stand back, let me come

Chapter 246: Chapter 246

Chapter 246: Chapter 246

ding ding ding-

The sound of the fierce clash of weapons was like a small hammer, hitting the hearts of the soldiers of the two armies one by one.Yellow sand was flying all over the sky, and everyone couldn't see the internal situation clearly with the naked eye. They could only judge the situation based on the sound and the light that lit up from time to time.

Chao Lian galloped all the way back with Shao Chong in his arms, his heart beating so fast that it almost reached the breaking point.As soon as he reached the edge of the position, Gu Ren and Sixth Brother had already come up to him, and they didn't care about their own safety: "Qingzhi, you put Xiao Shisan down first..."

Gu Ren and his sixth younger brother raised their hands, and took Shao Chong from Chao Lian's hands with his eyes closed, his expression ferocious, and his limbs twitching.

Seeing Shao Chong unconsciously growling in pain, Gu Ren had no choice but to suppress his hands to avoid hurting himself.

"Sixth brother, hurry up!"

Gu Ren turned to urge the sixth younger brother.

The sixth brother took out a pack of silver needles from his sleeve.

Three or two strokes stopped Shao Chong who was in a frenzied state.

Although it calmed down, the restless martial energy was not withdrawn, covering the surface of Shao Chong's skin. At first glance, it seemed that the surface of his skin had been corroded by something.Since getting acquainted with Shao Chong, Gu Ren has never seen such a situation: "How could this be?"

The sixth brother took back the silver needle with a solemn expression.He sighed in embarrassment: "My little brother's medical skills are not good... I really can't see what's going on, but I can be sure that the balance of his Dan family has been broken by external forces——Gong Xichou is really a terrible person."

Shao Chong's strength is best known to the sworn brothers.

After completely losing control, not to mention the thirteenth-level middle shift of the same level, even the fourteenth-level right shift, he may be torn into two halves by him if he is careless.They thought that Shao Chong would be able to fight against the fifteenth-class young master...

Who knows, the gap in strength is so big.

Maybe that's what's causing the power imbalance?

Sixth brother can't be sure.

Gu Ren looked at his younger brother who was struggling with pain, the younger brother he raised as a son, he was heartbroken and helpless, he blamed himself: "This matter - it's my fault, I let it go."

If it wasn't for Lord Shen, Shao Chong would have died here.

After being rescued, the situation is not good.

Chao Lian comforted Gu Ren and said, "Brother, don't blame yourself."

The only fortunate thing is that the situation of Shao Chong is a little bit better than they imagined, and the power of the unbalanced rush gradually regains its balance as time goes by.The pain on Shao Chong's face also slowly dissipated.

It's just that the brows are still tightly wrinkled, and the lips are pale and bloodless.

Chao Lian looked up at the battlefield, clenched his fists.

He wants to avenge his brother!
Gu Ren seemed to see his mental activity, raised his hand and patted Chao Lian on the shoulder, and said, "Don't worry, there are plenty of opportunities!"

Chao Lian nodded: "En."

On the battlefield, the flying yellow sand has gradually dispersed.

Two familiar figures appeared.

Apart from the increased sweat on Gong Xiqiu's forehead, several sword marks and a few bruises on his armor, Gong Xiqiu was fine.On the other hand, Shen Tang's image is much more embarrassing, not only his face, but also new injuries on his neck, arms, and torso.

The chest rises and falls rapidly, and the breathing is heavy with a little dullness.

Obviously, the balance of the battle is tilting towards Gongxiqiu.

The blood from the wound on Shen Tang's tiger's mouth flowed down the hilt of the sword, soaking the Xueliang sword body.Wretchedness is wolverine, but her eyes are still bright, even with a little eagerness to try, and the desire for blood and battle is surging in her eyes.

Gong Xichou was calm on the surface, but there was a turmoil in his heart.

Regardless of his current battle with Shen Tang, it seems to be similar to last time, but it is actually far worse.He took a historic step that had troubled him for so long, and stepped into a more powerful level.

Last time, except for the last arrow, which came true, I didn't keep it, and I kept more or less the rest.It's not that he doesn't want to kill Shen Tang, he really wants to kill, but he needs to hide his clumsiness.Don't let the adoptive father feel that he can't control it.Why don't you hide your clumsiness now?
Because his adoptive father distrusted him more and more.

Gong Xiqiu needs to properly reveal his progress, so as to deter his adoptive father from acting rashly.It stands to reason that Gong Xiqiu should be able to kill his music confidant easily this time.


Eight points of strength, not yet won.

This is outrageous.

Gong Xiqiu suspects that Shen Tang also held back last time.

It's just that he has no evidence.

Maybe, Shen Tang also broke through quickly during this time?

While thinking about it, the halberd in his hand blocked Shen Tang's impenetrable sword shadow attack.Sword Qi plowed the ground over and over again, and there were even remnants of Sword Qi attached to the cracks.

When you get closer, you can still feel the "knife" in the air nearby.

If you are not careful, you may be cut by the residual sword energy.

Gong Xiqiu's face was serious.

Feeling the power of Shen Tang from the long halberd, he was secretly surprised——Shen Tang's power was only a little weaker than before.

You must know that Shao Chong has strong muscles, a tall stature, coupled with such a little-known "secret method", he can easily lift a heavy tripod with one arm.And what about his confidant?People are taller than her sword, and if thrown into the crowd, they will be drowned.


Thin and small, without any muscle.How could such a barren body burst out with such astonishing strength?
Gong Xichou expressed that he was very puzzled.


He looked at Shen Tang who was wrestling with his weapon.

A bit of bad taste suddenly appeared.


Shen Tang was slightly distracted.

Gong Xiqiu followed closely and said, "Cut the weeds and root them out!"

Shen Tang didn't understand what it meant for a while.

She understood in a second.

A crescent-shaped martial energy as terrifying as Tongzilou erupted from the long halberd, blasting Shen Tang head-on, knocking her into the air.Her body fell to the ground like a kite with a broken string.

It took about ten laps before it finally stopped.

The sky and the earth exchanged rapidly before their eyes.

She coughed and spat out a mouthful of tainted blood.

After calming down, he looked up at Gong Xiqiu in the distance.

The Union Army was so frightened that they were silent, and even the beating of the drums was sparse, with no sound, no tune, and a chaotic rhythm.

This scene made leader Wu Xian's scalp tingle, as if the person who was hit was not Shen Tang but him.Zhao Feng, who was rescued by his side, was also so shocked that he forgot to breathe.

"Dayi, can you do this?"

Zhao Feng shook his head mechanically as if his neck was rusty.

How could this be possible?

You must know that [Cut Weeds and Eradicate Roots] is just one of the very popular martial arts spirits. Its characteristic is its speed, and its disadvantage is its lack of power.It is often jokingly referred to as [True·Cut Weeds and Roots] by warriors.And the effect of Gong Xichou's use is still the familiar [Cut Weeds and Exterminate Roots]?This can already be called the "hole card"!

In layman's terms——

Zhao Feng's big move is almost like this.

Gongxiqiu's level A is about the same.

Shen Tang felt that his internal organs were about to be displaced.

Gan!Gong Xiqiu doesn't talk about Wude!The two of them played well with "physical attack", but he suddenly used "magic attack"!
Shen Tang reluctantly stood up from the pit.

Gongxi Qiu Youyou said: "I just suddenly discovered that Mama seems to be very unfamiliar with Wu Dan Yan Ling?"

Shen Tang: "..."

(╯‵ ′)╯︵┻━┻

Isn't this TM a matter of course?

She is a literary scholar!
Shen Tang said angrily: "It was you who didn't talk about martial arts first, then don't blame me for cheating!"

  Ah, Tangmei will be serialized for two years, which seems to scare everyone (it is estimated that the scared ones are all new readers).Hee hee, all big bosses and empresses are almost this long.

  Tangmei's words...

  If I am in good condition, I will update more and more, and strive to advance without delay.


  The update is gone, there will be two more chapters tomorrow, good night.

  Shiitake is going to sleep and recharge.

(End of this chapter)

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