Bug in survival game

Chapter 972: Escape at Dusk 5

Chapter 972: Escape at Dusk 5
No matter how vicious Boss Ji is, but judging by his strength, he is just an ordinary person.

At most, he can fight a little better than ordinary people.

Seeing Boss Ji's unstoppable appearance, Qin Qi broke the former's hamstring with his sword.


"None of you have a good end!"

"You will definitely die miserably! Hahahaha..."

Boss Ji cursed and laughed frantically, and finally stabbed himself in the heart with a knife!
"You... will all die... I'm waiting for you... in hell..."

For a moment, both of them couldn't react.

It is really incomprehensible that Boss Ji failed to kill, so he chose to commit suicide.

"he died?"

The fat man looked at the boss's body with an indescribable expression.

Qin Qi took out his mobile phone and made a call to Su Tingyu:
"Are you okay over there?"

"Yeah, I'm rushing back, where are you now?" On the other end of the call, Su Tingyu was standing in front of Ji Xingan's shop.

"I'll send you a location." After Qin Qi finished speaking, he hung up the phone, and then sent the current location information of the two to Su Tingyu.

"How's the boss doing?" Seeing that Qin Qi was calling Su Tingyu, the fat man asked.

"I'll find out when she comes." Qin Qi put away his phone.

Fatty turned his gaze, and saw the boss's corpse right in front of him. It was an expression of death, and the more he looked at it, the more panicked he felt.

The fat man had a problem: "Brother Qin, what should we do with this corpse...?"

Qin Qi turned his head and looked at the open shop not far away: "Drag over there."

"Okay!" Fatty complied.

When the two entered the store, there was also no one inside, and there was a "Temporarily Open" sign at the door of the store.

Because they had to wait for Su Tingyu, the two of them didn't go in, in case Su Tingyu came here but couldn't see anyone.

After waiting for a while, Su Tingyu's figure appeared from a corner.

"Boss, this way!" The fat man raised his hand and waved it twice.

Su Tingyu came over, saw the boss's body, and clicked twice: "This boss really has a problem."

Su Tingyu and the others searched for the items for so long, and in a short while, they found two items from Boss Ji... As long as you are not stupid, you will know that there is something wrong.

At that time, although the three of them did not talk about anything on the surface, they were all veteran players who had experienced so many dungeons, so they still had the vigilance they should have.

Before they knew exactly what the boss was planning, the three chose to follow suit and deliberately stepped into the trap set by the boss.

This try, the answer came out.

The boss really didn't feel at ease.

"Fatty, did you find your items?" Su Tingyu changed the subject.

"Not yet, but this is the store Boss Ji said he was looking for. I don't know if there is the coat I'm looking for." The fat man pointed to the store.

The three of them walked into the store, and the fat man searched among a pile of clothes.

And Su Tingyu went to the counter, and saw a stand upside down on the table, she reached out to stand up the stand, with three words written on it:
——Ji Xing'an.

Su Tingyu blinked his big eyes.

Could it be... the shop here also belongs to that Boss Ji?
"This seems to be Boss Ji's shop too. He doesn't have any friends at all." Su Tingyu turned his head and said to the two of them.

The fat man finally found the clothes he needed among the rows of hangers.

There was a price tag hanging on the clothes. After seeing the price, the fat man took out the money and put it on the counter.

The fat man cheerfully said to the two, "Boss, I found it too."

Su Tingyu pouted: "Fatty, why didn't your panel pop up?"

"Huh? Really, so I'm not completing the task like this?" The fat man scratched his head: "But, Boss Ji is dead, whoever gives the money for this dress can be considered mine."

Su Tingyu pondered for a few seconds, and said, "You carry Boss Ji's body here first."

"Oh, ok, ok." The fat man put down the clothes on hand, then walked towards the door, dragging the corpse over bit by bit.

Qin Qi was standing at the door, whether it was the two people in the store or the situation outside the store, he could take care of everything.

Fatty carried the body over according to Su Tingyu's instructions, "And then? Boss."

Su Tingyu pointed to the chair inside the counter: "Put the boss on the chair."

With that said, Su Tingyu stood up the stand.

"Oh, ok." The fat man complied.

"Fatty, can you see if the boss has a mobile phone?"

"...Yes, yes, but there is a password."

"Try unlocking with your fingerprint," Su Tingyu reminded.

The fat man did as he did, using the boss's thumb to press the touch button on the phone.

The next second, the phone was turned on.

"You flip through the QR code for receipt and payment, and then you transfer the money to the boss."

Suddenly, the fat man suddenly realized.

It can still be like this!

So, the fat man did as Su Tingyu said.

After the electronic sound of the QR code sounded, Fatty's panel also popped up, showing that he had completed the task.

"It's really possible!" Fatty sighed and took back the cash that was originally on the counter.

Then, he picked up the piece of clothing he had already bought.

"Boss, what are we going to do now? Let's go?"

Su Tingyu blinked his big eyes: "Didn't you find out? We are still in the copy."

The fat man was puzzled: "Ah? Didn't it mean that the dungeon time is not over yet?"

"We were hunted down, but if the boss is the one who chased us down, but he is dead now, it should be considered that we have cleared the level early, right? There is no need for players to stay here anymore."

"That's right! Then why does this dungeon still exist?" Su Tingyu mentioned this to Fatty, and he also thought of this level: "Could it be... this boss is not the murderer who wants to kill us? No, no, he When he saw Brother Qin and me just now, he yelled at us to be beaten and killed."

"Two possibilities. The first one is that he is not the person who really wants to kill the player in the content of the dungeon. The second one is that there is not only one person who wants to kill the player. Boss Ji is just one of them." Qin Qi added.

Fatty: "That makes sense."

"Then what are we going to do now? Continue to find a place to hide? There are only three or four hours left, and we will be able to clear the instance soon."

Fatty looked at Su Tingyu on the left, and Qin Qi on the right.

"Let's help Qiqi find the items he needs first, and then we'll play by ear."

"Oh, okay."


After coming out of the store, the three of Su Tingyu continued to look for the third item.

Cars are not, like twine or clothes, sold in shops all over the city.

In this small city, there are at most a dozen or so car dealerships.

Su Tingyu and the others searched around, and found the car Qin Qi needed.

However, the price of this car was the most expensive, and almost all the money exchanged by the three of them was spent.

But fortunately, there are only the last three hours left, and the dungeon can be cleared, and there is no need to spend any more money.

The eating and drinking problems of the three of them can all be solved with the food in the inventory.

For the place of accommodation, the original hotel has already paid, and you can continue to stay for another day.


[Dungeon time: 3:00]

In a small park, in a pavilion.

Su Tingyu and the three sat on the stone benches in the pavilion, each eating bread.

When the time came, Su Tingyu arranged the cards of the three on the stone table.

The fourth pattern of the three cards also appeared.

This time, it was information about the murderer.

The card pattern of Su Tingyu is: 35
Qin Qi's card pattern is: gender female

Fatty's card pattern is: locals
"Wow, that murderer is a woman." The fat man exclaimed.

Su Tingyu reminded: "Fatty, I don't know if this information is true or not, or it may be false."

"That's right." The fat man scratched his head: "However, even if all the information is true, there is no way to determine who the murderer is."

"It's okay, our dungeon task this round is not to find the murderer." Qin Qi said.

"That's right. Fortunately, it's not a puzzle-solving dungeon. It's relatively easy now without finding the murderer." The fat man said happily.

"However, if the murderer is really found, it will be regarded as overfulfilling the task, right? I wonder if there will be any extra rewards?" Su Tingyu's eyes were full of curiosity.

"Ah, extra reward? But until now, there is no movement on the panel." The fat man said.

"By the way, fat man, where's Boss Ji's cell phone? Is it with you?" Su Tingyu asked.

"That's right, it's here, boss, do you need it now?" The fat man took out the boss's phone.

The mobile phone password has been turned off, and now there is no password, and it can be opened at any time.

The fat man thought he was really a smart fat man.

Qin Qi stretched out his hand, took the cell phone handed out by the fat man, and began to check the contents inside.

"Assuming that this boss is the murderer's accomplice, then they should have contact in private." Su Tingyu touched his chin and speculated.

"Yes, yes, it is impossible for him to attack us for no reason. He must know our identity, and what he said, it seems that he already knows our identity and is a very hateful villain. , so, I want to eliminate harm for the people.”

The fat man carefully recalled the confrontation with the boss before, and the words of the boss are still vivid in his memory.

Combined with the fact that all players have an envelope, and the previous victims were not good people, then, it can be deduced that the boss has some kind of connection with the murderer in all likelihood.

In fact, if you think about it carefully, if the murderer is only one person, but he can commit 23 murders in the city, the police still have nothing to do with him, which seems a bit too magical.

If there is a helper, then it can be justified.

Qin Qi: "I found it, there is a very strange group in the phone."

When the two heard this, they immediately moved over.

Su Tingyu: "Where is where?"

Qin Qi opened a strange gray software, and as soon as he entered, he saw a group chat.

There are only 15 people in this group, and the nickname of this group is also very interesting, called City Lights.

Qin Qi slid his fingers and flipped through the previous chat records of this group.

After a while, I saw the identity information of the three of them in the dungeon, and their photos were also attached.

"Damn, there really are." The fat man widened his eyes in surprise.

It is known that three players have been eliminated, and their identity information has been thrown into a folder called "Resolved".

In this folder, there are 23 identity materials.

Now, in the "unresolved" folder, there are only five documents left.

In addition to the three of Su Tingyu, there are two other players-Brother Moyu and Brother Wandering.

And Boss Ji's recent chat records in this group are——

[I saw those three goddamn trash, they threw themselves into the trap]
[Don't worry, I won't be impulsive, I will solve them one by one]
[Just wait for my good news]
After that, the boss never sent another message.

Because, people have already hung up.

And in the past so long, I haven't seen any new news from the boss, and other people in the group have also started to bubble up.

[Old Ji, what's going on with you? ]
[Is it going well?Need our help? ]
[Are you there?Just go back now]
[Sure enough, if one person wants to solve three, isn't it too strenuous? ]
"Qiqi, answer them, and stabilize them first." Su Tingyu said.

Qin Qi nodded, and then typed on the phone keyboard: [Two have been solved, and now I am going to solve the last one]
[Finally there is a reply]
[Thought you were in trouble]
[The position of the card is always moving. After you killed someone, did you forget to throw the card on the body? ]
After saying this, the three of them looked at each other.


How do they know where the cards are?
[I was so excited for a while, I forgot]
[They are three people, I want to solve them one by one. After the death, the other people will pick up the relics, so they are all held]
Qin Qi typed a few lines without changing his face.

Someone in the group asked: [So that's the case, did they call the police? ]
[No, I told them that those 23 people had a guilty conscience, so they didn't have the guts to call the police. They just wanted to run away, and there was still one last one left. Give me another hour, and it will be resolved. ]
Qin Qi sent out one message after another, and after stabilizing the people in the group, he began to think about the function of this group.

Soon, it was discovered that there was a positioning chip in the card.

And people in this group can clearly see the positioning information,

No wonder someone asked that question just now...

Fortunately, Qin Qi reacted quickly, so he didn't reveal his secrets.

Now that the fourth pattern has come out, there is no point in continuing to hold this card.

"Leave the card in Boss Ji's shop, and leave the fake corpse there, how about that?" Su Tingyu suggested.

Qin Qi: "Yes, but we are dead now, and we cannot walk around casually."

"This is simple, just use some disguise."

It is still unclear who the other group chat members are, maybe they can be met on the street.

It will be embarrassing at that time, and I will wear it directly.

(End of this chapter)

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