Bug in survival game

Chapter 976: Gu Who Becomes Small 9

Chapter 976 The Little Gu Jiu
"Want to eat?" Shan Yu asked knowingly.

Liang Xihou nodded, but he still maintained the hypocritical smile on his face: "There are so many fruits here, it's not too much for my father to try some for you, isn't it?"

Shan Yu laughed twice, then immediately changed his face: "It's not too much, but I just don't want to give it."

Liang Xihou's expression changed immediately, and he asked, "What do you mean? Don't forget, we are all a family, and a family should help each other."

Shan Yu pouted, eyes full of disgust: "Who is your family? Liang Xihou, you will not forget our original transaction."

Hearing this, Liang Xihou's complexion suddenly changed several times, and the original arrogant arrogance also inexplicably dissipated a bit.

Seeing Liang Wenchao, who was both playing riddles, he couldn't help it when he heard Shan Yu's arrogant tone.

"Shan Yu, don't forget. It's our Liang family who supported you." Liang Wenchao looked at Shan Yu with dissatisfaction.

"If you give us some fruit, that's a way to respect you, don't be ignorant."

Hearing this, Shan Yu's eyes widened in surprise: "Liang Wenchao, I haven't seen you for a while, and you have become more confident again."

Liang Wenchao frowned: "What do you mean?"

Shan Yu shrugged: "Literally, Pu Xinnan."


Shan Yu stood up slowly from the sofa, and walked into the father and son step by step.

Shan Yu ignored Liang Wenchao who didn't know anything, but looked at Liang Xihou: "How did you get on stage? How did your opponent step down? You've forgotten it, right?"

Liang Xihou's expression changed.

Seeing this, Shan Yu chuckled lightly: "As for me, I don't mind helping you recall."

"Liang Xihou, I respect you as a adoptive father on the surface, but do you really fucking regard yourself as my father?"

"Back then, I told you that this was just a fair deal between us. You provided me with a new identity, and then, I provided important black materials and evidence to bring down your opponent."

"If this game didn't appear, you should still be enjoying the previous results comfortably now, right?"

Shan Yu's face was full of regret, but the slightly raised tone showed a bit of lightness.

It is not at all sincerely feeling sorry for Liang Xihou.

"Shan Yu, over the years, I think I have treated you well." Liang Xihou tried to play the emotional card again.

Shan Yu was unmoved: "Oh, isn't this what it should be?"

"Father, let's go, it doesn't make sense to her at all." Liang Wenchao just turned around, and saw the men who had sent them here at the door, who had already guarded the door, as if they would not let them out.

"Shan Yu, what exactly do you want?" Liang Wenchao asked.

"Stay away, I don't have time to act with you." Shan Yu waved his hand in disgust.

She has never put Liang Wenchao in her eyes, but the latter seems to be in the late stage of delusion, always thinking that she will miss the little property of the Liang family, or sometimes passing by him, thinking that she is seducing he.

Ha ha... don't you take a mirror and look at him to see if his sharp-mouthed monkey cheeks match him?
It's so ordinary and confident.

Liang Xihou finally felt Shan Yu's unkindness: "These are all your people, what do you want them to do by letting them bring us here? Just to talk about these old things?"

"Of course not. As for me, I want to settle a new debt with you." Shan Yu chuckled.

Liang Xihou frowned, he really couldn't figure out where he offended Shan Yu: "What new account?"

"At the beginning, the second transaction condition I told you, those dirty transactions, must be completely eliminated, do you have it?"

"It's really disgusting to be a hero and a good person while pretending to be a good man, while secretly taking over."

Shan Yu didn't bother to continue to argue with the two of them, and went straight to the point.

When it came to this, Liang Xihou finally understood.

"Father, what did she say?" Liang Wenchao, kept in the dark, asked.

"Is that what you are doing? Settle accounts with me?" Liang Xihou ignored Liang Wenchao and asked Shan Yu instead.

Shan Yu's eyes gradually lost the smile: "Liang Xihou, you should know what I hate the most..."

After finishing speaking, Shan Yu turned his head and looked at the people guarding the door: "Thank you very much, now I have to trouble you."

"Miss Shan Yu is being polite, please do your bidding." The leading man spoke politely.

These people are all Xing people, and they are also the people that Shan Yu borrowed from Qi Bubai.

Shan Yu stretched out his hand and nodded at the two father and son, a little casually, but the words he blurted out seemed vicious: "Take them naked, tie them up, and throw them outside for six hours."

"you dare!"

"You are murdering!"

When the two father and son heard this, they panicked.

Now it's freezing and snowy outside, even if you wear a thick cotton coat, you can still feel the cold, let alone stay outside for a few hours naked!

This is absolutely dead!
"Six hours, it's very short." There was no trace of guilt in Shan Yu's eyes, and he said briskly: "Compared with many fresh lives that have been dead for several years, you are lucky now. If you can If you survive, I will let you go."

"Drag it out."

"Okay, Miss Shan Yu."


The two father and son were stuffed with rags by a dozen strong men, their coats were stripped off, their hands and feet were bound, and they were thrown directly into the ice and snow.

Shan Yu is still eating fruit by himself, so leisurely.

"Are you happy now?"

Behind him, there was a voice.

A woman with a veil on her face approached.

"Yes, I'm very happy." Shan Yu nodded, but there was no obvious expression on his face.

"Now in this game, there is a fantasy repair agent, as long as you work hard to get the game currency, then..." Du Zhiwei hesitated to speak.

Shan Yu turned her head and smiled at her: "I know, this dream repair agent is said to be quite miraculous, and your face may also be repaired."

"My...face..." Du Zhiwei touched his left cheek unconsciously, even through the gauze, he could feel the pitted scar with his fingertips.

Du Zhiwei bit his lower lip slightly: "You should care about yourself first, you know, you are..."

Shan Yu stretched her waist, with a nonchalant expression on her face: "What am I? People who dislike me are dealt with now, and I can't be better."

"It's you, you don't have to be dead every day, right? Isn't there hope now?"

Du Zhiwei turned her head away, silently raised her fist with her lowered hand, and then let go. Finally, she turned around and went back, leaving only one sentence:

"Don't ruin my brother's mind."

Shan Yu watched her leaving back, lowered his head slowly, his eyes fell on his heart, and murmured: "My heart..." It's really difficult.

Shan Yu finished eating the plate of fruit, then went into the bathroom to wash off the remaining fruit stains on his hands.

After washing, Shan Yu raised his head and looked at himself in the mirror. The corner of his mouth just raised a slight smile, and the next second, his face changed.He lowered his head to the washbasin and retched.

"Ouch...cough cough cough..."


A few gorgeous blood flowers dripped into the clean washbasin, and soon turned into bloody ribbons, flowing into the drain hole.




When Gu Qi regained consciousness, he found himself lying on a very strange bed.

Gu Qi just stood up, but the next second his pupils shrank in shock.

"Why..." became smaller.

Gu Qi looked at his hands that had shrunk several times, and then looked down at his current body, feeling like a two- or three-year-old child.

What exactly is going on?

And... where is this place?

Gu Qi shook his head, and the memory slowly came back.

... The Patriarch came back, and then, the Patriarch asked himself to go with him, and then... when he opened his eyes, he appeared here.

and many more? !
Where is the owner? !

The child on the bed kicked off the quilt covering his body with hands and feet, pulled the edge of the bed with his little hands, and looked down.

After visually measuring the distance between the lower bed board and the ground, the child jumped straight down.

Gu Qi looked at the layout of this room, whether it was furniture, or doors and windows, they were all of that very ancient design.

On the Blue Star side, I am afraid that there are only some ancient buildings or tourist attractions left to be seen.

Where are you?

This question popped up again in Gu Qi's mind.

Before he could start walking towards the door, the door was pushed open from the outside.

Because it was too sudden, Gu Qi didn't even have a chance to dodge.

But when he saw the person who came in, he breathed a sigh of relief.

The person who came in was Gu Yan.

"Patriarch." Gu Qi called softly.

Seeing that Gu Qi had woken up, Gu Yan walked over: "I'm awake, how do you feel?"

Gu Qi looked at his shrinking body, and asked, "Master, I am now..."

Seeing that Gu Qi was stepping on the cold stone slab with bare feet, Gu Yan immediately picked him up.

"It's cold on the ground." After carrying him back to the bed, Gu Yan explained lightly.

Gu Qi was overwhelmed by the sudden concern, and sat obediently on the edge of the bed, with his little hands on his knees.

The child gave a soft "hmm", looking very cute.

"Let me simply tell you about the current situation."

Gu Yan squatted down, took out a pair of children's cloth shoes from the inventory, and helped Gu Qi put them on with his own hands.

"Patriarch, I can... do it myself..." Gu Qi was flattered.

...Why does the Patriarch feel a little weird when he comes back?But I can't tell what's wrong.

Gu Yan didn't care about Gu Qidi's little awkwardness, but continued on his own:

"This is no longer Blue Star, you can understand it as another parallel world."

Gu Qi wrinkled his face: "Parallel world?"

"Yes, you should be able to guess that the dungeon world in Parallel Paradise is actually the product of other parallel worlds. A dungeon world is created through a certain key item, and the worldview in that dungeon world, They are all formulated according to the logic of the original parallel world."

Gu Qi continued to ask: "Patriarch, are those job dungeons really parallel worlds?"

After putting on the shoes for someone, Gu Yan hugged him off the bed and asked, "What do you think?"

"Professional dungeons and ordinary dungeons give me a very different feeling." Gu Qi replied.

"Since you know, why do you ask?" Gu Yan didn't say it clearly, but he confirmed Gu Qi's guess.

Gu Qi still has another question: "Patriarch, why am I getting smaller now?"

"Generally speaking, parallel worlds cannot interfere with each other. However, there are some heterogeneous spaces that can be connected to each other between parallel worlds. Through those heterogeneous spaces, you can travel to other parallel worlds. And Parallel Paradise is a formal channel connecting parallel worlds."

"I brought you to another parallel world now, not through the formal channels of Parallel Paradise, it's considered a smuggled immigration, so if you want to hide your identity, I will temporarily make you smaller." Gu Yan rarely explained patiently .

Gu Yan pushed open the door, and Gu Qi behind him looked out, his pupils dilated slowly, and a hint of surprise appeared in his eyes.

I saw that the outside is full of antique pavilions and pavilions, as well as rockery and flowing water, surrounded by clouds and mists, as if in a fairyland.

"Patriarch, this..."

"Follow me." Gu Yan walked out first.

"Oh, good." Gu Qi came back to his senses, stepped on his short legs, and crossed the high threshold.

Gu Qi followed behind Gu Yan slowly.

Looking at his current appearance, he is only about two or three years old, and he is not very flexible when he walks.

Gu Yan has been walking in front, one step is equivalent to two or three steps of Gu Qi now, Gu Qi had to try hard to keep up.

Turning a corner, Gu Yan turned around and found that Gu Qi did not follow up in time.

Gu Yan was slightly taken aback.

... When Xiao Jiu was two or three years old, he should have learned to walk normally, right?

Gu Yan has never met Gu Qi before the age of five, and when he chooses which age group to make Gu Qi younger, he also has a momentary selfishness.

Gu Qi's body has become smaller now, although the memory is still there, but his physical fitness and other aspects have actually returned to the state of two or three years old.

Even if you know how to walk normally, your body can't keep up with your brain's reactions.

"Family...Patriarch." Gu Qi sensed Gu Yan's gaze, and looked a little embarrassed, so he wanted to divert the latter's attention: "Patriarch, where are we going now?"

Gu Yan didn't answer, he squatted down, patiently waited for Gu Qi to come over, and then opened his hands: "Come here, I'll carry you away."

Gu Qi blinked bluntly, and when he came to his senses, his eyes flustered: "No, no... no need, Patriarch, you don't need to be so troublesome, I can..." and left.

Gu Yan's eyes darkened slightly: "Don't waste time."

"Yes... yes." Gu Qi shrank his heart, the suppression from the elders made him only approach obediently.

Gu Yan hugged the awkward child in front of him.

The moment he hugged him, Gu Yan felt the child stretch out his hands to hug his neck in a panic, but after a few seconds, he let go of his hands nervously, trying to keep a distance.

"Home... Patriarch..."

The child's uneasy voice sounded.

"Hold tight." Gu Yan whispered.

"Hmm..." The child lightly leaned his head on his shoulder, very obedient, motionless.

Gu Yan hugged the person with one hand and continued on his way.

 I finally wrote about the plot of Gu Jiu getting along with his father. Up to this point, all of Gu Jiu's personality has basically been revealed~

  For strangers, Gu Jiu is very cold and arrogant, with the arrogance and poisonous tongue of a noble young master

  For friends, Gu Jiuhui silently puts people in her circle of protection. Beneath her indifferent appearance, she has a very gentle heart.

  For her father, Gu Jiu longed to be close to him, but also feared him like a god.

  My understanding of Gu Jiu: I don’t have a goal to live for myself, I just want to be needed

  (Whether it is Big Yu Qiqi or his own father, he longs to be needed so that he feels alive)
  Perhaps treasurers have a different understanding of Gu Jiu, but this is Gu Jiu in my mind.

(End of this chapter)

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