You...you stop for me!"

Is this my stinginess?

Su Tingyu turned his head back: "Excuse me, is there anything else you can do, Mr. Invigilator?" Although his tone was as polite as before, the invigilator vaguely felt a trace of disgust.

What is she loathing?
Do you hate yourself for doing too much?
Do you still hate yourself and bother her?
Damn it, if this weird player hadn't caused all these troubles, he wouldn't be willing to come to her!

"Since you don't want double rewards, then I can give you a precious and rare treasure. As long as it is within my tolerance, I can satisfy you."

From dungeon rewards to precious "treasures"?
This wave made Su Tingyu a little bit interested.

After all, there are only a few rewards for dungeons, and there is nothing rare about more or less.

But, game props, especially a relatively rare game prop, can't be bought back with any amount of game coins.

"Oh, allow me to think about it first." After speaking, Su Tingyu looked at Qin Qi beside him, and began to wink: "Qiqi, what props do you think is better?"

Qin Qi reached out and touched Su Tingyu's head: "Do you need any props for self-defense?"

"I have a few of my own, which should be enough." Su Tingyu shook his head.

"You have enough weapon props now, you can ask for some functional props."

Functional props?

Su Tingyu thought of his invisibility hat and transforming gems. Although they don't have any direct attack power, they can play a big role if used properly.

In the previous dungeons, Su Tingyu also played their roles many times.

Functional props, so what should you choose?

Listening to the fish eyes turning, Su thought about it, and finally decided to throw the question back to the invigilator: "What props do you have there, tell me, I will choose."

The invigilator was very impatient: "Don't play tricks, and you are only allowed to pick one!"

"Plus double rewards."

The invigilator was shocked: "Aren't you either?!"

Su Tingyu shrugged: "Isn't this the proctor who insisted on giving it to me? I can't refuse~"

Proctor: ...

"Ah, that's right." Su Tingyu added: "I have to add my friend's share."

Proctor: ...

Two seconds later, the invigilator moved his fingertips slightly, and Su Tingyu's panel popped up, listing dozens of props on it.

Su Tingyu glanced at the proctor, and then began to choose.

All the way down... When Su Tingyu saw a prop, there was a hint of interest in his eyes.

After thinking about it for a few seconds, I thought it was pretty good.

So, Su Tingyu marked the item and said, "I want this."

When the invigilator saw the prop Su Tingyu had chosen, his expression became a little strange.

"Are you sure you want this?"

"Yes, sure." Su Tingyu nodded.

"Alright then, this item will be given to you with double rewards after you pass all the exams."

"Okay, thank you Mr. Invigilator." Su Tingyu smiled broadly.

Anyway, she has taken in a lot of younger brothers now. Although the two dormitory buildings have not been filled yet, there are hundreds of people.

Su was very satisfied when he heard the fish.

As for filling the dormitory building in the back... It's not just this one instance, when the time comes, you can go to other instances to pluck wool.

Su Tingyu had a good plan in his mind.He still had that harmless appearance on his face.

Seeing that the matter was settled, the invigilator breathed a sigh of relief, and then disappeared impatiently.

He really didn't want to see this weird player!

Not even a second more!
After the invigilator left, Qin Qi asked, "What props did you pick up just now? The invigilator's reaction seems a little strange."

Su Tingyu chuckled: "The item I picked is similar to a carpool ticket, but it's a two-person item, and it can be used all the time, but it needs to be recharged.

Carpooling tickets allow players of the same train to enter the same dungeon. However, in the same dungeon, as it is now, it will be divided into different spaces.

As for the item I chose, it can accurately allow two players to enter the space world of the same copy, and most importantly, it is easy to find each other! "

Hearing this, Qin Qi was slightly taken aback: "You chose this prop...why?"

Su Tingyu pouted slightly: "It's a pity, this is a two-person prop, Qiqi. When this round of dungeons is over, I will bind this prop with you, okay?"

Just as Qin Qi wanted to ask her who she wanted to use it with, she heard Su Tingyu looking at him with bright eyes.

"Well, okay." Qin Qi's Adam's apple rolled down slightly, he was stunned for half a second, and he nodded.

He also wanted... to find the big fish as soon as he entered the dungeon.

"Then let's go back?" Qin Qi glanced at the sneaky figures nearby.

Su Tingyu nodded: "I also collected a lot, if it's not enough, let's talk about it in other dungeons."

"it is good."


Before you know it, the music exam is coming to an end.

When the curfew was about to come, Su Tingyu and Qin Qi separated and went back to the dormitory.

It's not like Su Tingyu didn't think about asking the invigilator to give them a privilege, so that they won't be separated until the third day.

But after thinking about it, this already involves breaking the dungeon rules, and it is probably impossible to agree, so I didn't say it.

Even if they separated, there was only one day left anyway, and when they left the dungeon, they would still be able to see Qin Qi, so Su Tingyu didn't worry about it anymore.


The third day of the copy.

[Dungeon time: 6:50]

Su Tingyu turned off the noisy alarm clock and got up with squinted eyes.

After washing, dressing and having breakfast normally, Su Tingyu left the dormitory building.

As soon as he came out, Su Tingyu found that the campus had changed again.

Su Tingyu first went to the dormitory where Qin Qi was located, but couldn't find it at all.

...She and Qin Qi were separated.

"Hey, it's so annoying."

There was no other way, Su Tingyu had no choice but to follow the information displayed on the panel and go to his examination room classroom to wait.

According to the experience of the previous two days, today's exam should be a combination of literature and science, but I don't know how to take the exam?

[Dungeon time: 8:00]

Every morning when the exam time comes, the invigilator will appear on the podium.

This time, the proctor in charge of Su Tingyu's classroom had a black bear's head.

The black bear invigilator said harshly: "The subject of this exam is comprehensive arts and sciences, and the exam time is from 8 to 18 o'clock..."

When the proctor uttered the first sentence, all the players in the classroom realized something was wrong.

Exam time extended?
No, two subjects became one!
"Comprehensive examination, in order to understand the history of the campus, the more campus information collected, the higher the score... The detailed examination content will be announced on the test paper." The black bear invigilator clearly concealed something, and only mentioned Wen Zong, no mention of Li Zong.

After the invigilator finished speaking, the players couldn't wait to ask:
"Why are the two exams combined into one today?"

"The exam time is so long, do we have no lunch break in the middle?"

"What is the content of the comprehensive exam?"

The players asked questions in a hurry.

But the black bear examiner on the podium was calm and relaxed: "All the content and clues about the exam are hidden in the campus. Candidates, you can look for information in the campus."

"As for the content of the follow-up comprehensive exam, it will not be announced until a specific time. You can complete the exam first. Today is the last day of the exam. As long as you pass today's exam, you are a qualified student. .”

"Candidates, please work hard and wish you good luck."

After the Black Bear invigilator finished speaking, he disappeared in place, leaving only the players stunned.

Su Tingyu looked down at the blank test paper, and some words appeared on it.

[Comprehensive article title: After the vicissitudes of life, the sacred campus that has taught countless people ushered in its [-]th birthday. As a newly admitted candidate, you will go to learn more about this campus full of beauty with full of enthusiasm. .

Requirements: Please write a short essay with a word count of 800 words, combined with the application of comprehensive knowledge, authenticity and full emotion]
After pondering for a while, Su Tingyu suddenly realized.

Is this a jigsaw puzzle?

Look for "puzzles" throughout the campus, and then piece together the history of the campus, and the more things you piece together, the more scores you will get in the exam.

As for the content of the comprehensive exam, there is no information to disclose now, so we can only put it aside and complete the comprehensive exam first.

Wanting to understand the development history of the entire school, the first thing Su Tingyu thought of was to go to the library and reference room.

After all, there are many books in the library. In addition, the library should also be equipped with an electronic reading room equipped with computers. You can try to surf the Internet and search for information on the school's official website.

Su Tingyu made a plan, so he set off for the library.

And there are not a few players who have the same idea as Su Tingyu. On the way to the library, I saw a lot of players going to the library.

Seeing this situation, Su Tingyu directly found a hiding place, used the deformed emerald, turned into a bird, and flew directly to the library.

If you go late, the library will not be crowded by then.

Moreover, besides the library, Su Tingyu had to go to the reference room.

The reference room should be on the side of the administrative building. Su Tingyu is relatively close to the library, so let's go to the library first.

As soon as he arrived at the library, Su Tingyu began to look for all the books and materials about this school.

In addition, after finding the electronic browsing room, Su Tingyu turned on a computer.

But when the computer was turned on, it was found that the computer was not connected to the Internet and could not be used at all.

There is no way, Su Tingyu can only read the collected books and materials first.

[Jincheng University was founded in 1885 and was originally named Jingqing University Hall. It is the first national comprehensive university in modernization in China. ]
[In 1892, the peasant uprising broke out in Ye Village, and the Jingqing University Hall was destroyed. On August 8, the old government ordered the closure of Jingqing University. ]
[In October 1895, the old government appointed Zhang Ruiquan, Minister of the Ministry of Officials, as the Minister of Management and instructed the manager of the Jingqing University Hall, and the Jingqing University Hall was restored. ]
[1898 Jingqing University selected the first batch of 67 students to study abroad, which was the first of its kind in China to send overseas students. ]
[In 1903, it was changed to National Jingqing University. Moved south to Jincheng in 1917, formed National Jincheng Jiaotong University with National Jincheng University and private Jiaotong University]
[In 1941, after the adjustment of colleges and departments across the country, it became a comprehensive university focusing on basic disciplines of arts and sciences. In 1965, it merged with the former Jincheng Normal University to form a new Jincheng University. ]
Su Tingyu simplified the knowledge he had collected, and recorded it on the test paper.

Just when Su Tingyu finished reading one book and was about to pick up another one at hand, suddenly, a black player popped up next to him, and directly took away the few books Su Tingyu put on the table.

Behind the black player, there were several players of the same skin color as him. When he looked at Su Tingyu, he spoke arrogantly and gestured provocatively to the book in his hand:

"Your information, show me."

This black player speaks a Chinese that is not very proficient, and some pronunciation is not very standard.

However, Su Tingyu understood, she blinked her eyes.

Is she... being robbed?


The black player just looked at Su Tingyu alone, and it was best to bully him, so he took Su Tingyu's information directly.

At this time, the library was already crowded with many players.

Not all books can provide useful information.

In order to complete the exam, there are already many players who have conflicts and conflicts with each other.

Black players want to get out of here when they get the book.

As for Su Tingyu's exam, it's none of his business.

"Tsk tsk." Su Tingyu uttered a voice and stopped him, "Did I let you go?"

"Little one, are you dissatisfied? Hit me if you have the guts~" Hearing this, the black player turned around and hooked his hands with a look of disdain.

The few people around him should all be companions, and at this moment, they were also laughing at Su Tingyu's ignorance and cowardice.


Su Tingyu sighed.

The little fairy has never seen anyone make such a request.

What else can I do?
I can only be satisfied~

5 minute later.

Several black players supported each other, twisted and twisted to escape from the electronic browsing room.

Nearby players take a look.

Why are these black players so hurt?
And, it seems... still crying? !
After Su Tingyu came out of the library, she looked at the time, and it turned out that two hours had passed.

Su Tingyu also obtained a lot of materials in the library, but if he was not sure whether he could pass the test, he had to look for the materials again.

next place.

Administration Building.

 Note: The history of Jincheng University draws on the history of Peking University
(End of this chapter)

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