stand back, let me come

Chapter 224 224: My Lord is drunk [seeking monthly ticket]

Chapter 224 224: My Lord is drunk [seeking monthly ticket]

These two know each other?
Everyone turned their curious eyes to the scribe in a soap-colored sweater.They didn't expect that the right-hand man of a fart powerful force would know the confidant of the new leader.Judging from the reaction of the scholar in soap shirt, this "Qi Yuanliang" seems to have some tricks...

The essence of human beings is to join in the fun and eat melons.

All of a sudden came the nature of onlookers.

The scholar in soap shirt turned blue and then pale, looked at Qishan wishing to goug him out, and retorted bluntly.

"Who is your Brother Qin!"

Gu Chi secretly smiled: 【No one welcomes you. 】

Qishan sneered: [You have a good reputation? 】

It's all for other people to make jokes, but where does Gu Chi have the qualifications?

Crow don't laugh at Zhu Hei, the big guys are half-baked.

Scholar Zaoshan approached the new leader and said in a low voice: "My lord, this person is the 'famous' 'evil plotter' Qi Yuanliang. Even if you escaped here, you still dare to show your true face to others!"

The new leader was surprised: "What? He is the evil plotter?"

He often pays attention to the outside world, especially the news (eight) news (gua) of the Northwest countries, and naturally he did not forget to pray for this wonderful guy.Although I don't know what happened, I can see a thing or two just by looking at Qishan's wanted value...

He is definitely a "strange person" who cannot be easily provoked!
After the words fell, he looked at Qi Shan with a bit of unavoidable vigilance. Everyone also paid close attention to the conversation between the new leader and the soap-shirted scribe.Praying for goodness, which is the focus of everyone, is smiling but not saying a word.

Hey, can anyone believe him when he says he's not that scary?

However, many protagonists did die.

When Gu Chi heard this, he secretly laughed.

What did that dear friend say, "How dare you show people the truth"?
Ha ha--

If this is the truth about Qi Shan, his name will be written upside down!

This guy's camouflage technique is exquisite, coupled with the fact that Wenxin scholars are always multi-minded, each of them is well versed in the essence of matryoshka, it is impossible to easily expose their cards.Gu Chi is more inclined to Qishan's appearance at this time is also one of his disguises.

It's just that this camouflage lasted a long time.

The scholar in soap shirt said firmly, "It's him, and he won't admit his mistake!"

The new leader gasped.

He even took a step back in full view!
he!Home!Of course!retreat!up!one!step!

Praying: "..."

Everyone became more and more puzzled.

What is the origin of this "evil conspiracy"?
Why haven't you heard of it?

Hehe, this is natural, because it is the forces of other countries who are harmed by praying for good. Where did these frogs in the well hear about praying for good?It would be nice if they can figure out who are the celebrities and rising stars in their country...

Looking at this scene, Gu Chi secretly rejoiced.

Fortunately, my vest is still tightly covered.

Otherwise, you will be watched by Qishan.

The melons are still crispy from other fields.

Seeing the schadenfreude on his face from the corner of his eyes, Qi Shan rolled his eyes in his heart, he didn't need to use his voice to spy on Gu Chi's heart, he knew what this guy was thinking.He often walks by the river, sooner or later it will be his turn to get his shoes wet!Just as Qi Shan was about to speak, the drunk Shen Tang woke up.

She opened her eyes without warning.

Several people who happened to meet her eyes were startled.

Shen Tang stood firm, and Qi Shan was the first to find out.

Sure enough, at this moment, Shen Tang's face was indifferent, his eyes were cold, and his aura was completely different from that of Shen Xiaolang who used to gag and talk nonsense.She glanced at the crowd indifferently, and asked, "Have you finished discussing the strategy of retreating the enemy?"

The new leader said: "Not yet."

Shen Tang sneered: "Not yet?"

The new leader realized that something was wrong with Shen Tang.

Because the tone of her words sounded weird, the former "outspoken" man couldn't hold back, and said harshly: "What do you mean by that? Besides, aren't you drunk? Yellow-mouthed kid, how dare you play tricks on me?" Wait, it's really hateful!"

The man who spoke had a leopard head and eyes around him, and his voice was like a bell. When he got closer, he would even feel his ears buzzing, and timid children would cry when they heard his words.Shen Tang's expression was still indifferent, he only rolled his eyes slightly, squinted and glanced lightly.

The man asked, "What kind of eyes are you looking at?"

Shen Tang didn't want to answer.

Qishan explained: "My lord is drunk."

The man interrupted sharply: "Nonsense, I think he is very sober, why is he a little drunk? Why don't you give me an explanation?"

Blood alliance is a very solemn ceremony.

Shen Tang made such a fuss, which was somewhat ominous.

With his loud voice, he diverted everyone's attention from "what kind of person is the villain", even the new leader was not immune to it--the new leader was curious, and praying for good was obviously based on the kid in front of him. , What's so special about this kid?

Looking at it horizontally and vertically, apart from his outstanding appearance, this young man named "Shen Tang" is not comparable to Qi Shan's former protagonist at all.

Why do you get the favor of "evil conspiracy" to pray for good?

Qi Shan said: "My lord looks like this when he's drunk."

That's all he said.

Obviously, this "outspoken" man didn't believe it, and he didn't accept the words of praying for good, and he was even more upset with the contemptuous eyes that Shen Tang looked at him just now.That kind of look is like a god looking down and scanning the world, making him disgusted and disgusted for no reason.

Shen Tang raised his hand, his eyes signaled to pray for goodness.

Qishan crossed his hands and took a step back.

The soap-shirted scribe stared at him with wide eyes.

This, this is Qi Yuanliang? ? ?

Before he could think about it, Shen Tang asked the challenger indifferently: "How to explain? Or, what explanation do you want to hear?"

He gave him a good look like a charity, but those round and lovely almond eyes, with a coldness like ice slag, made people shudder.But she is too young, when others look down on her, they will have an inexplicable self-confidence and illusion.

What illusion?
That is, Shen Tang is as easy to bully as her size.

Seeing that the smell of gunpowder was getting stronger and the new leader ended up smoothing things over, Gu Ren also said yes, but Shen Tang's eyes seemed to have stepped on his tail, and he didn't even give the new leader any face.It's just that he still has a bit of sense, and he didn't forget to tie up everyone when he was in trouble.

"It's not explaining to me, it's explaining to the heroes here!"

Shen Tang frowned impatiently: "Then?"

The humane said: "Prove that you are qualified to stand here, otherwise - your actions are simply playing tricks on us on purpose! What a serious occasion to make an alliance with blood? How can you allow your child to be rampant and nonsense! Tell me, is this the truth?"

Shen Tang lowered his eyes and thought about it.

She said: "Well, what you said makes a lot of sense."

Hearing Shen Tang's words, the man thought that Shen Tang was helpless, so he broke the pot and was about to laugh, but saw a white light flash in front of his eyes, the cold sword light was against his throat, and the hairs all over his body exploded instantly. Cold sweat broke out uncontrollably.

Look along the blade.

She said, "Obviously, I am more qualified than you."

  I couldn't hold back the remaining five hundred words.

  Just post [-] words first, and I will post the remaining [-] words during the day...

  PS: It’s not that I don’t want to keep holding back, it’s because my cat is going to sleep (the cat loves to occupy my chair when I sleep, and I have to be scolded by it for a long time when I type every day), it has been scolding me (grievance, Double Twelve Half of the cost is on it), afraid of complaints from neighbors, so I went to bed first

(End of this chapter)

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