Chapter 977

Because of being hugged by Gu Yan, Gu Qi's field of vision is also wider.

Here, it seems to be in the clouds and deep mountains, and the palaces and houses are located along the mountain.

Gu Qi asked: "Patriarch, what kind of parallel world is this?"

Gu Yan: "Based on Lan Xing's understanding, this is the world of cultivating immortals."

Hearing this, Gu Qi was slightly taken aback: "Cultivating immortals?"

Although I may have some guesses in my heart, I was still a little surprised when it was confirmed.

"Do you feel uncomfortable in your eyes?" Gu Yan asked suddenly.

"Huh? Eyes?"

At this time, Gu Qi suddenly realized that he didn't seem to be wearing sunglasses that block light.

"I've already put on contact lenses that can block light for you, so you don't need to reach out to block them, and don't reach out to rub your eyes." Gu Yan explained.

"Okay, Patriarch." Gu Qi blinked lightly, without feeling any foreign body.

No wonder, when he woke up, he didn't find anything wrong.

Gu Yandao: "One more thing, your panel and inventory are temporarily unavailable."

"Okay, Patriarch." Gu nodded.

At the end of the corridor, a long-haired man in a gray robe guarded the place with a sword. After seeing the two, he cupped his hands and said, "Gu Daoyou, this way please."

Gu Yan didn't have any surprises, and continued to walk in with that person.

Gu Qi quietly glanced at the side face of the Patriarch, and finally, without further questioning, adjusted a comfortable posture, and quietly leaned on the latter's shoulder.

In a quiet and elegant palace, a white-haired old man also wearing a gray robe sat on the main seat, making tea leisurely.

Gu Qi looked at it twice, guessing in his heart: This is the person the family is looking for?

"Here you are, sit down." The white-haired old man pointed to the chair beside him.

Immediately, his eyes fell on Gu Qi, and his voice was kind and kind: "This one is Gu Daoyou's child, he is very cute as Yuxue."

"Well, yes." Gu Qizai couldn't hold back when he heard the head of the family admit his identity, and quietly raised his head and turned the latter's side face.

Gu Yan put Gu Qi on the ground: "It's this kid, please help me look at his eyes and see if they can recover."


Gu Qi froze for a moment.

Did the Patriarch take so much trouble to bring him here to treat his eyes?

"Okay." The white-haired old man responded and waved to Gu Qi: "Son, come closer."

Gu Qi turned his head to look at Gu Yan, and asked silently.

Gu Yan raised his hand, helped Gu Qi take off his contact lenses, and motioned for him to pass.

Gu Qi approached the white-haired old man.

"His eyes are afraid of light." Gu Yan said.

So, the white-haired old man waved his sleeves, and the entire sky was covered with dark clouds, blocking out most of the light.

The white-haired old man raised his right hand, and gently covered Gu Qi's eyes with his palm.

Gu Qi retreated subconsciously, but when he thought of Gu Yan, he stopped abruptly.

After a while, the white-haired old man said: "This child's eye injury has been a bit long, but he is still sure to recover. It's just that the recovery process will take some time, and there may be a little trouble."

The moment he met Gu Qi, the white-haired old man saw Gu Qi's real age.

However, the white-haired old man was not surprised, because in the world of cultivating immortals, he was only in his twenties, so he was indeed a child.

"It's fine if you can recover. By the way, will this recovery process be painful?" Gu Yan asked.

"Of course not. Even if it hurts, the old man has medicine here, which can block the pain. However, during the recovery period, this child cannot see things temporarily."

Gu Yan's face softened: "It's nothing, let's start the treatment as soon as possible."

"it is good."

After a few words, the two settled down.

Gu Qi returned to Gu Yan's side, looking a little dazed.

Eyes... Can it be restored?

Just when Gu Qi was distracted, a big hand touched his head, he raised his head in a daze, and saw that it was Gu Yan, whose eyes were slightly soft: "Go, I'm outside."

"Son, follow the old man into the inner hall." The white-haired old man got up and waved to Gu Qi.

Gu Qi looked at Gu Yan, then left with the white-haired old man.


Three hours later.

The white-haired old man came out holding Gu Qi who had already passed out.

Gu Yan stretched out his hand to take the person, and looked at Gu Qi's state.

Although he didn't wake up, his complexion was still rosy and healthy, so there shouldn't be any major problems.

Gu Yan asked, "How is he?"

"He fell asleep with exhaustion, and the treatment process is going smoothly. In the next few months, his eyes will not be able to receive any more light, and he will not be able to see things..." The white-haired old man explained some precautions after the treatment , explained it to Gu Yan carefully.

With the palm of the right hand facing upwards, it spread slightly, and a white blindfold appeared out of thin air.

With a slight movement of the white-haired old man's fingertips, the covering cloth floated over Gu Qi's eyes, and then covered them automatically and tied a knot.

"Every ten days, let him soak in the Qingxin Spring on the back mountain for half an hour."

"This is a medicine list for warming and tonic. Take this token and go directly to the medicine hall at the foot of the mountain to grab it."

The white-haired old man gave Gu Yan another sheet with a prescription written on it and a token engraved with it.

"Okay, thank you." Gu Yan thanked the white-haired old man.

The white-haired old man waved his hand: "This is a favor I owe you, and it should be."

"There is one more thing, I would like to ask you to take a look, it is also about this child." Gu Yan looked down at Gu Qi and said.

"please say."


Gu Yan briefly said those things.

After listening, the white-haired old man fell silent, and after thinking for a long time, he spoke:
"When the old man was treating this child just now, he also took a look at the child's physical condition. The secret method you mentioned to change the not non-existent."

Hearing this, Gu Yan's eyes turned cold: "Is he really being tampered with?"

"No and no." The white-haired old man shook his head and said again:

"Have you ever thought about it? What if, it's not the child's problem?"

"No? He was taken away for several years. I don't know what went wrong at all. He is also the most likely to be tampered with." Gu Yan subconsciously denied.

"But, apart from this child, can no one else move their hands and feet?" the white-haired old man asked back.

Gu Yan: "What do you want to say?"

The white-haired old man: "Is there a possibility? There is something wrong with your wife."

"Impossible! It's absolutely impossible!"

Gu Yan couldn't accept that it was his beloved wife who had been tampered with.

But is it really impossible?
When the white-haired old man proposed this idea, it had already taken root in Gu Yan's mind.

...really... impossible?

That woman, she was able to steal the child back then under her nose, and even planned these...

And back then, when his wife gave birth, he wasn't by her side. At that time, maybe... What kind of hands and feet did that woman really do to his wife?
The white-haired old man sighed: "Perhaps, you should find out the reason from your wife and think in a different direction. It's not impossible."

"This child is of the same blood as you, there is no doubt that the old man has also checked, but he is not of the same blood as your wife.

If you insist that he is the child born to you and your wife, then there must be something wrong with one of the two, either the child or your wife. "

"Okay, I see, thank you." Gu Yan suppressed the anger in his heart, and thanked the white-haired old man again.

"I'm leaving first, so I won't bother you."

"If you have any questions, you can come to the old man at any time."


When Gu Yan walked out of the main hall, the dark clouds in the sky had already dispersed.

Gu Yan hugged Gu Qi all the way, returned to the room, placed Gu Qi on the bed, and covered him with a quilt.

Although it was difficult for Gu Yan to accept what the white-haired old man said, after calming down, it also provided Gu Qi with a new way of thinking.

Perhaps, the direction of thinking at the beginning was wrong.


Gu Yan's eyes fell on the face of the sleeping child on the bed again.

If Xiao Jiu is really Ah Yan's child, can he still tell the truth?

He knew how much Xiao Jiu hated that woman surnamed Qu.

What that woman did to Xiao Jiu back then was based on the fact that she had the name of Xiao Jiu's biological mother.

Even so, Xiao Jiu couldn't accept it after she became sensible, and even... almost went crazy several times.

If Xiao Jiu knew that that woman was not his biological mother, but just a stranger who had no relationship or blood...

It's hard for Gu Yan to imagine whether Xiao Jiu can bear it at that time.

And Ah Yan...

On Ah Yan's side, if she knew that the child she hated and hated back then was her long-awaited biological child... how much guilt and self-blame she would feel.

For a moment, Gu Yan fell into a dilemma.

Although it has not been fully confirmed, but at this moment, he seems to have the answer in his heart.

"That woman's world... seems to be called Yin Yang Star." Gu Yan thought about it in his heart.

After a while, you might as well visit that woman's world.

That woman is too cunning to catch for a while, but...

It's best not to leave any contacts and influence behind, and it's best not to be discovered by him...

He must make that person pay a terrible price.


When Gu Qi woke up, he found that his eyes were pitch black, and his eyes seemed to be covered with a soft white cloth.

When he subconsciously wanted to tear it off, his little hand was held by another big hand.

"it's me."

Gu Qi felt relieved when he heard the familiar voice of the Patriarch.

The momentary darkness really made him a little at a loss.

"Patriarch, this is..."

"The treatment went well, but you have to wear a blindfold during this time, don't take it off casually."

The child nodded obediently: "Okay, I understand, Patriarch."

Homeowner Homeowner Homeowner...

Hearing Gu Qi yelling these two words in a proper manner, Gu Yan couldn't help feeling a little dull.

However, these two words were also what he asked Gu Qi to call them.

At the beginning, he took all his anger towards Qu Xinyue on Gu Qi, and in order to stabilize Ah Yan's mood, he ordered Gu Qi not to call out the word "father" again.

Gu Qi obediently did as well.

Now Gu Yan is very regretful and annoyed.

However, this annoyance, after all, there is no way to put it into words.

"Until your eyes fully recover, I will live with you, lest you accidentally injure your eyes and waste this chance of treatment."

"Yes, master."

Gu Yan stretched out his hand, gently hugged the little guy on the bed, and asked softly, "Are you hungry? I'll take you to eat some special food from the world of cultivating immortals."

"I didn't..." Hungry.

Just as Gu Qi was about to say it, the next second, he felt a hand touching his stomach through the fabric.

He is in the arms of the Patriarch, so whose hand it is, the answer is self-evident.

Nianji, now that he is only a half-grown child, there is a slight blush on his cheeks, but Gu Yan didn't see it.

"The stomach is flat, and I didn't think about it. I will take you to eat now."

"...Mmm." Gu Yan felt that the child in his arms twisted his body, as if he had inadvertently released his hand.

From an angle that Gu Yan couldn't see, the tip of the child's ear gradually turned pink.

Patriarch, you must be concerned about him.

Could it be that the Patriarch doesn't hate him so much now?


In the next few days, Gu Yan took care of Gu Qi according to what the white-haired old man said.

At first, Gu Qi was a little uncomfortable.

After all, I am not a real kid who doesn't understand anything anymore, there is no need for the head of the family to arrange everything for him.

It's just that whenever Gu Qi wanted to propose himself, he couldn't hear the Patriarch's voice... and then, he felt a little invisible deterrent... and then...he silently shut up.

Five months later.


The white-haired old man came to remove the blindfold for Gu Qi.

"Xiao Jiu, try to open your eyes."

Gu Qi heard the voice of the Patriarch, so he slowly closed his eyes.

A pair of beautiful and round cat pupils are as clear as rare gems, and there seem to be little stars shining in them.

"Child, do you feel any pain in your eyes? Maybe something is wrong?" the white-haired old man asked.

Gu Qi tilted his head and scanned the hall.

The sunlight from outside came in, but Gu Qi didn't feel the glaring pain that he had experienced in the past few years.

"It doesn't hurt..." Gu Qi shook his head.

Gu Yan approached, Gu Qi raised his head to look over, the corners of his mouth twitched slightly:

"Patriarch, I... I can see..."

I can see the light...

Seeing the light unobstructed...

"Yeah." Gu Yan breathed a sigh of relief, he raised his hand and stroked Gu Qi's head, feeling very happy in his heart.

The white-haired old man looked at Gu Yan: "Stay for a few more days to make sure the child is really cured."

"Okay." Gu Yan nodded, he looked at Gu Qi again, and picked him up: "Take you outside for a stroll."

"Hmm... Patriarch... I..." I can walk by myself.

The child struggled for a while, but in the end, he chose to be hugged obediently by Gu Yan.

(End of this chapter)

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