stand back, let me come

Chapter 175 175: Chaos in Xiaocheng [Seeking Monthly Ticket]

Chapter 175: Chaos in Xiaocheng City (175) [ask for a monthly ticket]

"Since then, I have become him." In the blink of an eye, Qi Shan had restrained his excess emotions, and said this calmly, "Qi Yuanliang... this name, at least something must be left. He left it for me. In 'Book Mountain', I live in the world for him."

So he pretended to be a "prayer".

Even though he knew that once his behavior was discovered, Xin Guo would be expelled at the slightest, and at the worst, he would suffer the death penalty and lose his reputation, but he still chose to do so—he just wanted "Qi Yuanliang" to live longer, and to be remembered firmly in the world. got the name.

No one knew the unwillingness in his heart at that time. When he left "Book Mountain", Qishan was not far from death, and he made this choice entirely by instinct and obsession.

For some reason, he already possessed the way of "killing the lord" of scholars, and a second very special way of scholars appeared——

【Wonderful Danqing】

It was the disguise that Shen Tang knew.

"Second? You have two?"

Although Shen Tang was surprised, he was not surprised.

Qishan's superb camouflage ability is by no means what ordinary words can achieve, but he did not expect that he actually has two ways of scribes.

Sure enough, except for her, everyone else was cheating!
Shen Tang suddenly remembered a certain detail.

"I remember Wu Hui said before that the way of scribes is not just a special ability, but also the heart of scribes to question themselves..."

It is the embodiment of inner essence.

Isn't this just obsession?

If the interpretation from this perspective is correct, then how deep was the obsession to pray for goodness at that time in order to break through the normal constraints?

Qi Shan said lightly: "Those are all in the past."

The desperation and helplessness at that time were lightly exposed.

"It helped me a lot. If I didn't kill a "nemesis" halfway, I might really be able to hide the truth. Even if I end up as a small official in the official position, even if my ability is limited, but based on my understanding of him, he is Under the Nine Springs, I can also be happy..."

The real "Prayer for Good" is never a person with high eyesight and low power. He has not only the blood of a teenager, but also the stability and steadfastness that many adults don't have.In his opinion, "love" has no distinction between big and small.

If you are successful, you will benefit the world, and if you are poor, you must do your best.

"What's 'limited ability'? In my opinion, you are amazing." How can you be qualified for the job of "guiding NPC" if you don't have any real skills? Shen Tang keenly noticed a word, "Nemesis?"

People like Qi Bushan will also have a nemesis?
She thought Qishan was somehow invincible.

Qishan's face was a little smelly: "Yes."

Shen Tang was full of interest: "Who? Where is the sacred place?"

If you have the opportunity, be sure to visit and learn from it.

Qi Shan pouted, seeing through the true emotion on Shen Tang's face, and said lightly, "Him? You probably won't have a chance to see him."

It's hard to say whether that person is dead or alive now.

Shen Tang: "The person is gone?"

Qi Shan said: "I don't know, but it's probably not good."

There is a high probability that it should be gone.

Shen Tang: "He beat you... aren't you very dangerous?"

Qi Shan nodded.

Not only is it dangerous, it is almost like a narrow escape.

And the source of this crisis lies in himself.

The "Sacred Land of Mountains and Seas" has been in the world for nearly 200 years, and there are still 80 to [-] people who have been lucky enough to enter it, not to mention a million.As for those who unfortunately lost their lives, the countries in the mainland do not know if there are more than a hundred... In a sense, "one out of ten thousand".

The outside world only knows that an unlucky guy died in "Book Mountain".

The person who died was just a scholar from a poor family background, he didn't attract much attention, and it wasn't even as big as his street fight with Yan Cheng.

It was also this fight that became the fuse for everything that happened afterwards.

Entering the "Mountain and Sea Holy Land" is just a try.

The results of the first test are linked to the classics of words and spirits learned by the scholars from the "Sacred Land of Mountains and Seas".Qi Shan lay in bed for seven whole days to recuperate, unable to move, and was barely able to get up until the day when the first exam was announced.On the street where the bulletin boards were posted, he saw that Yan Cheng was hanging the top ten.

He was also surrounded by many people to congratulate him, his face was full of spring breeze, high-spirited, and the words "bright future" were written on the corners of his eyes and brows.

At that moment, the hatred in Qi Shan's heart was as strong as the magma splashed out during a volcanic eruption, instantly engulfing all reason.

How can this person still have the face to live!

Why don't those who deserve to die die, but those who don't deserve to die tragically?

His eyes were scarlet and bloodthirsty: [Yancheng, pay for your life! 】

The two fought in the street.

Qishan suddenly got into trouble.

Before Yan Cheng could react, he was punched.

Although Wenxin scholars are not as brute force as martial arts warriors, and they can't hit people with a single punch until their brains are shaking and their eyes, ears, mouth and nose are bleeding, but when they are hit in the vital part suddenly, Yancheng also utters a cry of pain. screamed, fell heavily to the ground.

The scholars nearby were taken aback by this scene, and they all left the stage to fight. A group of people stopped the crazy praying for good, and a group of people helped Yancheng with a nosebleed. The common people watched the movement and joined in the fun.

Everyone almost screamed in their hearts.

It doesn't matter if these two are killed, don't implicate them!

Yan Cheng endured the nausea, and raised his hand to wipe off the blood on his face.

[Nothing, nothing. 】

He knows better than anyone why praying for kindness is difficult, maybe it is a guilty conscience, or he is good at managing the image in front of others, pretending to be magnanimous and waving his hands, his empathy is like a young and white lotus flower.

【Yuan Liangxu suffered a big blow and developed hysteria... Let’s leave the big guys, it’s not good to make a big mess, ah——】

Qishan broke free from four or five scribes, rushed towards Yancheng who had just stood still, pressed the person to the ground, and hit his face with his fist!

【Are you crazy, pray for goodness!Do you really think I dare not hit you? 】

The guilt in Yan Cheng's heart was broken away by a few fists, and he fought back directly.The other scribes stepped forward to persuade them to fight, but they couldn't persuade them even when they were hoarse. They were punched again in the confusion, and their temper came up. Adhering to the principle of "join if you can't hold it back", they also joined the melee.

On the long street where the bulletins are hung, a group of scribes fought in a melee.

Xin Guo examiners before hearing the news——

The old man has experienced strong winds and waves, what scene has he not seen?

After hearing the news, the Xin Guo examiners——

This really doesn't exist!
Be sure to investigate thoroughly!

As the instigator of the chaos, Qi Shan was interrogated.

When asked, he confessed that it was Yan Cheng who killed "Tan Qu" of the same year in "Shushan". He and Tan Qu were brothers in love, and vowed to avenge their siblings to the death!
Everyone didn't expect that this matter would involve human life, and they dared not relax immediately, and brought Yan Cheng to trial again, and Yan Cheng categorically rejected it!

The two are deadlocked!
It's a little tricky.

Pray for the ancestors to be noble and noble, and several celebrities will come out in succession.Although the previous generation was lonely, and his literary grade was not high, but he was very popular, and even several scribes who participated in the scuffle pleaded for him.

Although Yan Cheng came from an ordinary background, the performance of "Shushan" was excellent this time, and he didn't give an explanation about the gang fight, fearing that the candidates would not be convinced.

In a dilemma, he finally alarmed a big man in the court.

This person is also the nemesis of praying for good.

In terms of relationship, he is still his seat owner.

This person saw through the pretense of praying for good in just one meeting, and was also the first person to know that this praying for good was no longer the other praying for good.

(End of this chapter)

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