Bug in survival game

Chapter 974 Training Mission

Chapter 974 Training Mission
[The main task is completed, the dungeon has been cleared, and the rewards are being settled]

[Get experience value*200, game currency*400, lottery chance*2]

[Freedom of customs clearance: 90%, experience value*180, game currency*90, lottery chance*1]

[Customs clearance contribution: 85%, gain experience value*190, game currency*85, lucky draw chance*1]

[Dungeon exploration degree: 80%, gain experience value*400, game currency*160, lottery chance*1]

【Settlement completed】

Su Tingyu glanced at the settlement panel and pouted.

There is no way, the four-star normal dungeon rewards are too small.

The main reason is that there is not enough time for the dungeon, otherwise, maybe some hidden plots can be found out, and there will be extra dungeon rewards.

I don't know who the last bomb was, but it was so bold that it threw the bomb directly into the police station.

I thought it was safe to stay in the police station.

It's just that they have left the dungeon now, and there is no way to find out what's wrong with it.

If you can give more time for the dungeon, you can follow this point to check down, maybe you can catch that city light.

Can even trigger a hidden plot?
"Oh, what a pity, this dungeon is too short, only 12 hours."

Su Tingyu waited for a while, and everything on the panel was as usual, and there were no notifications on the panel that popped up suddenly.

A hint of surprise appeared in Su Tingyu's eyes.

Not right.

This is very abnormal!
What about the daily panel announcements after the instance ends?Why didn't you come out?

Could it be that this dungeon didn't crash?

Cough cough cough...Although, Su Tingyu also very much hopes that the dungeon will be safe and there will be no accidents.

However, this time, there was no movement in the dungeon? ! ! !

It really made Su Tingyu a little unaccustomed to it.

Is it possible that it is also because the dungeon time is too short?So the dungeon couldn't be destroyed in time?
Seeing that nothing happened, the regretful Su Tingyu had no choice but to exit the settlement space.


After leaving the settlement space, Su Tingyu went to find Qin Qi and Fatty as usual.

For the last few people who were almost killed by the bomb, the fat man expressed his lingering fear: "It was really terrible. If the reaction was slower at that time, the four-star dungeon might have failed to pass the level."

"No matter how simple the dungeon is, don't let your guard down." Qin Qi said.

"Boss, Brother Qin, where do you think the last bomb came from? Could it be... the policeman who went out?" The fat man guessed.

Su Tingyu expressed his thoughts: "In that dungeon, the one who wants us to die so much must be the city light. Maybe some of them actually work in the police station. This can also explain. Why have they committed crimes so many times, and why the police have been unable to catch them for so long."

"Because there is their internal response, they can disclose the police station's plan and deployment in advance."

Su Tingyu calmly analyzed the wave.

"As for whether it's the policeman or not, there's no way to verify it. Anyway, now that we've all come out, we probably won't enter that dungeon again in the future."

The probability of the same player entering the dungeon in the same round is almost zero.

So far, no player has entered the same dungeon world twice in a row.

And there is no way to calculate how many copy worlds there are.


Now, it is already 12 noon.

This is the first normal dungeon since the public beta began, not counting the previous large-scale dungeon for the start of the global school. Now, the ratio of dungeon time to real time is 1:1.

The three of them stayed in the dungeon for 12 hours, and now when they came out, it went directly from zero to 12 noon.

I don't know if this round of dungeons is the only example, or if it is normal dungeons in the future, the time ratio will be 1:1.

Su Tingyu: "Go, let's eat first."

There are food providers in the base. In order not to be special, Su Tingyu decided to respond to the call of the base. Even if he had food, he insisted on going to the canteen to eat every day.

"That's right, boss, I kind of forgot if you didn't tell me, I'm hungry now." The fat man stroked his still round belly and smiled.

The three of them went to the canteen together to line up, then ordered food, and finally found a place to sit down and eat.

"Boss, have you seen it? A new round of event dungeons is coming, this time is the Mid-Autumn Festival dungeon, and the time is three days." During the meal, the fat man took the initiative to find a topic to chat.

"Huh? Activity copy? Let me see." Su Tingyu took a bite of rice and put it into his mouth, then opened the panel.

On the homepage of the panel, swipe the promotional poster twice, and you will see the countdown to the new round of event dungeons.

"19th~21st? If there is no public beta of the game, then this time period should be when we release the Mid-Autumn Festival. Damn! It's too much!"

Su Tingyu was very angry, and took another big mouthful of rice.

"Boss, you don't seem to be a student party or an office worker, so you don't need to be so angry." The fat man broke through.

"What? I will always be a 17-year-old high school student." Su Tingyu expressed dissatisfaction.

"Since there is an event copy, let's participate in this event copy."

"It's just right to calculate the time. Our current rest time can wait until the event dungeon opens." Su Tingyu counted with his fingers.

There are too few rewards for four-star normal dungeons, I hope this event dungeon can give some strength!

The fat man nodded: "That's right, I thought so too."

"Then let's learn about the Mid-Autumn Festival in advance. Although the Mid-Autumn Festival is a traditional festival in our country, it is estimated that many people have not paid much attention to the deeper story and origin..." Su Tingyu thought that almost all the Internet was disconnected now, so he couldn't follow Just like before, you can look up information online anytime, anywhere.

However, in this regard, the official should have already considered and prepared.

Maybe, before the public beta, the materials of all the festivals on Blue Star have been prepared.

"This... I have read the information, and I still remember it. I will tell you when I go back," the fat man said.

Su Tingyu's eyes were surprised: "Fatty! You can wow!"

The fat man is modest: "Hey, it's nothing, it's nothing..."


The three of them were about to finish their meal and were about to leave when a familiar voice came from behind Su Tingyu.

"Dead fish, you are here, I am going to find you."

Su Tingyu turned his head and saw Xie Puyu walking towards him.

"Xiao Yuyu? What's the matter?" Su Tingyu asked curiously.

Ever since he figured out the function of the black tower, Xie Puyu has been very busy and has no time to come to him.

As a salted fish, Su Tingyu could only express his helplessness, and continued to fish leisurely.

I and Xie Puyu have different job orientations.

If Su Tingyu wanted to do something, the people above had to think twice, for fear of offending this little aunt.

If Su Tingyu was upset and just showed off his singing voice, the operation of the entire base would be paralyzed in an instant!
This kind of thing has also been learned from the past.

Therefore, the attitude of the superiors towards Su Tingyu is to keep them in stock, turn a blind eye and close one eye. It is a good thing to help, and if you can't help, you don't force it...

"It's like this, there is a new plan to support new players." Xie Puyu found a seat next to him and sat down.

Su Tingyu asked: "Support plan? What plan?"

Xie Puyu raised his wrist and glanced at the time on his watch: "Then let me make a long story short, it's actually..."

Originally, it was considered by the officials, because the newcomer players are new to Parallel Paradise, and they don't know the dungeon rules inside.

In the global back-to-school dungeon, a lot of disappearing populations have already been caused. In order to avoid more disappearing populations, a mutual assistance plan has been formulated for old players to support newcomers.

The specific content of the plan is that old players will help and coach newcomers to better adapt to the survival game through voluntary means.

Among them, there are two stages.

The first stage is during the training period. Veteran players are required to set aside an hour every day to train newcomers, including but not limited to imparting dungeon experience and telling stories about past dungeons. The period is ten days, which is a rest period.

Every veteran player can ask the official for a training fee at the end of the first stage.

The second stage is the actual combat stage. Veteran players and newcomers team up to enter a dungeon, so that new players can practice effectively in the dungeon.

If the newcomers can pass this round of dungeons, then half of the clearance rewards for the newcomers will be given to the old players.

In addition, if all newcomers can clear the level, then the official will give an additional reward, and the weight of this reward is directly proportional to the number of people who cleared the level.

"This plan is pretty good, but you came to me just to talk about this matter?" Su Tingyu heard most of it, his eyes lit up slightly, this plan is indeed feasible.

Xie Puyu didn't make a fool of himself: "It's related to this matter, because this support plan has just been formulated, in order to avoid that no old players are willing to participate, so the system personnel must take the lead and set an example. Every system member , must bring 2~3 newcomers to support them.”

When Su Tingyu heard it, he immediately understood.

"So, I want it now?"

Xie Puyu nodded: "Yes, that's right, not only you, but your bodyguard also needs it."

Qin Qi paused slightly.

Xie Puyu added: "However, when bringing new players, old players are not allowed to form additional teams. That is to say, you have to bring new players separately, and then form a new team after bringing new players."

"Why can't we form an additional team?" Qin Qi asked.

Xie Puyu glanced at Qin Qi: "Your situation is special, and I know it, but this is the arrangement from above."

"Because if you form an additional team, everyone must team up with people who are trustworthy and friendly. If, in the dungeon, if you encounter any danger, normal people will choose to help you know people, and those who just because of New players who form a team after supporting the plan may be abandoned."

"In this way, it will violate the original intention of the government to implement this plan."

"That's right." Su Tingyu nodded in agreement. Seeing that Qin Qi seemed a little dull, he quietly reached out his hand from under the table, took Qin Qi's hand, and squeezed it.

Qin Qi was slightly stunned, then turned his head.

Su Tingyu blinked his big eyes at him, his eyes comforting.

After appeasing Qin Qi, Su Tingyu turned his head to look at Xie Puyu: "Yes, but there is an event dungeon recently, we need to participate in that event dungeon first, and then go to bring people, is that okay?"

Xie Puyu nodded: "Yes, you can do the first stage of training first, and after you have participated in the event dungeon, you can go to the next round of dungeons, and then go to lead people, and it's just one time."

"Well, I can bring 2~3 people." Su Tingyu blinked his eyes: "Xiao Yuyu, do you have any candidates?"

"Yes, I helped you choose a pair of twin brothers and sisters. They are both 14 years old. They are going to be in the third year of junior high school after the summer vacation. Both brothers and sisters are academic masters. In terms of personality, they are also very obedient and sensible." Xie Puyu and Su After listening to Yu's introduction, he looked at Qin Qi again.

"Your couple is a middle-aged couple, and they are honest, okay?"

Qin Qi nodded, indicating that there is no problem.

"Actually, your player level is relatively high, and you can bring more, but it's the first time, so it's safer to bring less." Xie Puyu rubbed the center of his brows. The processing work these days is indeed vomiting. I have to deal with the copy myself.

The support plan stipulates that only level [-] players can accept orders.

Level 1 players can bring 2~[-] new players at a time.

Level 1 players can bring 3~[-] newcomers at a time.

Players of level 1 and above can bring 4 to [-] newcomers at a time.

There are only about 20 players in the closed beta.

It is estimated that there are only [-] to [-] beta players in Tianchao territory.

But there are hundreds of millions of people in China.

Even if these tens of thousands of internal beta players are going to bring new players, it is far from enough.

"You guys eat first, wait until you finish your meal. The person you want to support will come to you." After Xie Puyu said this, she got up and left.

Su Tingyu turned his head and saw Fatty staring at Xie Puyu's back thoughtfully, he couldn't help asking curiously: "Fatty, is it possible that you also want to bring new players?"

Hearing this, the fat man scratched his head: "I have this idea, but I'm also afraid that I won't be able to bring it well, but, for the next round of dungeons, you and Brother Qin are both going to bring new players, so I will need another one myself." To match the dungeon, it is better to bring a new player."

Su Tingyu clenched his fist and made a "come on" gesture: "Fatty, believe in yourself. Before the internal test, didn't you enter the dungeon by yourself? You also entered the professional dungeon and got a What about the professional title?"

Fat people are not weak.

The fat man in the past may have such a little water.

However, after the internal test, the current fat man can stand alone.

Coupled with Fatty's European Emperor's luck, as long as the difficulty of the dungeon is not too high, he can pass the level with ease.

"Okay, then I'll bring a new player." The fat man smiled embarrassedly: "I can help a little."

In the current Blue Star situation, there is also chaos and turmoil, but there are also people who are working together to tide over the difficulties.

(End of this chapter)

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