stand back, let me come

Chapter 261 261: Goodbye [2 in 1]

Chapter 261 261: Goodbye 【Two in One】

Shen Tang looked at Captain Yang in surprise.

Seeing that, Yang Duwei became unhappy.

He asked back: "Why? Don't want to accept the old man's love?"

Shen Tang shook his head again and again: "No, no, I just thought... Captain Yang would never forgive me. After all, I have a clear conscience about what happened before, but from the standpoint of each other, Captain Yang has always hated me and I can't forgive me." understand……"

Yang Duwei was choked by her words, his old face darkened: "Is this old man the kind of villain who doesn't care about grievances and has no airs?"

How dare Shen Tang say "yes"?

She smiled and said, "Of course Captain Yang is not."

It's just that with Shen Tang's previous convictions here, Duwei Yang didn't believe her bullshit, and listened to her no matter how nice it was.

Although Yang Duwei took the initiative to mention it, Shen Tang didn't intend to let him do it.Not to mention whether these "old friendships" are true friendships, or friendships made out of interests, Yang Duwei is not strong now, he is just an ordinary middle-aged man with no support.

If he really gave up on his old face and asked for help, what kind of treatment he would get, tsk tsk tsk, it's really hard to say...

It's not bad to have a closed door.

How can you bear it if you are ridiculed and given alms?

Yang Duwei also fell into his current situation because of defending Xiaocheng, thinking of this, Shen Tang would not let him touch such a thorn.

She hasn't done her best for that.

On the day of the farewell banquet.

Everyone was still drinking, and Shen Tang was still drinking tea.

While drinking, Wu Xianmeng took the initiative to say heartfelt words to her, and even asked Zhao Feng, the titan under the account, to help Shen Tang to repay his favor in front of everyone.When everyone in the alliance army heard the words, they once again praised the "leader of the alliance with high righteousness".

Both glory and fame were taken away by Wu Xianmeng.

Everyone praised him as being benevolent and righteous in doing this for his brother, and his own brother couldn't be better than him, and no one mentioned what kind of dragon and tiger's den He Yin was.Although Shen Tang begged for this, seeing the smiling face of leader Wu Xian, she smiled.

As for the heart?

Gu Chi was forced to update the curse word database again.

Everyone in the Union Army drank and staggered.

Shen Tang felt that he had almost drunk, so he got up to leave.

After entering the tent, I was about to close my clothes and go to bed.

Suddenly opened his eyes.

"It's late at night, why isn't Xiaofang sleeping?"

Not only did she not sleep, but she also threw stones into her tent?
Zhai Le didn't answer directly, but pulled her by the shoulder and said, "Let's go, brother Shen, don't sleep, let's go have a drink too."

Shen Tang was pushed away by him, but Zhai Le covered her mouth when she was about to yell, so she could only whisper, "I'm still going to sleep."

Zhai Le said: "Aren't you still asleep?"

Shen Tang rolled his eyes: "If you don't disturb me, I will wake up?"

The so-called asking her for a drink is to drink for free.

Shen Tang has already seen through this Jiumengzi.

Zhai Le smiled cheekily and did not refute.

In the end, the two climbed onto the roof of a house that hadn't been burned clean.Zhai Le had been prepared for a long time, and he didn't see an empty wine bag handed over from outside.Shen Tang rolled his eyes and stared at him.

Zhai Le sniffed it contentedly, and praised: "Good wine!"

Shen Tang teased him.

"Isn't it good wine that makes you miss it so much?"

Zhai Le raised his head and took a big sip, his expression aftertaste.

After thinking about it, the brows drooped, and he shook his head with some regret: "Unfortunately, I don't know if I can drink it in the future."

After all, he leaned back with his upper body.

Lie on your back on the roof.

As long as you don't bow your head and just look at the bright moon and clear sky, you will have the illusion that the years are quiet and the world is stable.But he knew that no matter how quiet and peaceful the night scene was, if he lowered his head to look at the messy inner city, he would be separated from the illusion in an instant and return to reality.

Shen Tang didn't want to lie down and watch the night scene.

Clothes are dirty and hard to wash.

She supported her hands and leaned back, admiring the moonlight.

Ask Zhai Le: "So fast?"

Shen Tang knew early on that Zhai Le was not on the same side as him. Sooner or later, he and his cousin Zhai Huan would return to Southeast Shenguo, but he didn't expect this day to come so soon.Given the current environment, the separation between the two may be a lifetime.

Zhai Le rested his head with one hand and took a sip of the wine.

Satisfied, he half-closed his brilliant peach eyes, and said with a hearty smile: "It's not too fast. If the incident of Xiaocheng hadn't happened, my elder brother and I might have set off for Shen Guo long ago."

As a brave fighter, he healed quickly from his injuries.But brother Shen hadn't set his foot down yet, and it wasn't good for him and his cousin Zhai Huan to leave at this juncture, so they stayed to help out as much as they could.Now that Shen Tang wants to take someone to He Yin, he can rest assured to go back with his cousin.


"Farewell, I don't know when we will see you again."

Zhai Le is not as sensible as his cousin Zhai Huan.

He and Shen Tang had a lifelong friendship, fought side by side, and had similar temperaments, so it was a bit uncomfortable to part suddenly.

He thought about it, tossed and turned and couldn't sleep, he thought about getting up and asking Brother Shen to come out for a drink and say goodbye.

Even Shen Tang couldn't answer Zhai Le's question.


"A bright moon shines on the idlers in the two places. As long as we live together under the same sky, there will be a reunion." The slightly sad atmosphere made Shen Tang want to drink too, but she was worried that she would go crazy when she was drunk, so she forcibly held back , "Why should you and I be sad?"

Zhai Le thought about the same reason, pointed at the bright moon, and put down his bold words: "When my elder brother and I have pacified the southeast, please come and drink, then I will be the host, and I will not return if I am not drunk!"

Shen Tang was surprised when he heard the words, she had known Zhai Le for many days, and the latter's usual performance did not show his sharp side.

Either hot-blooded and simple, or cheerful and energetic, always with a youthful air, but the words just now are full of vigor!

Loser is not lost!
Shen Tang also answered Zhai Le with a smile.

"Hahaha, then your hands and feet should be faster."

Zhai Le was puzzled and asked, "Why?"

Shen Tang waved his little hand: "Because I want to calm the world."

Bragging needs to be louder.

Where is it enough to pacify the southeast?
Zhai Le didn't take her words seriously, but teased her distressedly: "Brother Shen, brother Shen, you have great ambitions, and Zhai is ashamed of himself! If this is the case, then when you and I confront each other in the future, don't miss the old relationship! You and I will fight with swords and guns!"

Without waiting for Shen Tang's reply, he frowned and muttered: "Oh, I have to retreat and practice hard when I go back, and I can't lose ugly."

He is no match for Brother Shen right now. Although his potential has not been fully tapped, Brother Shen is still young and will still grow up. If he really matches up, he has almost no chance of winning.Shen Tang replied: "This matter is easy to talk about, and I will definitely not show mercy."

Zhai Le was worried for a while, and then smiled again.

"Okay, you and I encourage each other!"

Shen Tang gave him a high five.

"mutual encouragement!"

Without his cousin Zhai Huan to restrict him from drinking, Zhai Le drank to his heart's content this night, and got drunk at the end.

Hugging the pillar like a child, crying loudly, crying and saying: "Brother Chen, brother Shen, what will I do after I leave you? There is no fine wine in the world..."

Shen Tang standing on one side: "..."

Why come to say goodbye?

This guy is for whoring and drinking for nothing!
In the end, he dragged and dragged Zhai Le and a large section of the pillar that he hugged tightly back to the camp, and handed them over to Zhai Huan, who had a dark complexion.Zhai Huan turned his face away in embarrassment, it was the first time he saw his cousin so drunk.

Shen Tang said: "Xiaofang will be returned to you."

Zhai Huan took over his unlucky cousin.

With an unhappy face, he said: "Master Shen, please trouble me."

"No trouble, Xiaofang is also a temperamental person."

Shen Tang spoke good words for Zhai Le, but Zhai Le held back, hugging the pillar and shouting "Brother Shen, fill the wine bag", Zhai Huan's face turned dark again.Shen Tang saw that the sky was not completely bright yet, and returned to the tent with a faint smell of alcohol to catch up on sleep.

Zhai Le was hungover and didn't wake up until noon.

Shen Tang's things are almost packed.

Just as Gu Chi was worried, not all of the three or four thousand old and weak women and children were willing to leave their homes, and in the end there were only more than [-] people who were willing to leave their homelands that had been turned into ruins.Faced with this result, Shen Tang had no choice but to respect their choice.

Order the grain and horses.

Get ready to leave when the sun is just right.

Zhai Le woke up drunk and hastily washed himself.

Leader Wu Xian and Gu Ren came to see him off in person, whether it was sincere or not, Shen Tang accepted the favor, rode on the back of a flashy motorcycle, cupped his fists and said to the two of them: "The green mountains will not change, and the green water will flow forever. Brother Wu, Gu Lord, see you two someday."

Leader Wu Xian returned the salute: "Goodbye."

Gu Ren also said: "Goodbye."

Beside him was Shao Chong who seemed to have lost a lot of weight.

In order to suppress the Gu disaster in his body, he has suffered a lot, but his overall spirit is not bad, and he also imitates Gu Ren to hold his fists.


Shen Tang held the rein tied around the motorcycle's neck with one hand, controlled it to turn around, and waved his hand: "Let's go!"

After walking for a while, we took Shangguan Road fork.

Brother Zhai Huan also formally bid farewell to Shen Tang.

Zhai Huan also imitated Shen Tang's rhetoric, and said with a hearty smile: "The green mountains will not change, and the green water will flow forever. Brother Shen, see you in the future!"

Shen Tang said: "Goodbye."

The two bid farewell to Qishan and the others one by one.

Raising the whip and urging the horse, it drove in another direction.The two became smaller and smaller, turning into dots and disappearing among the dense forests.

Shen Tang sighed, and turned to look at Qishan and the others.

"Let's go too!"

"Yes, my lord."

Because there are more than 800 old and weak women and children in the team, the speed of march is not fast. Fortunately, the nearby rebels have evacuated from Sibao County, and there is also Zhao Feng's private group of Qianhao.

This lineup is not afraid of bandits blocking the way.

Occasionally, piglets can be heard groaning.

Yes, the piggies weren't finished yet.

Shen Tang smiled and said: "There is a chance to raise a few more."

On a good day, kill it and add some oil and water.

Qishan said with a dark face: "My lord still wants to raise it?"

Shen Tang showed an expression of "I am proud of raising pigs": "What's wrong with raising pigs? Can people live without eating or eating meat?"

Praying: "..."

He is not against pig farming.

He objected to Shen Tang's hand-piercing pig.

Wherever the blade passes, no egg will be left...

Can you hear this word?
Gu Chi: "..."

Because the team is not strong enough and there are too many people, they can only walk on the road, take a rest every two hours, and eat some dry food to replenish their strength.

Every time at this time, Shen Tang would quietly disappear for a while, filling the empty bamboo basket with big cakes...

They carry limited food and grass.

Save if you can.

If there are other refugees on the road, those who are willing to follow can also be accepted - but when they heard that they were going to Heyin, very few of them stayed behind.First, the distance is long, and second, the place is chaotic.

Seeing the desolation and misery along the road, Shen Tang was very upset.

So stop and go for half a month.

"After passing this boundary marker, we will leave Sibao County." Chu Yao rode on the horse and looked behind him, full of emotions. Unknowingly, he had lived in Sibao County for five or six years, and was also restrained for five or six years. , The darkest trough of life is also spent here.

As long as he can leave Sibao County, his life can be freed from this suffocating imprisonment-Chu Yao has always believed that he will fly high and break free from the invisible bondage one day!
And, just today!
Shen Tang glanced at the Golden Crow hanging above his head.

Said: "Let everyone stop and have a rest."

As long as conditions permit, she will not rush.

Even when she was riding a motorcycle, she felt that her buttocks were hurting, not to mention that ordinary people and soldiers walked on two legs, and there were countless blisters on their feet.There is another stream nearby, just to replenish.

Zhao Feng sent a letter to let the soldiers go down to settle down the people.

The remaining few people got together, calculated how many days it would take to reach He Yin, and by the way, figured out how to become the master of He Yin.

As I said before, the people in Heyin are tough and tough, and basically all the members are villains, even the leader Wu Xian finds it difficult.Either smash them with rice grains until these evil bandits obediently put down their butcher knives and surrender, or use heavy soldiers to clear them and kill them!
Shen Tang did not have the operating conditions for the two paths.

This is what Qishan and the others have been worrying about these days.

Recruit troops along the way?

How can a group of inexperienced people have any chance of winning when they encounter murderous bandits?In the end, it is not advisable to waste money, material resources and energy.

Finally, a consensus was reached.

There is a saying in the military book: because of the food for the enemy.

Why don't they follow the gourd and learn to do it?

【Because people are enemies】

Cannibalize the enemy step by step to expand itself, and then take over in one fell swoop.

Zhao Feng has no opinion on this.

He is good at killing bandits, and he is good at it.

Even half of the more than a thousand private titles under his account had once fallen into bandits, and they were all subdued and accepted by him one by one.

Shen Tang chewed the big cake and said, "This is feasible."

The situation in He Yin is chaotic, and the power struggle is fierce. Shen Tang, who was airborne, wants to get a piece of the action. If there is no hard enough fist and enough people, how can the local snake obey her?
Blacksmith need its own hardware.

She asked again, "Where do we start?"

Shen Tang has always been a man of action, and he does what he says.

Recently, I'm either on the road or on the road.

It made her bones stiff.

Qishan rolled up the map.

"There's no rush, just plan slowly on the way."

It's not that he doesn't want to make a plan now.

The situation on He Yin's side is really unknown.

We will know the specific situation only when we arrive at the place.

Shen Tang patted off the cake foam.

Eat and drink enough, ready to close your eyes and rest for a while.

At this time, she heard Lin Feng Sa Yazi running over quickly, and she said: "Lang Jun, Lang Jun, someone was fished out of the water."

It is not uncommon to find people in the water.

There were frequent battles everywhere, and the enemy had no spare time to bury the corpses in the ground, either throwing them anywhere or throwing them into the water.

Lin Feng saw a lot along the way.

The reason why she was so surprised this time was that she was a living person when she was picked up from the water!

(End of this chapter)

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