stand back, let me come

Chapter 1014 1014: Mohist’s art of explosion [please vote]

Grain and grass transportation is nothing more than water and land.

The terrain near Shexing Pass currently only supports low-efficiency, high-waste human and animal transportation. If the technology tree is lighted up, or those courageous warriors who can fly are cruelly squeezed, the Northern Desert may even open up the option of airdropping food and grass.

It's a pity that no one except Shen Tang would do this.

There is only one land transportation option in the Northern Desert.

Shen Tang drew a big circle around Shexing Pass.

"We can indeed send troops to block the grain transportation route in the Northern Desert, but what about sending Yunda or Gong Cheng to protect the grain in the Northern Desert? Adding human lives may not affect their grain transportation lifeline. The soldiers in the tent are all born from father and mother. You can't just lose your life so easily. So, let's change our thinking. Let's blow up this whole circle and see how Bei Mo can carry food and grass and fly over!"

If the source of infection cannot be found, the transmission route will be cut off.

This proposal is indeed bold and novel.

Marching and fighting to destroy the enemy's logistics is a basic skill, but most of the time we are thinking about how to obtain enemy intelligence, how to send troops to intercept and ambush, and burn all the enemy's food and grass if they cannot be taken away. A few times, we will consider solving it at the source - such as the enemy's transportation. The grain route cannot avoid a certain bridge or a certain section of road. Only at this time will we think of cutting off the bridge and blocking the road to achieve our goal.

Shexingguan is obviously not among the "minority".

You must know that before the fall of Shexing Pass, it was an important pass for the family. The city was heavily fortified and the food and grass were safe. It also followed the principle of "three cunning rabbit holes" to eliminate the possibility of being taken advantage of by the enemy. But I didn't expect that Shexing Pass would fall into the hands of the enemy. The "trump card" that was originally used to contain the enemy has now become a constraint for one's own side. The Lord's suggestion gave them a different way of thinking...

"Let's just blow up ours."

Shen Tang became more and more excited as he talked.

"If Bei Mo finds a problem and sends troops to stop it, we will withdraw. They will come back to bomb after they leave. Building roads is troublesome, and blowing up roads is not easy? I want to see how long the food and grass in Shexing Pass will be enough for Bei Mo to keep talking!" Yun said So what if Da and Gong Cheng can fight again? Can Beimo still use these two man-made bridges to build roads? Staring at her soldiers and horses day and night to blow things up? What a joke.

Tit for retaliation, God's way is reincarnation! Bei Mo repeatedly used harassment tactics to disgust her, and it was time for her to repay him tenfold!

Qishan and the others silently made some calculations in their hearts.

Although the idea is fanciful, it is possible to implement it.

A courageous warrior is a walking terrain master. It is common for the two armies to redraw the map after a battle in one place.

Kang's national conditions are special, and brave warriors can dig out the ground to gain experience. Eighty percent of the courageous warriors in the army have experience in clearing and farming. When clearing land for farming, one must also pay attention to the size of the land, the depth of the soil, and the shape of the fields. Now there is no need to pay attention to anything, just let go of your arms and dig "deep, wide, and long." A circular moat was dug with Shexing Pass as the center, but there was no water in the river.

Although the project is huge, it cannot stand up to the brave and capable warriors.

You must know that a small reservoir only takes ten days and a half.

A "moat" that does not require project acceptance is nothing.

However, there is one thing to do before taking action: "I've been in coma for the past few days. Can the people in the Northern Desert agree to exchange prisoners?"

Shen Tang frowned, this was what she was most worried about at the moment. Bai Su led his troops to contain them in time, and the main force of Shexing Pass retreated in time to avoid the annihilation of the entire army. However, many soldiers and horses were still killed and captured by Bei Mo, among which the two generals Yun Ce and Xian Yujian were the most important. Serious, she had to express her position, Xian Yujian was the first to follow her, and Yun Ce had worked hard and uncomplainingly over the years.

There is a lot of credit and a lot of hard work.

As the commander-in-chief, Shen Tang could not just watch them fall into the enemy's hands without thinking of ways to rescue them. Not to mention that she was not such a cold and heartless person. Even if she was, she would still have to make a statement to appease the soldiers who were frustrated by the defeat. Bei Mo has her people in his hands, and she also has many Bei Mo prisoners who can be exchanged. Money, food, men and horses, these bargaining chips are all negotiable.

When Shen Tang mentioned Yun Ce and the others, everyone looked at each other.

"I received news the day before yesterday that General Yun and the others have surrendered to the Northern Desert." Chu Yao's voice was very soft and careful. He was watching Shen Tang's reaction as he spoke, for fear that she would faint after waking up from a coma and be stimulated by the news. "From the Northern Desert, Don’t swap two people.”

Among the people discussing the matter in the camp, Shen Tang was the only one who didn't know the news.

Shen Tang was stunned and blurted out.

"Lowered? This is impossible."

Qian Yong murmured in a low voice: "Why is this impossible? Yun Yuanmou and Xianyu Zigu were both disciples raised by the twenty-level Chehou. Master, master, is like teacher and father. He who is a son's apprentice will be defeated. Isn’t it natural to submit to the old father after that? To say the least, both generals are in the prime of their youth and have just started their lives. It’s better to be alive than dead.”

It is normal for a captured general to choose to surrender. As long as he is not caught by a mortal enemy, he will generally not be in trouble with his life.

Besides, there is one more thing.

Qian Yong continued despite Shen Tang's warning look: "I'm afraid your Majesty doesn't know General Yun's life experience, but a news came from Bei Mo that General Yun is the son of a descendant of Yunda's wife. Also. That is to say, Werder is his ancestor."

Shen Tang: "..."

Two faces of Yun Da Yun Ce appeared in her mind.

Qian Yong added fuel to the fire: "These two are really similar!"

Whether it's breath or temperament, they all come from the same origin.

He is cold and pretty, and is popular with little girls.

Thinking of the unsatisfactory female relatives at home, Qian Yong felt angry in his heart - he had previously intended to make Yun Ce his son-in-law, and unmarried and promising warriors were in short supply.

However, Yun Ce deduced that his heart belonged to someone else.

Qian Yong gave up the idea.

When I got home, my wife and daughter, who were waiting for the good news, complained a lot.

Qian Yong: [What are you thinking about him? 】

Daughter: [General Yun is handsome with his white horse and silver spear. 】

Qian Yong: [White horse and silver gun? There is plenty in my father’s account! 】

Daughter: [Born pretty, as cold as ice. 】

It just feels right to be unattainable and unblasphemous.

Qian Yong: […I’ll carve one for you in the winter? 】

Why is a white horse and a silver gun so beautiful?

Who didn't act cool like this when they were young?

Qian Yong originally had some objections to Yun Ce because of his daughter's matter. Now that he learned that he had surrendered to Beimo and had never revealed his true relationship with Yunda before, he was inevitably a little confused. In addition, there are rumors in the army that Shexing Pass fell so quickly, and they are afraid that Brother Yun Ce has become a traitor and betrayed his own information. If not, how to explain that Yun Ce and the two took the initiative to avoid Yaori Pass?

They volunteered to guard Shexing Pass on their own initiative!

Qian Yong was skeptical about the latter, but believed in the former.

It is reasonable for Yun Ce and the two of them to surrender.

Shen Tang calmed down.

Said: "Those who can practice, even the ugliest one has the appearance of a middle-aged person. The more handsome a person is, the more likely they are to have similar facial features. Beimo only said that Yuanmou was the wife of Yunda, but did not say that he had children from his wife. It belongs to Yunda, right? Otherwise, wouldn’t it be enough to just say that Yuanmou is after Yunda? Why take such a big detour? Beimo said that Yuanmou and his two surrendered when they surrendered? "

If Shen Tang is the suspicious master, and Yun Ce and the two have relatives, once this incident comes out, if they don't use their relatives to scare the monkeys, I'm afraid it won't be able to end. Beimo's move not only messed up Shen Tang's mentality, but also shaken internal unity. It can be said to kill two birds with one stone.

Yun Ce and the two of them were disappointed and surrendered even if they didn't surrender.

Shen Tang closed his eyes and hid his thoughts.

"Is there any rumor about the two of them in the army?" Qian Yong's big mouth was beeping. He didn't believe there was no news outside.

Shexingguan suffered a huge setback.

Yun Ce and Xian Yujian commanded the Kaiyang Guard, one of the Seven Guards, and were part of Shen Tang's inner circle. When the news came out that they were captured and surrendered, it would be tricky if there were no rumors among the army. The soldiers at the bottom are ordered not to talk too much, but what about the middle and high-level civil servants and generals?

They will inevitably have doubts in their hearts.

Don’t say it in public, don’t say a few words in private?

Qian Yong, this idiot, was the only one who dared to tell Shen Tang.

Chu Yao took the initiative to take the blame.

"There are indeed rumors in the army that Yao is not strict in running the army." He moved one step faster than Qishan and took the blame first.

Shen Tang looked at the tired look in Chu Yao's eyes, how could he blame him: "What does this have to do with Wuhui? Get up, I have suffered a lot during the days when I was in coma. As for Yuanmou and Zigu, if they really surrender , I can also sympathize with them; but if they do not surrender, this is just a rumor deceived by both parties in the Northern Desert. When the two return, where will their prestige be? Unless they see Zigu and the others fighting for the Northern Desert to meet us in front of the battle, and they will do it thoroughly. Otherwise, their return to the Northern Desert is just a rumor! Anyone who spreads it again will be punished by military law!"

She took a deep breath to adjust her mentality: "Bei Desert refuses to return Yuanmou and Zigu, can ordinary soldiers be exchanged?"

Chu Yao said: "Bei Mo promised to exchange ordinary soldiers."

But the condition proposed was one for two.

The exchange ratio should also be adjusted as appropriate based on the situation of the captives.

Beimo, who finally regained a victory, looked very proud.

Shen Tang chuckled: "Okay, promise."

Mo Sheng said: "This matter will be settled as soon as possible."

Seeing Qian Yong, she wanted to talk again, but hesitated to speak. She directly called him by name: "Uncle He looks sick. Do you have other ideas?"

Qian Yong, a fool, also spoke frankly: "Now we are exchanging prisoners during the war, and we also promised to exchange two Northern Desert prisoners for one of their own... Lord, this is too weak... If the soldiers below know about it, I’m afraid it will chill my heart.”

It took a lot of effort to capture these people in Beimo.

Now it's sold at a low price?

What are the brothers who died for this?

Unexpectedly, what Shen Tang said made Qian Yong feel chilled: "I only promised to give them two people, but I didn't promise to give them two healthy people. Whatever happened to the prisoners, they will be sent to them. As for why we need this An exchange of key points? If we don't exchange the people back now, will we wait until the main force in the Northern Desert in Shexing Pass eats up all the military rations and turn the prisoners into military rations?"

People in troubled times are not only human beings, but also vegetables.

Prisoners are not only walking coolies but also walking rations.

Shen Tang wanted to turn Shexing Pass into an isolated island and seal off their food routes, just to starve people to death: "Oh, I am kind-hearted. I will send them a batch of military rations at least."

One for two, Beimo would not lose money no matter how much he calculated.

Qian Yong lowered his head after hearing this.

I wish I could continue to use my feet as a backdrop.

Although Shen Tang didn't have any obvious changes on the surface, Qian Yong always felt that the other person's aura became even colder after he woke up from a coma.

Qian Yong felt it, let alone others?

After everyone dispersed, Chu Yao and Qishan stayed behind in a tacit understanding.

After all, it was a tacit understanding for many years. When Shen Tang rolled his eyes, Qi Shan and Qi Shan knew what she was holding back, and vice versa.

She said: "I'm fine, I just had a nightmare."

This time I fell into a dream, but my memory was still not fully restored.

But I also remembered some fragments here and there.

There is no important information in these fragments. They are basically the dark side seen when surviving in the apocalypse. The evil and madness of human nature are infinitely magnified, and some heartbreaking words are said.

Being ripped out of one's heart in a dream gradually coincides with the reality of having one's heart ripped out.

Coupled with what happened in the Northern Desert and the two generals of Kaiyang Guard surrendering, it would be a ghost if she could be in a sunny mood.

She tried to soften her facial expression.

He comforted: "I made you worry."

Shen Tang didn't want to reveal it, so Qi Shan and the two naturally couldn't force it. When the Lord is willing to tell it, she will naturally tell it.

The Shexingguan Island Plan has not yet been implemented, and someone is asking for a fight.

The identity of this person was beyond Shen Tang's expectation.

It was Bei Jiu, the general supervisor who had just been seriously injured.

Before Shexing Pass was captured, Beiju led his men to consolidate the city defense of Shexing Pass, and was escorted to break out of the siege on the day the pass was breached.

Bei Jiu was injured in the melee.

In addition, two Mohists were also injured.

The two Mohists have good personal relationships with Bei Jiu.

Shen Tang: "Zhou Kou, it's still important to recover from your injuries."

She knew why Bei Jiu asked for a fight, for revenge.

But revenge also requires timing.

This pale look is obviously not suitable.

Beijiu said: "I beg your Lord for permission, otherwise——"

Her words caught in her throat.

Whatever is followed by the word "otherwise", no matter what the hidden content is, it has a vague meaning of threat to the superior. Beijiu knew very well that everything he had now was given by the person in front of him. If he threatened the other person, wouldn't he be repaying kindness with enmity?

All Bei Jiu could do was bury his head lower.

Even his voice was a bit pleading.

"I beg the Lord to answer!"

"If this matter fails, I would like to come and see you!"

Beijiu directly issued a military order.

Shen Tang helped Bei Jiu up and said earnestly: "It's not that I don't agree, but this move is to cut off Bei Mo's supply of food and grass to Shexing Pass. Time is tight, and I will be the prisoner..."

Somewhat professionally inappropriate.

When Shen Tang went out with Bei Jiu and other Mohists, he also valued their other abilities. They had extraordinary experience and attainments in city defense construction. However, before the city defense could be formed, Shexing Pass fell, and two people were lost to enter.

Bei Jiu grabbed Shen Tang's sleeve with his backhand.

His eyes were firm as he said, "Okay!"

She repeated again: "I can do it!"

Afraid that Shen Tang wouldn't believe her, the fingers holding Shen Tang's sleeves turned white with force: "No one is more suitable than Mo Zhe."

Shen Tang and Bei Jiu looked at each other's eyes for a long time.

Asked: "How many days?"

Since a military order is issued, a delivery time must be given.

Bei Jiu gritted his teeth and said, "Five days at most!"

As long as everyone can get it together, we can succeed in five days!

Shen Tang's palm covered the back of her hand, which was dry and warm: "Okay, after the prisoner exchange is completed, I will give you five days!"


There are pictures and there are truths. I spent eleven hours in jail yesterday and was dyed a colorful pink color (the previous chapter said there were pictures). As expected, my parents told me today. In addition, the dyeing was uneven. I took the time to dye the mushrooms again today. The hair is dark brown (but the bleached hair is dyed black brown...well, when the light source from above the head shines, there are gray tones, blue tones, white tones...oh, melancholy.)

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