stand back, let me come

Chapter 1021 1021: Then commit suicide first and see [please vote]

The final camouflage lineup.

Gong Xiqiu wore Shen Tang's vest, Shen Tang wore Jimo Qiu's vest, and Jimo Qiu wore Gong Xiqiu's vest...

Shen Tang looked at Jimo Qiu and fell into deep thought.

"Yuanliang, don't you really think this is taking off your pants and farting?" The three of them exchanged vests and ran to the appointment. Is there any essential difference between the three of them running to the appointment without changing their vests? All three of them are on Werder's kill list, and there is a difference between early death and late death if they run into Werder's hands.

Qishan: "Then the Lord will stay in the camp and wait for news."

His face didn't look good when he said this.

Hearing once again that the Lord was going to put himself in danger was not to mention how frustrating it was. However, Qi Shan did not stop him. He just helped Shen Tang pretend to be Jimo Qiu, and when he helped her arrange the high priest's robe, he reminded her with a smile: "My Lord Have you ever heard a sentence?"


Shen Tang's scalp was slightly numb when he saw him.

"Yuanliang, don't laugh like that, I'm afraid."

Qi Shan carefully smoothed the folds of Shen Tang's long robe and spoke clearly: "One, two, but not three or four! Your Majesty is wise and powerful, you should know what Shan means by this, right?"

His tail tone rose slightly, with a hint of menace.

Shen Tang's eyes rolled around wildly and he nodded vaguely: "Yeah, yeah, oh, oh, you know, I know, I will definitely pay attention to safety, and I will never let Werder take any advantage."

After saying that, she turned around and wanted to retreat.

Naturally, she didn't run away. Qi Shan was still holding her collar. She turned her face away with a sneer, and met Qi Shan's seemingly friendly smile, but it was actually a threatening smile. She said bravely: "Yuan Liang..."

Qishan's smile calmed down and became clean.

He said sternly: "My lord, you are more important than your subordinates. Without Tan Lezheng in Kang State, you still have countless like-minded followers. But without Shen Youli in Kang State, like a high-rise building being stripped of its foundation, there will be a small The wind can cause the building to collapse."

Don't cut off the relationship between two people easily.

This was taking away his right to die for her.

Does she think he will be happy?

Shen Tang changed his words: "Le Zheng..."

Just as she was about to say something, Qi Shan loosened her collar.

He cupped his hands and bowed: "I wish the Lord good luck in martial arts as he goes here."

Shen Tang felt an indescribable complex feeling in his heart. He pressed the back of his folded hands, slapped them hard and said, "Wait for my triumphant return."

If the world were a huge game, Wen Da, the old boss, would be a big BOSS that would only be updated in a few versions. It would exceed the upper limit of player power in the current version, which seems to be unsolvable.


As long as the blood bar is on, there is no BOSS that cannot be defeated.

The battle post under Werder is not official.

The normal situation must be that he goes to the appointment alone.

Shen Tang couldn't trust this old man, so he sent scouts to survey the terrain in advance to see if there were any enemies hiding in ambush. Wen Da arrived at the appointed time. This place must have been carefully selected by him. There are no ambush conditions nearby, which is reassuring.

Shen Tang appeared a little late.

The sun was slightly tilted at this time.

Yunda's robe was filled with the cold wind mixed with flying snow.

There is quite a bit of an artistic conception of being independent from the world and becoming an immortal.

He turned his back to the direction the three of them came from, and he knew they were coming without turning around: "Young people nowadays are not even punctual for appointments."

Gong Xiqiu, wearing Shen Tang's vest, stood between Shen Tang and Jimo Qiu, with his hands folded across his chest and his chin slightly raised: "Gu Nai is the lord of Kang State, and it is your blessing to have a common man waiting for you. It won't be a little late." If you don’t come here, what’s there to complain about?”

Shen Tang's version of Jimo Qiu's mouth twitched slightly.

For the first time, she felt that her face was quite embarrassing.

Gong Xiqiu in the Jimo Qiu version is steady and calm, with his hands folded across his chest and his eyes looking at Wen Da indifferently, like an outsider.

Unexpectedly, Yunda ignored Gong Xiqiu at all.

He asked with a smile: "The Lord of Kang will also hide his head and show his tail?"

This is a question to the real Shen Tang.

Wen Da actually saw through the disguise of the three people at a glance.

Shen Tang was calm and composed: "Marquis Che has a good eye."

This is the first time that someone has seen through Qishan's [Miaoshou Danqing] face to face. She is also a shameless person. If her disguise is exposed by the enemy in front of her, how can she be so shameless?

Dang Ji responded happily and asked calmly: "When Chehou issued a battle invitation to Shen, could it be that the soldiers and horses in the Northern Desert couldn't catch the man and jumped over the wall in a hurry, forcing Chehou Yu to surrender and become an assassin?"

There is also an invisible chain of contempt among brave warriors.

Those who fight head-on look down on those who plot behind the scenes. In order to achieve their goals, assassins often go out of their way to kill people, plotting and poisoning them. Yunda was a military general and had been famous for many years. He relied on his strength and did not bother to use side tactics to kill the enemy.

Yunda sneered: "Who can force me?"

The implication is that he did not come here specifically to kill Shen Tang. Hearing that this fight might not be possible, Shen Tang's tense heartstrings relaxed slightly: "Oh? Really? In that case, I wonder if Marquis Che has any advice? I can't explain it before the battle, so I have to invite the fight in private to discuss it in detail?"

"I don't have any advice, but I do have something to ask for."

Even Shen Tang, who has such strong determination, was surprised for a moment.

Could it be that the person in front of me is an impostor?

The four words [asking for one thing] are normal from anyone's mouth, but it is terrifying and terrifying to say them from Wen Da's mouth.

She sneered unnaturally: "Chehou is really good at joking. You and I are at odds with each other, and we still have unresolved deep hatred. How can I help you? Has Chehou forgotten the last confrontation?"

Wen Da gave her a heart-warming blow last time.

If it weren't for her special body, she would have started burping again.

Come here now to ask for a favor?

Begging for the legs of his grandparents!

Wen Da ignored Shen Tang's words with a gun and a stick.

His request is one and only—

"No kidding, Yun asked the 'Mother Goddess' to return to her seat."

Shen Tang: "...???"

Reflecting on Gong Xiqiu, who pretended not to be like him: "???"

Jimo Qiu said: "Why?"

After saying that, two eyes fell on him.

Gong Xiqiu opened his mouth: "Brother, that..."

Shen Tang also crossed Gongxi Qiu to see Jimo Qiu.

"High Priest of Jimo, what is the 'Mother Goddess'?"

Jimo Qiu answered truthfully: "It's you."

Shen Tang: "..."

Following the sacred objects of the Gongxi tribe, new titles are unlocked.

Only then did Yunda notice that Jimo Qiu, who had always been quiet, had the latter's temperament blessing, and Gong Xiqiu's face that wanted to be arrogant became gentle and harmless. What Werda wanted was not the answers from the three of them. If they refused to take the initiative to return to their positions, they would have to be passive.

He sneered: "Isn't it a good thing to return to your position early?" "But Chehou doesn't look like a person with good intentions." Jimo Qiu did not follow Werder's tactics, and his response was not friendly, "Rather than beating around the bush, it is better to explain directly. Come as you wish."

Shen Tang and Gong Xiqiu were confused.

She raised her hand to show that she had something to say.

"Not to mention that I am not a 'Mother Goddess', nor can I bear the title of 'God'. To say the least, even if I am really the so-called 'Mother Goddess', what benefit will it bring to Marquis Che if I return to my throne?" ?”

A person's words and deeds depend on his motives.

What is Werder's purpose?

"As long as you are willing to return to your position, this chaotic world will return to peace. It's that simple." Yun Da even knows more about the inside story than the inner society of the Gods Association. "You shouldn't have come."

Shen Tang: "..."

Such a big pot almost killed her.

She broke the defense on the spot, pointed her finger at herself, and asked hurriedly: "What does Marquis Che mean by this, is the chaos in the world because of me?"

For the first time, Shen Tang felt the same as Dou E.

What did you do to make yourself a sinner bringing trouble to the world?

Over the years, she has been working 996*3 every day, and occasionally 007*3. She dare not say how diligent she is, but she also really allows the creatures under her control to recuperate and recuperate. She barely eats % full and wears % warm clothing. Just give her more time, she can do better.

Except for killing a lot of people during the war, he never took an innocent life. How come he became the culprit when it came to Wen Da's mouth? Let the common people suffer while you are still alive?

Wen Da said: "Yes, but also no."

Shen Tang suddenly became angry.

Yunda continued: "Since you are a 'god', just continue to sit on the altar, overlooking all your living beings. In this world of mortals, life, old age, illness, death, rise and fall, prosperity and failure, all creatures have their own destiny. You pity the rabbit whose neck is about to be bitten off, Can we have mercy on hungry wolves, tigers and leopards? Humans are no different from rabbits, wolves, tigers and leopards. They are both hunters and the food of others.”

The implication——

Shen Tang is nosy.

Since she was born in the clouds, she continues to be aloof. Isn't it unfair to the jackals, tigers and leopards that she steps down from the altar to save the poor rabbit? Rabbits are food for other wild animals. Does this move mean that this kind of kindness is just a kind of ridiculous hypocrisy?

"But I'm also a rabbit now."

Intuition told Shen Tang that there was something in Yun Da's words.

"An ant is still greedy for life, and he will not hesitate to live. Marquis Che, Shen is just an ordinary person, not the 'mother goddess' you call him. Doesn't the so-called 'return' in your mouth mean that you want me to die? You want me You have to take this life yourself. If you have the ability to take it, then it is yours. If you don’t have the ability, please don’t say these words, Marquis Che."

When Yun Da heard her answer, he knew that Shen Tang didn't understand.

He simply made it clear.

"Letting you 'return' is not letting you die, it's just your bloody body that dies. Do you really think it's mercy to let a rabbit that should have been buried in the beast's mouth live? You were lucky enough to escape this disaster, There will still be a steady stream of dangers surrounding you. Do you really think that by establishing the so-called Kang State and leading your troops to dominate the world, you can end all chaos from the source? From now on, the world will be free of sorrow?"

Shen Tang was also hit by the pot thrown by Wen Da.

Questioned: "In accordance with Marquis Che's opinion, what should we do?"

Wen Da replied: "Of course everyone returns to their respective positions."

"You said everyone should go to his own place? Let the rabbit die at the mouth of the beast?"


These four words directly shrank Shen Tang's cerebellum.

She vaguely knew Werder's true intention.

"As long as you are willing to 'return to your place', the remaining living beings will naturally find their way to self-destruction in the internal strife of intrigues and deceptions. No one in the world will naturally have no desire or desires, and naturally there will be no more wars. There will be no more wars." The tragedy of exchanging children and losing one's wife and children. Returning to death, how can it not be a return to eternity?"

Since Shen Tang is the "Mother Goddess" and has a destiny, Wenda believes that her appearance may bring prosperity for a period of time, but this state is not eternal. After prosperity comes decline! What will decline bring is war and chaos.

Over and over again, it’s meaningless.

He wouldn't mind doing something to stifle this reprieve of pain and help free everyone from earthly misery. No one understands what he did.

Shen Tang was really dumbfounded.

Werder, this old man, still has a chuunibyou.

"...So, you want everyone to die?"

Yun Da said: "This is not death, this is liberation."

Shen Tang couldn't wait: "You can be the first to be relieved."

You can't have double standards in life.

Wen Da might as well kill himself with a horizontal sword to set an example for her.

"When everything is accomplished, Yun will fulfill his promise!"

Shen Tang: "..."

Tsk, tsk, tsk, this is a cruel person.

She wanted to provoke.

Wen Da wants to be the last one, but his family members can go on the road first. If Lao Deng can even do this, Shen Tang will be completely convinced. Just thinking about it together, she remembered that Wen Da went to extremes because his family was dead. Lao Deng doesn't know if there are any descendants... Even if there are descendants, killing a son is different from killing a grandson who doesn't know how many generations ago.

Shen Tang could only change the topic.

"But your efforts are in vain."

Wen Da looked at her coldly: "Useless effort?"

Shen Tang spread his hands: "Yes, Chehou doesn't think that humans are uniquely intelligent beings, right? Monkeys are also intelligent, and so are the killer whales and dolphins in the sea. In addition to the land under our feet, there are other things above your head in the vast sea of ​​stars. Other civilizations. Without going that far, if all the humans in this area are dead, will the remaining animals not be able to eat the strong? The competition and killing in the jungle is even more cruel. They will continue to eat and be eaten. down, and gradually become the top of the food chain."

She looked at Wen Da's unhappy face and gave him a heavy blow: "The next one to climb to the top is another humanoid existence? You also said that humans are animals, why do you regard jackals, tigers, leopards and rabbits as ordinary , but can't accept the internal fighting of the human race? I haven't seen any animal that would have the idea of ​​destroying its own race because of the competition for territory and food..."

Is it the same race itself that Werder hates?

No, it was pain that he hated.

This pain is even more permanent than death.

Even though the human race is dead, it is still there.

Werder's expression became worse and worse.

Finally, he looked at Shen Tang with scarlet eyes: "You are deceiving the public with your evil words."

Shen Tang rubbed his nose in embarrassment: "Tsk, now I have become a monster who talks nonsense? Didn't you just say that I am the 'Mother Goddess'? Since I am a 'God', I stand higher than you and see more than you." , Isn’t this normal? My words are the truth!”

If you don’t believe what God says, how about you want to believe what ghosts say?

Werder's flop is not as meaningful as a piece of pie.

After all, the big cake can satisfy my hunger.

"However, what Marquis Che said is not unreasonable. Every living being has its own way out. In troubled times, who is not stubborn and wants to survive after experiencing hardships? The way out is the way out."

"Shen is not talented, but he is willing to lead the way."

Wen Da stood there stunned for a long time.

The Shen Tang in front of him was still wearing Jimo Qiu's vest, and Jimo Qiu's appearance was the one favored by the gods of the Gongxi clan. All the previous high priests and high priest candidates shared the same aesthetic standards. Naturally, the Shen Tang in front of him almost coincided with the First Master.

The First Master told him that war ends with war, and for the final peace, the thorns and killings along the way are the inevitable price to pay.

Shen Youli said——

Be a good guide and let nature take its course.


Wen Da has been deceived all his life - the first master coaxed him to throw away his life and shed blood, and his best friend deceived him to stay trapped in this place for a hundred years. Tang Mei told the truth, but it was a bit heartbreaking.

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