stand back, let me come

Chapter 222 222: Take a piece of land [take a leave]

Chapter 222 222: Take a piece of land 【Please take a leave】

Although Shen Tang also had plans in this regard, but——

Gu Chi's question was too straightforward.

People are so straightforward, she has to be honest.

He said sincerely: "Of course there are."

Whether it's for myself or for these hundreds of people.

Thinking of this, her eyes dimmed slightly.

Her vassalism is too restrictive, and a stable territory is indispensable if she wants to develop insignificantly.Not having a stable territory means that she has no room for wretched development.Because people have two legs, they can run with their property on their shoulders, but the crops they plant cannot.

It takes time for crops to grow from planting to maturity.

It's not that Shen Tang didn't think about occupying the mountain as king.

But this kind of behavior is too risky and can only be regarded as a bad move.

Because Shen Tang is not the nominal owner of the land under his feet!If her name is not right, others are entitled to attack her in the name of "removing harm for the people" and "suppressing bandits".Even if she relies on her own strength and is not afraid of external harassment, come and fight one by one!

There is only a thousand days to be a thief, how can there be a thousand days to prevent a thief?
The latter can always find an opportunity to strike.

Even if he succeeds once out of ten times, Shen Tang may not have a chance to stand up - the capital is too small, and he can't bear to toss!
Thinking further, if she wants to recruit refugees for her own use and expand her own scale in the future, she must have a place to house people, right?Otherwise, why would a bunch of refugees come here?Follow her from one end to the other?
She has no reputation or territory, and the refugees don't care about her.

No territory means that all plans are empty talk.

Shen Tang asked Gu Chi for advice: "Does Mr. Gu have a good plan?"

Gu Chi really did.

He smiled and took a sip of plum wine, which was meaningful.

"I dare not say it is a good strategy, but it is indeed a good opportunity! This opportunity is close at hand, we just need to see if we can grasp it!"

Shen Tang frowned: "A good opportunity? Is it still in sight?"

After thinking about it for a while, she understood where the "good opportunity" Gu Chi was referring to... However, she didn't know whether to say something, this "good opportunity" was a hot potato... She would only die faster, right?
Shen Tang shook his head: "Mr. Gu thinks highly of me."

Gu Chi encouraged the fire: "Wealth and wealth are found in danger."

"It's true to say so, but once the 'risk' is far greater than the 'wealth', it will not be worth the loss if you continue to do it..." Shen Tang paused, as if afraid of Gu Chi's misunderstanding, he added, "I have the strength , Naturally, the two armies are not afraid of confronting the generals in front of the battle, even if the skills are not as good as others, I still have Yuan Liang and the others, it is still possible to retreat... But just because I can do it, does not mean that other people can also."

At least not with more than a hundred people under his command.

Sending them to the battlefield is no different from sending them to the King of Hades.

"How does Shen Lang know that he can't succeed?"

Shen Tang shook his head: "It's not a matter of success or not... Take a step back, even if you succeed by luck, with Zheng Qiao's temperament and style, will he really keep his promise?"

Even if it is a stamped edict, he can turn his face and deny it.

"Shen Lang is too cautious." Gu Chi squinted his eyes contentedly, with a somewhat careless laziness in his expression, "Zheng Qiao issued that edict because he wanted to fight between snipe and clam. He is a good fisherman." Li, but instead exposed his biggest weakness. It was this weakness that made Zheng Qiao dare not break his promise easily. No matter how unwilling he was, he would have to admit it..."

Gu Chi changed into a more comfortable position.

"Shen Lang might as well make a guess."

Shen Tang heard the words and looked at Qishan who was listening quietly with downcast eyes.

Qishan didn't give a hint.

Shen Tang: "..."

She lowered her eyes and thought for a while, and then tried to ask: "Zheng Qiao's biggest weakness - is it that he is strong outside but capable in the middle? He has the Seal of the Kingdom of Geng in his hand, and the rebel army headed by King Zhu just took advantage of a 'surprise' .If the two sides meet, Zheng Qiao has a greater chance of winning."


Zheng Qiao didn't send troops to kill King Zhu and others.Not only did they not do so, but they also issued an edict to call on people with lofty ideals to crusade against the rebels. Regardless of their backgrounds, whoever can make contributions in the crusade, or be promoted to rank, or be crowned king...

It seems to be a very normal edict.

But there are too many tricks in it, and the most interesting point is "regardless of origin and past".The translation is——Zheng Qiao has great tolerance, as long as he can make meritorious deeds, even if the deeds have rebelled, they can be written off!

It is only about merit, not demerit!
With that said, Shen Tang's thoughts became more and more smooth.

Analyzed: "If Zheng Qiao is said to be capable of destroying the rebel army of King Zhu, why did he make such a promise of 'cracking the soil to seal the king'?"

This is not the way to draw big cakes.

"...If you say you don't have the ability, it doesn't seem to make sense..."

Guoxi's advantage is not just for fun.

"Unless Zheng Qiao is temporarily unable to send troops for some reason, and can only rely on external forces to contain King Zhu's power. He is afraid that the bait is not big enough, and other fish will not take the bait, so he throws out a temptation that no one can resist? Listen? Seems like you're stalling for time..."

Surprise flashed across Gu Chi's eyes.

"Shen Lang is smart, guess eight [nine] is close to ten."

Shen Tang asked: "So, do you know the reason?"

Gu Chi: "Actually, it's not hard to guess. Why did King Xi and the others so quickly turn against the confidants who were loyal to Zheng Qiao? Because they were caught, and once Zheng Qiao found out about this, they would definitely die. Apart from rebellion, they have no second choice." way out!"

This shows how unpopular Zheng Qiao is.

He acted ruthlessly, not only the enemy feared, but also the people around him, and fear could not make his subordinates really give up.While Zheng Qiao made his subordinates fearful, it also fueled their ambitions.Given one chance, they will betray without hesitation!
Just to get out of Zheng Qiao's control!
Gu Chi said indifferently: "The example of King Pig has also inspired others - taking advantage of the opportunity to turn against Zheng Qiao is the safest way to save his life! In this way, of course Zheng Qiao would not dare to send troops to clear up King Pig's rebellion at this time. Army, because once he delegates his military power, the first thing those confidant generals will do is to kill him!"

on the contrary--

Leading various forces to fight with King Zhu, no matter which side wins, or both sides lose, Zheng Qiao will sit firmly on the Diaoyutai.

The wishful thinking was crackling loudly.


Will things go as you wish?

It is precisely because of this weakness that Zheng Qiao will not easily break his promise.Gu Chi hoped that Shen Tang would seize this opportunity, so that he could get a piece of land, which would be regarded as a place to stand.As long as it takes root smoothly, it will be considered a successful first step!
Things will unfold in the future.

But Shen Tang's worry was——

Gong Shuwu and Chu Yao are not around, and she has only more than 100 people under her command, what should she do to make contributions and obtain the first land in her life?This problem is terrible!
More than 100 people went into the battlefield, and the splashes could not even rise.

Shen Tang's inner voice did not shy away from Gu Chi.

Gu Chi smiled and said: "The more than 100 people can't do it. Except Gong Shuwu, Shen Lang doesn't have a single warrior who can handle it, but Shen Lang is different, as long as he can make a name for himself in front of the two armies ...Isn't credit at your fingertips?"

Shen Tang: "...",

Is she the one who co-authored and worked part-time from beginning to end? ? ?
Others are employees working to support the boss... When it comes to her, is it her "boss" who is working hard to support the "employees"?
Alas, the world is mixed.

Just resentful, a soldier sent a message outside the tent.

It turned out that Gu Ren was going to attend the meeting, worried that Shen Tang would not find his way or be neglected, so he called her to join him.

Shen Tang: "..."

 Overestimating myself...

  Is my cousin moving into a new house? I went to help, but I was called up at five or six o’clock... Hey, I didn’t sleep until after three o’clock in the morning... I was in a trance all day, sleepy and tired, and I went home after work in the afternoon , after two hours of mending, but the more mending, the more tired, waking up feeling that the body was hollowed out...

  Not moving any more, flustered, and going to take a leave of absence to go to bed early.

  Replenish your energy tomorrow and make up for it...

(End of this chapter)

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