Bug in survival game

Chapter 975 Training object for 3 people

Chapter 975

After lunch, the three of them first accompanied Fatty to the office of the support plan processing center and received a support task.

Fatty was assigned to support a male high school student.

After receiving it, the three of them returned to the dormitory area, waiting for their support objects to come to their door.

After the three of them watched the TV series for half an hour, someone knocked on the door of the room.

The fat man hurried over to open the door, while Su Tingyu quickly put away the computer.

The fat man opened the door, and there were five people standing outside the door, they were a middle-aged couple, and three children around the age of teens.

"Hello, we are here to find the teacher who will train us." The middle-aged man said a little cautiously.

The fat man turned sideways and welcomed him enthusiastically: "Come in first, we're all inside."

"Okay okay."

"Thank you."

After the five entered the room one after another, they also saw Su Tingyu and Qin Qi in the room.

The three of Su Tingyu had read their profiles beforehand, but there were no photos.

Su Tingyu coughed lightly, and said solemnly, "Hello! My name is Su Tingyu, and my game nickname is Angel Su. Which two of you, Cheng Shan and Cheng Xin?"

Just after Su Tingyu finished asking, a man and a woman with similar looks took two steps forward, and the boy said, "Mr. Su, hello, we are."

"Okay, then the rest will be clear, two uncles and aunts, this is Qin Qi who helped you train." Su Tingyu raised his finger to Qin Qi.

Qin Qi nodded his head slightly, as a gesture from the two of them.

The middle-aged couple smiled back cautiously.

The last boy, who was a year or two older than the brothers and sisters, looked slightly disappointed at the fat man next to him.

... This is his training teacher, why does he feel inferior to that Qin Qi.

In the next second, the boy comforted himself in his heart.

...It's pretty good, anyway, not a little girl who is shorter than him.

"Let me explain the situation to you, because the three of us know each other, so your training will not be separated, and you will all train together, okay?" Su Tingyu suggested.

After the words fell, the five of them began to think about themselves.

This is obviously a guaranteed profit.

Originally, they had only one trainer, but now there are two more.

Although there are more training objects, the number of five training objects is not many, and the training teacher should be able to take care of everyone.right
The middle-aged couple responded first: "We have no problem."

"We can do it too." The elder brother of the two siblings said.

"Me too." The boy had no reason to disagree.

Originally, when he came in, he really wanted the most reliable Qin Qi to be his trainer.

Su Tingyu slapped both palms, and his face was like a spring breeze: "Okay, now let's talk about the training time. When are you free? Just take the time that all of you can spare for these ten days. training."

So, the five discussed with each other again.

In the end, it was set at 2:3 to [-]:[-] pm every day as the training time.

But now it is more than ten minutes away from two o'clock, so the training is in advance.

Five people also have no opinion.

They are the first batch of people to participate in the training program, and they also have the mentality of giving it a try. Apart from the half of the reward after clearing the customs, they have nothing to lose anyway.

If they can successfully pass the customs after the training, the five people will be too happy.

After all, no one wants to die in the dungeon.


Next, both parties briefly introduced themselves.

A middle-aged couple——Uncle Luo, Aunt Luo.

Two siblings - Cheng Shan and Cheng Xin.

Male high school student - Zheng Qing.

Today's training officially begins.

Qin Qi didn't talk much, and Fatty was too embarrassed to give instructions in front of the two of them, so Su Tingyu presided over the training.

Su Tingyu didn't mind, and instead happily started hosting.

"When you enter the survival game, first of all, you need to determine the type of dungeon. Dungeons below five stars will have game prompts. This should be paid attention to."

"After the integration of big data, the common types of games include survival, escape, puzzle solving, and natural disasters. However, many dungeons are not just of a single attribute. You have also experienced two rounds of dungeons, and you should all have more or less Get it."

"On the forum, there are a lot of information left by former old players. You can go and have a look and spend a few hours sorting out useful information."

"Okay, teacher." The five of them nodded one after another.

Su Tingyu continued: "Also, in the dungeon, I want to remind you a few points."

"1. Don't trust any players."

"2. Don't underestimate any NPC in the copy."

"3. Don't relax your vigilance until the last second of the dungeon time."

"4. The game currency is enough to pay for the failed part and the daily consumption quota. The rest is used to realize cash, buy props, and arm yourself. Don't be reluctant to use it."


Su listened to Yu's talk for a while, and went to drink water to moisten his throat.

And Qin Qi and Fatty also added some opinions of their own.

During the training on the second day, Su Tingyu shared his dungeon experience with five trainees by telling stories.


Su Tingyu's dungeon experience is somewhat different.

Cheng Xin, who was the youngest among the trainees, asked puzzledly, "Mr. Su, are there really so many items in the dungeon that I can take?"

Su Tingyu nodded without changing his face: "Of course!"

As she said that, she also wanted to show off her stele residents and little residual flowers.

Then, it was stopped by Qin Qi.

"Part of your experience is not universal." Qin Qi said helplessly, and then he looked at the five people, his expression still cold: "You also remember that the dungeon experience we are talking about is suitable for us, you can Learn from it, but don't just try it out."

"Yes, Teacher Qin." Cheng Xin nodded.

Afterwards, Qin Qi naturally replaced Su Tingyu:
"Sometimes, the name of the dungeon will reflect what kind of test this round of dungeon will bring to the player, for example: Ice and Fire, Trapped Beast, Twilight Escape."

"Among the dungeon names, the first one is probably related to natural disasters, the second is related to escape and transformation, and the third is escape."

Qin Qi didn't tell them about the dungeons that were too difficult, because they had just joined the game and hadn't had access to the very difficult dungeons yet.

The recent dusk escape dungeon is only a four-star dungeon, which is more than the top and the bottom. It can be used as a material for them to analyze.

Not to be outdone, Su Tingyu added:
"...At the beginning of the game, I got the above information, let me tell you about your judgment."

Su Tingyu revealed part of the plot of the escape at dusk to them, and then tested them by asking questions.

The five of them each expressed their opinions, and then, Su Tingyu gave pointers based on their opinions.

When Su got tired of listening to Yu, it was Qin Qi and Fatty's turn.

On the third day of training.

Qin Qi told the five people about the weaknesses of some human body parts, so that they would learn some self-defense skills, because in the dungeon, sometimes other players are also a danger.

On the fourth day of training.

Fatty shared with the five people some of the props he had obtained and seen so far.

Among them, most of them are defensive life-saving props. Not only did they explain the specific uses of these props, but also recommend them to buy some useful props based on the game coins they currently have.


After the fifth day of training, after the five left, Su Tingyu collapsed on the bed in an instant.

"Teaching people is too difficult and tiring."

The fat man closed the door, feeling a little distressed: "There are still five days, what are you going to teach later?"

In fact, no matter how much dungeon experience and skills you have, you can find them on the forum, and the official has specially asked people to post a lot of useful information on it.

Qin Qi: "The Black Tower hasn't said anything yet."

Hearing this, Su Tingyu's eyes lit up: "This is fine!"

The voice of the TV series came out again.

It was Fatty who started to play TV series.

Seeing that the TV series was on again, Lucifer took advantage of Su Tingyu's inattention, secretly wearing an invisible hat, and came out to follow the drama in stealth.

After being discovered by Su Tingyu, Lucifer didn't panic at all and continued to watch.

What can Su Tingyu do?
I can only help cover it up.

After watching a few episodes, Su Tingyu rubbed his eyes, stopped watching, but opened the panel.

After opening the panel, Su Tingyu saw the message with a red dot, so he clicked in.

It turned out to be Shan Yu's news?

Su Tingyu clicked on it and took a look:
[Susu, I've been looking for you these few days]
Su Tingyu replied immediately:
[Sister, you want to come here, that's great]
After 2 minutes, Shan Yu sent a message:
[I'm preparing to pass, but... I still have to deal with some things here, and I will pass in a few days]
Su Tingyu: [Alright then, I'll wait for you]
After closing the chat box, Su Tingyu was a little puzzled.

I don't know what Shan Yu is busy with.

Little Pig has to take care of his own villagers.

But Shan Yu...doesn't seem to have a family?

No, Su Tingyu remembered that Shan Yu seemed to have an adoptive father.


outside the base.

In a cold house.

A father and son, wearing thick clothes, gathered around the oven, their bodies shivering.

Liang Xihou's tone was resentful: "I've lost most of my life's hard work because of this broken game."

Liang Xihou has been in this state since the beginning of the game. He has experienced ups and downs for most of his life, but this time is obviously beyond his comprehension.

When the Great Ice Age just came, and now the game dominates everyone... His subordinates or servants at home ran away one by one.

It's fine to run away, and run away with the supplies at home.

Opposite him was Liang Wenchao, also impatient: "Okay, father, just wait for a few days, and we can go there when the base becomes free."

"Yes, go to the base, there seems to be free food supply there."

These days, the father and son finished eating the food stored at home, and got some game coins through two rounds of dungeons, which can be exchanged for supplies.

But the charcoal fire needed for an oven has already consumed a lot of game coins.

The little bit left, the exchanged food was not enough to satisfy at all, so that the two of them were hungry now.

"Is there anyone? Is there anyone?"

At this time, Liang Xihou seemed to have hallucinations, because he heard someone outside.

So, he turned his head to look at Liang Wenchao, wanting to confirm: "Son, is there someone shouting outside?"

Liang Wenchao listened carefully twice, and stood up excitedly, but because he stood up suddenly, his head was a little dizzy, and he almost didn't fall off.

"Yes, father, there are people outside!"

"It should be someone from the base, let's go out and have a look."

The windows had been sealed, and the two father and son managed to open the door a little, and saw a dozen or so people outside the door, all of them had red faces, and were wearing thick cotton-padded jackets to prevent wind and cold.

At first glance, there is no shortage of supplies.

However, this is not like a regular person in the base.

In an instant, the mood of the two father and son fell to the bottom.

Although they are not regular personnel, they are individuals anyway. Now, the father and son don't have any supplies on them, so they just die. Even if people outside want to grab supplies, they can't grab anything.

Therefore, Liang Xihou took the courage to call out, "This side, this side! There are people here!"

After the people outside heard the movement, they rushed over here.

"Who are you?" The leading man looked at the father and son.

"Your name and game ID."

Seeing that this person's accent was not from a local, the father and son, who were afraid of encountering some kind of enemy, breathed a sigh of relief.

However, to be on the safe side, they only revealed that they were surnamed Liang.

"The surname is Liang."

Those people looked at each other.

"You two, come with us." As he said that, the man threw a piece of bread to the two father and son respectively.

After the two took it, they couldn't wait to open the package and ate it directly.

"thanks, thanks……"

"In the future, I will definitely repay you."

The two father and son got the benefits, so they followed the group of people and went to a community that obviously had a lot of supplies.

When they entered a room, they immediately felt the long-lost warmth.

It turned out that the entire room was underfloor heating.

On the tea table, there are some fruits.

In the past, the father and son would not have paid attention to these things at all, but now that supplies are scarce, these fruits are extremely rare.

Liang Xihou swallowed his saliva quietly, then turned around, and found that the man who brought the two of them was standing by the door and opened the panel, as if he was passing a message to someone.

"This brother, you brought us here..." Liang Xihou wanted to find out.

"I asked him to bring you here."

Inside the house, a door opened, and Shan Yu walked out from inside.

The two father and son's eyes widened instantly.

"Single Feather?!"

"Why are you here?"


Shan Yu sat on the sofa, reached out to pick up a grape, casually threw it into his mouth, chewed a few mouthfuls, then swallowed it, and continued to pick up a Sydney to eat.

The fruits that the two father and son hadn't eaten for a long time fell into Shan Yu's mouth one by one.

Finally, Liang Xihou couldn't bear it any longer, "Yu'er, can you let us eat some..."

(End of this chapter)

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