stand back, let me come

Chapter 176 176: Chaos in Xiaocheng [Seeking Monthly Ticket]

Chapter 176: Chaos in Xiaocheng (176)

Qishan smiled wryly.

"As Yan Cheng said, I have no direct evidence to prove that he harmed others, but I also have no evidence to prove that I did not harm Yuan Liang."

Especially at this time, he replaced the real "pray for goodness".

Compared with "Yan Cheng murdered Tan Qu and Qi Shan", "Tan Qu murdered Qi Shan, took away his identity, and blamed Yan Cheng in the same year" is more convincing.

Shen Tang was puzzled: "You didn't explain?"

But Qishan asked back: "Who do you think will listen to my explanation? Because the real me is not Qishan, but Tan Qu! Tan Qu is just the son of a straw shoemaker. , he has a reason to murder his close friend and occupy the magpie's nest!"

Even if it was difficult to "pray for goodness" at that time, he still had the background and clear name left by his ancestors, which made him different from ordinary people.

From the eyes of the world, it is impossible for these two to be friends on an equal footing, nor would they treat each other as brothers, let alone the noble one leaving the only way of life to the humble straw shoemaker's son.

They even suspected that the son of a straw shoemaker could get to where he is today, and some despicable means must have been used to confuse the real "Qi Shan", completely erasing the hard study of Qi Bushan in the middle age, and the hardships of the road to school...

Shen Tang: "..."

What kind of weird logic is this?

Qi Shan laughed again: "Yan Cheng did well in the first test, but I was trapped in the secret place, and I basically handed in a blank paper. Who do you think is more credible, me or him?"

Noble and humble, who doesn't prefer the former?
Excellence and mediocrity, who doesn't favor the former?
Shen Tang: "Do princes and generals have kindness? I only know that only pets pay attention to bloodlines, origins, and heels, and are picky about appearance, voice, and body shape. Living people also use these to judge their dignity? This kind of speech is the worst should appear in this world."

She continued: "The most honorable family in a country should be the royal family, right? Otherwise, how can it be above ten thousand people? But since it is so honorable and the bloodline is so superior, why is it still destroyed? Most of the royal families in the destroyed country have not ended well. .According to the logic of noble bloodlines, shouldn’t the whole clan be banned, and the old and new royal families marry together, so the bloodlines are more expensive?”

"It can be seen from this that it is just a stinky and shameless person putting gold on his face." Shen Tang patted Qi Shan on the shoulder very generously, "Whoever shows up with your body and mouth smells like you, just tell me, and I will help you get rid of them." Smash the brains one by one! See if their brains are filled with brains or the intestines that have been put upside down! Others’ brains are filled with brains, but these people’s brains are filled with shit!"

Praying: "..."

If Mr. Shen Xiaolang could be more refined——

He will probably be very moved.

"In short, I was too young at the time. I didn't think carefully and acted irrationally. Not only did I not do anything to Yancheng, but I put myself in danger. The seat master didn't make things difficult for me. He just sought truth from facts and wrote down my disguise in the On the memorial, submit it to the lord, and let the lord decide everything..."


The outside world still doesn't know what kind of urine the Lord of Xin is?
At that time, he was crazily infatuated with Zheng Qiao, and Yan Cheng had already followed Zheng Qiao's path, so he became cannon fodder in just a few words of prayer.

Did he deserve what he deserved or was wrongly imprisoned?That is not important, just as his life is not important in the eyes of those people.

Because the incident happened during the "special test" period, in order to have the effect of killing chickens and monkeys, the penalty was extra severe.

Ling late!

The crimes were "harming a classmate", "stealing another's property", and "framing a classmate". Putting these charges together, "fighting on the long street" became the lightest.Qishan is just a scribe without foundation, who almost makes every day unresponsible, and makes the world ineffective.

Fortunately, he also met the nobleman.

"who is it?"

Can Qishan be rescued from this situation?
Qi Shan said: "One was funded by 'Yuanliang' in the same year. The case didn't disclose that I replaced my identity and fabricated the inside story, so he thought I was framed by Yancheng."

But that same year, he was also a white man with no power, no power, and ordinary background, and he wanted to save him, but he was powerless...

The only thing that can be done is to see him one last time before his execution, see him off, and say goodbye.He inadvertently mentioned that he would pack the luggage of "Qi Shan" and "Tan Qu" so that the two could return to their hometown.

In the future, an adjacent tomb will be built, and I hope that the two brothers can still drink and drink in the underworld, and don't suffer so much anymore.

Then, cats were mentioned.

That old cat named "Huai Xu".

For the sake of friendship, Nian will help raise the old cat.

Shen Tang: "A cat?"

This is the key?

Haha, nature is the key.

Qi Shan was inspired, and with an idea, he thought of a way to get out and avoid the death penalty - as long as he overturned the conclusion of the seat owner, he could revive the dead situation!Because those charges were all based on the foundation of "he was not praying for goodness but Tan Qu".

And Qishan has not revealed his real face so far

Because the seat owner recognized Qishan's true identity by relying on his way of scribes, but he couldn't remove the disguise of Qishan.In other words, as long as he presents absolute evidence to prove that he is "praying for goodness", those felony charges will not be established.

As for the well-documented Long Street brawl?
The sky is exile.

The key to everything lies in the "cat"!
The real "Qi Shan" is naturally afraid of cats, and when he comes into contact with raccoon slaves, he will develop rashes all over his body, and in severe cases, he will even go into shock and die, but Tan Qu has no such problems.As long as he can prove that he also has the same problem, the possibility of turning over is extremely high...

It turns out that Qishan was right in his bet.

The final result is responsibility and exile.

Fortunately, Danfu Wenxin is fine.

It's just that, once he was beaten, even if he was a literary scholar with a literary spirit, he almost lost half of his life. The little humiliation and making things difficult for him became an unimportant trivial matter.

On the day of exile, a few acquaintances came to see him off.

Or help with the arrangement, so that he will suffer less on the way to distribution, or give him some money... Who knows, Yancheng is here.

Shen Tang feels uncomfortable when he hears the name Yancheng at the moment, and always feels that this guy has a bad stomach and is not a good bird.

"What is he doing?"

See a joke?
Qishan sneered and said, "No, it's 'gifting'."

Send a "big gift" that makes Qishan "unforgettable for a lifetime"!
The small box of huanghuali contains a delicate little jar.

When I opened it, it was a pile of ashes.

Everyone present turned cold.

What does sending ashes mean?
Not waiting for Qishan and others to break out in the same year, Yan Cheng pretended to say: [Cheng knows that you and Tan Lezheng are life-and-death friends, and because of his death, he suffered a great blow and almost made a big mistake. Now this situation, Cheng is no wonder you……】

Qishan: [Stop talking nonsense, what is this! 】

He faintly had some kind of bad premonition.

The hand holding the wooden box was shaking.

Yan Cheng: [It is Tan Lezheng's relic. 】

Qi Shan sneered coldly: [A Qu's body was trapped in the "Book Mountain", so how could his ashes be used as a relic? 】

Cremation is not popular nowadays, that would be a blow to the ashes!
But Yan Cheng said: 【Of course the ashes are not Tan Lezheng's, but the old cat that has been with him for many years. 】

When praying for goodness, it is like being struck by lightning.

【Its master is dead, and you are afraid that the cat will be exiled, and you can’t take care of it even if you think about it. The cat is getting old and sick all over... So you think that the long-term pain is worse than the short-term pain, and it is a good cat that protects the master loyally. Let it follow Tan Lezheng, let the ashes accompany you for a ride...]

(End of this chapter)

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