stand back, let me come

Chapter 162 162: Chaos in Xiaocheng [Seeking Monthly Ticket]

Chapter 162: Chaos in Xiaocheng (162)

The question Zhai Huan raised was exactly what Yang Duwei wanted to know.

At this moment, Zhai Le thought of something, and cautiously asked Captain Yang for confirmation: "Does Captain Yang know... about the disturbance in Lingzhou?"

Yang Duwei was stunned for a moment.

It's not that he has a problem with understanding, but that Zhai Le can understand every word of what he said, but why can't he digest it together?

What is "Lingzhou Rebellion"?
He couldn't believe it.

Standing up on the spot, his eyes widened like copper bells.

It paced back and forth like a raging beast, its breath was dangerous and uneasy, and the ground under its feet would be trampled out of two pits.Finally, he asked hoarsely, "What did you say...Lingzhou?"

What happened to Lingzhou?
When did Lingzhou happen?

Brother Zhai Le was more shocked than him.

Really don't know?
This, this... Rao they don't know what to say.Zhai Le had no choice but to explain the situation roughly, but he lied about the source of the news. He only said that he passed by a certain tea shop not long ago and heard some merchants talking about it, but he didn't bring out Shen Tang.

Although he didn't know why Brother Shen wanted to intercept the tax bank, but he believed that Brother Shen was a sincere and honest gentleman, even if he did something evil, there would be a reason for it - what's more, it might not be considered an evil thing.He could see clearly what was going on in Sibao County.

Being able to extract so much tax money from a group of skinny people, and also giving away a large number of rare treasures other than tax money to please the lord Zheng Qiao, the sheriff of Sibao County is also a ruthless person!

From this point of view, Zhai Le is more inclined to Shen Tang.

Therefore, he kept his mouth shut.

He never revealed his guess to Captain Yang.

Yang Duwei: "I don't know, I have never received this news..."

He was so angry that his liver trembled, the whites of his eyes were covered with blood-red spider threads, and his eyes were fierce, as if he would eat ten people at a meal.

Flapping his nostrils, panting heavily, his fists were pinched until his knuckles creaked, he suddenly thought of something, his anger surged like gunpowder, and he scolded: "No—there is chaos in Lingzhou, the county guard has to make a sacrifice at this juncture What does the tax bank do?"

Zhai Le interjected softly: "Perhaps the county guard doesn't know either?"

Captain Yang couldn't suppress his anger at all, and his voice suddenly raised high: "Can he not know? If he doesn't even know this, does his life depend on luck?"

Zhai Le: "..."

This... I can't say for sure.

But the fall of Sibao County, what good is it for him as a county guard?

Zhai Huan said: "Don't be angry, Captain Yang. It's still unknown who is besieging Xiaocheng, and it may not be the rebellion forces in Lingzhou. On the other hand, if it is really them, it will be a good thing."

Captain Yang swallowed his anger unwillingly, and asked with red eyes: "Why did Mr. Zhai say that? If those mobs make trouble..."

Zhai Huan said: "It is difficult for a mob to become a great weapon."

Yang Duwei choked.

As a warrior, he agrees with Zhai Huan's point of view.A group of improvised old and weak soldiers, even if there are a large number, are only scary on the surface.Their proportion of warriors is too low, who makes it difficult for ordinary people to even have enough food and clothing?
They will rebel because of lack of food, like a snowball, and people in the same situation will respond everywhere they go, but——Can a group of hungry people get enough together?
How much combat power can one fight with an empty stomach?

How much threat can it produce?
Even if the Xiaocheng garrison chooses to be a tortoise, unable to shrink back, defending the city for a long time, fighting for food and grass can still drag the enemy to death.What's really scary is that if the enemy attacking the city is a well-trained "regular army" with plenty of food and grass, it is called danger.

Duwei Yang scratched his bun impatiently.

He really couldn't think of any other possibility...

Seeing that there was no breakthrough on Duwei Yang's side, Zhai Huan could only shake his head secretly, helpless - now he can only take one step at a time.

In private, he found that his cousin looked sick.

It was a forced question.

Zhai Le Qi Qi Ai Ai: "Brother, I, I—"

Zhai Huan: "Don't lie, you have never been good at this."

Zhai Le was immediately discouraged: "...Oh, it's like this... I actually have a suspect for the gangsters last night..."

Zhai Huan was not surprised, he just asked, "Qi Yuanliang?"

Zhai Le was shocked: "Brother also knows?"

Zhai Huan almost laughed angrily: "What's so difficult?"

Do you really think it is so easy to meet a literary scholar who can overwhelm him?Ah Le thought that everyone was as innocent as him and believed in coincidences in the world?From the appearance of Qishan to the robbery of tax money, even if Qishan didn't do anything, Zhai Huan would suspect him immediately.

No reason, just because it is too coincidental is not a coincidence!
Coupled with Zhai Le's expression of not being able to hide things...

He asked, "How do you know?"

Zhai Le said: "Oh, because of Brother Shen's sword."

There is almost no possibility of mistake.

The corners of Zhai Huan's mouth twitched, trying to match the "Brother Shen" that Zhai Le often mentioned with the strong man with the scarred face last night.

"But he is not a literary scholar?"

Zhai Le said: "Yes, it's a scribe."

Zhai Huan: " call that a Wenxin scholar?"

He was speechless, and it took him a long time to glance at Duwei Yang who was in a panic in the distance, as if he had a breath stuck in his chest, which made him uncomfortable.

Zhai Le rubbed his chin, hesitating slightly: "He has a literary spirit and a Wenxin is indeed a Wenxin scholar, that's right."

Zhai Huan: "..."

Really long time to see.

Shen Tang, who was chanted by the two, felt a little itchy on the tip of his nose, and sneezed violently uncontrollably.

He opened his eyes and half sat up.

Woke up and it was daylight.

The air wafted in the stench of mud mixed with the smell of blood.

She rubbed her forehead and thought about it carefully.

Ha ha, no suspense, can't think of anything.

The first time is raw, the second time is familiar, the third time, and the fourth time is familiar.

She knew that she was drinking fragments, and she didn't make a fuss if she changed the environment.After a while, Chu Yao and the others came back empty-handed, making her mistakenly think that the robbery of tax money had failed.

"Goro is awake?"

"How was the operation last night?"

Chu Yao: "Everything is going well."

"What about tax money?"

Chu Yao handed her a sheepskin drawing, and said: "Of course it is buried, and it will be taken out after the limelight passes. Does the head still hurt? I don't know where Qi Yuanliang got the spirits. You fought with someone last night. It seems like there is no life... There will never be a next time!"

Although Goro's bravery and toughness are comparable to others after being drunk, he also lost some of the "reason" that ordinary people have, and he doesn't pay attention to his body at all.Fortunately, those were minor injuries, and the amount of blood seemed to be large, most of which were from the enemy.

Like a ghost, Qishan appeared from nowhere and said, "Chu Wuhui, although there is a battle, courage is the foundation. Mr. Shen Xiaolang is brave against the enemy and is not afraid of life and death. What's wrong?"

Chu Yao asked back: "Is Goro a warrior?"

When Shen Tang heard it, his mind, which was originally not in pain, buzzed instantly.She hurriedly waved her hand and jumped up: "It doesn't hurt, it doesn't hurt. Now that the matter is settled, let's go back quickly, and we have to pick Lin Feng home. If you go a few days late, you will lose your temper with me..."

She shamelessly used Lin Feng as a shield.

Chu Yao snorted and didn't care about Qishan.

The four of them took a short rest and prepared to return.

Her good mood came to an abrupt end in an official tea shop.


  1. Although there are battles in battle, courage is the foundation: from "Mozi", the general meaning is that although there are battle sequences in war, courage is the root of victory.

(End of this chapter)

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