Bug in survival game

Chapter 970: Escape at Dusk 3

Chapter 970: Escape at Dusk 3
"What if...you really have some kind of unique hobby and want to torture and kill with your own hands?" The fat man rarely retorted.

Su Tingyu blinked his eyes: "You should be relieved, fat man."

"Why, boss?" The fat man became confused.

"Because your neck is so thick, maybe the murderer behind the scenes can't hold your neck with both hands?" Su Tingyu said with a smile.

When the fat man heard this, he immediately shrank his neck.

After being told by Su Tingyu, the fat man became even more worried.

"Staying here is not an option, we can't be so passive." Su Tingyu changed the subject.

The fat man touched his neck which was still intact, and said, "Boss, are we going out to find clues? But, I don't know where to look, and there is no direction at all."

When Su Tingyu was about to say something, he caught a glimpse of Qin Qi standing up from the corner of his eye, and walked straight to the desk where the computer was placed.

Then sit down and turn on the computer.

Su Tingyu's eyes brightened slightly, and he walked over quickly.

"Qiqi, have you thought about it too?"

"This dungeon world is a modern society. With the existence of the Internet, you can easily find clues on the Internet." Qin Qi said.

Fatty also came over to watch.

"This round of dungeons has been implying from the very beginning that the players are mainly escaping, rather than collecting additional information. The dungeon time is only 12 hours, and it can pass after a night's sleep."

Su Tingyu looked at Qin Qi looking for recent criminal records of local crimes in Lemon City.

Inside were three fugitives.

The first one is the crime of theft.

The second one was a fight in the local area, resulting in the death of two people, and then absconded in fear of crime.

The third is a bit crazy, an indiscriminate murderer.

The more suspicious one is the third one.

The gender of this murderer is unknown. He has killed 23 people so far, including men, women and children. Moreover, these victims have not found any special connection so far. It seems that they really killed indiscriminately.

There is only so much information that can be found online.

"Brother Qin, why don't you check out the dark web?" Fatty reminded.

The Internet is divided into clear web and dark web.

Mingwang, the kind that ordinary people can enter.

The dark web requires some special channels to enter.

On the dark web, there is a lot of unknown information that is inconvenient to disclose to the public.

"I'll try it first." Qin Qi replied.

The fat man moved closer, without taking his eyes off the screen. From time to time, he reached out and clicked somewhere on the screen: "Here, here... see if you can go in here... and here, and here... this link... ..."

After half an hour of fiddling, the two finally entered the dark web and found more detailed information about the third criminal.

This criminal seemed to be killing people indiscriminately, but the victims all had one thing in common, that is, before they died, they would all receive a letter containing a piece of paper and a black card.

The contents of the letter were all the personal privacy of the victim, as well as some nasty things, some of which were very excessive, and even once made the police officers think that the death of a person would be beneficial to society.

But in any case, walking under the law, killing people is illegal.

The victim's card showed a different pattern every three hours, and there were four patterns in total.

After multiple confirmations, it can be concluded that:

The first pattern is the scene of the victim's death.

The second pattern is the time of death of the victim.

The third pattern is the murder weapon that caused the death of the victim.

The fourth pattern contains information about the murderer.

And these patterns, true or false, at least two of the four patterns provide real clues.

Su Tingyu picked up his card: "This shouldn't be a dungeon item, right? This panel doesn't even show it, so what's the principle of changing the pattern?"

Fatty: "I can still understand his first three patterns. They should also be used to intimidate the victim, but his fourth pattern directly exposes his own information. Why?"

Su Tingyu guessed: "Maybe, is it a provocation? Is it a hobby?" Anyway, the world is so big, there must be one or two perverts.

"It's almost zero now, and the third pattern will appear." The fat man quickly checked the time.

"Indeed." Su Tingyu placed the cards next to the computer table, so that he could see the changes of the card patterns immediately.

"However, I'm more curious. How can a pattern be changed every once in a while? Qiqi, have you found it on the dark web?"

"There is a record with the police." Qin Qi said.

Hearing this, Su Tingyu and the two of them once again set their eyes on the computer screen.

Qin Qi opened a document.

"Potion soaking...different...synthetic..."

Su Tingyu looked at the above information and felt a little eye-opening.

This small card turned out to be a composite of four cards, each with a pattern engraved on it.

The potion used for that pattern is very special, it can show the pattern at different times, and then it achieves a feeling of death forecast.

This method is quite capable of bluffing.

Su Tingyu asked: "Is there any personal information of the murderer behind the scenes?"

Qin Qi shook his head: "Not really."

"There were 23 homicides in the city all of a sudden, and people are already panicking. The details of this case have not been made public. Otherwise, if the murderer behind the scenes specifically picks out those who have done nasty things, it is very likely that it will cause social aggression. public opinion."

The fat man looked at Qin Qi from the left and Su Tingyu from the right, and said in surprise, "No matter how you look at it, it looks like an ancient chivalrous behavior of rape and evil, although the method is a bit cruel."

"Another point is that the victims in the past were all locals, and our current dungeon identity is all foreigners. Is the murderer behind this scene not satisfied with just killing evil for this small town? He also wants world peace what?"

Hearing what Yu said, Su felt like he was a bit of a middle school student.

Fatty: "Then what shall we do now?"

"Wait, what else can I do? Wait for the murderer behind the scenes to come and strangle you." Su Tingyu shrugged.

"Oh no?"


As we talked, it was already zero o'clock.

Su Tingyu looked at the cards of the three people, and the patterns on them began to change again.

This time, what appeared was indeed an item.

Su Tingyu's pattern is: rope.

Qin Qi's pattern is: car.

Fatty's pattern is: clothes.

"This... is this the weapon that will kill us?" The fat man widened his eyes: "It seems that a rope is more reliable than a car. A rope can strangle people to death, while a car can kill people, but clothes... ...Could it be possible that the clothes also strangle the neck? Or suffocate people to death?"

At this time, Su Tingyu suddenly felt that there was light outside the curtain...why was there light?
Su Tingyu walked over and opened the curtains.

The sun was streaming in from outside.

"Why is it dawn? Isn't it still after 0 o'clock?"

Su Tingyu looked at the position of the sun in the sky, and found that the sun was in the west, and felt that it was about to set.

This time period, it should be dusk time...

Qin Qi added at this time: "By the way, this dungeon world seems to go from west to west, and there are six hours a day."

"Wow, there is such a dungeon world." The fat man expressed his shock.

At this time, the panel of the three people popped up:

[Dear Angel Su player, hello! 】

[One day's plan is in the dark, please don't waste the good time early]

[You have just arrived in Lemon City. As a foreigner, you really want to know about the local customs or special products. You choose left and right, and finally, you choose the hemp rope (at least five meters) with the characteristics of Lemon City, so , you will go out to find the special items you need]

Su Tingyu: Hmm? ? ?
What kind of specialty is hemp rope?
If you want her to die, just say so!

Qin Qi and Fatty also received the same content on the panel, except that the specialty products were changed to "cars" and "clothes".

"Good guy, you've come here." Su Tingyu sighed.

I just said that it is impossible for them to spend this round of dungeons comfortably, and then the panel is completely messed up.

"Boss, now, are we going out?"

Su Tingyu nodded, reached out to pick up his own card, and put it away.

"Let's go, go buy special products."


Qin Qi stood up, as if planning to go out.

"Knock, knock..." There was a knock on the door.

Fatty subconsciously walked over to open the door: "Who is it?"

Su Tingyu had quick hands and quick eyes, and stopped the fat man.

The fat man woke up like a dream, and immediately broke out in a cold sweat. He stared at Su Tingyu and the other in a daze.

...Just now, when he heard the knock on the door, he seemed to be drawn and wanted to open the door directly?
The eyes of the three of them all fell on the door.


The knock on the door still kept ringing, with one and the other.

None of the three made a sound, only the knock on the door was left in their ears, as if the whole room was shaking.

Gradually, the knock on the door became hurried!
Within a few seconds, it turned into some kind of heavy object hitting the door again, with a bang bang bang bang.

Su Tingyu quietly took out the meteor stick.

Qin Qi held it with a guilty conscience, and the ancient bronze sword suddenly appeared.

The fat man put on the turtle shell silently.

Just when the three of them thought that the door was about to be overwhelmed, the knocking on the door stopped...


In a rental house.

"Brother, what is displayed on the panel will let us go out?" Brother Wandering looked nervously at Brother Moyu.

A trace of impatience flashed in Brother Moyu's eyes: "What are you panicking about, I'm just looking for something."

"But the pattern of this card..."

Brother Moyu showed confidence in his expression: "With me here, you will be fine."

Seeing this, Brother Wandering felt a little relieved.

"Knock knock..."

Suddenly, there was a knock on the door.

The homeless brother who was closest to the door of the rental house, when he heard the knock on the door, stared blankly, reached out to hold the doorknob, and said vaguely:
"Who is..."

Brother Moyu was sluggish for two seconds, and then he woke up in an instant.

When he saw the wandering brother, he opened the door, and his expression changed drastically!


Brother Moyu rushed over in a few steps!
But it's too late!
The door was opened a crack...

Brother Moyu pressed his hands on the door panel!

"Wake up!" Brother Moyu yelled at this useless younger brother!

After being yelled at by Brother Moyu, the wandering brother who was originally confused came back to his senses, and looked at the former foolishly: "Brother...Brother...I..."

bang bang bang! ! !
Seeing that the door that had been opened with great difficulty was about to close again, the knocking on the door outside became more and more intense!
There was a heavy knock on the door.

"Not helping!" Brother Moyu glared at his younger brother.

"Oh!" The homeless brother, who hadn't figured out the situation, reached out and pressed the door panel in a daze.

Doors that can be opened.

Not so easy to close.

It seems to know that there are people inside, and the movement outside is getting louder and louder!

Don't give up if you don't break into the door!

Seeing this, Brother Moyu gritted his teeth and said, "You hold the door first! Block it with your back!"

The wandering brother did so.

Brother Moyu freed up a hand, took out a piece of talisman paper from the inventory, and slapped it on the door panel!
In an instant, the entire door panel seemed to be coated with a faint golden light.

With a bang, the door of the rental house was completely closed!
Before the two of them could breathe a sigh of relief, the voice outside became louder!
It's like... It's like chopping the door with a big axe!
Brother Moyu immediately gave up holding on to the door and ran to the window in the back room.

The wandering brother followed closely behind.

As soon as the curtains were pulled open, the sun shone in. Moyu didn't have time to think about why the sun appeared, so he took out another prop, directly destroyed the anti-theft net of the window, and then jumped out.

When renting a rental house, the two deliberately chose the one on the first floor, which is convenient for dealing with unexpected things.

Just after the two jumped out of the window one after the other and ran away, the door of the rental house was smashed, and the talisman paper ignited spontaneously without fire, completely losing its effect.

Brother Moyu and Brother Wandering who escaped did not dare to see what was blocking the door.

Can only keep running forward.

"Brother! Brother! We... what are we going to do now?!"

Brother Moyu was upset, so he could only vaguely say, "Get out of here first!"

The two of them escaped from the area before they stopped and rested on the chairs by the side of the road.

"Brother, why is there a sun now? Isn't it 0 o'clock?!"

After temporarily out of danger, Ye was also discovered by the two of them because of the unusual appearance of the sun outside.

Brother Moyu took out his mobile phone and the Internet... So he checked online.

"This dungeon world... only has dusk and night, 6 hours a day."

"Ah...that's strange...that's no wonder." The wandering brother gasped, and he looked up at the sun in the west.

When advancing the copy first... it was also at this angle.

After resting for a while, the two did not stay any longer.

Anyway, it's all out, so let's look for "special products" to complete the task.

"Let's go and find special products."

"Brother, what do you mean by this third pattern?"

"Whatever it is... we'll talk about it when we find it..."


Neither of them asked to go back to the rental house.

The rental house...whether it's a human or a ghost, it's best not to encounter it again.

(End of this chapter)

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