stand back, let me come

Chapter 223 223: There is a meeting [2 in 1]

Chapter 223 223: The meeting is held [two in one]

Shen Tang thinks that a meeting is a group of people getting together, you speak and I follow up, everyone works together, brainstorms, overcomes difficulties, and discusses strategies for advancing troops.The rebels occupying Xiaocheng are not weak, and they still have Gongxichou as a big killer!
This is the meeting Shen Tang imagined.

And the actual meeting—

I won't say whether it is efficient or not, but it is indeed much more exciting than she imagined.Ever seen a country fair?It almost smells like that.Shen Tang came with Gu Ren, but the seat arranged was far away from him, and the treatment was very different.

Gu Ren frowned.

Doesn't seem very happy with the arrangement.

However, he was not the organizer of the slaughter of cattle and sheep, and the banquet of various forces, so he couldn't say anything, so he just sat down in his seat.As soon as he sat down, he saw a few familiar people.Pushing cups and changing cups, and chatting with each other with a smile, the scene seemed to be very harmonious.


Beneath the harmonious surface is an undercurrent.

Shen Tang didn't come here alone, he also brought Gu Chi to pray for good.

First of all, Qishan is worried about Mr. Shen Xiaolang, who made this Mr. Shen so good at creating "surprises"?He still wants to live two more years.

Secondly, how can there be any reason for the boss to work overtime alone?

Gu Chi took the initiative to ask Ying to come, and bring him one more.

Shen Tang had a strange expression on his face: "Don't you think it's noisy now?"

Gu Chi tidied up his clothes slowly, the heat from the green plum wine hadn't dissipated, and his eyes were still a little blurred: "It's noisy, but it's also interesting... I really want to know how many of these people really responded to the so-called edict ordered..."

Shen Tang was puzzled and asked: "Is there anyone still fishing in troubled waters?"

Gu Chi smiled and said: "The drunkard's intention is not to drink..."

Shen Tang was at a loss when he heard the words.

Responding to the imperial edict, it was naturally the bait thrown by Tu Zheng Qiao, but Gu Chi said, "Drunkards don't want to drink"... Could it be that there are people here for other purposes?Shen Tang suddenly thought of something, the corner of his mouth twitched slightly, and he shook his head.

"...If so, the ambition is not small..."

In addition to the rebels under the tent of King Zhu, Xiaocheng also has the "unaccounted for" national seal... Tsk tsk tsk, these forces came so quickly, it is indeed "drunkards don't care about wine", they care about the national seal.Shen Tang curled his lips and agreed to take Gu Chi with him.

Even with the addition of a sick-looking Gu Chi, Shen Tang and his party only consisted of three shabby people, all of whom were scholars of the literary mind, and none of them were warriors with a sense of security at altitude, so they were assigned to the A remote corner.

What is even more depressing is——

There was a row of brothers in front of Shen Tang.

This is also a big brother who is tall and burly, and he is so big when he sits still, completely blocking Shen Tang's sight.

Unless Shen Tang stood up, he would not be able to see the faces of the leaders of the forces sitting in front of the tent.She looked at the slightly raised butterfly bones and strong back of her brother in front of her with some despair, and listened to the chattering and discussing voices around her.

Shen Tang: "..."

(╯‵ ′)╯︵┻━┻

Secretly beat the table!

She also wants to breathe high altitude air! ! !

Gu Chi chuckled slightly, and Shen Tang glared at him.Perhaps he was intimidated by the sharp look in his eyes, and changed his words in a very sensible way: "Shen Lang is still young, and he will still be able to grow taller in the future... After all, the foundation is here, so don't panic."

Only then did Shen Tang look away.

Gu Chi said: "Shen Lang—"

Shen Tang folded his hands on his chest, still a little angry.

The tone of the response was also somewhat angry: "Why?"

Because of the deceitful way of literati, Gu Chi is proficient in the trick of multitasking - listening carefully to the voices of the people, paying attention to what they say, and at the same time talking to Shen Tang: "Shen Lang thinks that - among these people, there may Is there anything you can see?"

Shen Tang asked back: "I like it?"

She pointed at the backs of her brothers in front of her and said, "I didn't even see what they looked like, I just looked at their backs..."

Very bad meeting experience.

Gu Chi said helplessly, "I'm not referring to their appearance."

Which power does not look at the face of the position ah.

Without waiting for Shen Tang to answer, he added: "It's not referring to the back, Shen Lang watched their words and deeds, is there a hero among them?"

Shen Tang: "..."

In truth, she was even more confused.

Whose Yingjie can tell from chatting or having a meeting?
If you don't fight with a real knife or a real gun or get along with each other for a while, who knows if it's real skill or a silver-like gun head?Shen Tang didn't know them at all, and shook his head honestly: "I haven't figured out which one is right now, just watch."

Gu Chi said, "I found one down here."

Shen Tang's spirit (eight) spirit (gua) cheered up: "Who?"

She was rather curious about who would make Gu Chi pleasing to his eyes...

You must know that this guy's way of literati is "reading minds".

The selection criteria must be very strict, and only those who are the same on the inside and the outside can make him look high.Because she was too curious, she couldn't help leaning forward to get closer, for fear that she would miss the gossip.

Seeing this, Gu Chi was dumbfounded: "Didn't Shen Lang think it was me?"

Shen Tang: "...are you kidding me?"

Gu Chi smiled and took away the wine cup from Shen Tang's table.

Said: "Shen Lang can guess."

Shen Tang: "..."

She had every reason to suspect that Gu Chi said that the call was to cheat her of the wine!Cursing his lips in secret, Hu Shi usually took the two plates of snacks into his arms, covering Gu Chi's coveting eyes.

The Qishan eyes on one side looked at Gu Chi inexplicably.

Avoid Shen Tang and communicate in private.

The two exchanged eye contact several times, you come and go.

Before they could come to a conclusion, the camp, which was as noisy as a market, slowly quieted down, except for the breathing of the people, only the crackling of the lamps and candles burning.It turns out that the pre-war conference has officially begun!Shen Tang also changed his sloppiness and sat upright.

She stared at the back of her dear friend in front of her. At this moment, a strange middle-aged man's voice came from the top position of the tent.

The man said in a calm voice: "Now, according to the imperial edict, all the lords are gathered here to fight against the rebellious thieves. Is there a strategy for advancing the army?"

The voice fell, followed by a man with a slightly sharper voice: "I think that if you want to kill the rebels, you must first establish a leader."

Shen Tang's eyes lit up.

She is familiar with this process!
Followed by Versailles showing off.

The so-called leader is naturally the one with the strongest strength, the best family background, the highest reputation, and the largest territory... among the crowd!It is estimated that it will take a while.

Shen Tang can't drink alcohol, he can only drink tea to moisten his throat, and while drinking, he secretly said in his heart: "It's bitter, I hope they choose a leader soon, otherwise I drink too much tea, I'm afraid my bladder can't stand it... halfway through the meeting It’s not okay to go out to use the toilet…”

Restricted by the altitude, she couldn't see the speakers. She could only listen to their voices and footsteps, and judge their approximate age, height, and strength: "Struggling for power and profit is an instinct deep in your bones. Joe didn't come or died, do you really think he is a puppet with no power?"

Gu Chi became even more relaxed.

His altitude is not so miserable.

With the addition of Shen Lang, he found that this occasion is not very boring - he can observe the speaker while proofreading Shen Tang's complaints. Add a little bit of fun.

He agrees with Shen Tang's point of view.

Although the so-called lord can restrain everyone to obey orders, he can also do some small actions in private - such as tilting resources to his own side.However, it's okay to lose this battle. Once won, the so-called leader will become a thorn in Zheng Qiao's eyes and flesh.

It's strange that Zheng Qiao doesn't mind a leader who is well-received by everyone, but also has fame, family background, strength and territory...

However, not everyone is stupid.

Some people jumped out to compete, while others lacked interest.

The battle for the leader is not very intense.

A leader was quickly chosen.

A man surnamed "Wu" was young, about [-] years old by visual inspection, with a neatly trimmed goatee, and his clothes seemed low-key, but in fact the word "expensive" appeared in his low-key.The most important thing is - this person has the strength of half a county!

The most powerful among the crowd.

Don't think that half a county is very small.We must know that today's mainland is divided into fragments and hundreds of countries are bristling. Some small countries only have a land area of ​​half a county or a county. They are caught between big countries and struggle to survive.A typical example of this is Chu Guo back then!

Although this man with the surname "Wu" is not the nominal owner of this half-county, he does have a real force in his hands.

As soon as he stood up, everyone else fell silent.

Just kidding, it's not an order of magnitude at all!
How do two or three thousand troops compare with tens of thousands?
Shen Tang was puzzled, and murmured in private: "Such an idiot, why don't you lie down and recharge your energy, how come you come to participate in this - he is not afraid of being targeted by Zheng Qiao, and he will be wiped out secretly?"

Shoot the first bird!

Shen Tang suddenly thought of Gu Chi's previous question.


This man surnamed "Wu" probably came for Guoxi.

As long as he gets the National Seal, he is qualified to be on an equal footing with Zheng Qiao in a sense, and he has the strength of half a county, and he can absorb those forces oppressed by Zheng Qiao, and he can develop in a short time.This is seeking wealth and wealth——

A consensus was reached, and with the leader of the alliance, everyone burned incense and drank blood under the leadership of a man surnamed "Wu".Only then did Shen Tang see the appearance of the new leader in the gap between the crowd.It was almost the same as she imagined, but there was an indescribable arrogance between her brows.

Speak and look at people without squinting.

Because the conditions are very limited, the blood alliance did not choose another auspicious day for the astrology, but directly used local materials.

The new leader adjusts his clothes, wears a sword, cleans his hands and burns incense.

One obeisance, two obeisances, another obeisance.

Read an impassioned speech.

Drink a bowl of wine dripping with the blood of livestock, and finally throw the bowl to express your determination!Everyone else followed suit, except for Shen Tang...

Except for Shen Tang!

Shen Tang who was forced to become the focus: "..."

The new leader noticed Shen Tang standing in the corner, seeing her immature appearance and her remote location, he guessed her power in his heart.I don't think such a small force can have much effect, but it doesn't cooperate with the process...

This problem is huge.

The new leader had a gentle but majestic smile on his face, before approaching, he asked from a distance, "What's the name of this young man?"

Shen Tang pursed his lips, never expecting such a development, so he could only bite the bullet and reply: "I'm sinking Shen Tang."

The new leader asked: "Master Shen, why doesn't he drink this wine?"

All he had to do was ask her directly if she had any problems with the alliance.

Others looked at Shen Tang with complicated and inexplicable eyes.

Shen Tang had no choice but to say half truth and half lie: "This, this, I can't drink well... I am afraid of making a fool of myself, so I didn't drink."

Her drinking capacity is one problem, and another problem is that she thinks it is not hygienic to drink raw livestock blood—generally, chicken blood is used for blood alliances, but the person to be crusaded is "King Pig", so the livestock is selected as a pig, or on-site Slaughtered pigs!The smell is soaring!
Shen Tang glanced at it secretly, the pig didn't pay much attention to hygiene, and was still struggling and howling terribly during the bloodletting...

If you really drink it, you won't get sick, right?
I was really worried that a group of people would sacrifice their blood to fight against King Zhu, but they would get plague on the way, and they would all die young... But after thinking about it, swine fever is not like chicken plague, it seems that it will not infect people?

She was about to grit her teeth and drink it, but unexpectedly, the people around her moved faster and faster, which made her look like a strange person.

She was not even given a chance to make amends.

The new leader obviously does not accept this rhetoric.

The eyes of other people also added a bit of unkindness.

Only Gu Ren stood up to make peace for Shen Tang, he said: "Mr. Shen is indeed young and can't drink well, how about a cup of tea instead?"

The new leader didn't speak, but there were others who were "outspoken". He sneered: "Young? If you are really young, you should stay at home and be protected by your father and brother, or enjoy the warm and fragrant nephrite, and be contaminated with the corrupt style of life and death, not Staying among the heroes, on such a solemn occasion, add trouble to us!"

Some people couldn't help laughing out loud.

Shen Tang's complexion changed, he looked at the man with a bit of unkindness, and declined Gu Ren's suggestion to replace the turbid wine.

He sneered and said: "Okay! Then you will keep this in mind, and you have to stop me from drinking like crazy later!"

After all, he raised his head and drank it.

With a headache, Qi Shan stepped forward to help the drunk Shen Tang.

The new leader also agreed with the "outspoken" speech in his heart. After all, Shen Tang was really too young, and his stature was not as tall as his youngest son. Why would such a child come to meddle?But he didn't expect that Shen Tang would really be drunk instantly!I closed my eyes on the spot!
"He is..."

Qishan sighed: "My lord is drunk..."

New leader: "..."

Everyone: "..."

Really drunk? ? ?

Few of them were ordinary people, all of them were literary scholars and warriors with keen five senses. Shen Tang could still feel the change of breath, and they all choked silently.

The bottom of my heart complained about Shen Tang's destruction of the solemn and solemn bloodbath occasion, but some people also noticed the prayers with a weak sense of presence.

The man opened his eyes wide in shock, and immediately called out to him.

"You are—Qi Yuanliang???"

He lost his voice because he was too shocked.

Qi Shan followed the sound, his expression froze slightly.

Gu Chi raised his eyebrows, and asked secretly: "Are you old?"

Praying for goodness, the wind is light and the clouds are calm.

While responding to Gu Chi: "The former colleague..."

Gu Chi instantly understood.

With former colleagues, there will naturally be former masters.

And the scribe's way of praying for good is well known to Lord Fei.

Qishan had no choice but to say: "Long time no see, brother Qin."

The new leader looked at his confidant and asked a little curiously.

"Qin Qing, do you know each other?"

  I overestimated myself, another update was in the early morning, and there were still [-] words to finish... Gan
(End of this chapter)

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