stand back, let me come

Chapter 248 248: Is Qi Shan injured? 【2 in 1】

Chapter 248 248: Is Qishan injured? 【[-] in [-]】

Qishan keenly noticed Gu Chi's eyes.

He asked softly, "What's the matter?"

"Of course I'm fine, but you may not be." Gu Chi tested him, with an expression of "you don't need to hide it, I already know what secret you're holding", and even his tone was [-]% sure.

If it was an ordinary person, he would have been cheated out by him long ago, and even if he didn't fully explain it, he would have exposed his mouth.But who is Qishan?Don't say that Gu Chi is just "talking without proof", even if Gu Chi throws the evidence in his face, he can still quibble, and naturally he won't admit it.

Not only does it not admit——

Gu Chi stared at him closely and didn't see any flaws.

Qishan sneered: "You are fine, but I will be fine?"

Gu Chi: "..."

It's okay if it's okay, why don't you forget to step on him?
Being choked up by Qi Shan, Gu Chi had no choice but to withdraw his worry, and secretly said, "It's really a dog biting Lu Dongbin, and he doesn't know a good heart."It's rare for me to show kindness and care about someone, and I don't know what is good or bad when I pray for good.

Qishan doesn't have much energy to pay attention to Gu Chi at the moment.

He just feels tired.

It is obviously very uncomfortable, but he still has to pretend to be nonchalant, so as not to be seen by others. This requires him to have a very strong endurance and consumes a lot of mental energy.He has to keep an eye on the situation of the battle, lest Mr. Shen Xiaolang really lose his life.

It's not that he doesn't trust Gu Chi and Kang Shi, it's just that experience tells him that holding it in his own hands is more reliable than entrusting others.

Because of Shen Tang's one-handed operation, he forcibly dragged back the morale of the alliance army that had been falling all the way. Even the drums were more exciting and powerful than before. .

Gong Xiqiu was surrounded.

Surrounded by these one-foot-tall giants, his body looked extraordinarily petite.He raised his head, and his eyes fell on the largest giant—this guy was a foot and a half feet long.On its broad shoulders stood Shen Tang with his arms folded and looking down.

Shen Tang remained expressionless.

But if you observe carefully, you will find that the tip of Shen Tang's eyebrows is a little softer and joyful——

The air at high altitude is indeed clean and comfortable.

Looking down at Gong Xichou is indeed more pleasing to the eye than looking up.

Gong Xiqiu held a double crescent snake-shaped halberd, glanced at him, and asked from a distance, "Mama thinks these things can stop me?"

Just because you're big doesn't mean you're good at fighting.

Although things that are bigger than themselves can indeed bring people a sense of oppression, but in the face of absolute strength, everything is a paper tiger.

Shen Tang did not answer his question directly, but lowered his eyelids lazily, and the loving mother sword in his right hand drew a beautiful and dazzling sword light in her hand.I saw her holding a sword flower, the tip of the sword suddenly pointed at Gong Xichou below, her lips parted slightly: "Strangle!"

With one order, hundreds of giants wearing Wenqi armor took action at the same time, and the target was exactly what Shen Tang Jianfeng pointed at——

Gong Xiqiu!
Gong Xiqiu snorted coldly.

These generals condensed by literary spirit are indeed very large.

In a melee, the effect is almost comparable to that of a surprise soldier!
I don't know how many soldiers will be trampled to death.

But now, their target is only one person, and Gong Xichou won't stand up and let them catch him.However, he really didn't intend to hide!The long halberd swept across at will, and in the next moment, the round blade formed by the condensed martial energy harvested in all directions around him.

Puff puff--

The armor of the nearest giant was easily torn apart, the feet were cut off, and the cuts were smooth.The momentum of the round edge remains unabated and continues to expand strongly, but encounters difficulties in the next goal.

I saw the hand of the giant following behind, and the previous fallen Wenqi giant turned into black and white Wenqi again, and condensed into a giant animal head shield one foot high and half a foot thick in its hands!


The martial qi blade and the cultural qi shield are fiercely intertwined.

Sparks flew and the sound was piercing.

Gong Xiqiu kicked his feet, leaped into the air, and faced the giant who was holding a huge shield and wanted to crush him.Compared with the literary giant, his halberd is too small.But it is such a small thing, but it pierces the giant back and forth with one blow!
Gong Xiqiu: "These minions are useless!"

While speaking, his figure flickered several times, and the halberd in his hand pierced through the heads and chests of the literary giants, or a sharp blade separated their heads and limbs from their torsos.One move one, or kill two birds with one stone, seems effortless at all.

After a few breaths of effort, dozens of giants fell down.

The remaining cultural giants are not enough for him to kill indiscriminately.

Gong Xiqiu provocatively said, "Is this all you have?"

Shen Tang said slowly: "Why are you in a hurry? You can't eat hot tofu in a hurry! Some things should have a thorough and careful prelude. If you are really in a hurry, you can come up."

Gong Xiqiu cut off the man of literary spirit who was attacking him from the back with a halberd. His figure was so fast that he left behind an afterimage, and he could vaguely hear him shouting dissatisfied: "Okay! You are right there, just wait!"

All the members of the Alliance army: "..."

Ah this...

They have some doubts, are these two really rivals?
The alliance leader Wu Xian couldn't help but slander inwardly.

He sometimes goes out to visit friends and meet old friends whom he hasn't seen for a long time, and he doesn't talk as much as these two chatter today.

If it weren't for the fact that Gong Xiqiu was really ruthless in his attacks, and Lord Shen had indeed been in danger several times, he would have suspected that these two had deliberately played fake matches.

Gong Xiqiu didn't even look at those literary giants.

He only has one target in his eyes, Shen Tang!

When he stepped on the left shoulder of the Wenqi giant, and stabbed out with a charged halberd in his hand, the moment he was about to stab Shen Tang, the surrounding scene changed instantly.The Shen Tang in front of him also turned into a literary giant pounced on him, and it was still surrounded by several literary giants!

Gong Xiqiu killed these little guys cleanly.

Subconsciously raised his head after finishing the work, but saw Shen Tang sitting on the shoulders of the biggest literary giant.The latter noticed his gaze and mouthed silently at him.After careful identification, it turned out to be——


Gong Xiqiu: "..."

This is to throw him away the moment he approaches?Guessing correctly, Shen Tang rewarded him with a dozen literary giants wielding huge maces.Gong Xichou was always entangled, breaking out to attack and kill Shen Tang would be sent away again, which annoyed him very much.

Gongxi Qiu said: "You come face to face!"

Shen Tang said: "The following is a scholar of the heart."

What are the Wenxin scribes doing in an ungraceful formation of troops, sweating profusely, and fighting with swords and guns?Shen Tang just doesn't want to confront Gong Xichou, but sincerely wants to disgust him.

After going back and forth three times, Gong Xiqiu was completely pissed off.

"In that case—"

Gong Xiqiu sacrificed the Wudan Tiger Talisman.

Dark green martial energy erupted from the Wudan Tiger Talisman, straight into the sky, and the terrifying aura spread instantly.

The soldier closest to him couldn't even bear the oppression of the power, so he knelt on the ground with a plop, his upper body lying on his stomach, the air in his chest seemed to be forced out, he had difficulty breathing, and soon he was sweating profusely.

With a domineering beast roar, dark green martial aura fell from the sky like raindrops, densely scattered everywhere, and instantly turned into more than 700 soldiers wearing dark green exquisite and well-designed armor.Fifteenth-class young masters, brave and tiger talismans control 750 soldiers!
In an instant, the situation was reversed and the literary giant was surrounded.

Shen Tang's face darkened, and he acted in a leisurely manner.

In a deep voice, she ordered the Wenqi soldiers to gather in formation, five people in one army, two with shields, one with a gun, and two with knives.

However, despite the fact that the soldiers summoned by Gongxi Qiuwu's qi soldiers are not as tall as the Wenqi giants, the armor on their bodies is quite exquisite, covering every vital part of the body.Going down with a knife is just sparks, let alone hacking people to death.

Gong Xiqiu still had two hundred Qingqiu on his side.

In terms of speed and flexibility, it even beats the literary giant.


That's not winning.

On the "star-studded", Wenxin scholars can borrow a certain amount of heaven and earth spirit, which can be called cheating in terms of battery life.

Just as she was about to take some action, a strong sense of crisis rushed straight from the soles of her feet to the top of the sky.Without hesitation, Shen Tang jumped onto the giant's shoulders, and caught the stabbing double crescent snake-shaped halberd in mid-air with his bare hands.There seemed to be a flash of astonishment in the eyes...


Not working anymore?

Gong Xiqiu seemed to know her doubts.

He looked at Shen Tang's bloody palm with some regret.

If he had been stronger and faster just now, he should have been able to break the palm, but Shen Tang hid in time, coupled with a strong aura to stop his actions, and he ran away.

Suddenly opened a safe distance.

He said: "Your move, I have already cracked it."

It is indeed hard to guard against.

Gong Xiqiu suffered a loss before, so how could he fall into a tussle again?
He continued: "For the same speech, you can do one or two, but don't do it again and again. You can overestimate your own strength, but you can't underestimate your opponent's potential. Next time, I will kill you!"

Although the tingling pain was still coming from the palm of his hand, Shen Tang still held the sword and fought with Gongxi Qiu: "Oh, really? You have said the same thing more than once, but it seems that none of them have been done. The outcome is unknown, and life and death are unpredictable!"

On the battlefield, dust is flying.

Wen Qi and Wu Qi clashed, and every blow touched everyone's heartstrings, and they were even stingy with blinking, for fear that they would miss the crucial details of the victory or defeat.But there are also people who whisper——

This fight has been a bit long.

According to the current unspoken rules, the two armies can go to war directly when they meet, or they can stop to fight when they meet.If the former doesn't care about it, Gan will be done with it, and the latter-basically both armies are caught off guard by the enemy, and they haven't got their feet together yet.

The kung fu of fighting generals also gives each other a buffer time.

Usually only three rounds.

It is also not ruled out that there are some "counterfeiting matches". On the surface, you are fighting to the death, but secretly colluding with each other, deliberately you come and play five games.

One side can only stop by beheading the other side or surrendering.

In the confrontation between life and death, every moment hovers on the verge of death.

Maybe the head is separated from the body in a flash.

After three games, it usually takes less than half a quarter of an hour.

This time is just enough time for the army to reorganize its formation, adjust its morale, and issue military orders.

The first two games were short.

After one or two hundred moves, the winner will be determined.

The third game is different, both of them are endurance masters!
One match is worth three matches.

Leader Wu Xian felt a little worried.

The protracted time is not good for them either.

It is impossible for soldiers to tense their combat nerves for a long time, but the drums of war cannot be stopped. Once they stop, their morale will plummet.

To put it more simply - you can be excited, and the battle will be more powerful, but you can't be excited for too long, your body and spirit can't stand it.

He asked his confidant: "How long do you think the winner will be?"

The scholar in soap shirt said, "It's hard to say."

Leader Wu Xian chatted and said: "I really didn't expect Mrs. Shen to be so powerful at such a young age. No wonder he (she) has the confidence to 'borrow land' from me with his first effort. Speaking of borrowing land, Gong Su, you Where is it better to borrow it?"

Rich land...

It's too late for his own baby, so why would he borrow it?
Give a piece of barren?

It's bad for your reputation to spread the word.

Such a big first achievement is exchanged for a remote village where there is no grass and few people, and it is inevitable that he will be given a bad name for injustice.

After much deliberation, he didn't think it was very suitable.

The scholar in soap shirt said, "Didn't the lord mention it before?"

Leader Wu Xian was puzzled: "When did I mention it?"

The scholar in soap shirt didn't speak, just looked at him.

Leader Wu Xian suddenly remembered something.

"Where are you talking? How about that?"

That place is not barren, and there are many people, but there are many bandits who have fallen into bandits, and the local folk customs have nothing to do with the word "sincere", almost all of them are villains.The collusion between the local underworld forces and the government and businessmen is very strong, and their tactics are also vicious.

To put it bluntly, it is a tough nut to crack.

Leader Wu Xian thinks about the people under Shen Tang...

Wouldn't it be nice to throw people there?

Seeing his lord's hesitation, Zaoshan scholar explained: "It may not be good for others, but it's just right for them. And that place is still surrounded by the lord's territory, even if they manage it well, And don’t try to keep it for yourself.”

It is not difficult to borrow.

But it's still not good.

Don't you know how many people, when they borrowed money, they were uncles, and when they got the money back, they were grandsons.Since Mr. Shen said that he wanted to "borrow", then everything will follow the "borrowing" process.

There is borrowing and repayment instead of borrowing and not repaying, never returning!
Leader Wu Xian: "I don't think Lord Shen is that kind of person."

The scholar in soap shirt said ruthlessly: "But Qi Yuanliang is."

He paused and said, "Qi Yuanliang is not a kind person."

Leader Wu Xian: "..."

How evil is it to let a person who is not kind judge "not kind"?No wonder there are nicknames like "Evil Conspiracy".

Just as he was thinking, leader Wu Xian subconsciously turned his gaze to the direction of Qishan and the others.It didn't matter what he looked at, but he actually saw Qi Shan's upper body swaying on the horse, unable to support himself and tilted his horse back.

That bloodless face was so pale and pale that one couldn't help but think - this person will not die, will he?He subconsciously called out.

The scholar in soap shirt was alarmed: "What's the matter, my lord?"

Leader Wu Xian: "Qi Yuanliang seems to have had an accident."

Soap shirt scribe: "???"

Who's wrong? ? ?

Those words fell into his ears like the sun rising from the west.

Praying for something really happened.

The first person to discover was Gu Chi who was closest to him.

Gu Chi was concentrating on watching, and smelled a strong smell of blood with his nose sharply. Before he could find the source of the blood, he saw Qishan with his eyes closed, leaning over to fall off the horse.

Gu Chi was shocked, subconsciously raised his hand to pick it up.

Kang Shi also hurriedly jumped off his horse and came over.

It was the first time he noticed Gu Chi's clothes.

"Your clothes?"

Gu Chi was puzzled: "Why are my clothes..."

The clothes he was wearing today were light in color, and the blood was particularly dazzling.

 ε=(ο`*))) alas

  Dad didn't have any serious problems, except that there was a big cut in the ankle. He said that he could see the bones, but luckily no bones were hurt.I have had a lot of stitches, but I am still in good spirits. I went to see him today, and he was lying on the bed and using vibrato, and even drove me to buy cigarettes, so I bought him a cigarette and smoked slowly...

  Dad is fine, there is something wrong.

  Today I suddenly have soft stools and blood, which frightens me...

(End of this chapter)

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