stand back, let me come

Chapter 161 161: Chaos in Xiaocheng [Seeking Monthly Ticket]

Chapter 161: Chaos in Xiaocheng City (161)

"No matter what it is, it is not a good omen." Chu Yao looked at the direction where the first smoke rose. It was given to Shen Tang, and he snatched it away.

Qi Shan frowned: "What are you doing?"

Chu Yao asked back, "What are you doing?"

Shen Tang, who was about to reach out to pick it up, looked at Qi Shan, who was being strangled by Chu Yao's wrist, and Fox questioned the two.

"...What are you doing?"

Gong Shuwu: "..."

Ah, that feeling of being completely ignored is back.

Qishan understood Chu Yao's intentions in just a few moments, twitched the corners of his mouth, pointed at Shen Tang and asked Chu Yao back.

"Don't you really believe it?"

So it is taboo that he, a "foreign man", borrows clothes on his own initiative?
This is really unnecessary.

If Qi Shan was still skeptical before today, after today he would completely disbelieve Shen Tang's nonsense.

Just ask, which daughter can be like this?

Even if there is the example of Lin Feng, it proves that women can also open up the alchemy house, but look at his style of painting, and look at the style of painting of Mr. Shen Xiaolang?It's beyond his knowledge.Therefore, Chu Yao's reaction seemed a little "unreasonable" to him!
Chu Yao remained expressionless: "One nine."

One letter, nine doubts.This belief was given for the sake of the Destiny Filter, and the reason for blocking it was simple - he disliked the unclean clothes of Qishan.

Praying: "..."

Chu Yao explained again: "Your clothes are stained with blood."

Because the color of the clothes is darker, it can't be seen clearly, but Qishan's body does exude a faint bloody smell, and you can see the blood seeping from the inside to the outside, even staining the outer shirt.

Chu Yao was slightly surprised: "When did you get hurt?"

Shen Tang also looked over when he heard it.

His eyes flickered with worry, but also a little puzzled.

Although Wenxin Scholar doesn't have much combat power, with his swordsmanship and speech skills, it is difficult for ordinary soldiers to catch him.It was just a battle, and Qishan was so far away from the center of the battle circle, where did he get injured?The key is that the outer shirt is intact...

There is only one possibility—Qishan was injured early in the morning, and because of an accidental rupture, the blood oozes out and stains his clothes.

Qishan frowned calmly, and put his coat back on his body indifferently: "I'm not injured, I probably didn't pay attention when I rushed over, and was splashed with the blood of some unlucky ghost."

Chu Yao carefully looked at Qishan's expression, he was indeed rosy and healthy, and there was no trace of pain, and he ignored any doubts.He took off his outer shirt and put it on for Shen Tang—whether it was Wu Niang or Wu Lang, the neckline was slightly exposed, and the clothes were torn, no matter how ugly they looked, Shen Tang did not refuse.

She yawned sleepily.

There was a strange flush on his face, and his head was bit by bit, as if he could fall asleep with the next breath.With previous experience, Chu Yao knew that she was going to sober up, so he said: "If Wulang is tired, find a place to sleep first, and leave the rest to me."

Shen Tang didn't answer but braced himself and walked around Gong Shuwu three times, seeing the latter's Chinese face bewildered.After confirming again and again that her "treasure" was still there, and the enemies who came to intercept the "treasure" were also driven away, Shen Tang nodded in relief and stretched her waist.

With the next breath, he closed his eyes on the spot under the surprised gazes of the three people.

Praying: "..."

Chu Yao: "..."

Gong Shuwu: "..."

After a while, there was a slight and gentle snoring sound.Getting drunk after drinking is outrageous enough, I didn't expect that there would be an operation to fall asleep while standing up, and Gong Shuwu was so shocked that he didn't even have time to ask Shen Tang what it meant to walk around him, his eyes were a little strange.

After being stunned for a while, he asked in a daze, "Gentlemen, this, this... what should I do???"

There were only four of them... oh no, three.

Can such a small amount of manpower be used?Even if he uses his martial arts and soldiers now, he can't move so much tax money, and the tax money target is too big, if it is not guaranteed, Captain Yang will lead his troops to kill him.The tax bank was intercepted, and the limelight will be tightened recently.

It is not good to "commit crimes against the wind".

Chu Yao and the two looked at each other.

They have planned for so long and considered this situation, so they naturally "hidden" the tax money.It's remote, sparsely populated, and hard to be found.Even if Lieutenant Yang and the others came back after killing them, they probably would not have thought that the tax bank would still be around the same place.

Any "gangster", who won such a large amount of wealth, would not transfer and hide it immediately?Isn't it a long night and a lot of dreams?

After the limelight passes, the tax money will be secretly transferred.

Gong Shuwu did not raise doubts about this. In his opinion, this is already the best solution at the moment. Hiding nearby is much less labor-intensive and more efficient than transferring.

At the same time, Yang Duwei and others also led the remnant soldiers who had lost the battle and hurried towards Xiaocheng.The atmosphere along the way was solemn, and even the most trusted subordinates did not dare to take a breath, for fear of offending Captain Yang's sensitive nerves if he was not careful.

After two hours of rapid travel, the morning sun shone in the east.

Captain Yang's eyes were bloodshot from the heat, but he also knew that the soldiers couldn't bear it. If he hurried on his way regardless, even if he returned to Xiaocheng in the fastest time or encountered the enemy army halfway, hundreds of tired and disabled soldiers would be nothing but Give the enemy meritorious service!
He had no choice but to choose to rest in situ by a stream.

"Lieutenant Yang—" At this time, Zhai Huan's spirit had recovered a little bit, and his complexion looked much better than when he retreated last night.

"Mr. Zhai." Yang Duwei changed his previous arrogant and defiant attitude, and became a little more respectful and grateful.This behavior was not fake, if Zhai Huan hadn't helped him several times yesterday, not to mention his little life, he wouldn't have been able to keep so many soldiers under his tent.

Zhai Huan asked: "Yesterday's wolf smoke was..."

Captain Yang didn't hide anything, and replied in a deep voice, "That's the wolf smoke information that desperately returned to the state capital of Sibao County."

There was no need for the two of Zhai Huan to go with the remnant soldiers when they retreated and fled earlier. After all, this was beyond the scope of their entrustment, but the two young men still came.

It is easy to add icing on the cake, but it is difficult to send charcoal in the snow.

Yang Duwei is not an ungrateful white-eyed wolf, so naturally he will not use his previous attitude.

Zhai Huan was surprised: "Is Xiaocheng in trouble?"

Captain Yang nodded heavily.

Zhai Le, who was on the side, listened, and Jun's face sank.

Although the information that the beacon can convey is very limited, the situation is so serious that it is necessary to send out such a beacon and recall the soldiers of the garrison outside. From this, one can also deduce that——

The number of enemies has surpassed the garrison!

If you consider that the garrison still has the home field advantage of defending the city, then when the difference in the strength of the enemy and our troops is not large, it will not be able to rise to the level of smoke.Reversely speculate that the number of enemy troops may be three times or five times that of our army... this number of troops...

Returning to aid is equivalent to sending to death.

Zhai Huan asked: "What kind of power?"

Yang Duwei rubbed his face vigorously with his hands, trying to refresh himself - he spent too much yesterday, and was beaten internally by that gangster, his current condition is not much better than that of "the end of the crossbow".


  I really feel lonely when I dye my hair, and the light is not obvious during the day

(End of this chapter)

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