stand back, let me come

Chapter 262 262: White Lady

Chapter 262 262: White Lady

Shen Tang was surprised: "A living person? Still alive?"

Lin Feng nodded heavily: "Well, he's still alive."

This is quite a difficult thing to come across.

The corpses that can be thrown into the water are usually the ones that have been stabbed by the enemy to ensure that the person can't die again. Either a stab in the heart, a stab in the throat, or a stab in the brain through the eye hole.No matter how tenacious the vitality is, it cannot survive.

Catch a living person...

How lucky is that?
Shen Tang felt that the pancakes in his hands were no longer fragrant.

"Where is the man? I have to go and see."

Kang Shi secretly shook his head—being thrown into the water was not necessarily because of the war, but also because he was forced into the water because of suicide or desperation... If it is the following reasons, it is not impossible for the lucky ones to be rescued...

However, Shen Tang has already gone to watch the excitement.

It was a woman who was rescued.

Said she was a woman, but judging by her appearance, her actual age should not be a few years older than Shen Tang, at most two or three years old, that is, a girl of seventeen or eighteen years old.Different from the delicate temperament of women in the boudoir today, this person's facial features are extremely heroic.

It was such a little girl, but she had several deep wounds on her body, one on her shoulder, three on her back, two on her arms, and three on each of her legs... This injury is not to mention a little girl, but a Strong adult men are enough to choke.

When it was fished out, there was only half a breath left.

Shen Tang felt a little anxious, took a closer look, raised his head and asked Qi Shan and the others: "The injury is so serious, can she be saved?"

Gu Chi said: "It should be possible."

As the so-called long-term illness becomes a doctor, Gu Chi, as a person who has dealt with medicine jars all year round, is also one of the best in Chinese medicine, and he always has various life-saving pills on his body.

The injury of the girl in front of her is serious, but the wound is not stained with filth. All she needs to do is to preserve her heart veins, stop the bleeding, and then use Wen Qi or Wu Qi to help her wound heal. In theory, it can be pulled back.

Shen Tang turned sideways to make way for Gu Chi, looking at the wounds on the girl's body, Lin Feng on the side was moved and said pitifully: "I don't know who the gangster is, who treats a weak girl like this... Fortunately, luckily, I met Mr. Lang , to save a life."

Shen Tang patted her on the head, Lin Feng was puzzled: "Lang Jun?"

"I don't know who the gangster is, but she is not a weak woman." Shen Tang took the woman's hand funny, showed her palm to Lin Feng, and explained, "Look at these cocoons, they don't look like It was left by heavy work, but it looks like the marks of holding a knife and drawing a sword all year round, and pinching her muscles..."

Shen Tang pinched the woman's biceps.

Don't say it's a woman raised in a deep boudoir, even a peasant girl who has worked all year round can't practice it.You must know that because of innate limitations, women's muscles are more difficult to exercise than men's.Obviously, this girl is probably a trainer, and her body speed is quite good.

Otherwise, it would be impossible to carry such a serious injury, float in the water until the skin is wrinkled, and still hold half a breath.

Lin Feng's eyes widened in surprise, she couldn't help being curious, imitating Shen Tang and poking the girl's arm, then pinching the soft flesh of her own arm, it was really different.

Chu Yao guessed: "Maybe it's a female thief."

Lin Feng asked: "Why not a heroine?"

Chu Yao pointed at the gold and silver jewelry hooked on the girl's clothes, and said, "Ordinary people wear such precious objects."

Lin Feng muttered: "It may also be robbing the rich and helping the poor."

When the girl's breath stabilized, Shen Tang asked someone to move her to the carriage, and asked an old woman to take care of her.It happened that it was almost time to rest, and the group continued on their way.Try to get to the next suitable overnight stop before dark.

Shen Tang is strong and strong, so he can sleep anywhere, but those ordinary people can't, it will be even more difficult if they drag their sick bodies along the way.

It gets dark very early in winter.

The night is getting dark.

Soldiers began to bury pots to make food.

After eating dry food, with enough satiety, everyone feels that they are alive again. The night patrol, the night patrol, seize the time to cultivate.Shen Tang was idle and bored, and looked through the account books by the bonfire, and all the tax money dug out had been recorded.

Just looking at the number of accounts, Shen Tang is really not poor.

Naihe has thousands of mouths to eat.

After arriving in Heyin, you have to solve local problems, absorb refugees, build infrastructure, develop the economy, and restore people's livelihood...

Every item needs to burn money and food, and Shen Tang doesn't know how long he can last with this little family background... I really worry about money as soon as I open my eyes.

ε=(ο`*))) alas.

A penny stumps a hero.

Shen Tang read the accounts over and over again.

I wish I could double my wealth by watching it one more time.

Gu Chi said: "It can't be turned over."

Shen Tang rolled his eyes again: "You listen to my heart again."

Gu Chi chewed the scorched pancakes, and said, "It's not the first day that Shen Lang knew that my way of literati is out of control."

Expect him not to listen?
It's better to count on Shen Tang to be self-reliant and take the initiative to restrain himself.

Shen Tang would not do it.

Deliberately emptying your mind is exhausting.

She asked, "Wang Chao has a way to make money quickly?"

"Not only Shen Lang wants to know, but I also want to know. Actually——If Shen Lang is willing to go out and follow the example of King Zhu's rebel army, it would be a good choice." Gu Chi saw Shen Tang's expression changed, and said with a smile, "You first Don't be angry, and listen to me slowly."

Shen Tang: "Speak, I'll listen."

Gu Chi said: "The forces in He Yin are intricate and complex, and almost no one has clean hands. Since they are 'evil', why doesn't Shen Lang 'do justice for the sky'? Punish rape and eliminate evil? They can use their money bank to solve the problem." In an urgent need, it can also eliminate cancer for the common people.”

Shen Tang raised his eyebrows when he heard the words, but didn't say yes or no.

Gu Chi continued to speak eloquently: "Of course, it's not about asking Shen Lang to kill indiscriminately. As long as you kill people who most people want them to die, Shen Lang is the party of justice. No damage to reputation, no violation of morality , wouldn't it be wonderful?"

Shen Tang still didn't say anything.

However, as Gu Chi who can clearly hear Shen Tang's heart, he knows Shen Tang's true thoughts, and he is not afraid that Shen Tang will not be moved.

Is this his own sinister idea? ? ?

No, no, he just spoke out for Shen Tang.

Yes, this was entirely Shen Tang's own plan.

Especially after listening to Lin Feng's phrase "robbing the rich and helping the poor", Shen Tang thought about whether to use [for the enemy's food] to take advantage of the enemy.Where did the enemy come from?Up and down He Yin, anyone who stops her, opposes her, or wants her life!
Gu Chi listened to it completely, and it was the first time that he felt that Shen Tang's thoughts were so in line with his own, and he could bear no matter how noisy he was.

Why did Shen Tang refuse to speak out?

It was nothing more than worrying that Chu Yao would not agree.

After all, no matter how high-sounding the words "robbing the rich and helping the poor" are, they are essentially robbery, and she was worried that Chu Yao and the others would object.

It's hard for Shen Tang to say, so he kindly helped to say it.


Shen Tang: "Besides, as long as you're not that poor."

In the first half of the sentence, Gu Chi's smile froze slightly.

In the second half of the sentence, Gu Chi's smile grew wider.


Because Shen Tang is very close to being "so poor".

Shen Tang felt a little unnatural by his smile, Gu Chi took the initiative to ask Ying: "Is there anything Gu can help Shen Lang?"

All I had to do was tell Shen Tang that there was no need to act with him.

Shen Tang fingered the pages of the account book unconsciously.

She said: "There is exactly one."

Gu Chi said: "Let's hear it?"

Shen Tang: "I don't know what Yuanliang and the others are thinking."

Let Gu Chi help to inquire about the tone.

If three people object, or if one person agrees and the other two object, Shen Tang has to think carefully—this is not the only choice, and Shen Tang can't make trouble with Qishan and the others because of this.

Unexpectedly, Gu Chi sneered, and said: "Shen Lang must have thought of the heart of a literary counselor too cleanly."

It's hard to talk about Kang Shi, who is not familiar with him, but Chu Yao and Qi Shan's bottom line and morality are really not that high. After listening to Shen Tang's idea, they might agree with both hands and feet.

Even, maybe she didn't mention it, they also wanted to do it.

Shen Tang: "..."

Don't wait for Gu Chi to say anything else.

Lin Fengxiao panted and ran over.

"Langjun, that girl has woken up."

Shen Tang put down the account book in his hand.

"Wake up?"

That female hero (female thief) is really in good shape.

When Bai Su opened her eyes, the hazy orange light from the bonfire poured into the car along the gap of the bamboo curtain of the car, and the first thing she saw was the blurry roof of the car.She tried to move her hands and feet, and a strong dull pain spread from all parts of her body to her brain.

She groaned in pain.

Stop trying to get up.

Scenes before the coma flashed like a fleeting glance, followed by a woman who opened the curtain of the car and saw her wake up, turned around and yelled something.Bai Su's energy was low, and she couldn't hear clearly. She closed her eyes and adjusted her breath.

My mind was spinning rapidly.

Looking at the situation, was he saved by someone?

Tsk, I am really lucky.

Half a foot has stepped into the Hall of Yama, and I can still climb out.

After a while, different footsteps approached him.

The light in the dimly lit cabin brightened a lot.

Bai Su squinted his eyes uncomfortably.

But he saw a young man with a sick face and deficiency of Qi and blood put his hand on his veins, Bai Su lowered his eyes slightly, and didn't say a word, but couldn't help muttering in his heart - this man himself looked sick and dying. Not long ago, the medical skills are reliable?
Gu Chi: "..."

Hearing this heartfelt voice, his eyes were a little dangerous.

He lowered the woman's wrist.

Facing Shen Tang, he said, "It's not a big problem."

Hearing this, Bai Su opened her eyes, followed the gaze of the young man (Gu Chi), and saw a handsome young lady with red lips and white teeth, and a deep outline.It looks like he should be twelve or thirteen years old, his facial features are more profound and three-dimensional than ordinary people, and his appearance is bright and charming.

All in all, it's a stunning look.

Bai Su couldn't help but take a second look, and then looked at the young man's attitude towards the young lady, thinking that this young lady is the master.

She tried to open her mouth, her voice was hoarse and weak.Different from her heroic appearance, her voice is sweet and soft, three points softer than the so-called "Wu Nong's soft language". In Shen Tang's words, it is "clamping her throat", and her voice is about the same age as Lin Feng .

It really is--

The contrast is huge.

"But the benefactor saved the servant's family?"

Shen Tang said truthfully: "It was the people under his command who went to the stream to drink water and saw you, and only after they fished you up did they find that you were still alive."

Bai Su endured the pain and got up.

"Thank you benefactor for saving your life."

No matter who is the one who scoops up people, they are all under Shen Tang's tent, so this life-saving grace is also on her head according to the usual practice.

Shen Tang didn't take this issue seriously, she only cared about what the girl went through, why was she seriously injured and floated in the stream?
Bai Su blinked, and softly said: "My surname is Hei, she was originally a farm girl from a small village in the remote mountains... Unfortunately, she encountered gangsters that day, and she fought hard for her innocence, and was forced to throw herself into the water... If it wasn't for the benevolent father who rescued her... , I'm afraid, I'm afraid it's already..."

Shen Tang looked at Gu Chi.

She looks like she has a deceptive face?

Gu Chi suppressed the raised corners of his mouth.

Let him be the villain.

Unceremoniously exposed Bai Su's clumsy lies: "A peasant girl from a small village in the remote mountains nearby? The black lady doesn't tell me, but I can't see it at all. Which peasant girl has such restraint as the black lady? Which gangster, if you can't force it, I will give you valuable money silver?"

Gu Chi accentuated the word "cultivation".

A trace of panic flashed across Bai Su's already pale face.

Shen Tang smiled and said: "Hei Niang, don't panic, we are not evil people, and we don't intend to ask the bottom line. We just saved someone, and we have the right to know who we saved. If Hei Niang really has something to hide, we won't force you. "

Bai Su didn't say a word, but a flash of vigilance flashed in his eyes.

Shen Tang sighed slightly in his heart: "It's just that there are some things to say first - we are just passing through here, and we will go on the road again after tonight. It is estimated that we will not go the same way as Hei Niangzi. So, tomorrow morning, please leave Hei Niangzi on your own. go……"

Bai Su was taken aback.

She didn't expect Shen Tang to say this.

It was she who judged the belly of a gentleman with the heart of a villain.

She asked, "Where is Mr. Eunuch going?"

Shen Tang said: "He Yin."

Bai Su was taken aback: "He Yin? You can't go there!"

Shen Tang asked: "Why can't I go?"

Bai Su's expression froze.

I couldn't answer for a while.

Seeing that Shen Tang and the others were indeed not evil people, and they saved her own life, she couldn't continue to hide it: "It's ashamed to say, it was just that the slave family deceived the benefactor. 'Words. People from Heyin!"

Shen Tang and Gu Chi looked at each other.

Such a coincidence?

"Hei Niang... No, White Lady..." Shen Tang suddenly showed a strange look, this address is a bit interesting, but he continued, "You are from Heyin, why did you come to the border of Sibao County? It's still a young and beautiful daughter's family..."

It's not uncommon for a big man with five big and three thick to run so far.

But it is very strange to be a young woman.

In this world, even the Wenxin scribes like Qishan must always wear swords when they walk outside, and they can fight every one of them.

Bai Su's face showed embarrassment.

She said: "It's hard to go into details."

Gu Chi exposed her: "Being hunted down for stealing property?"

When Bai Su heard this, his expression became serious.

Seeing her excited expression, if she was not seriously injured, she might have picked up a knife to show Gu Chi some color.

"That's not theft of property."

Gu Chi said: "No?"

Bai Su raised her brows upside down: "It's robbing the rich and helping the poor! It's killing the unkind rich! Although he acted like a bandit, Bai has a clear conscience!"

Shen Tang: "..."

Lin Feng really got it right.

The most important part was revealed, and Bai Su had nothing to hide.Sighing, he truthfully explained the background.

Bai Su is really a peasant girl.

Before the age of six, she had a poor but relatively complete family.

Parents, grandparents are all there, besides her, there are three brothers and sisters in the family.It's just that God doesn't want to reward the face, coupled with the host's unkindness, the life of the tenant farmers is getting more and more difficult day by day.


  The Cobos W920 window treasure that I ordered yesterday has arrived
  As the Chinese New Year approaches, the cleaning needs to be slowly arranged on the schedule

  What about this robot...

  Wipe it several times and it's still clean
  For lazy people like me who are not picky

  Not bad, hee hee
(End of this chapter)

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