stand back, let me come

Chapter 167 167: Chaos in Xiaocheng [Seeking Monthly Ticket]

Chapter 167: Chapter 167: Chaos in Xiaocheng ([-]) 【Ask for a monthly ticket】

"It's fine if you know you're afraid, and keep your tongue in check from now on, otherwise, you won't know how you died." Shen Tang withdrew the "Mother Sword" with a cold face, and the threatened villagers nodded tearfully while covering their skinned necks , looking very frightened by her killing intent.

Qishan looked at the backs of the villagers who had almost fled, and said with a smile: "Shan thought that Mr. Shen Xiaolang would kill them with a sword."

Their white-eyed wolf remarks are really annoying.

Killing soldiers is also to save people, not to mention gratitude, but good intentions are still regarded as the liver and lungs of donkeys, and they are beaten indiscriminately. Which temperamental person can bear this grievance?
He would not be surprised if Shen Tang suddenly violently killed people.

Shen Tang almost rolled his eyes.

"You think I'm going to kill them?"

Qishan: "Mr. Shen Xiaolang doesn't feel wronged and angry?"

"Do I think it's okay to slaughter recklessly because of grievances and anger? How is that different from Zheng Qiao and his ilk?" Shen Tang asked coldly, and then said in a cool tone, "These ignorant villagers are just talking cheap, just scare them. If that's the case If you can't scare them, then beat them up. If you have the guts to provoke and insult them, I'll pull out their tongues again!"

If you have a mouth but don't speak human words, you might as well give it up.

Shen Tang is not dough.

How can you not be angry when someone points at your nose and scolds you?
Chu Yao smiled to calm his slightly chaotic breathing, and joked with a smile.

"It's a good thing that Goro has a little temper, but his tongue is a bit bloody when he pulls out his tongue. There are a lot of words that can be silenced..."

Literary scholars should be elegant and gentle, and gentlemen use their mouths but not their hands. Fighting and killing are the bloody style of a brave warrior.

A smile reappeared on Shen Tang's face, dispelling the coldness, as if she was the illusion of everyone who was full of murderous intent just now: "It's good to be silent, once I have a quarrel with someone, I can't fight or scold, and I can still silence , almost invincible.”

Qishan smiled: "You are called shameless."

Shen Tang showed "you don't understand" eyes.

Silence, that is the privilege of authority dogs.

"Thank you benefactor for your rescue. There is no repayment for a great kindness. If there is an afterlife, you must tie a straw ring." At this time, the rescued young couple stepped forward to express their thanks.The man has obviously been educated and speaks in a polite manner.Shen Tang waved his hand to signal that they don't need to be so polite.

"I have something to ask you."

The man was flattered, and hurriedly said: "My benefactor, please, as long as we know, we must know everything without saying nothing..."

Shen Tang asked: "How far is it from Xiaocheng?"

Among the four of them, the one who is most familiar with Xiaocheng should be Chu Yao, but during the five years that Chu Yao stayed in Xiaocheng, he spent most of his time working as a handyman in the back kitchen of Yuehua Building, and occasionally went out for short trips, and was hardly in the city. Staying overnight, I don't know much about some mountain trails.

Because the official road is controlled by the rebel soldiers, the group can only choose to take a detour, and the direction of the detour is a bit skewed. It is safe to ask the local aborigines.Hearing what she said, the man said anxiously: "The benefactor can't do it, that Xiaocheng..."

Shen Tang knew what he was going to say.

He said bluntly: "The family members are all in Xiaocheng, so don't abandon them."

The man glanced at his wife: "I know a relatively short road. The villagers usually go to the city to go to the market that way. I will take my benefactors there." He rushed back to meet her.

Fleeing alone, ten deaths and no life.

Follow the villagers and take care of them on the road.

His wife naturally did not agree with him to take risks.

It's not that I don't agree with the husband's act of repaying the favor, but that I don't agree with the couple's separate actions.Once we are separated this year, the chance of reunion is too small.It's better to let her go with her. The husband and wife are together in life and death, which is more important than anything else.

Shen Tang: "..."

Although the relationship between the husband and wife in the midst of adversity is very touching, she didn't say that someone must lead the way, just pointing out the general direction.Both of them were embarrassed to interrupt the interaction between the husband and wife and re-articulate their needs.

The villagers have lived in this land for generations, and every item added to the home condenses a precious memory.

Once you leave your hometown, everyone wants to take everything with you.Some people were ruthless, gritted their teeth, and brought the only valuable belongings and dry food with them, and some people were reluctant to leave any of them behind, packing all the big and small bags, or carrying or dragging...

When they came out, they didn't see the figures of four strange strong men. The villagers panicked and asked the young couple, "Where are the benefactors?"

The man said: "Let's go."

Villager: "Let's go? Why don't you take us with you?"

Many villagers thought that Shen Tang and the others would follow, or take them to escape together, after all, how safe people are in this world.

The other villagers didn't curse, but they also blamed Shen Tang in their hearts, and it wasn't to the point of leaving their hometown...

Listening to the villagers talking in detail, the faces of the young couple were not very good-looking.It's just that they can't control other people's mouths, and everyone is from the same village. They know that offending anyone will easily lead to the siege of the whole village, so they can only swallow their anger with a livid face.

Shen Tang didn't know that leaving with his group brought complaints.

Follow the man's guidance and set foot on the trail, and have to be careful to avoid the rebels who searched the mountain along the way.The muddy mountain road was very difficult to walk, and cycling was simply an extravagant hope, so the four of them had to go on foot.

"Hiss—that's really strange——"

Dodged and searched for the rebels all the way.

Shen Tang couldn't help but suspect that the man who showed the way cheated him.

Chu Yao said: "It should be someone who went into the mountain to search."

Shen Tang wondered: "At this time? Who are you searching for?"

Chu Yao didn't answer.

Shen Tangfu thought of a person in his heart.

"Could it be the sheriff of Sibao County?"

After finishing speaking, without waiting for Qishan and the others to respond, she continued, "That's not right. Since the governor of Sibao County is a faction that surrendered voluntarily, what is he doing to avoid the rebel search?"

Shouldn't you run to your new thighs with joy?
Qi Shan's eyes darkened: "Shan Shan hopes it's that fellow!"

Shen Tang said: "Well, I understand, I understand."

After all, it is an old enemy.

When the enemy met, he was extremely jealous.

One of the purposes of Qishan coming to Xiaocheng is this old enemy.If they are lucky enough to bump into each other, I pray that the bad vengeance will be avenged.

Just as he was talking, Gong Shuwu noticed something with sharp eyes.

He picked up a rag in the tangled grass.

This rag is bright in color, and only a little dew is stained on it. It seems that the owner of the clothes left it carelessly not long ago.

He squatted down and groped through the grass, and sure enough, he found sunken footprints not far away.Then use your finger to indicate the size, male.

Shen Tang also came over after hearing the news.

There are more than one footprints in the grass.

She rubbed her forehead and complained, "Is this the legendary Murphy's Law, or the Halo of the Traveler?"

"What is Murphy's Law? The Halo of the Traveler?"

"If things might go bad, the more you worry, the more likely it will happen. This is not—bad things are coming."

As for the halo of the traverser? ? ?
Shen Tang smiled and said: "As for the halo of the traveler, half a step, have you seen the shiny halo on my head?"

(End of this chapter)

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