stand back, let me come

Chapter 1013 1013: Mohist’s art of explosion [please vote]

Gu Chi's voice trembled slightly.

"You said that the Lord is now... studying? And enduring hardship?"

He didn't know what was in the laboratory, but he could guess a bit from the literal meaning before and after contacting him. If compared to a familiar reference, the Lord's current identity is similar to that of an animal used to study and analyze speech spirits within the Medical Department, or even a death row prisoner?

Gu Chi never thought in his life that these would be related to the Lord.

The girl said: "Yes."

Gu Chi blurted out: "Why? Why?"

He even wanted to ask why he treated the Lord like this.

The girl's expression was neither sad nor happy, as if she was stating something that had nothing to do with her: "Why? Probably to continue the human race? Or to survive? It's like a drowning person won't catch a straw easily, even if it's just a straw. Let go."

Gu Chi didn't understand: "What is the connection between this..."

Saying that, he reacted first.

Previously, the girl revealed that the living dead who look crazy and hunt living people everywhere are called "zombie". "Zombies" can infect other people through blood and saliva, turning them into their own kind.

The Lord is the exception.

The girl's calm voice came to his ears clearly: "If you can develop a vaccine for the 'zombie virus' from 'me', you can fundamentally solve the 'zombie' crisis. This is the best solution. If not, you can also use 'me', Mass breeding of new humans who are immune to the 'zombie virus' is the middle strategy. Unfortunately, they can only choose the worst strategy..."

Gu Chi asked her: "What is the last resort?"

The girl said: "The next best thing is to copy and clone 'me'."

Human civilization only needs people.

Gu Chi asked again: "Why can't the best and middle strategies work?"

Girl: "From the perspective of the continuation of the reproduction of the human race, these methods are actually not problematic, but unfortunately, 'I' do not have the ability to reproduce between the sexes as you think of the human race, and I am not even the person you think of, Shang Cehe Naturally, the middle strategy won’t work.”

After saying this, the girl's eyes became a little more compassionate.

"Under the great calamity of the world, there are always people who try to use their own methods to save themselves and strive for a glimmer of hope for the continuation of the race. Unfortunately, this only treats the symptoms but not the root cause. Why did the so-called 'zombie virus' come about? This horror lasted for several months Where does the corrosive poison rain come from? Where does the never-ending war come from? Can you survive just by staring at a small 'zombie virus'?"

"This is like a body with problems with its heart, liver, spleen, lungs and kidneys. If any problem is found individually, it will be a serious disease that cannot be cured. What's the use of just staring at an inflamed appendix?"

Gu Chi's mind was in chaos.

Russia regained her composure.

All this was history that had happened before him. Although he was curious, he didn't care: "Chi just wants to know where the Lord is."

The girl looked at him with a half-smile but said jokingly: "Hey, my lord is in the most embarrassment. I'm afraid he doesn't want to be seen by outsiders."

Gu Chi: "My Lord never thinks that Chi is an outsider."

Compared with the embarrassment on the outside, the secret inside is more secret and cannot be seen in the light. My lord, even the latter confessed to him, let alone the former? How could he know that he was allowed to enter the dreamland?

The girl looked at Gu Chi seriously.

After a while, he nodded: "Okay, it's up to you."

The girl raised her hand and snapped her fingers.

In a moment, the world changes.

Gu Chi looked around for Shen Tang.

"Didn't you say you would take me to see the Lord? Where is she?"

It was dark here, and Gu Chi could only use the blue light from nowhere to see clearly the strange objects around him that he couldn't understand. The surface of the object has a cold metallic luster, and the air is filled with a chill that penetrates the spleen and lungs. The more you look at it, the more you feel frightened from inside.

Gu Chi asked tentatively: "Is this the underworld?"

Has the Lord ever been imprisoned here and suffered?

This thought made him surge with anger, like a volcano that could get out of control at any time. He could only suppress it by placing his hand on the hilt of the sword and tightening his grip.

The girl didn't answer, she just raised her hand and pointed to the middle.

Gu Chi looked in the direction she pointed.

Only then did I notice that there was a huge "bath" there.

The "bath" is filled with an unknown solution.

A person can be vaguely seen floating in it.

Just one glance almost made Gu Chi's heart stop.

This person is the eleven or twelve year old Lord.

There was a big hole in her chest, and something like a vine crawled out of the gap, intertwining into the shape of a heart.

Strange tubes connected her to the "bath".

Like human blood vessels, they beat and contract regularly.


Gu Chi stepped forward.

The face that always wore a careless but lively smile was now gray and dead. Her apricot eyes were closed tightly, and her lips turned blue. At first glance, it looks like a lifeless corpse.

The girl pointed her finger towards the wall again.

"Well, these are the same."

"What do these mean-"

Gu Chi subconsciously refuted.

What the girl is pointing to is a transparent "glazed mirror". Behind the "glazed mirror" is a vast space with hundreds of "coffins" listed. Some are intact, some are broken.

There seemed to be something curled up inside the "coffin".

Looking closer, Gu Chi suddenly opened his eyes.

Some clearly look like babies, while others are just rotten balls of flesh. Some are only as big as a thumb, and some are close to full term. The girl walked to stand next to him.

Crossing his hands across his chest, he admired the scene in front of him: "It's spectacular, isn't it? These human embryos have all been cut into 'my' genetic fragments. In this way, new humans are cultivated and immune to the 'zombie virus'. Unfortunately, the outside world In addition to the 'zombie virus', there are also wars, radiation that can kill, and natural disasters that overturn the world... Therefore, this place was abandoned."

Gu Chi: "These..."

The girl had nothing to do with herself: "These, as expected, all died. Only a few lucky ones were taken out alive... As for the whereabouts of the lucky ones, there is nothing to care about..."

Gu Chi felt that after falling into a dream, his three views were shattered.

Just when he was panicking, the Lord's gentle and firm voice sounded in his ears, and all the hesitation disappeared: "Don't scare him."

The person in the "bath" opened his eyes.

Accompanied by the sound of rushing water, she walked out of the "bath".

She asked Gu Chi: "How did Wangchao find this place?"

How does Gu Chi know why he fell into a dream?

Shaking his head: "Chi doesn't know, but he was in the Lord's dream when he woke up. How does the Lord feel? Are you still feeling sick?"

"Fortunately, I remembered something useless."

Shen Tang's eyes fell on the girl.

Girl: "You are me, and I am you."

Shen Tang nodded and asked a meaningful question: "Are you my memory? Or am I the one with complete memory?"

The girl asked Shen Tang, "What's the difference between the two?"

Shen Tang thought about it and found that there was indeed no difference.

"Let's go and watch the tide. It's not a good place to stay for a long time."

Gu Chi took three steps and turned back.

The girl disappeared without a trace at some point.

As they walked forward, the scene behind them melted and collapsed, and those "coffins" turned into ashes, as if they had never existed.

Gu Chi was about to speak but stopped: "Your Majesty..." The words came to his lips but he didn't know where to start.

He wanted to ask, did the Lord remember something?

Do you remember the painful experience in the laboratory?

"Don't think too much, you can't imagine those pitiful scenes of suffering. Although I don't remember it very clearly, as the unique 'one' in the world, others have to save a tube of blood from me, and they have to guard against me. If you don't agree with your words, you will die."

Gu Chi followed Shen Tang closely.

I don’t know when I returned to that strange dense forest.

racking his brains to find a topic to break the atmosphere: "On the day Shexing Pass fell, how did the Lord, Gong Xiqiu and the others escape from danger?"

Shen Tang recalled: "It was the high priest of Jimo who came to help."

He escaped at the last moment.

Gu Chi asked her: "When will the Lord wake up?"

Shen Tang said with a smile: "You shouldn't ask me this. You should ask when you wake up. Didn't you pull me into the depths of the dream?"

Gu Chi: "..."

Shen Tang said helplessly: "The dream is my dream, but you are the one who dragged me into the dream. I have been trapped in the dream for many days..."

Gu Chi: "..."

Shen Tang looked at his innocent look and knew that he was also confused, and became more and more helpless: "Do you want to think about it again? If you don't let me wake up, Yuanliang and the others will really cry..."

She remembered that when she went back with her chest pierced, the faces of Qi Shan and others were uglier than the corpses that had been lying dormant for seven or eight days, and she couldn't help but sweat for them and herself.

The others were fooled by her saying "the heart is on the right side", but Qi Shan was not so simple. She has been trapped in a dream for several days now. Isn't the outside world turning upside down?

Gu Chi suppressed his blush.

He stared at Shen Tang with big eyes and small eyes.

Shen Tang raised his head and said, "Why don't you recall what happened before you fell into the dream? Let's analyze it and maybe we can find the crux of it?"

Gu Chi had no choice but to tell the truth.

Shen Tang fell into silence again.

Good guy, is this a boomerang stuck in my body? She deliberately indulged the rumors of her death in order to trick Bei Mo into taking the bait and taking the bait lightly. As a result, Gu Chi was caught while fishing, which indirectly caused her to be trapped deep in the dream.

She spread her hands and said, "Play ball!"

There is no hope, just wait for death.



A string of clear ringtones floated into my ears.

Shen Tang looked around, looking for the source of the sound, and asked Gu Chi for confirmation: "Wang Chao, did you hear it?"

Gu Chi nodded: "I heard it."

As he spoke, his voice moved from far to near.

A figure also changed from blurry to clear.

Gu Chi was stunned for a moment when he saw the identity of the person coming.

"The High Priest of Jimo?"

Shen Tang raised his eyebrows: "Is my dream some kind of vegetable market?"

Everyone move in?

Jimo Qiu obviously didn't expect to see Gu Chi here, and was a little surprised: "The Lord Shen suddenly suffered from heart palpitations and fell into coma. The Xinglin doctors were helpless, so I volunteered to look for him."

The fall of Shexing Pass had a great impact on morale. The leader of the country was seriously injured and did not show up for a long time. It was easy for the soldiers to lose their morale and be exploited by the Northern Desert.

Shen Tang asked about the external situation and learned from Jimo Qiu that everyone was hiding the news while asking Qi Shan to pretend to be Shen Tang to stabilize the morale of the army. There was no big trouble, but it was not a solution if she stayed awake - Qi Shan could not do it for her. Fighting with generals.

When she heard Qi Shan's name, she felt guilty for a moment.

When she learned that her opponent was Yunda, she asked Sansui to cut off contact with Qi Shan. It's a good thing that he did this, otherwise Wen Da's heart-piercing might not be able to take her away, but he can definitely take Qi Shan away.

When he thought that Qi Shan was holding his breath and had to pretend to be himself with a cold face, the curve of his lips became a little uncontrollable.

"Thank you, the high priest, for making this trip. If it goes well, can you send Wangchao back as well? He is not proficient in using his new ability."

Jimo Qiu nodded and said, "It takes a little effort."

In fact, it was normal for Gu Chi not to go back.

Because he and Lord Shen were on the eighteenth floor of the dreamland.

The greater the number of dream layers, the wider and more complex the space, and the more restrictions there are. It is a natural cage of consciousness. Even if the consciousness can still vaguely perceive the external situation through the body, the probability of waking up naturally is close to zero, and in severe cases, one may even fall asleep to death.

My body became heavier and heavier, and my surroundings became noisier.

If you listen carefully, the voices are familiar.

"Wake up, wake up!"

"Phew, the Lord has finally woken up."

"Help me." Shen Tang had just woken up from his dream, and was still a little unaccustomed to his body. He got better as his senses returned one by one.

Doctor Xinglin was waiting outside the tent at any time. He took his pulse and checked: "My pulse is healthy and my qi and blood are sufficient. To be on the safe side, I'd better take a few more pills to recuperate my foundation."

Shen Tang nodded in agreement.

When others asked her why she suddenly fell into coma, she opened her eyes and told lies, saying that she didn't know. She also winked at Jimoqiu, an honest child, and reminded him not to let anything slip.

When everyone asked, they couldn't figure out why, but they didn't force it.

As long as it's not harmed by bad guys, everything else doesn't matter.

Hearing this, Shen Tang secretly looked away.

There is no harm done, but there is accidental harm.

I don’t know what Gu Chi’s situation is. If his dream is controllable and harmless, the speed of information transmission can be faster than DingTalk!

Nowadays, this "nailing" is not only costing the country's destiny, but also has a long distance limit, and it is highly dependent on Qin Li's scribe's help.

If this were not the case, if Qin Li's skill as a scribe did not shine on the battlefield, it would be because she was kicked in the head by a donkey...

Shen Tang retracted his thoughts and changed the topic.

"How are the arrangements at Shexing Pass?"

Lost territory must be regained.

She was also afraid that Bei Mo would have some trump cards to attack Kunzhou on a large scale. Without the obstruction of city defense, it would be more than a little easier for Bei Mo to go south. Once Beimo solves the problem of logistical food transportation and supply, she may no longer have any worries, and she will be in big trouble.

Naturally, Shen Tang would not give them this opportunity.

Everyone suggested that they take advantage of the opportunity for the main force of the Northern Desert to defend at Shexing Pass and send troops to capture the remaining two and a half granary camps in the Northern Desert.

You seize my key points, and I will burn your lifeblood.

One for one, everyone hurts each other!

However, this plan had a fatal flaw.

Except for the half of the granary camp that was not burned out, the locations of the other two are unknown. I only have a few pieces of unconfirmed information in my hand. I don’t know whether it is true or false. It is easy for the enemy to seduce you into the trap by taking action hastily.

At a loss what to do, Shen Tang looked at the doctor Xinglin and suddenly came up with a stupid idea: [When a plague breaks out in a place, it is necessary to control the source of infection and cut off the transmission routes. The food and grass in the Northern Desert is the source of infection. If we can't find it, we might as well start with their food transportation route! 】

She came up with an extremely bold idea.

[We will blow up everything near Shexing Pass! Don't fight with them, just watch how they transport the food and grass in! 】

Woohoo, I will never bleach my hair again.

Today I saw someone with pretty pink hair, so I got excited and went to do it. As a result, I have been in jail since 1 o'clock in the afternoon until now, eleven hours. I can barely keep the skylight open for today's update by coding on my mobile phone.

If there are typos, I will go back to the computer and correct them...

PS: I didn’t dye it well, oh oh oh, now I get colorful will cost me my life.

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