Bug in survival game

Chapter 973: Escape at Dusk 6

Chapter 973 Escape at Twilight 6 (End)

[So now, only the last two of this batch of garbage are left]
[Leave the last two to me, I'm closest to them]
[And me, I will help you too]
[Be safe, both of you go, if you have any questions, feel free to contact]
[When these two garbage are processed, you can start the next batch of garbage]
Others in the group chatted enthusiastically about the "good thing" about killing people.

In the little park.

Su Tingyu saw the plans that popped up from time to time in the group chat: "The other two... mean the other two players."

Fatty: "Are they going to attack the other two players? Shall we remind them?"

Su Tingyu shook his head: "Our place is a little far away from those two people, so it's not easy to notify in advance, and they are already preparing to attack those two players. If we get close to there, maybe we will exposed."


Su Tingyu said in relief: "Fatty, those two players shouldn't be easy. You can't believe that they are new players if they can survive till now?"

"It's just a four-star dungeon. If one of them is an old player, it won't be a big problem for them to clear the level." Qin Qi added.


the other end.

Brother Wandering and Brother Moyu stood by the side of the road, "Brother, where are we going now?"

"I can go anywhere, there is no purpose."

"Why? Why don't we find a place to hide? Only the last three hours are left."

Brother Moyu asked back: "We hid in the rental house before, didn't we still get found?"


Brother Wandering wanted to say something else, when a taxi stopped in front of the two of them.

Brother Moyu glanced at the license plate, it was the car he had booked online.

"The car is here, get in first." Brother Moyu opened the door and got in first.

Seeing this, Brother Wandering had no choice but to follow in.

"Driver, take us around casually." Brother Moyu said to the driver in front.

"No problem, boss."

The driver was a middle-aged man. After hearing Brother Moyu's request, he started the car directly.

Because they were in the car, it was not easy to communicate directly, so the two took out their mobile phones and communicated through text messages on their mobile phones.

[Brother, you think, as long as this car keeps driving, the person who wants to kill us will have no way to find our location, right? ]
At this time, the wandering brother gradually came to his senses.

Brother Moyu replied: [Yes, in the last two hours, as long as we keep escaping, then this round of dungeons will not be easily cleared]
[Brother, as expected of you, you can think of such a good way]
There was a look of admiration in the wandering brother's eyes.

[Okay, don’t flatter me, you should also be careful, I can’t be with you every round of dungeons, this round of dungeons is just a special case]
[I know, brother]
After half an hour.

Brother Moyu occasionally looks at the scenery outside the window, just to pass the time.

At this time, the taxi drove to a section of winding mountain road.

No other vehicles or figures were seen in the front and rear, obviously far away from the city center.

Brother Moyu frowned: "Driver, this road...doesn't seem to be in the planned route?"

"Oh, it's like this. The original route is blocked, so I'll take a detour." The driver explained, "Boss, don't worry, the fare remains the same."

"We're just wandering around casually, so we'll take a detour." Brother Liu Lang said casually.

"...Wait! Stop! Stop!" Moyu suddenly realized something was wrong, his expression changed, and he shouted at the driver.

However, the driver didn't seem to hear his words at all, and continued to drive on his own.

In front of this section of the road is a cliff.

There, the railing of the road just broke, and if the car didn't turn or stop, it would definitely fly straight out.

When the time comes...the car crashes and people die!
The position of the driver's seat is surrounded by stainless steel iron bars, and there is no way to grab the steering wheel to control the car.

Seeing that the driver did not slow down in any way, Brother Moyu made a decisive decision, took out an ax from the inventory, and directly smashed hard at the door next to him!
After a few strokes, a hole was smashed open.

Then, Brother Moyu put a talisman on him and Brother Wandering, and pushed the latter out of the car!

Because of the protection of the amulet, the two of them did not suffer much injuries after jumping out of the car.

"Brother, what happened? Is there something wrong with that driver?" At this time, Brother Wandering also realized.

It is impossible for Brother Moyu to do this kind of thing for no reason, so the problem must be the car and the driver!

But before Brother Moyu could explain, the taxi that was going straight started to turn, and then speeded up with all its strength, preparing to crash into the two of them.

"Get out of the way!"


The taxi hit the homeless brother, and the amulet pasted on the homeless brother lost its light in an instant, and the whole piece of paper turned to ashes, and it completely lost its effect.

"Go to hell, garbage!" The taxi driver stared at the two people on the road, cursing non-stop.

"... Crazy, all crazy!" Brother Moyu put his right hand behind his back, and took out something from the inventory.

Just when the taxi was about to hit the two of them, Brother Moyu scattered the things in his hand!
Small particles scattered on the road, and when the taxi drove past, an explosion occurred under the car.

With a bang, the entire car was blown up and turned over.

The driver inside the car was blown to a bloody mess and lost consciousness.

"I'll go, brother, how is he?"

"Don't worry about it, let's go!"

When the two were about to run away, the sound of vehicles driving on the road sounded.

Two cars, one in front and one behind, wanted to double-team them.

At first glance, the visitor is not good.

"Damn, why are you here again?" Brother Moyu cursed secretly, and directly picked up the stunned wandering brother, "What are you still doing in a daze? Run!"

But with two legs, how could it be possible to run faster than a car.

Soon, two cars completely surrounded the people.

"You killed the old cat, and you still want to run? Impossible!" The people in the car shouted angrily.

Brother Moyu opened the panel, and his eyes fell on a certain prop on the inventory bar. His flesh hurt unceasingly: "Fuck! Another waste of props..."

Two cars ran towards them at the same time, and they could only dodge in embarrassment.

At this moment, on the other side of the road, there was the sound of a car driving again.

A black car was inserted between the two cars.

The next second, the front and rear doors opened, and the three of Su Tingyu walked out from inside.

When the three of them were clearly seen, people on both sides were shocked.

"You... How is it possible? How is it possible that you are still alive?!"

"Wait! Lao Ji...what did you do to Lao Ji?"

The people in the two cars immediately thought of the key point, and at this moment, they all wanted to rush over and bite Su Tingyu and the others.

"He committed suicide." Su Tingyu said flatly.

"Old Ji..."

"You social trash! You will not end well!"

After the people in the car put down their harsh words, they drove away directly.

The best time has been missed.

Moreover, the number of people is not dominant, so they can only withdraw first.

"Thank you." Seeing this scene, Brother Moyu turned his head to thank the three of them.

If Su Tingyu and the others hadn't arrived in time, I'm afraid they wouldn't be able to get away so easily.

"Get in the car first." Su Tingyu waved.

In the end, the three of them came to see the situation.


In the car.

Brother Moyu and the two remembered that they had taken away the three people's money at the beginning of the game. For a while, the atmosphere was a little awkward.

"Your car is very nice, is it rented?" Wandering Song touched the leather of the car seat enviously.

"That's right, it was rented." Su Tingyu nodded along the way.

Brother Moyu asked: "What did those two people just say about Lao Ji?"

"We also encountered someone who wanted to kill us. It was their accomplice. That accomplice failed, and seeing that he couldn't escape, he committed suicide." Su Tingyu explained.

"On that accomplice's mobile phone, there is a group chat, and all the people in it want to kill us."

"Group chat? How many people are there?" Brother Moyu's face changed slightly.

"Only a dozen people."

Su Tingyu thought of one thing: "By the way, where are your cards? Throw them away quickly. There is a positioning function on the cards."


No wonder, the positions of the two of them were exposed every time.

When the two heard this, they quickly took out the cards on their bodies and threw them out of the window.

This card is an item that existed at the beginning of the dungeon.

Originally, I thought it was an important clearance clue, so I always carried it with me.

Unexpectedly, this is also a reminder.

"By the way, what is your fourth pattern information?" Su Tingyu asked.

"My pattern information is 182."

"Mine is the courier."

Brother Moyu looked at Su Tingyu: "You only asked about the fourth pattern, but not the third one. Did you find any clues?"

"It's okay to tell you, anyway, the dungeon is coming to an end, and the fourth pattern is very likely to be the personal information of the mastermind behind the scenes."

"The personal information of the person behind the scenes? Didn't you just say that there were more than a dozen people in the group chat?"

Su Tingyu nodded: "Yes, but one of them must be the mastermind."

After Su Tingyu briefly explained some of the situation, he didn't reveal anything else.

Brother Moyu wanted to ask more questions, but was fooled by Su Tingyu.

Now, there are less than two hours left before the end of the dungeon.

Fatty took Boss Ji's cell phone and opened the group chat, and the other members in it also knew about Boss Ji's death at this time.

Now the group chat messages are all curse words and various threatening language.

Fatty: "Boss, what should we do now? Do we need to throw away this mobile phone? What if there is a position..."

"Then after you turn it off, throw it away." Su Tingyu said.

The fat man complied.

Turn off the phone and throw it out the window.


[Dungeon time: 4:40]

By the time we returned to the center of the city, the sky had gradually darkened.

There is still more than an hour before the end of the dungeon.

When they entered the city, they were stopped by a police car.

"Routine inspection."

The police officer who walked in the front spoke.

Qin Qi stopped the car.

The police officer saw the two Moyu brothers sitting in the back seat, who were not wearing seat belts, so he asked, "Where are your seat belts?"

Brother Moyu apologized: "I'm sorry, comrade, let's tie it now!"

"All of you, come with me to the bureau."

"Ah? This... If it's a matter of paying a fine, we can just pay it on the spot, so we don't need to be involved in the police." As a good citizen, except for doing business, the fat man has never been involved in the police. fear.

"No, it must be dealt with seriously." The policeman looked serious.

There was no way for them to do so, so they had no choice but to drive to the police station, and then make notes to record their identity information.

The police reprimanded: "Next time, don't do it again, it's very dangerous."

"Yes, yes, we must correct our attitude, and we will never do it next time." Brother Moyu nodded repeatedly.

"You wait for a while, and then you can leave when you are notified."

"Okay okay."


After the policeman left, the homeless brother took a look at the environment of the office and said, "Actually, it's good to stay in the bureau now, at least those murderers can't be so rampant, come to the bureau to kill us, right? "

"That's right! Why don't we stay longer? Get through the last half hour?" Fatty agreed.

Thinking about it this way, it is indeed not a bad thing to enter the game now.

When the policeman came back again, he was about to speak and said that he could leave——

Su Tingyu raised his hand: "Comrade, we just had a car accident on the Panshan Highway! It's really terrible."

"Car accident? Why didn't you say anything just now?" The policeman immediately became serious.

Su Tingyu was aggrieved: "Aren't we afraid? However, after our deep introspection, we decided to tell this matter in time."

"Where is the location?"

"It's on the Panshan Highway. In order not to hinder your work, comrade, all of us are willing to stay in the police station."

"Okay, okay, then don't run around."

Upon receiving the news, the policeman ran out in a hurry.

Accidentally, he bumped into another policeman, who reached out to support him in time: "Xiao Li, what happened? Why are you running so fast?"

"Brother Hai, aren't you on vacation? Let's not talk for now. There was a car accident on the Panshan Highway. I have to hurry over there."

Brother Hai frowned: "A car accident? Where did you get the news from?"

"Several people said that they are in the lounge." Xiao Li casually pointed in the direction of the lounge.

"That's fine, you go and have a look first, pay attention to safety."


in the lounge.

Seeing that there were still the last 10 minutes left, several people gradually relaxed.

Just the last 10 minutes.

This round of dungeon is stable!
Just as Su Tingyu was thinking this way, a black, chubby thing suddenly flew in from outside the door.

Rolled to the corner of the table before stopping.

Su Tingyu looked curiously, and the next second, his face changed drastically!

"Damn it! It's a bomb! Run!"

As soon as Su Tingyu finished speaking, the bomb exploded!
The entire lounge trembled immediately, and the window glass was directly blown apart!

After the explosion, in the lounge, two slightly glowing protective covers appeared in the smoke and dust.

At the critical moment, both Fatty and Brother Moyu opened a prop similar to a protective cover, covering everyone inside.

Several people escaped danger.

At this time, the last 10 minutes of the dungeon ended.

 Source of copy inspiration: A movie, it seems to be from abroad, I only watched the movie commentary, I don’t remember very well, the villain escaped from the crime, "City Lights" appeared to punish the villain (if you want to watch this movie, search City Lights should have)
(End of this chapter)

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