stand back, let me come

Chapter 247 247: Continue Gan ah [2 in 1]

Chapter 247 247: Keep going [two in one]

Gong Xiqiu naturally didn't understand what cheating was.

However, based on the context, it is also known that Shen Tang is going to "act for real".Gong Xiqiu expressed his incomprehension—in the face of such a formidable opponent as him, he didn't try his best (open cheating), and still kept a hand?Is he too confident in himself, or is he underestimating him?
Gongxi Qiu Mo said: "If you have any tricks, just use them!"

Go all out!
Let him see Shen Mama's true strength!
Gong Xiqiu was so frank, Shen Tang was stunned, followed by intense displeasure!How can anyone pretend to be aggressive all the time!
Still in front of her!
Seeing Gong Xiqiu standing in the same place, with a proud expression of "I'm waiting for you", Shen Tang made a decisive choice - hang up, switch number!

Seeing that the balance of the battle is becoming more and more in favor of Gongxiqiu, everyone in the alliance army feels powerless, and the morale of the soldiers is low.

Gong Xiqiu is too scary, he won two key battles with only one person, and he still has such a big advantage.

Just facing him, from ordinary generals to ordinary soldiers.There was no fighting spirit at all, and there was no sound for a while.

In this state of confrontation with the rebels, even if the number has an absolute advantage, the final outcome is still defeated.

The alliance leader Wu Xian's face became gloomy.

He had prepared for the worst.

"If Master Shen also loses...Gongsu, then we will..." He waved at the soap-shirted scholar, whispered in the other's ear, and gave a few arrangements. The soap-shirted scholar nodded solemnly, and he said, "... Gong Xichou must be stopped!"

Morale is low, so you can only find another way.

Stop Gong Xiqiu at all costs.

In this team of more than ten thousand rebels, apart from Gong Xichou and the bearded general who fought in the first battle, there are not many brave fighters who can stand out.The disadvantages of one's side are obvious, but the advantages are also very obvious. There are many low-level soldiers, and there are also many mid-to-high-end warriors.

No matter how powerful Gong Xichou is, he is still a mortal and not a god. After two battles, he has consumed a lot of martial energy and physical strength. Can he still resist the siege of more than a dozen generals?This is already the worst plan.

Everyone has no objection to Wu Xian's combat arrangement.

At this time, there are still objections, thinking that I didn't die fast enough?

It can also be seen from the side that everyone has agreed that Shen Tang will lose this battle.The order to prepare for war was passed on one by one, preparing to form an army formation to resist the first wave of rebel attack.Kang Shi looked at the battle situation, and the palms of his clenched hands were wet with sweat at some point.

He asked, "Why isn't Yuanliang in a hurry?"

The reactions of Qi Shan and Gu Chi were too calm.

No, to be precise, there is only Gu Chi.

Qi Shan only looked calm, but in fact his face turned pale with worry, his lips turned pale, his brows were furrowed, and he looked in the direction of Shen Tang and the others for a moment.Xu Shi was so engrossed in watching it that he was a little slow to react, and said, "Because it's not time to be in a hurry."

Kang Shi said anxiously, "I'm about to lose."

If you are not in a hurry at this time, when should you be in a hurry?
Speaking carefully, the overall strength of the alliance army is not weak - almost every force has one or two high-end combat power that can be used, and it is not a small force when put together -

Don't dare to push the rebels horizontally, the outcome will be at least six or four!

But what they met was Gong Xiqiu.

A pervert who beats a group of people by one person, makes the morale of the army invincible with just one person's strength, so strong that it is unreasonable.

Qi Shan said softly, "My lord is not drunk yet."

Kang Shi was puzzled: "What?"

It's amazing, he can hear the syllables of each word clearly, but he doesn't know the meaning when put together...

Qishan explained: "My lord is a little different from ordinary people."

Kang Shi: "I see."

Throughout the ages, there has been only one literati fighting generals, who did not use the literary mind, words and spirits that literary scholars are good at, but used force to fight bravely with warriors, and ended up being taught to be a man by Wudanyanling... Listen, is there anyone? So something is wrong?
Qi Shan raised his hand to wipe the thin sweat from his forehead, and said calmly: "The lord has lost his memory, and his personality will change drastically after being drunk. I guess this is a short recovery of his nature and strength before he lost his memory... His strength will be stronger than usual Go up some..."

Even if you want to lose, you must try your best to force out Gong Xichou's strength before losing!This is related to the difficulty of combat after the two armies fight.

Kang Shi asked, "How was your temper when you lost your memory?"

Qi Shan didn't speak, but just glanced at Gu Chi quietly.

Gu Chi felt that he had been hit by an arrow in his knee.

Kang Shi: "???"

What secrets are these two up to that he doesn't understand? ? ?
Shen Tang hesitated at the beginning about the matter of Dou Jiang drinking and cutting his number - although Qishan and the others said that she was drunk instantly after drinking, but no matter how "second", there was still a momentary flaw.This moment is completely enough for a general of Gong Xichou's level.

He wanted to seize the opportunity to give Shen Tang a shot——

Shen Tang could die early and be reborn early.

However, this person is Gong Xiqiu.

What he pursued was never victory in war, nor glory and wealth, fame and fortune. What he pursued in his life was only an "opponent"!
To be more precise, what they are after is "the opponent's head"!Longing for evenly matched battles where he can let go of his hands and feet!

As a fifteenth-class young master, it is very difficult for him to meet an opponent who can make him go all out!Since Shen Tang said that he wanted to show his true skills, then he waited——when Shen Tang was ready, he took the initiative to attack him.He has absolute confidence in his own strength!

I firmly believe that I will be the one who survived!

Shen Tang: "..."

Then she can rest assured to "open and cut the number".

Shen Tang froze his heart, closed his eyes, and mobilized his words.

[How to relieve worries, only Du Kang. 】

Gong Xiqiu just stood there and watched.

I saw Shen Tang closing his eyes and opening them again, the whole process didn't even take a breath.He keenly noticed that the aura around Shen Tang had changed!Even though the change was very small, it gave him a sense of urgency for no reason, and the discovery made his soul tremble with joy.


Gong Xiqiu moistened his parched lips with the tip of his tongue.

With one step, he held a double crescent serpentine halberd and killed it!

The moment the weapons collided, Gong Xiqiu used his terrifying power to control the halberd, and instantly lifted and turned the halberd. The pair of crescent-shaped snake-shaped halberds looked like revived dark green pythons, and the body of the snake was wrapped around Shen Tang's long sword. , flying towards her face, baring her fangs!

Shen Tang didn't hurry or rush: "Secret Chen Cang!"

The double crescent serpentine halberd in his hand puffed, piercing through Shen Tang's head from front to back.At this moment, Gong Xichou opened his eyes slightly in astonishment, unable to believe that he had actually hit the target, or hit the nail on the head.But the feel doesn't lie...

This scene also fell into the eyes of everyone in the Alliance Army.

Leader Wu Xian was equally astonished: "How could it be?"

Gu Ren's thoughts were all on Shao Chong, who was seriously injured and unconscious. He raised his head subconsciously when he heard the exclamation from around him, and his eyes widened when he saw that extremely shocking scene.Chao Lian beside him gripped his weapon tightly, he couldn't believe that Shen Tang would die so casually——

Although he is not the opponent of Gong Xiqiu, how can Lord Shen be an ordinary person to perform hundreds of moves in the hands of such a terrifying man?
They were shocked and sorry.

Kang Shi and Gu Chi were different, the former stood up straight, as if even the heart in his chest had stopped for a moment, Gu Chi's reaction was slightly smaller, but it could be called a gaffe.


Qi Shan's complexion was as usual, and his eyes were deep and no waves could be seen.

He said, "What are you panicking for?"

Kang Shi and the two were overwhelmed by his question.

The lord is dead, why are you panicking? ? ?
Could it be that he was stimulated and stupid?
Qishan is naturally not stupid.

But he admitted that the scene was indeed quite exciting.


He brushed his face with his hand, and said calmly and calmly: "Both of them are literary scholars with heads and faces, are they so startled and yelling, let outsiders see the joke? Keep watching, This fight still has to be fought..."

As if to confirm Qishan's words, Gong Xichou withdrew the double crescent snake-shaped halberd in his hand, but did not let go of his guard, but guarded all directions with a vigilant face.Suddenly——his soul was blessed, and a strong premonition spread from his chest to his whole body.

Almost without any hesitation, under his control, the halberd ran backwards along his arm like a spirit snake, and he stabbed with one blow!
Splendid sparks exploded where the weapons collided.

A sword light that was more dazzling than the Golden Crow above his head shot out of thin air, almost piercing people's eyes!
The sword edge slid upwards along the body of the long halberd and approached, and a cold wind condensed by the sword energy brushed against his neck and neck.

Gong Xiqiu leaned back in time and exploded back, blasting away the martial energy barrier around his body. Even so, there was still a sword mark from his collarbone to his left shoulder, tearing his flesh, and blood dripping out.

At that moment, he almost missed death!

Not only was he not furious, but he was ecstatic!
Because Shen Tang really made him feel the breath of death!
This alone is enough to make his whole body tremble, his blood boil, and the giant python in his heart, which has been dormant for a long time, opens his eyes.

Shen Tang appeared holding a sword.

With a calm expression, he shook off the blood on the sword.As for the "Shen Tang" who fell earlier, he was just a dummy formed by condensed literary energy.

【Cultivating plank roads in the open, keeping Chen Cang in the dark. 】

Gong Xiqiu wiped off the blood beads on his face.

He said with a smile, "I've already been able to crack this move."

Whether it is people who like him or people who don't like him, they must admit one thing - Gong Xiqiu has top-notch martial arts and understanding.No matter what moves are passed before his eyes, not only can they be reproduced perfectly, but they can also find a solution to them.

Shen Tang sneered: "I don't intend to use it a second time either."

Bombard her with bravery and words, right?
She will make Gong Xichou regret doing this!
"Scattered across the chessboard!" Wen Qi emerged, and the criss-crossed characters spread out under her feet, forming a huge chessboard in an instant, covering Gong Xichou directly.Gong Xiqiu only felt that the soil under his feet seemed to have turned into a soft and muddy swamp.

His feet sank slightly, and his shoulders seemed to be weighed down by a huge boulder.

Gong Xiqiu shouted loudly: "Break!"

The martial energy radiates greatly.

Dark green and black and white collided with each other and made a piercing impact. The explosions produced by the two made the nearest soldiers of the two armies blindfolded. The flag flapped wildly with the wind, the flagpole bent slightly as if it was overwhelmed, and the horses neighed in terror. .

Shen Tang poured literary energy into the blade of the sword.

Wen Qi and Jian Qi are intertwined and fused.

"Okay! Come again!"

Gong Xiqiu's face was full of excitement, and the corners of his eyes were flushed with excitement, and he came to kill with a long halberd.

Shen Tang resisted with a long sword.

Civil and military qi keep repeating the two processes of collision and explosion.

The difference is that when the martial qi explodes, it will return to heaven and earth, while Shen Tang's literary qi is like countless gradually opening mud spots, falling on the black and white literary qi chessboard... In just a few breaths, hundreds of moves have been made.

"No! No! No!"

Gong Xiqiu brandished a long halberd, his attack was better than the wind and rain, seeing that Shen Tang was only defending but not attacking, he gradually became irritable.

He hates such a conservative and boring combat style the most, and what he likes most is the thrill of punching to the flesh, with deadly moves!

What he needs is an opponent who can bring him death pressure.

Gongxi Qiu said: "Be serious!"

Shen Tang said: "..."

If you observe carefully, you will find that her wrists are already red and swollen.After all, no one is a monster like Gong Xichou. His strength has been soaring from beginning to end, and his state has not declined.Rao at this time, Shen Tang could only try his best to defend, attacking was just a dream.

If I continue to fight, I really doubt whether my hand will be useless.


It's almost there.

A gleam of light flashed in Shen Tang's eyes.

She said: "Then I, as you wish!"

Blast back tens of feet, and at the same time flicked his right hand.

Gong Xiqiu thought it was some hidden weapon and hid for a while.

It wasn't aimed at him at all, though.

It's the dense "mud ideas" under the feet!
Shen Tang said: "All generals obey orders!"

Gong Xiqiu's eyelids trembled.

In the next second, these "mud ideas" under the feet squirmed, devoured each other, and gathered to grow. With the mud cracked rocks as the body, black and white culture as the armor, and holding various weapons, they turned into hundreds of giants one foot tall.Although their appearance is crude, but——

Isn't this "martial energy into soldiers"?

No, not right!

These "people" are pawns.

On the chessboard, "chess pieces" controlled by people!
It is essentially composed of literary atmosphere.

Gong Xichou was stunned for a moment, then smiled with interest, and muttered: "It's really interesting..."

He really liked Shen Mama more and more.

It turns out that they resonate more than just musically.

In terms of strength, the resonance is deeper.

At this point in the fight, everyone in the Alliance Army has become numb.

They thought Lord Shen was dead, but they didn't expect him to be just a bluff.When Shen Tang performed "Scattered in the Stars", many people were in a trance for a moment - good guy, this is really a literary scholar!As soon as the words like "Wu Qi Hua Bing" came out, they began to waver again.

Until one person murmured their thoughts.

"Is this a literary scholar or a brave fighter?"

Is it somewhere in between?
Or is it just a matter of life and death?

Or is it some kind of mutant variety that they don't know?

Kang Shi subconsciously took out Baoxin Pills and swallowed two.

Trying to calm my beating heart.

He turned his head and asked Qishan: "Is this what you expected?"

Qishan's face seemed paler than before, and the hand holding the rein retracted his sleeve at some point.

He didn't reply directly, but asked instead: "Guess?"

Kang Shi: "..."

How do you guess this? ? ?

Gu Chi on the other side cast a slightly weird look.

He always felt that praying for good at this time was a bit strange.

As if trying to restrain something...

Gu Chi didn't think that Qi Shan was worried about Shen Tang.

With Shen Tang's current performance, although the chance of winning is still very small, it is absolutely no problem to save his life, plus three Wenxin scribes staring at him, each of them "transferring flowers and trees".

One for Shen Lang and one for Gong Xiqiu.

Double insurance.

Speaking of-

Not just this time.

That day above Xiaocheng, Qishan's reaction was a little strange.

  I started typing late today

  In the evening, I received news that my father was injured in the factory, alas...

(End of this chapter)

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