Bug in survival game

Chapter 978 Mid-Autumn Festival Reunion 1

Chapter 978 Mid-Autumn Festival Reunion 1
"Come on!"

Su Tingyu opened his eyes, and before he had time to check the content of the dungeon, he found himself doing free landing movements in mid-air.

There was a strong wind of "huhuhu" blowing in my ears constantly.

Just as he was about to hit the ground straight, black wings sprouted from Su Tingyu's back.

With a flap of its wings, Su Tingyu stabilized his landing just a few meters away from the ground.

In the end, Su Tingyu landed on a green leaf as big as a small bed, retracted his wings, and began to check the contents of this round of dungeons.

[Dungeon: Mid-Autumn Festival Reunion]

[Background: You are just an ordinary member of thousands of families. On the occasion of the Mid-Autumn Festival reunion, you were taken away by a giant who fell from the sky, and forced to become an insignificant servant in the giant's garden. You are always thinking about how to escape from the giant. In the palm of my hand, I will return to my hometown and spend a happy Mid-Autumn Festival with my family]

【Number of players: 815815】

[Main line rules:
1. Mooncakes must be made in strict accordance with the mooncake recipes in Giant's Kitchen

2. The tools and materials for making mooncakes are in the giant kitchen and the giant garden respectively. Don’t disturb the giant. Once you are disturbed, the giant will raise its vigilance. If it is more than three times, the giant will kill all players

3. The player who eats the mooncake for the first time has the power to leave the giant garden within 10 minutes. Please pay attention to the time allocation

4. Don't try to challenge and anger giants

5. More game hidden rules, players are welcome to dig out by themselves]

[Main task: Complete the production of mooncakes within the specified time and successfully escape from Giant Island]

[Difficulty: Six Stars]

[Duration: three days]

[Rewards for customs clearance: After clearing the customs, you can get a certain amount of game coins, with a probability of obtaining game props and lucky draw opportunities, and with a probability of obtaining free attribute points]

[Death penalty: Randomly drop two to five non-binding game items at the point of death, and lose some game coins and experience points]

[Failure penalty: 2000 game coins will be deducted]

"Giant? Garden of Giants?" Su Tingyu turned his head and looked around.

In the next second, Su Tingyu was shocked by the sight of the huge garden in front of him.

As far as the eye can see, all kinds of strange and rare weeds are like weeds everywhere in the wild, growing wildly in every corner of the garden. Basically, they are all very bright in color and look good.

Su Tingyu was in it, like an insignificant little ant, any piece of grass was much taller than her.

Su Tingyu stretched out and touched the leaf under his buttocks. The feeling...it was a real leaf, but the shape was unusual.

Suddenly, Su Tingyu's panel popped up again.

[Props: Cold Fragrant Dewdrop Grass]

【Grade: Diamond】

[Function: One of the main materials for making soothe the nerves and ward off evil spirits]

[Can I bring out a copy: No]

【Usage: Disposable】

【Remarks: It's broken, it's going to be broken, it's going to be crushed~】

Su Tingyu almost couldn't help but jumped up!

This, this, this...diamond-grade material? !
Su Tingyu looked up and saw a piece of green grass. It was unimaginable that this was a diamond-grade material.

You should know that the average price range of diamond game items in the mall is 1000~8000 game coins, which are commonly used items for a large number of middle-level players.

and many more? !
Su Tingyu suddenly discovered a blind spot.

If this mediocre grass is already a diamond material, then... all the flowers and plants in the garden of the giant in front of me.

Su Tingyu couldn't hold back, and his little paws began to do something to the nearby flowers and plants.

"Diamond Grade!"

"Diamonds again!"

"Fuck! Rare and rare!!"

"Oh my god! A bunch of rare ones! Posted it!"

"Hey, Bronze Grass? What kind of rubbish? You deserve to stay here?"

"I rely on rely on! The blue is mysterious!!!"


Su Tingyu felt that he was going crazy!
In the entire garden, there are almost all very useful materials. There are several of them. Su Tingyu looks familiar with the names. In the mall, a plant costs tens of thousands of game coins to buy.

And here... there are countless! ! !
Wait a moment?
Su Tingyu calmed down a little from the ecstasy.

However, the panel always shows that the copy cannot be brought out.

What should I do?

Su Tingyu almost bit his little hand.

There are so many treasures all over the place, within easy reach, if you can't take all of them back, then Su Tingyu's heart won't be able to bear such a heavy blow!

Su Tingyu suddenly looked determined.

For the safety of your own life!
For the sake of the whole Blue Star, human beings can no longer bear the pain of losing a comrade!

In order to plan the reasonable planting area of ​​the giant garden!

In order to let these cute little flowers and grasses free themselves from the crowded land and embrace the free air!
As a little fairy, I must stand up!Find a way to solve this puzzle!

"The ring... the ring should fit!"

"But the ring also has a space limit... It's a pity that there are no materials to upgrade the ring here, otherwise you can upgrade it on the spot to expand the space of the ring."

"This is the Garden of Giants. If I gain the friendship or recognition of giants, I should be able to take away some of the 'gifts' that belong to friends, right?"


Su Tingyu's brain was running fast, not letting go of any possibility.

There are so many precious materials here, if you can take them all away, not only can you upgrade the props, or fuse various powerful props, but you can also set aside some of them to hand over to the superiors, so that you can get some benefits from the superiors.

For example, a memory card that archives various domestic and foreign movies, TV dramas, animations and other precious food for human spirituality.

Anyway, Su Tingyu believes that the people of the Great Heavenly Dynasty must have survived because they had nothing to do. After all, this is also one of human cultures.

At that time, use these precious materials to exchange, hehehe...

Su Tingyu became excited all of a sudden, she couldn't wait to evacuate the entire giant's garden... Ah, no, it was a kind and considerate removal of some flowers and plants for the garden, reducing the burden on the giant, and leaving More garden space.

It's just that this giant garden looks quite big, and it's only three days of dungeon time, so I don't know how much it can move.

Moreover, relying on her alone seems a bit useless.

But soon, Su Tingyu thought of a good way.

Su Tingyu opened the inventory and summoned hundreds of small residual flowers inside.

The little residual flowers fell to the ground, and were immediately attracted by the countless "delicious" in front of them.

If it weren't for Su Tingyu's restraint, he would have rushed out to eat it.

Su Tingyu said: "You guys are responsible for collecting all the materials, and I will share [-]% of the final collected amount for you to eat."

The little residual flowers immediately became excited.

Su Tingyu remembered that if he couldn't take away too much, then he would "digest" it directly in the dungeon. They were also plants. If the little residual flower ate these flowers and plants, it should also be upgraded, just like the big gray ...

As high-difficulty dungeons appear more and more frequently, the little residual flowers born in low-star dungeons are gradually unable to help.

After internal consumption of the small residual flowers, 108 small residual flowers remained.

If Su Tingyu spends a lot of resources to upgrade all 108 small residual flowers to a level where they can continue to help, it will take time and money, and it is not worthwhile at all.

And now, doze off and send a pillow.

The copy of this round of activities appeared in a hurry. Many precious plants in the giant's garden did not belong to Su Tingyu.

Tsk tsk tsk... It seems that the dungeon is still as considerate and generous as ever.

Seeing the good things in the garden, the little residual flowers already burst into tears.

For the first time ever, they feel right with their owners!

Little Remnant Flower A: Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo~
Little Remnant Flower B: Master~I love you~just like a mouse loves rice~
Little Remnant Flower C: I knew it, our master is the most invincible person in the world in the sky, underground and sea!

Su Tingyu gave an order, and the little residual flowers excitedly shuttled among the plants in the garden.

Then, they began to search for those plants that were "despicable and indecent".

Because some little residual flowers may not be able to bear the current temptation of "food", Su Tingyu relaxed the requirements a little bit, allowing the little residual flowers to eat while searching.

However, the materials for making mooncakes are also here, and we can't let the little residual flowers be eaten up, so Su Tingyu made a restriction:
——The same plant and flower can only be eaten twice. If it exceeds two times, it cannot be eaten. You can only choose another plant.

In this way, it not only guarantees Xiao Canhua's good luck, but also does not delay the next task.

Alas~ She is really an ordinary little genius.

The little remnants brought over plants that they thought were "delicious". Su Tingyu made a rough appraisal and found that they were basically diamonds and above, so they put them all into the storage ring.

Then, a few small residual flowers found a rat nest.

The plants in the Giant's Garden have become bigger, and the small animals and insects in it are also very big.

The dozen or so mice in front of Su Tingyu were about the size of a car in the real world.

After the size was enlarged, the mouse, which was not very cute, became even uglier and hideous, and the sound it made was extremely harsh.

However, these mice didn't have any special abilities, just looking at the big ones, Su Tingyu hit them with a few sticks, and they would kill all the mice in a nest.

Su Tingyu entered the mouse's nest and found that the space inside was quite large, almost catching up with the five-story buildings in the real world.

Su Tingyu has a task, so it is impossible to collect materials with Xiao Canhua all the time.

The mice are gone, this place is just right for storing the collected materials, and Su Tingyu only needs to come here every once in a while.

However, the strength of the little residual flowers here is not very high. If they encounter some small animals and insects, they may not be able to beat them, so Su Tingyu also kept the big gray.

As long as he doesn't get beaten up, Big Hui should be able to handle it.


The Giant's Garden was too big, Su Tingyu took out a bicycle and rode on the road.

In this round of dungeons, there are more than 80 players who all want to make mooncakes. Not to mention that the materials for mooncakes are not easy to find. It is not clear whether there are enough tools in the giant kitchen to make so many mooncakes. .

And making mooncakes...

Su Tingyu had a bit of trouble.

She won't.

Although before entering the dungeon, the major bases did broadcast the knowledge about the Mid-Autumn Festival through the radio loop, including the method of making moon cakes.

But there is a class of people who know the principle is one thing, but whether they have the ability to do it is another matter.

"It doesn't matter, let's find the Giant's Kitchen first. There are so many players, there must be someone who can do it, right? Moreover, you can also contact Xing's players."

After a while, Su Tingyu finally saw a little color belonging to the building in the giant garden full of flowers and plants.

But before Su Tingyu approached, the ground suddenly trembled.

"Bang bang bang! Bang bang bang!"

It was as if some sleeping giant suddenly woke up.

Su Tingyu couldn't even ride a bicycle steadily.

"Ah ah ah..."

In the next second, there were bursts of thick roars.

"Damn villain, where's my lunch? My lunch isn't ready yet?"

"Damn! A group of lazy villains!"


Inside the building, a giant emerged, stomping and roaring angrily.

Su Tingyu stared blankly at the giant.

Because it was a little far from the ground, Su Tingyu could only see the upper body of the giant, which was somewhat similar to the dress of primitive people, with unknown huge animal skins as clothes, unknown sharp animal teeth as decorations, and messy brown slightly curly hair , with a few colorful stripes protruding from his face, like the whiskers of a tabby cat.

Other than that, it looks exactly like a normal person, with two eyes, two ears, a nose and a mouth.

"Is this the giant?"

Su Tingyu visually measured the giant's height. It was estimated to be two to 300 meters high. The place where the giant lived was a Western-style castle with gold tiles and white bricks. The highest place was almost a thousand meters above the ground.

At this time, the giant who had just woken up was getting angry because he didn't see his food.

Those small players in the castle hid in the corner tremblingly, unable to resist the giant at all.

Even if it is a cannonball hitting a giant, it is no different from a child's toy water gun hitting an adult's trousers, without any threat at all.

But if there is too much water and the trousers are wet, it may arouse the giant's resentment and anger, and the gain outweighs the loss.

After the giant vented, some NPC villains in the castle finally delivered the food.

It is a huge barrel, tens of meters high, with a cart underneath, and it takes hundreds of small people to push it together.

Inside the huge wooden barrel, it is filled with food that giants like to eat.

When the giant saw the food coming, he stopped venting his anger, grabbed the food in the bucket with one hand, and ate it in big mouthfuls.

The food in the wooden barrel is very rich, including bread, fruit, delicious barbecue, and wine.

(End of this chapter)

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