stand back, let me come

Chapter 263 263: Vote for me

Chapter 263 263: Vote for me

In January of that year, two younger siblings starved to death.

In early February of the same year, my grandmother died of illness.

A few days after my grandmother's funeral, that is, in late February, my grandfather went to work in the field and encountered wild boars trampling the crops. In order to keep hope for this year, he tried to drive the wild boars away but died.When the family found him, the old and thin corpse was curled up stiffly in the ground, most of its torso was eaten by wild boars, and its eyes were wide open in pain...

Successive blows cast a heavy cloud over the whole family.

I worked so hard until the eve of the harvest.


Days of heavy rain broke embankments and flooded crops.

Since the first day of rain, my father has been guarding near the farmland.For the painstaking efforts of this place, he owed a lot of debts, the farmland was flooded, the harvest was destroyed, more than one family's rations were lost, and the heavy renter tax crushed him even more.

He braved the rain to rescue.

But all this is the most feeble futility.

Infected with wind and cold, one can't afford to get sick.

The debt collector came to collect the debt, Bai Su's only surviving elder brother had a conflict with someone and his head was broken, and the debt collector tried to drag A Niang and her away to pay off the debt, and my father was furious to death.

On the second day after my father was buried, my brother couldn't bear it anymore.

In desperation, A Niang hanged the head of the village.

The whole family has only one lonely Bai Su left.

In order to avoid the debt collectors who came to arrest people, she ran all the way to the deep mountains and old forests, not daring to turn her head back.Fortunately, Bai Su was rescued by an unknown woman passing by when he was about to starve to death.

The latter took pity on her and adopted her.

What Bai Su learned was taught by his mentor and adoptive mother.

After she has achieved success in her studies, she will help the poor people together.Outsiders say they are thieves, but the adoptive mother only wants to have a clear conscience.


Two years ago, I accidentally met a third-class hairpin, and my mentor took her away with serious injuries. After that, I couldn't get sick, and I couldn't survive the cold winter.Before she died, she told Bai Su that she had no regrets in her life, and the only thing she was worried about was Bai Su.

Let her return to the life of an ordinary woman and live a stable life.

Better than being a snitch licking blood with a blade.

One carelessness can lead to death.

Bai Su was a little shaken at first, but seeing many ordinary people suffer from all kinds of oppression and hardship, she knew that she couldn't adapt.

He still uses the name of his teacher "Wu Ming".

Step on the spot during the day, shoot at night.

As long as it is for the rich and unkind, that is her goal.

The ill-gotten gains from the theft were exchanged for the items needed to help the common people, but she was still young, and her experience was not as good as her teacher's. She missed once not long ago, and was unlucky enough to startle a few brave fighters, and was chased all the way kill.

The only luck is that these brave warriors are not of high level, they are just low-level officials, but Bai Su is an ordinary person after all, even though he has acquired exquisite martial arts, due to physical limitations, he is still forced to a corner.Take a leap into a waterfall...

Follow the waterfall down the stream.

In the end, he was picked up by the people under Shen Tang's tent.

This is Bai Su's life experience.

After hearing this, Shen Tang was a little startled, and exclaimed: "There are still such strange women as the white lady's mentor in the world? It's a pity that I don't have the chance to see them."

Looking at Mrs. Bai Su's speech and behavior, her logic is clear, she does not look like an illiterate, so most of the people who raised her also have some knowledge.A woman with knowledge and martial arts, one person with one sword, punishing rape and eliminating evil, fighting righteousness...

This is quite rare and rare.

Thinking of his mentor, Bai Su's expression darkened.

Since the death of her mentor, Bai Su returned to her hometown after many years of absence for the first time.The situation in He Yin is more chaotic and severe than it was back then, with bandits rampant, and every household seems to be repeating the old ways of Bai Su's family.

However, their family was not as lucky as Bai Su, who was adopted by the unknown woman.The more he understands the lives of the people in Heyin, the angrier Bai Su becomes.But she is weak on her own, no matter what she does, it will be a drop in the bucket, and she will even cause trouble to others.

That bastard specially stared at the widows, the old and the weak.

Bai Su sent the things over secretly, and within two days, some gangsters would be eyeing the "windfall" in their hands, a small jar of wheat grains, a bag of beans, dozens of copper coins... all searched and snatched away.Even Bai Su taught those gangsters a lesson, but he still kept on repeating it.

Because the neighbors around these old, weak, lonely and widowed people can become "thugs", as long as they can't keep it, they will be robbed and deceived...

Seeing more of these, Bai Su despaired of He Yin.

This place won't get better.

But Bai Su didn't want to go anywhere else.

Because it's pretty much the same everywhere.

Ha Yoon...

At least it is the burial place of her blood relatives.

Hearing that the destination of Shen Tang and the others was He Yin, Bai Su stopped them without thinking.The villains are rampant over there, and these villains are supported by other forces behind their heads and behind them. Passing by traders, not to mention keeping their money, they are considered lucky if they can keep their lives.

If Shen Tang goes...

How can there be life?

After all, he saved his benefactor, Bai Su didn't want to watch her die, but this benefactor didn't intend to listen to her.

Shen Tang said: "But, I have to go."

Bai Su thought of a possibility.

"The benefactor is also from Heyin?"

Or is he going to seek refuge with relatives far away in Heyin?

Shen Tang said: "Of course not."

Bai Su showed a little anxiety when he heard the words.

"Then why?"

Do you have to go to Heyin to seek death? ? ?
Shen Tang smiled and said, "Of course it's for taking office."

Bai Su: "..."

Bai Su: "???"

Bai Su: "!!!"

She was so surprised by this sentence that she completely lost her expression.

It took a while to react.

Her eyes were wide open, she opened and closed her mouth several times without uttering a single word, she didn't know what to say - she was a thief, was rescued by an officer?Not only was he rescued, but he also talked about how to rob the rich and help the poor in front of others, and how to step on the spot?

At this moment, Bai Su's nerves were so sensitive that he looked like a furious businessman, his expression was full of resistance and panic, wishing to escape to the sky.

Gu Chi laughed heartily.

At this time, Bai Su's eyelids trembled suddenly and he found a big problem - the benefactor said that he was going to He Yin to take office, but isn't the benefactor a pretty and beautiful young lady?

How does the little lady go to take office?

Or is the little lady actually a female concubine?
Or rather-

Bai Su's eyes were almost glued to Shen Tang's face, and it took him a while to notice the extremely inconspicuous Wenxin monogram on Shen Tang's waist.

Spit out a sentence: "My family... offended the benefactor."

Shen Tang looked at her puzzled: "Where is the offense?"

Bai Su said: "Misidentified the benefactor's gender."

Shen Tang: "..."

No, no, you are right.

But she didn't bother to explain. Anyway, time will prove whether she is a man or a woman. I just hope these people don't drop their jaws when they know the truth.

Thinking of that scene, Shen Tang's depressed mood slightly improved.Her eyebrows and eyes were cheerful: "Bai Niangzi is not only a He Yin person, but also a knight in the village, so she must have a good understanding of the He Yin territory. I have a merciless request..."

Knowing that Shen Tang is an "official", the guard that Bai Su had put down just rose again, and looked at Shen Tang cautiously, not daring to speak too much easily: "Please tell me, my benefactor, as long as it does not violate morality and heart, The servants will do their best."

"It's not an embarrassing thing, and it won't violate the moral heart of the white lady. You just need to talk about He Yin's situation, as long as you know it. I plan to rectify He Yin after I take office, knowing myself and the enemy. A hundred battles are victorious. I was worried before, but I didn't expect God to show mercy and send the white lady here..."

It really solved her urgent need.

Bai Su didn't respond immediately, but just pretended to be weak and about to pass out.Shen Tang didn't expect Bai Su to give an answer immediately, so he went down the steps and asked Lin Feng to send someone to take good care of Bai Su.Let's wait for Bai Su's health to improve.

Lin Feng said: "Your Majesty, please rest assured."

Shen Tang patted Lin Feng on the head as encouraging, got up and left the carriage, Gu Chi left the prescription and got out of the carriage.He followed Shen Tang's pace and said, "That Bai Su is pretending to be unconscious."

If it wasn't for Shen Tang's eyes blocking him, he could expose it on the spot.

Shen Tang said: "How could I not know? It's just that it's not appropriate to force too hard. This kind of thing is interesting if you like it. Forcing someone to speak is a suspicion of a bully bullying the weak. Mr. Gu really doesn't know what 'pity the fragrance and cherish the jade' is at all." .”

Being in a coma is an excuse.

Expose it on the spot, embarrassing or not?

Gu Chi showed an expression of "Your words are really disgusting", and said bluntly: "It depends on who it is for..."

A person whose position is not clear, whether he is a man or a woman, is not worthy of pity, let alone his face, if the platform is taken down, it will be taken down!

Shen Tang laughed when he heard the words: "If Bai Su's confession of life experience is true, when her injury recovers and the people who follow her, she will know who I am. The easiest and fastest way to pry a person's defenses in the world is ' Do what you like'..."

Since Bai Su regards the eight words "fighting for righteousness, robbing the rich and helping the poor" as his moral heart, and implements it consistently, Shen Tang is not worried that Bai Su will not like her.Bai Su will not only like her, admire her, and admire her, but also regard her as a clean official.

In a muddy world where everyone is evil, who is struggling in the quagmire, who would not like a Ming Lord who is fair and honest, loves the people like a son, and has the ambition to turn the tide?The narcissistic voice in Shen Tang's heart was so sour that Gu Chi's facial features were almost wrinkled.

He said: "Shen Lang, you don't have to be so blind."

Don't say anything.

He is afraid!
Gu Chi was very sure that Shen Tang said that on purpose.

He was so thick-skinned that he couldn't complain.

Shen Tang said: "My heart and mouth are the same."

Gu Chi: "..."

With the biting cold night wind blowing, Shen Tang crossed his arms and walked with Gu Chi by the stream, chatting.

When she said that sentence, a strong smile appeared on her face, and her eyes were shining brighter than the stars above her head.

Gu Chi looked at her, with a faint tone of resentment: "Did Shen Lang say just now—" In a muddy world where everyone is wicked, who is struggling in the quagmire, who wouldn't like justice, honesty, and love for the people? The son, the bright master who has the ambition to turn the tide', and "the easiest and fastest way to pry one's defenses in the world is to do what he likes"? Is Shen Lang saying "do what I like"?"

He genuinely doubted it.

Qishan and Chu Yao were not fooled like this, were they?
Shen Tang tilted his head with a smile.

He blinked those black eyes innocently.

"Wang Chao is so good, who wouldn't like it? It's just—" she kicked Gu Chi's question back, "Would you like to 'follow me'?"

Gu Chi: "..."

Previously, she had been spitting out "Mr. Gu" to expose her true nature, and she opened her mouth to say "Wang Chao" - Gu Chi sincerely doubted that if his answer was no, would Shen Lang take a sip of wine on the spot and send him off to heaven?It's not impossible...

Gu Chi didn't answer directly, but said: "Shen Lang is still young, so he doesn't know that people's hearts are fickle. Now you can say what you say, but in the future, when you are really high-ranking, you will know that you have no secrets in front of a person." How hateful this person would be."

Fear, fear, disgust...

Until I hate it to death!

Shen Tang said bluntly: "For an open-minded person who says what he thinks in his heart, it's nothing."


Can "hateful" be more hateful than Yuanliang's "killing the master"?
There are so many stacked's okay to add one more, don't worry if there are too many lice.I just hope that in the future, I can get to know a few people who are normal scholars and not so useless.

Shen Tang's request was very humble.

Gu Chi heard the words, but did not answer immediately.

The two were silent until he opened his mouth to break.

Gu Chi asked: "Gu has a question."

Shen Tang: "You ask."

"Is Shen Lang a man or a woman?"

Shen Tang: "..."

She was still thinking about what question Gu Chi would ask to test her "heart and mouth", and she was struggling with this after thinking for a long time? ? ?

That's it? ? ?

Shen Tang looked depressed: "Female!"

He also emphasized: "The goods are genuine at a fair price, and children are not deceived!"

Gu Chi: "..."

Hearing Shen Tang's own confession, Gu Chi still felt a bit like a dream, even though he had already known the real gender from Shen Tang's voice.

Shen Tang was very curious.

"Look at my face, with such a beautiful face, how could it not be my daughter's family?" Good guy, I can still explain this face with a reason of "male and female appearance".

Gu Chi: "..."

Shen Tang said again: "If you can't believe this, I can still reveal a secret, will you listen?"

Gu Chi: " big a secret?"

Shen Tang thought for a while: "If I still can't keep your heart after hearing this, I can only keep your body."

When Gu Chi heard the words, he decisively chose not to listen.

"My lord is so sincere and straightforward, how can Chi not believe it?"

Shen Tang: "..."

After a night of rest, we set off at dawn the next day.

Eat dry food while walking, without wasting time.

Bai Su felt the carriage shaking, woke up from the complicated and long chaotic dream, and as the five senses returned to their positions one by one, she felt that the footsteps of the team seemed to be too much.Barely sat up.

Her team is at the back of the center.

Bai Su carefully opened the curtain of the car, and what she saw was not the strong and strong group she imagined, or even the servants and guards, but a group of thin and haggard people.

Mostly old and weak women and children.

The older ones have full hair.

The young one is still in his infancy.

They walked in the middle, and the outermost group was a group of young men wearing cloth armor and leather armor, either riding horses or walking.

Although the former walked very slowly, the latter did not urge him loudly, but consciously adjusted his steps to ensure that no one would be left behind.

Bai Su was stunned by this scene, unable to understand.

(End of this chapter)

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