stand back, let me come

Chapter 166 166: Chaos in Xiaocheng [Seeking Monthly Ticket]

Chapter 166: Chapter 166: Chaos in Xiaocheng ([-]) [ask for a monthly ticket]

Shen Tang: "..."

This is simply off the charts!
Before the battle even started, the sheriff fled first.

This matter is still within Qishan's expectation, so I am not surprised at all. If the county guard suddenly wants to defend the city to the death and live and die with the people of Xiaocheng, then the sun will come out to the west——

Either the sheriff's head was broken or his house was taken away.

Shen Tang: "Then who is in charge of Xiaocheng now?"

The people don't know either.

The news he knew was also heard from the mouths of other people on the road. As for who else got the news from...

Nothing to do with him!

The most important thing now is to escape.

The man took a breath, picked up the elderly mother again, tied the hemp rope, took a wooden stick and the only dry food belongings, and said goodbye to Shen Tang and the others.Seeing the mother and son blending into the crowd of refugees, Shen Tang clenched his fists suddenly.

I thought I could get there in three hours for the rest of the journey, but it turned out to be counterproductive, the official road was blocked, and the trail was full of fleeing people.

The four had no choice but to take a detour. Along the way, they saw fireworks rising from a certain village, and a group of strong young men dressed as soldiers were arresting people.

Shen Tang and the others had the potential to be cannon fodder at first glance.

The leading soldier glanced at them, pointed his spear at the four of them, and said loudly, "Stop, you four!"

Shen Tang paused.

He asked coldly, "You called me?"

Several soldiers surrounded them, and the leader looked Shen Tang and the others up and down, very satisfied with their age and physique.

"Are you the people of this village? Do you want to avoid recruiting too?"

Shen Tang kept a cold face, even though he wanted to punch someone to the ground, he still responded: "No, it's just a passing traveler."

The less trouble, the better.The clothes of these soldiers were obviously not from the garrison of Sibao County, but most of them were from the rebel army.

Shen Tang didn't want to cause trouble yet, but it's a pity - she wanted to let others go, but she couldn't stop him from taking the initiative to seek death.

The leading soldiers did not listen to explanations at all.

"Whether it's true or not, you'll find out if you take it back and ask. Once you find out that you are lying... Hehe! Take them all away!"

The man waved his hand.

There are targets for them to come out to "recruit troops".

If the indicators are not up to the standard, you will be sprayed when you go back. For the sake of the future, you must catch enough people. If you encounter resistance and obstacles, you will be killed directly.

Just as Shen Tang was about to explode, two soldiers grabbed a man from the shabby house at the head of the village, excitedly said: "Boss, come and see!"

Followed by the scream of the woman struggling and resisting.

Shen Tang followed the sound, but saw a delicate peasant woman in plain women's clothes being dragged out of the house, begging for mercy.Even with the black pot ash smeared on the face, it can still be seen as a sign of appearance.Another man came after him.

"...Master Bing, then my lady, please let her go...I'll go with you, just to let her go!"

The young couple hid in the pile of firewood behind the dilapidated house. They had been hiding well, but these soldiers broke into the village and searched wantonly, and they missed every hiding place.

The couple was quickly found.

The man thought that he would just agree to leave, but he still underestimated the madness of these rebels.Their "recruitment" target is not small, and it is difficult to complete under normal circumstances.In order not to be punished, these soldiers would also find women with good looks or figures.

What are you using it for?
Naturally, it is used to bribe the boss.

Of course, pretty men are fine too.

If you can satisfy your boss, not only will you be able to get rid of the indicator, but you will also be appreciated, promoted and reused.

From this point of view, this delicate-looking peasant woman is much more important than that man, and it is related to the future.

The man stepped forward to pull the barrier, and the peasant woman scratched and wounded the man while struggling, and finally annoyed the soldier, kicking the man's heart.

Don't know how to lift!

If this kick is solid, with a man's body, he will fall to the ground at the last time, and if it is serious, he will be unconscious.

Who knows-

That's when the accident happened.

A sword light struck, and there was a scream worse than killing a pig, and the calf of the kicking soldier flew out.

Yes, flew out directly!
A gushing splash of blood spattered the man's face.

The woman was also frightened by this scene, and almost forgot to struggle for a while.But only for a moment, when the soldier lost his calf and rolled on the ground, she opened her mouth and bit the other man's wrist, took advantage of the pain of the other man to let go, and rushed towards her man.

In such a short time, the situation was reversed.

Shen Tang made a move like a signal.

Gong Shuwu twisted off the necks of the two nearest people with his bare hands, Qishan sneered and drew out his sword with a swipe. Shen Tang likes to wipe people's necks, and he likes to greet people's hearts.The remaining Chu Yao didn't wear a sword. After all, sword skills have been abandoned for many years, and wearing a sword is just a decoration, but he is a literary scholar after all.His strength is stronger than that of ordinary people, and even a single punch can make people's heads buzz and the world spin around.

The soldiers of these "forced conscripts" are all ordinary people, not even low-level officials, and the four of Shen Tang can kill the rest.

The couple were not the only ones rescued.

Dozens of people looked at the corpses on the ground and shivered.

Shen Tang shook off the blood from the sword, and said in a low voice: "You pack up and run away together, this place is no longer safe."

This group of soldiers did not go back to report, the rebels would track down the village sooner or later, and they stayed here to die, so it was better to escape as soon as possible.

"Thank you, hero, thank you, hero!"

Shen Tang's expression softened a lot: "There's no need to thank you, it's against our principles to ignore death and ignore difficulties."

Although the disguised skin was tough and frightening, her eyes were calm, more like a good person with a fierce face.

And good people are often bullied.

Most of the villagers could only go back to pack up their belongings no matter how reluctant they were, and flee for their lives as soon as possible, but some of them couldn't figure it out, so they cursed at the top of their throats, or pointed at Shen Tang's nose.

"You god-killed ones, what kind of heroes are the gangsters? Didn't you kill all the people? Why let us escape? If the four of you don't intervene, these bastards will catch people and leave!"

Qishan's complexion suddenly changed.

It's not that they haven't seen this battle.In fact, they all know that people's hearts are changeable, especially in these remote places, where troublesome people come out of poor mountains and rivers. Don't expect the troublemakers to "repay you with kindness".

Their faces changed because of Shen Tang.

In the opinion of Qishan and the others, Shen Xiaolangjun/Golang is still young, and facing this scene without warning is not good for physical and mental health.

It's just that I never expected--

In the next breath, Shen Tang's sword pointed firmly against the man's neck, poking a bloodstain. The villager felt afraid only after suffering the pain, and looked pale in disbelief at the suddenly attacking Shen Tang.

"Oh, do you know what it means to be afraid?" Shen Tang sneered with a cold expression, resembling her drunken expression, and warned, "Don't move! Move, I can't hold the sword stably, your head and your body The family is going to be separated. Since I call Lao Tzu a 'thug bandit', believe it or not, I will show you now. Anyway, after killing so many people, how about killing a few more people who don't have eyes?"

For a moment, the surrounding atmosphere fell to the bottom.

Shen Tang is haunted by the murderous intent that even Gong Shuwu secretly fears, let alone these ordinary villagers?

Immediately changed his words and begged for mercy, not daring to make mistakes.


  PS: After Duzi, the Xiaocheng plot note paper I made earlier was soaked in water. Oh, I have to check and copy the information again.

(End of this chapter)

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