stand back, let me come

Chapter 1020: Hannibal in the Northern Desert [Please vote]

"What will the minced meat soup made from my apprentice's flesh and blood taste like?" Yun Ce's tone was calm, and he could not tell that the raw material of the minced meat soup was his own. "I can tell Quanxia in the future."

"Ace." Yun Da didn't expect that his apprentice, who had always been quiet and taciturn, also had a sharp-tongued side, and his tone contained a warning.

How could Yun Ce be so obedient?

No matter how barefoot you are, don’t be afraid to wear shoes.

He is not afraid of death now!

"You said war ends with war, and my disciple agrees very much - disobedient people are like sloppy branches that grow haphazardly. Only by pruning them clean can the nutrients saved allow the saplings to grow into towering trees, capable of growing in the dense forest. They are fighting for the space to stand up. But look what’s in the bowl! In Master’s opinion, is it the only way to eat all the same kind and use human breasts instead of food?”

"You said that you can become king and hegemony if you have strong soldiers and strong horses. Why not in the Northern Desert? Isn't the answer in this bowl? There is no undead person who can conquer the world, but it is rare to see someone who eats his own people to conquer the world! Today, for Shooting Star Pass If you can eat wounded soldiers, the old, the weak, the sick, what excuse will you use to eat other people in the future? Are you fighting for righteousness in Beimo? It's obviously for greed and ambition!"

"And you-"

Yun Ce was rarely emotional and leaned forward slightly.

He said loudly: "Putting the cart before the horse, twisting the tune and making it straight!"

Although he was clearly saying heart-wrenching words, Yun Ce's eyes turned red first, and tears fell from his eyes. He knelt down on the couch dejectedly and cried: "Master! Look back! If it is really just to avenge the Gongxi clan for being trapped for hundreds of years, , no one from top to bottom of the teacher’s sect refused to respond!”

Yun Da is like a teacher and a father to him.

From the moment I can remember, the other person has always been there.

From babbling, toddling, to teaching and solving doubts, and passing on the mantle, everything about Yun Ce was shaped by the other person. Werder is the role model he aspires to follow, the beacon that guides his life, and the spiritual pillar and belief he regards as a god.

What is Werder doing now?

Destroy the idol in Yun Ce's heart with his own hands.

The high mountains collapsed overnight.

The pain of having one's cultivation crippled is far less than the mental torture.

Wen Da lowered his eyes and looked at the apprentice who was closest to him - even if this child's more than twenty years of hard work were wasted in his hands, he spoke from the bottom of his heart without any resentment, which made him feel a little funny.

He laughed too.

"Ace, you don't know anything."

The blood drained from Yun Ce's face: "Master..."

Yunda raised his hand to stop him from continuing. He lifted up his clothes and sat next to Yun Ce's bed: "It's precisely because he doesn't know anything that he can still harbor such naive thoughts. You have been following Shen Youli for a long time. You should know that the gods will Inner society and outer society, right?”

Yun Ce didn't expect such a big jump in topic.

Nodding: "I know."

He also knew that Master Yunda was also related to the Society of Gods.

This can also be proven by the tattoos on my body.

Wen Da raised the corners of his lips, a smile floating on the surface but not reaching his eyes: "Do you know who the real source of the Gods Association is?"

Yun Ce felt inexplicably uneasy when he contacted Yun Da before and after.

Yun Da: "This is Shen Youli, your lord."

Yun Ce didn't want to refute: "Impossible!"

Yunda asked back: "Why is it impossible? Just because Shen Youli completely fits the image of a benevolent master in your heart? Ah Ce, you have followed me as a teacher for so many years, and you don't even see me clearly. Why do you dare to say so categorically about yourself?" Do you know Shen Tang?"

One sentence made Yun Ce unable to refute the question.

Yunda said calmly: "Shen Youli and the First Master actually have many similarities. As long as she is not Shen Youli, but someone else, I have no objection to her."

Yun Ce: "I dare to risk my life as a guarantee!"

He doesn't know people well, Yun Ce admits.

But can they all be blinded in the book of prayer?

Yunda met Yun Ce's resolute eyes and knew that this silly boy had a stubborn temper. He also showed his cards: "The inner shrine of the Society of Gods enshrines an evil god named 'Mother Goddess'. The information I found for my teacher is that the first generation The members of the inner society were all gifted by the 'Mother Goddess' and were able to survive the great disaster. They claimed to be the descendants of gods and the blood of gods. No one knows how long these monsters have lived. This 'Mother Goddess' is you Today’s Lord…”

Yun Ce's mind suddenly became chaotic.

What the master said was beyond his understanding.

Yunda chuckled in his ears: "It is recorded in the inner society of the Society of Gods that natural disasters wiped out the world. Ancient humans discovered the 'Mother Goddess' and gained hope for the continuation of the human race from the 'Mother Goddess'. However, perhaps it is the power of gods. It was too extraordinary for mortals to bear, and in the end only a few lucky ones received the mercy of God. These lucky ones finally left the place where they were born."

"Master, this is just a fairy tale."

Werder's tone became calmer: "It's true."

Yun Ce was completely stunned: "Really?"

Yunda's smile was a little weird, but what he said made people shudder: "It's all true. The natural disaster that destroyed the world is true, and Shen Youli's role as the 'Mother Goddess' is also true. A Ce, do you think it is necessary to be a teacher? Are you grateful for her pity for the human race? No, this behavior is stupid in my opinion. There is no need to intervene in an existence that can reach the point of destruction."

Yun Ce: "..."

Judging from the words of Master Yunda, the so-called "Mother Goddess" neither caused trouble nor committed murder or arson. The founder of the inner society of the Gods Society only received favors from the other party, and what he did after that was not instructed by the "Mother Goddess" . This is like someone using a knife bought at a blacksmith to kill someone. The murderer is the buyer, not the seller. No matter how the government sentenced him, it was impossible to sentence the blacksmith to death.

Even if it is true, the Lord is innocent.

Yun Ce swallowed a few mouthfuls of saliva.

Cautiously asked: "Master, what do you mean..."

Master's lifelong wish is to end the troubled times. As long as this wish can be achieved, it doesn't matter whether the winner is a cat or a dog, and it doesn't matter how many people die during the battle. The most important thing is that the troubled times are ended, and there is no longer any barrier between everyone, and there is no distinction between you and me.

Yun Ce ignored a little bit.

All human races in the world will achieve the same goal.

Yun Da said: "That's what you understand."

He originally thought that the human race was just fighting and deceiving each other now, and he still had the idea that "the road to peace is difficult but there is a glimmer of hope." However, he did not expect that a long time ago, the existence of human beings had been rotten to the core. Ineffective.

Is it necessary to continue without learning the lesson?

Waiting to make the same mistake again next time?

How many more tragedies of killing will be carried out before the same mistakes are repeated?

Rather than doing this, it would be better to completely annihilate it.

Yunda did not think Shen Tang was an evil god. Shen Tang protected the survivors of the natural disaster. However, the surviving humans did not learn their lesson, and the struggle was forced to continue for thousands of years. Now, the "Mother Goddess" has opened the coffin and died in person.

Shen Tang's purpose is very clear. But Wenda doesn't think there will be peace in the future. As long as there are still people and as long as people still have their emotions and desires, struggle will be everywhere.

There will be countless tragedies like Amu Qing's.

"Shen Youli's arrogance is that she doesn't understand people at all. Self-righteousness is good, self-righteous salvation, the problem is that the human race needs the condescending rescue and charity from the so-called 'god'? Instead of drinking poison to quench thirst and prolong life, hehe, it is better to poison him directly."

The matter of human breasts also completely killed the last glimmer of hope he had.

It was like a loud slap across his face.


Only a thorough cleansing can stop one from creating new struggles.

Yun Ce was completely quiet.

He didn't know what to say at the moment.

The good news is that Master has no nerve to help others do evil.

Bad news, the master wants to kill everyone alive.

It would be better to help the tyrants do evil.

He held back his words: "Heaven and earth are divided into yin and yang. There is good and evil in the world. There are not only tragedies in this world, but also joyful things. Senior brothers' days in the sect are the most beautiful."

Werder declined to comment.

Xian Yujian held Werder's banner and forcibly obtained two portions of normal food without any additives from the kitchen. He estimated that the time was almost up, so he walked back and met Wen Da head-on. The other party only left one sentence: "Zigu, take good care of your senior brother."

Xian Yujian nodded in response.

When he entered, he saw Senior Brother Yun Ce looking at the corner in a daze.

Her eyes were still red, she must have been crying.

Xian Yujian sighed: "Senior brother, eat something. Don't think about master's affairs. He lived for more than two hundred years. How can we juniors persuade him? You also know his character. Once identified, it is impossible to change it." , you take care of yourself first."

Yun Ce opened his mouth to say something.


Xianyu forced the chopsticks into his hand.

Yun Ce reluctantly took two mouthfuls of wheat rice.

He looked very worried.

at the same time--

Shen Tang was also worried. She held her chin in one hand and turned the war patch in her hand to look at it carefully. The recipient of the war sticker is blank, but the signature is Werder. This is the letter of challenge issued by the 20th Chehou Hou.

Shen Tang can send people to fight.

Of course, you don’t have to go.

Although it is not stated explicitly, Werder's target is her.

But she is not only a brave warrior, but also the leader of a country.

Werder's invitation can be completely ignored.

"Oh, what a dilemma."

Shen Tang sighed again and looked at Kang Shi with faint eyes.

Asked: "Ji Shou, why don't you take a gamble?"

Kang Shi's scalp was about to explode when he heard it, and he got up and wanted to run away - after the last heart-breaking incident, he could no longer hear the word "gamble", for fear of accidentally gambling Shen Tang to death.

He said: "How can there be any reason to agree to such an invitation to fight?"

Who does Werda think he is?

This is a war between countries!

It's not a rough competition between two people.

The next post invites a battle, this operation is also rare in the world.

Shen Tang carefully read the content of the battle post: "I think you can go and have a look. They will face each other anyway, whether this time or the next time the two armies are in front of the formation. If you extend your head, you can use the knife, and if you shrink your head, you can also use the knife."

Bai Su: "My lord, I'm worried about fraud."

Beimo is still not sure about Shen Tang's life or death.

This time, there is no guarantee that this is not a test.

Shen Tang said: "I don't plan to show up in person either."

Gong Xiqiu crossed his arms and said, "In that case, I'll go and see what kind of medicine this twenty-level Chehou is selling in his gourd."

The old priest's notes contain a note about Wen Da.

The old priest gave a very subtle description of this old friend.

He is simple and easy to deceive, but also has some stubbornness and principles that are difficult for ordinary people to understand - there is definitely nothing to say in a battlefield confrontation and it will be over after doing it, but the nature of a special battle post is different. Gong Xiqiu also tended to go and take a look: "Brother, stay with me."

To be on the safe side, it’s better to disguise it.


Today’s chapter is relatively short, but it will be longer tomorrow.

Werder is going offline soon...

Having said that, it seems that Werder is the first person to admit that Tang Mei is not an evil god?

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