Bug in survival game

Chapter 971: Escape at Dusk 4

Chapter 971: Escape at Dusk 4
after an hour.

The three of Su Tingyu were walking on the street, and when they saw a new shop on the side of the road, they all went in and searched for the items they needed.


"Lemon Market looks so big, it's so hard to find even a bundle of hemp rope and a piece of clothing?"

After leaving the tenth store, the fat man couldn't help complaining.

Qin Qi's car will cost more money, so the three of them are going to find hemp rope and clothes first.

But he never expected that the hemp rope and clothes he found randomly didn't count at all, they had to be exactly the same as the cards.

Therefore, the three of them visited many shops, but they still couldn't find many identical hemp ropes.

The colorful strings of Su Tingyu's hemp rope are rubbed together. Almost all hemp ropes on the market are of the same color.

Even if you find colorful hemp ropes, they are not long enough.

As for the fat man's clothes, although it is just a jacket, the jacket can be worn on the outside. On the surface, it looks like an ordinary jacket, but the colors on the front and back are different, one is brown and the other is red. .

Very troublesome.

But it's not entirely impossible to find.

However, the current dungeon time is limited, God knows, if you can't find it for a long time, will the dungeon make something wrong again.

Qin Qi has accompanied the two of them to search for an hour. During this period, he didn't find his belongings. The fat man felt a little guilty: "Why don't we go to Brother Qin's car first? Maybe the car will be easier to find?"

"It's okay, I'll look for you first." Qin Qi shook his head and refused.

"There's another grocery store over there, go and have a look." Su Tingyu pointed to a store at the end of the street.

There are a few scattered customers in the store, who are choosing products.

At the counter near the door, a middle-aged bald man was reading a newspaper... This should be the shop owner.

Su Tingyu walked over and asked, "Boss, do you have any colorful hemp rope here? It should be at least five meters long."

"Yes." The boss put down the newspaper, glanced at Su Tingyu, and replied.

Hearing this, Su Tingyu was startled.

"Boss, can you take a look?" With the failure experience of the top ten stores, Su Tingyu felt that he should calm down and not be too happy too early.

"Okay, how much do you need?" the boss asked.

"One bundle is enough, and it needs to be five meters long."

"Okay, you wait." The boss replied, turned around and walked into the small room in the store.

The fat man who came in from behind heard the conversation and came over: "Boss, is there something going on this time?"

"Let's see if it's right."

Su Tingyu looked around casually.

On the edge of the counter stood a sign with a person's name written on it:
——Ji Xingan
Apparently, it's a male name.

This is...the boss's name?
"Boss Ji, I've picked out something." At this moment, an aunt walked to the counter with some dishes to find the boss.

"Here we come!" The boss came out holding a bunch of colorful hemp ropes, threw them on the counter, and looked at Su Tingyu: "Take a look first, is this what you're looking for?"

After finishing speaking, the boss took out the computer and counted the money for the dishes of the aunt.

"A total of 53 yuan, just give fifty."

"Thank you, Boss Ji."

The aunt readily took out the money.

The boss rubbed a plastic bag with his hands and put all the dishes in it.

"Boss Ji, I'm leaving first." The aunt seemed to be a frequent visitor, and her words were very familiar.

Su Tingyu compared the color of the hemp rope, which was almost the same as that of the card, and judging by the length, it was more than five meters.

"Boss, how much is this bundle of hemp rope?" Su Tingyu asked.

"Ten dollars."

Hearing the price, the fat man on the side immediately paid for it.

After the deal was concluded, Su Tingyu's panel popped up:
[Congratulations, you have successfully obtained the special product of Lemon City - hemp rope]

Su Tingyu turned it over and looked at it several times. These are ordinary hemp ropes, not any special props.

Why does the panel send this kind of task?
Simply let the players run out?

The fat man saw that this grocery store also sold some ready-made clothes, so he wanted to give it a try and asked the shop owner if there was any coat he wanted.

As a result, there really is!
"A friend I know sells this kind. If you need it, I can take you there." The boss replied.

"Then I will trouble you, Boss! Boss is so nice, I will definitely make a lot of money this year!" Fatty's face beamed with joy.

At this time, the aunt who had already left went back and forth, her expression still a little pale: "Boss Ji, don't go to Luoye Street recently. You just found out that there is a dead person there. It's really bad luck."


Su Tingyu and the three looked at each other.


Something happened to another player?
"Okay, I will pay attention." The boss replied.

"Auntie, what's the situation on Luoye Street?" Su Tingyu turned his eyes slightly and stopped Auntie.

With lingering fear on her face, the aunt replied: "The police over there are now cordoned off. The accident happened in a small hotel on Luoye Street. It is said that the deceased was a foreigner, and he was quite young."

outsider?Still younger?
Su Tingyu turned his head and glanced at the other two.

Su Tingyu: Do you want to go and have a look?

Qin Qi: Yes, it’s better to be sure who is eliminated.

Fatty: I don't know why he died. Could it be that some players died last night?
After the aunt left the store, the boss came out from the counter: "Which one of you will go with me? My friend has something to do recently. Every time the store is open for two or three hours, the store may be closed now."

"Also, there are three of you, keep one person and show me the storefront, okay?"

"Yes, yes!" Fatty nodded repeatedly: "Boss, I'll go with you."

After finishing speaking, the fat man looked at Su Tingyu and the two of them.

Qin Qi said: "I'll stay and look at the store."

Su Tingyu blinked: "Fatty, how about I go with you?"

"Boss, you go to Luoye Street first...I'll come to you after I get my coat." The fat man waved his hand.

The matter on Luoye Street is equally important. If you go late, it would be bad if you miss some important clues.

Su Tingyu: "Alright then."

After the three of them made an agreement, Qin Qi stayed, Su Tingyu went to Luoye Street, and the fat man followed the boss to buy the coat he needed.


Luo Yip Street.

When Su Tingyu came here, he saw the police officers carrying two corpses covered in white cloth.

The scene of the crime has been marked with a bar that prohibits passing, and there are many onlookers gathered nearby, pointing and pointing.

At the door of the hotel, the hotel owner is being questioned by the police.

At this time, the face of the hotel owner was not very good. After all, the murder happened in his own hotel. It is not necessary to think about it. After a few months, maybe even a few years, the business of the hotel will become very bleak.

Su Tingyu took a few glances at the hotel owner, and looked away without noticing anything unusual.

However, the faces of the two corpses covered with white cloth could not be seen clearly now.

Su Ting's fish eyes rolled slightly, and then his fingertips moved slightly.

"Dahui, go and remove that cloth."

Dahui followed Su Tingyu's instructions, his body became transparent, and he floated over quietly, and then blew on the white cloth.

Immediately, a corner of the two pieces of white cloth was lifted.

Su Tingyu took the opportunity to take a glance, and the next second, his face sank slightly.

is the player.

Moreover, it was still the couple of players who were all dead.

"Hey, why is it windy?"

The police officer next to him saw that the white cloth was lifted, so he reached out and pressed it down.

Su Tingyu could no longer carefully check the death conditions and fatal injuries of the dead players.

However, just for a moment, Su Tingyu saw the terrified expression on the dead player's face, as if he had encountered something extremely terrifying.

After being blown up by the "wind" once, the police officers in the back took strict precautions to prevent the "wind" from succeeding again.

In the end, the body was taken to the police station by a corpse truck.


the other side.

"Boss, how long until we arrive?" At first, the fat man chatted enthusiastically with the boss.

But gradually, the fat man found that the more he walked, the more lonely he became.

"We'll be there soon, we're right ahead." The boss's tone was still not salty, and the fat man felt that all his enthusiasm was scattered on the icy lake, and even the water vapor couldn't be stirred up. .

Slowly, the fat man also shut up, and walked obediently.

At this moment, the boss suddenly said, "Are you all curious about what happened on Luoye Street?"

"It's just... the first time I heard that someone died, I was quite scared, and I wanted to know what happened." The fat man explained vaguely.

The fat man stopped talking, but the boss had the desire to confide in him: "Looking at you, you're an outsider, don't you know that there have been many murders in our city recently?"

"Really? So scary?" Fatty's face was shocked, as if frightened.

Boss: "Yes, the murderer can't be found at all."

The fat man hurriedly asked: "Boss, you are a local, do you know more about the situation?"

"Even the police in the city can't investigate. How can ordinary people like me know?"

"Boss, have you ever thought about moving? Since there are so many murders here, isn't it very dangerous?"

"My roots are here, I won't leave, and I don't want to." The boss suddenly said in a serious tone.

"Oh, so that's the case. Since there are so many murders in this city, then my friend and I should leave quickly. Originally, I wanted to enjoy the scenery of this small city. It seems that I have no luck."

There was a bit of regret in Fatty's tone.

"Indeed, although the scenery is beautiful, you have to live to appreciate it."

The boss echoed.

"Here we are." After walking for a few minutes, the boss stopped, and then pointed to an open clothing store in front of him.

"It's there, it looks like it's closing, we have to hurry over there."

"Okay, okay." Upon hearing this, the fat man immediately quickened his pace.

Seeing that there was only about ten meters away, and he was about to reach the clothing store, suddenly, the fat man felt a pain in the back of his chest.

He looked down in a daze, only to see a bloody knife point protruding from his chest.

But at this moment, the person standing behind him pulled out the knife mercilessly, and then kicked the fat man to the ground.

The fat man rolled on the ground several times before barely stopping.

He raised his head with difficulty, but saw that the boss, who was originally quite pleasant, now had a cold expression on his face, holding a bloody knife in his hand.

The boss looked like a fat man, as if looking at some prey to be slaughtered, so cold-blooded and cruel.

"you you……"

Fatty's eyes widened, and the severe pain from his body made him turn pale.

"Heh, let's have a good pregnancy in the next life." The boss finished speaking sinisterly, then raised the knife and chopped off the fat man's entire head.

Immediately, flesh and blood flew everywhere!
Blood was spattered on a large stretch of bluestone pavement.

Fatty's aura shrank...

The boss saw that the fat man's body stopped twitching, then turned around, and when he was about to leave——

"Oh my god! It hurts!" The fat man's startled voice sounded from behind him.

The boss turned his head abruptly, and immediately saw a scene as if he had "seen a ghost".

The fat man who was supposed to be separated from his head is now alive and kicking.

And that corpse... only left a pool of blood, and a scarecrow with a big slap that appeared at some point.

On closer inspection, the scarecrow's head and body have been separated.

"Why didn't you die?" The boss's voice became sharper, full of disbelief.

Fatty patted himself on the heart, with a face full of survivors: "It's okay, it's okay, the stand-in doll is really useful."

At this time, in Fatty's inventory, there was also a scarecrow-shaped prop, which turned into a cloud of ashes and finally disappeared.

"Heh, so what if you come back alive? You still have to die again!" The boss regained his composure, and his tone became gloomy.

"Brother Qin!"

Seeing this posture, the fat man retreated again and again, and shouted loudly.

At the corner, a person walked out, and it was Qin Qi who was supposed to be guarding the grocery store.

"Why are you here?!" The boss's voice became a little sharper again.

"I've already closed your store for you." Qin Qi explained in a flat voice.


"If there is any economic loss during this period, I can compensate you." Qin Qi paused, then added:
"But, my friend, you cannot move."

When the fat man heard this, he was immediately moved to tears.

The boss's face became even more gloomy:

"Hypocritical! Pretentious! Don't think I don't know you! You are a social trash who killed your father, mother, and brother! Will you stand up for a mere stranger? Fart!"


Qin Qi's eyes were calm.

This refers to the original owner of his identity, not him.

"And you!" The boss pointed at the fat man excitedly: "The trash who bullied girls! What right do you have to live in this world!"

"You all deserve to die!"

"They should all die!"

The boss suddenly went crazy, raised the knife that appeared inexplicably in his hand, and was about to slash at the fat man.

Qin Qi grasped the palm of his hand, and the ancient bronze sword appeared instantly.

Before the boss was about to chop the fat man, Qin Qi stood in front of him and blocked it with an ancient bronze sword.

(End of this chapter)

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