stand back, let me come

Chapter 277: Chapter 277

Chapter 277: Chapter 277


Three completely different martial arts collided.

The fifth-class doctor was forced to take two steps back, and the two fourth-class doctors who were hostile to him retreated seven or eight steps before they managed to stabilize their figure.

Even with such a big advantage, the fifth-class doctor couldn't show any joy.Because the subordinates he brought down either screamed and fell in a pool of blood, unable to fight anymore, or their heads were cut off, their bodies were beyond recognition, and their staff was quickly reduced.

If this situation continues, he will be left as a bare-handed commander in a short time. He is so angry that his blood boils, his eyes are scarlet, his canthus are about to burst, sweat and blood mix and roll down, sinking into the skirt of his clothes, his fierce eyes can bring people to life. Shred!

Right now, he can't wait to tear up the two fourth-class budgers who blocked him into blood clots, and feed them to the dogs!
The two waiters were panting heavily.

Although they have been promoted to the fourth class for less than a year, they have been working hard on weekdays, and they are considered to be in the ranks of the fourth class. It is so difficult for the two of them to work together, which shows the true strength of the fifth class doctor in front of them. Not far from a breakthrough...

"Drink! Come, grandson!"

The fifth-class doctor shouted and provoked.

The target was Kang Shi who kept causing him trouble.

Seeing that the situation is not good, the two fourth-class players returned to help immediately.Unexpectedly, this person made a false move, and he slapped one of them with his palm full of martial energy.The fourth-rank doctor had no choice but to step back and dodge temporarily, but this action was in the hands of the fifth-rank doctor!

Kang Shi was keenly aware of the real intentions of the fifth-class doctor, raised his hand and waved his sleeves, and on the path of the fifth-class doctor's attack, a wall of cultural spirit more than five feet high was raised one by one.

The fifth-class doctor didn't expect to escape easily. Seeing the Wenqi wall blocking the way, he shouted loudly, stepped on the ground to accelerate, luck surrounded his body, and hit him like a shell!

boom boom-

Breaking through three culture walls in a row.

Seeing such ease, a smug and contemptuous smile appeared on the face of the fifth-class doctor—the two fourth-class doctors were even more difficult, but this Wenxin scholar was not so good.The wall of cultural atmosphere seems thick and majestic, but it is actually vulnerable!
It is comparable to a three-no building with poor quality.

The curvature of the corners of his mouth has not yet been fully raised, and the fourth cultural wall is close at hand, and he does not want to be bombarded by luck.


The expected collapse and fragmentation did not occur.

He was also hurt by the force of the bounce back from the Wenqi wall, and his chest felt tight, and he took a few steps back.As soon as he stood still, the surrounding light became dimmer until there was not even a trace of moonlight.

The fifth doctor's expression changed drastically, and he raised his head suddenly!
The top of the head, all directions, and even the feet are all blocked by the Wen Qi wall, forming a thick cage made of Wen Qi, shrinking towards him at a speed visible to the naked eye!The fifth doctor said angrily: "This kind of crap wants to trap Naigong!"

The mace hit one side with great force.

Unexpectedly, the originally flimsy bean curd dregs project is now completely motionless and of poor quality.The fifth doctor charged up his attack, but it only hit a ripple visible to the naked eye.He was really in a hurry at this time, and fine sweat appeared on his forehead.

Yang Duwei was always paying attention to the situation, seeing that the outcome was about to be decided, he walked out of the carriage and said to the cobweb-like Wen Qi, "Is he going to send someone down like this to report back?"

Kang Shi said indifferently: "Fortunately, I stopped it."

He said "fortunately", but he didn't have the slightest surprise on his face - the brave warrior wanted to escape with all his heart, and it was indeed difficult for ordinary literary scholars to stop him, but that meant the same level.If a mere fifth-class doctor escapes, he will lose face when he is healthy.

Yang Duwei was about to agree, but saw countless fine cracks penetrating from the inside out, he turned to smile and said: "There are still variables."

As if to verify his words, not long after the words fell, the Wen Qi that bound the fifth-class doctor exploded, and the air waves generated by the close-range explosion hit people's skin sorely, and even the nearest few bandit corpses were blown halfway. Zhang Yuan.

Flying sand and gravel, horses neighing.

The grass fell and the leaves rustled.

Seeing that the situation was not good, Captain Yang immediately stretched out his hand to grasp the wooden frame of the carriage, and raised his other hand to protect his face and eyes.

Seizing the moment when everyone's line of sight was blocked, the fifth-rank doctor stepped forward, and the gray-yellow martial aura covered his skin like a thin veil, shooting into the chaotic forest.

He was sure that the Wenxin scribe couldn't react in time!

Entering the mountains and forests by oneself and familiarizing themselves with the terrain, the sky is high enough for birds to fly and the sea for fish to jump. Who can keep him?He wants to pass the news back immediately!More than a dozen are warriors!There is also a Wenxin scribe in the lineup!This group of people is not good!
Could it be a private trilogy raised by He Yin's family?

Is it true that Kang Shi didn't react in time?

Lieutenant Yang can tell with the naked eye that a fifth-class doctor has shown up at the bottom of the box and forcibly broke through. As a literary scholar who controls the literary spirit, how could he not know?Now that I know, how can I not hold back?The reason why I didn't do this is because——

A huge greyish-yellow ball of light was pulled back.

It was the fifth-class doctor whose smile had not been completely put away.


His mind was buzzing and he felt powerless.

Tried to get up with hands on the ground, repeatedly to no avail.

His throat twitched, and he spit out a large mouthful of dirty blood with a puff, and two yellowish broken teeth were mixed in that pool of blood.

The fifth doctor: "..."

Fa, what happened? ? ?
He couldn't think of it at all.

I just remember that I seemed to bump into something, and was pulled back by a red thing, half of my face was numb and I lost consciousness, even if I didn't touch it with my hands, I knew it was swollen.He raised his head with difficulty, only to see the hanging legs made up of half of the letter armor.

The latter approached him, and while walking, he could clearly hear the clang and crisp sound of metal impact...

The fifth-class doctor's heart went cold for the most part.

The man stepped over him.

He raised a pair of four-edged bronze maces with patterns of evil spirits and beasts, and beat all the bandits who were still standing to the ground with three or two blows.The copper mace in his hand weighed 120 jin, and a pair of it weighed 240 jin.Coupled with his strength, cracking bones is the basic operation.

Putting Shen Tang's words into account, the beef balls hammered out by this pair of copper maces will also be extra strong...

Kang Shi jumped off the carriage.

He stepped forward and said, "General Zhao!"

The person who came was Zhao Feng who came first.

That unlucky fifth-class doctor happened to bump into his hand—in fact, he was quite confused at the time, seeing something hitting him, he didn't even think about summoning a full set of armor, turning his hands into copper maces, Where did the opponent come from and where to go.

"Mr. Kang." Zhao Feng took back a pair of copper maces, clasped his fists at Kang Shi, and asked, "Is the matter over?"

He wanted to ask himself if he was late.

Brave warriors have some "occupational diseases" to some extent - they refuse to let go of any opportunity to make meritorious deeds, and if they miss it, they will lose their strength - rushing over by themselves, good guy, the big head is taken by others up!

Then he made this trip for nothing.

Kang Shi smiled and said: "It's not over yet, General Zhao came at just the right time. This group of people came to silence, if they don't go back, the group in the mountain will be smeared. Let's lead people now." Go up and kill them all."

Zhao Feng's complexion improved a lot.

Kang Shi asked, "Where's Yuan Liang?"

Zhao Feng replied: "Seeing the battle on the mountain, I will come first, and Mr. Qi will arrive later with people."

In fact, he underestimated Kang Shi and his party.

He came here in a hurry because he thought he was at a disadvantage.

Looking at it now, he thinks too much.

Regardless of the small number of Shen Tang's team members, the average level is high, and the Mr. Kang Shi in front of him is no exception--even if he didn't arrive in the situation just now, Kang Shi would probably be able to play with that fifth-class doctor as a mouse .

Kang Shi asked again, "How much longer?"

Zhao Feng was at two o'clock and one line, all the way up, and the real distance was from the foot of the mountain to the height of the mountainside, so his speed was fast, but it would take at least a quarter of an hour for Qishan to lead people to catch up.This speed is not slow...

Kang Shi made some calculations in his heart.

He was ready to wait and pray for good.

When everyone is ready, let's rush up together.

Who knows-

Yang Duwei said: "To transfer flowers to trees..."

Kang Shi: "What move..."

Zhao Feng blinked and looked at Kang Shi puzzled.

What embezzlement?
In the next breath, Kang Shi and Captain Yang disappeared in front of his eyes—ah no, to be precise, Zhao Feng disappeared from both of Kang Shi's eyes, replaced by more than a hundred people and horses that descended from the sky, people stacked on top of each other, It was a mess.

Kang Shi didn't know this group of people, but the one at the head was Qishan who was said to arrive in a quarter of an hour?
Kang Shi's mouth twitched.

For a while, I don’t know whether to sigh with emotion and pray for good desperation—not even using the words to assist the sprinting, just “transfer flowers and trees”—or to complain sincerely, “Su Shang may not be a cat, but praying for good is a real dog "!"
Seeing Qishan's pale face, with a weak look about to stop breathing at any time, Kang Shi was so angry that he wanted to slap him!
Asked: "Is this not so good?"

Zhao Fengqin climbed up diligently, and even helped to disable a fifth-class doctor, and beat those annoying little bandits to death. location...

Zhao Feng had to climb the mountain again.

Qishan flicked the dust off his sleeves.

Indifferently said: "How is it not good?"

"Don't say a few words to save your breath..." It's not an easy job to "transplant flowers and trees" at one time, and he is sure to pray for goodness. At this moment, there is not much left in Danfu's literary spirit.

Sometimes it is better to recover more if you are stubborn.

Bingfang won't run with long legs anymore?
The bandit den won't be able to move in a short time.

After a while.

Zhao Feng, whose face was as dark as the night, climbed up from the foot of the mountain, and looked at Qishan with eyes that were beyond words.

how much he-

I understand Mr. Qin Li's mood a little bit.

"Evil conspiracy" praying for good is really inappropriate!

If Shen Tang was here, he would know that there is a word that is extremely suitable to describe Qishan—the super dog's LYB!

Take a break and prepare to attack Bingfang.

Praying for good deeds was too costly, and Kang Shilao dug out all the secrets from the mouths of the fifth-class doctors, and then sent him to see the king of Hades with one knife.It's not that he doesn't want to surrender to this fifth-class doctor, it's just that this person's character is terrible, and it's better to kill him if he keeps it.

Zhao Fengdao: "...It's a pity."

Although he is only a fifth-class doctor, for Shen Tang, who has a weak team, having an extra combat power is also an extra guarantee.

Kang Shi: "It's not a pity, keeping it is a serious problem."

Bandits can be taken as prisoners if they are caught. No matter how many evil things they do, they are weak and ignorant, and they are very easy to fool.

Just as a way for the sky.

But this fifth-class doctor is different.

He is not very smart, but he likes to think he is smart, and he has the strength of fifth-class martial arts. He thinks highly of himself, and he is served by He Yin Zhang's delicious food and drink, so he is not easy to surrender.

Even if he surrendered, it was not out of sincerity, and he might make small moves behind his back one day.It's nothing at ordinary times, and you can't guarantee that bad things will happen at critical moments. It's better to be killed than to be troubled later.

One hundred.

Qishan also said: "It is better to lack than to overuse."

Mr. Shen Xiaolang is short of people, but not to the extent that anyone who comes will not be rejected. Even Kang Shi looks down on him, and he will die when he dies.

Both gentlemen said so, Zhao Feng didn't say much anymore, he was not from Shen Tang's side, he just came to repay his kindness, and it was taboo to make shallow words.A group of people seized the time to attack Bingfang, but found something was wrong when they walked halfway!Something is wrong!

Is this the way-

too quiet?

In such an important place as Bingfang, there are rich mineral deposits in the mountains, not to mention every ten steps, patrols should be arranged.

As a result, there was no movement along the way.

"Look—it's on fire!"

Qishan raised his hand and pointed.

Kang Shi heard the words and looked up.

I saw a ray of orange-red light gradually glowing in the distance, blurring the outline of the mountain peak and spreading it visible to the naked eye.

Both of them felt a little bit of shock in their hearts.

Could it be that you have scared the snake?
no no no-

Calculating the time and footsteps, this group of bandits is simply too late, and it is impossible to move so fast.It's a pity to Zhao Feng, it's five thousand feather arrows, a military workshop and mine veins... Even if the family's business is as big as his own master Wu Xian, it's impossible to take it out all at once, if they miss it, it's like losing a lot of money.

He said: "Full speed ahead!"

Let's see if we can catch up.

Even if you "lose money", you should figure out how to lose it.

There are more than 100 zhang away from the Bingfang bandit village, Zhao Feng can already see the gate of the bandit village burned by flames, and in the flames, there are faint figures fighting each other.

Get closer, and the sound of shouting and killing can be heard clearly.

Kang Shi said angrily, "Who is it!"

How dare they covet the peaches they were eyeing!

Because of that cheating way of literati, Kang Shi was extremely obsessed with "winning and losing", and couldn't tolerate the fruit of victory being picked up by wild monkeys that came out of nowhere!

Praying: "..."

he seems to be—

I felt a familiar atmosphere.

The closer the distance, the clearer the oncoming heat wave.

His cheeks were burning hot.

Kang Shi wondered, "Why is it so familiar?"

He had only been in contact with Shen Tang for a short time, and the remaining cultural spirit was relatively weak. In addition to the burnt smell from the flames, he didn't recognize it for a while, but only felt a little familiar.

The corner of Qishan's mouth twitched: "My lord..."

Kang Shi didn't hear clearly: "What?"

Qi Shan said: "It's the Lord."

The wild monkeys who picked their peaches—

It's Shen Tang.

Kang Shi: "..."

Kang Shi: "???"

Kang Shi: "Why is the lord here!!!"

In fact, Shen Tang also wanted to know this question.

Why is she so unlucky?
As we all know, Shen Tang led people away like a chicken blood.The bandits she led ran after her, wherever Shen Tang ran, they ran wherever Shen Tang ran, no matter what the main road or the small road... In addition, the speed of speech and speech was too strong.

Run, run, run up.

Shen Tang thought the bandits knew the way.

The bandits thought that Shen Tang knew the way.

As a result, I got lost...

  If you see this sentence, it has been revised.

  Everyone can rest assured to post a chapter.

  In addition, those who do not have a fan title can participate in the activities in the book review area, and there are 20 fan titles, hehe.

  Suspension legs: protection for the lower legs of the armor.

  Zhao Feng's weapons are a pair of copper maces. As he wrote, he suddenly thought, the beef balls he hammered out must be super strong and Q bombs!
(End of this chapter)

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