stand back, let me come

Chapter 278: 278: The wrong way [2 in 1]

Chapter 278 278: Going the wrong way [two in one]

Why haven't you arrived yet?

Shen Tang frowned slightly in his heart.

According to the information brought back by Kangshi Qingniao, the mountain where the Bingfang is located is in the northeast direction of him, and Shen Tang also went in this direction. After calculating the footsteps, it should be near here, and the vegetation characteristics at the foot of the mountain are almost the same, but this mountain road...

Shen Tang asked the bandit: "Are you sure it's here?"

The bandits were dumbfounded by her question.

Ah this...

Shen Tang said which mountain and which direction, but they all ran with the head, and now the head asked them the other way... Thinking of Shen Tang's style of drawing his sword and cutting off people's heads when he disagreed, they were terrified. Don't dare to answer indiscriminately.

"Are you dumb? Give me a word..."

She is not a native of He Yin, so she can barely tell the difference between the south, the south, the north, and the north. As for which mountain it is, and the exact is too difficult for her.She didn't mean to be held accountable, but the bandits were about to cry.

Under their endless calls, a "hero" stood up tremblingly and said, "It should be this mountain..."

He had no reason to say it.

But what Shen Tang wanted was this answer.

"Going right? That's OK, keep going!"

As long as you don't go wrong, it's OK, everything else is trivial.As everyone knows, Shen Tang overlooked a small detail - the information Kang Shi gave was correct, the direction was correct, and she didn't find the wrong target, but Kang Shi was in the front mountain and they entered from the back mountain.

The further up the road, the more rugged and difficult it is.

Shen Tang had to take back the motorcycle.

He summoned the Mother-Loving Sword with a wave of his hand, and chopped off the weeds and bushes that got in the way with a few swipes.As a literary scholar, although her five senses are not as strong as those of a brave warrior, they are still much stronger than ordinary people, and she is not hindered from running at night.

She leads the charge, and the other bandits follow.

"Why do I feel more and more that I may be going wrong... Ji Shou and the others disguised as a caravan, can they really climb up such a bad mountain road?" Shen Tang was beating in his heart, but they were almost halfway up the mountain. It's not worthwhile to go any further.

On second thought——

Building bridges and roads in ancient times was far less convenient than modern society, and infrastructure capacity was insufficient.In places where the economy is prosperous, the transportation is relatively convenient, and the official roads are well-built, but how can there be so many rich manpower to build roads in such a remote mountain with few people?
Then again.

A powerful martial artist is comparable to a human-shaped dynamite bag, and he is a good hand whether it is plowing the land or building roads.Why is no one thinking of hiring warriors to build bridges, roads and reservoirs?If you are a monarch, you must let the warriors shine in infrastructure, and one person is worth hundreds or thousands of ordinary people.

Tsk tsk tsk, I can't figure it out at all.

Thinking, she stepped into the puddle again.

"Gan—Let Zhao Feng blow up the mountain later!"

Brave fighters who prostitute for free, don't use it for nothing.

Shen Tang muttered in his heart, reluctantly convincing himself.After walking for another half an hour, I finally saw a much wider mountain road, but I still didn't see the shadows of Kang Shi and the others.She hesitated whether to fly a blue bird to Kang Shi...

Coincidentally at this time——

Ding Ding Ding!
She thought she was hallucinating.

But if you listen carefully, you can hear it.

She raised her finger to the corner of her lips, and gave a "shh", indicating that the bandits were all quiet, and it was best not to even breathe.

The night wind blows and the leaves rustle.

The rhythmic "ding ding" sound was much clearer, and Shen Tang's spirit was shaken—isn't this TN just the sound of hitting metal?

In the middle of the night, the sound came from the deep mountains and old forests, except for the big fat sheep soldier's workshop that Kang Shi said, there is no need to think twice!

Shen Tang was both happy and suspicious.

The good news is that I didn't go wrong.

I wonder why I didn't see Kang Shi.

Shen Tang gave the atmosphere team an order to prepare for the battle. From now on, everyone should be more cautious and cautious. If anyone makes a surprise move and reveals their position, that person can wash it up and throw it away to feed the dogs!As soon as these words came out, all the bandits held their breath in fright.

A group of people approached cautiously.

The military workshop is hidden in the mountains.

In the dark night, a few dimly lit candles could be vaguely seen, and dozens of figures were nervously busy about something.

If you move slowly, you will be whipped suddenly, and you will be scolded: "...Move quickly! If you haven't eaten or something, be quick, don't grind... Be careful! Things are broken, you bitch! Can you afford to pay for your life?"

Even if the coarse cloth of the clothes was torn and bloodstains were left on the skin after being whipped, no one dared to cry out in pain, but gritted their teeth and accelerated their movements.Those tinkling knocking sounds came from the low houses.

Through the simple wooden windows, one can vaguely see busy figures sweating profusely.Seeing this, Shen Tang was overjoyed, as if seeing countless money flying towards her with wings.

Alas, to put it bluntly, she was too poor.

There was an vibe group asking her when to get her hands on it.

Although the night is still dark, they are hiding and will not be exposed for the time being, but as time goes by, when the sky brightens or people on patrol approach, they are very likely to be discovered.

Shen Tang said in a low voice: "Let me think about it—"

She also knows this truth - it is undoubtedly the safest thing to wait for Kang Shi to reunite before doing it. There are many people and strength, and the guards in the Bingfang are unknown, so it will take great risks to act rashly, but - Shen Tang glanced at the sky and knew It was almost dawn.

time does not wait.

Shen Tang closed his eyes and opened them again.

Just as he was about to give an order, he heard a piercing sound.

With a puff.

An arrow was firmly planted a few feet away from Shen Tang's hiding place, and three figures of patrolling guards approached, one of them said: "What is it over there, go and see—"

The second word "watch" has not yet been uttered.

A ray of white sword light struck from the darkness.

Blood spurted out.

The other two didn't expect such a development. Just as they were about to send out a warning signal, a chill came from their necks.It turned out to be a phantom like a ghost, holding a sharp weapon, stabbing out two swords instantly, and the two corpses fell to the ground at the same time.

Thump, thump.

At the same time, other patrolling guards also noticed the anomaly and were going to come over to see what was going on.

Shen Tang pointed with his long sword.


The atmosphere group waved their hands.

Lead their respective bandit subordinates to rush forward.

"There is an enemy attack—"

Shen Tang killed seven people one after another, and the eighth guard successfully issued a warning before dying. Although Shen Tang took his life the moment he finished speaking, it was enough.This military workshop hidden in the deep mountains and old forests is both a military workshop and a bandit village.

Upon receiving the news of the enemy attack, hundreds of figures rushed out from different houses. At a glance, there were two to three hundred people. After a few breaths, torches were lit in other places, and they continued to quickly support Shen Tang and the others. .

Shen Tang: "..."

good guy-

Is this poking a hornet's nest?

Regardless of the overall quality of the enemy, this number alone is enough to cause great losses to one's own side.

In the blink of an eye, Shen Tang made a bold decision and said loudly: "You guys form an army to meet the enemy—I will go first!"

The training time for the bandits on my side is too short, but they are ruthless characters who lick blood after all, and cooperating with each other can cause a lot of trouble to the enemy.What Shen Tang had to do was to inflict casualties on them as much as possible and destroy their cooperation.

Shen Tang decisively raised his sword and charged out.

Wherever the sword edge passed, blood spattered.

At the same time, she groaned softly.

"Dongfeng puts flowers and thousands of trees at night..."

Her current literary energy is much higher than that of the first time she used this speech spirit, coupled with deliberately controlling the power and the scope of her speech spirit, and she can export half a sentence of speech spirit, the Dan Mansion's literary energy is still abundant.

Her feet are wrong, her figure is light, like an unpredictable wind, easily dodging the crowd of enemies who are besieging and killing them.

The ground trembled slightly, like an earth dragon turning over!
Countless turbulent black and white literary qi condensed into a sober, vaguely outlined giant dragon, which crawled out from the ground. The air waves surged in all directions centered on it, and the sand and rocks rolled, making people unstable. dragon chant.

"It blows even more, and the stars are like rain!"

call out--

The cultural dragon soared into the sky.

Different from the first and second big battles, this time the power was much smaller, and the Wenqi dragon climbed to the top after rising to a height of more than ten feet.It exploded with a bang, turning into a dazzling stream of light, forcibly snatching away the darkness for a moment.

When did this group see this battle?
The bandits who charged over were stunned.

Shen Tang didn't give them much time to react, hundreds of fist-sized sparks fell from the sky, as if they had eyes, and rushed towards the nearest bandit.

As long as it is touched by the flame, it will be difficult to extinguish it...

The severe pain caused by the fire made many people lose their minds.

Where can we still care about the enemy's attack?

Driven by the desire to survive, they rolled and put out the fire.

However, this is after all some people.

It is also impossible for Shen Tang to completely let go of his hands and feet and set fire to it. If it is all burned, what will be left in the future?This time the fire was set off, and the bandits under one's own tent and the bandits in Bingfang also handed over.

The sound of shouting and killing intertwined with the crisp sound of weapons clashing.

Shen Tang singled out the stronger ones among them to attack, and threw the weaker ones to the bandits.Although there was a gap in the numbers between the two sides, one's own side did not lose the wind.

She tossed and turned, harvesting heads nimbly, trying to reduce the pressure on the bandits as much as possible, and soon became a bloody man.She was so arrogant that she was quickly targeted by the enemy.

A spear pierced through the air and hit her directly in the face.

Without even thinking about it, Shen Tang arrested someone to resist.

Kick it away with one foot.

"Yellow-mouthed boy, court death!" Seeing Shen Tang's violent and provocative operation, the visitor was so angry that his face was livid and his expression was ferocious.

Shen Tang was too lazy to beep with others.

Lifting the sword is Gan!
The moment the two weapons collided, bursts of martial energy gushed out from the visitor's body, turning into a set of thick and majestic martial armor.

Against the backdrop of the fire in the background, there was a little more of an Asura-like fierce temperament.His eyes widened with anger, and he struck fiercely.

The shadow of the gun is airtight, and the water can't get in.

Shen Tang's counterattack was not inferior.

"It turned out to be a one-eyed dragon—"

With ease, she held his long spear with the blade of her sword, preventing him from making any further advances, and she never forgot to speak provocative words to disturb the opponent's state of mind.This martial artist had a terrifying appearance, with dozens of dense brown scars on his face, at first glance he thought it was a centipede.One of the scars was the most eye-catching, stretching from the right forehead to the left cheek, and the right eyelid drooped weakly.

Sunken orbits.

Obviously missing eyeballs.

Eyes are obviously a taboo for visitors. When Shen Tang said this, the anger on his face increased visibly with the naked eye, and his moves became more fierce, and each move went straight to the door.While taking care of the bandits under the tent, Shen Tang dealt with this person, and at the same time, he had to attack him: "Did I hit your sore foot? So angry? As the saying goes, anger hurts the liver, and if you get angry, you will die early. "

She didn't forget to force Lai Lai on her lips.

"court death!"

Shen Tang: "To come and go is to seek death, Huangkou kid, your vocabulary is not good, is your education too low? You still have to learn from me in such things as cursing. You don't need to bring your [-]th generation of ancestors and your household registration book when you scold. , the lethality is halved."

While talking nonsense, a sword pierced the other intact eye of the person who came.He dodged as expected, Shen Tang took advantage of his unsteady center of gravity, and ended up with two bandits with one sword.The sword retracted, just blocking the sharp spear point he stabbed.

"Old ladies in their [-]s and [-]s have legs and feet that are several times faster than yours. Tsk tsk tsk, you move so slowly, I'm really worried that your children and grandchildren will go to your grave, and you won't even be able to grab half a piece of meat." Shen Tang kicked at the body of his gun , using his strength to kick and sweep across his face, although he missed the kick, but the little guy got his head.

"You can't fight, you're quick—"

This person's complexion was almost as black as the night.

Shen Tang was about to force him into a dead corner, and then feinted to recruit his head, but he forcibly withdrew his sword in the middle, and jumped onto the roof with one foot.A giant net of literary energy descended from the sky, just covering Shen Tang's original position.

However, this is not enough.

Looking at the brave warrior who came up again.

Shen Tang didn't even look at it, he jumped back and stepped on a person's head, kicking it to the point of the warrior's spear.

The man did not evade, the gun continued unabated, he stabbed the man straight through, the huge blood hole was gurgling with blood, and he died within two breaths.The martial artist raised his hand to push the corpse away, and came up again, cooperating with the dark heart scholar.

"Boy, no matter how arrogant you are!"

Looking at Shen Tang who was cornered, the brave fighter could be considered proud.The ghost knows how irritable he was just now, wishing to tear this man's mouth open with the tip of a gun!

Once the reinforcements arrive, this kid won't be arrogant for long!

He was going to capture Shen Tang alive.

Torture him hard before killing him!

"What's wrong with Naigong being arrogant!" Shen Tang pierced the entwined literary spirit with a sword, and the blade of the sword flew flying the tip of the spear, and rewarded the man's kick by the way, "It seems that no one is a literary scholar! Look at—three The cup is full of promises, but the five mountains are light!"

She was annoyed by the ubiquitous literary spirit, and she was distracted to take care of everything, so she was very angry and tempered.With the addition of this Wenxin scholar, the warrior's attack became smoother, and the manpower on her side gradually became more difficult.

It is not good for our side to continue to delay!
Must fight fast!

As for where is the literary scholar?
It doesn't matter anymore!

Kill everyone!

How big a storm can a Wenxin literati cause?
The brave fighter came up again, and the moment the weapons clashed, his expression changed drastically——Shen Tang's strength was much stronger than before!Caught off guard, the spear almost dropped.

Did this guy take some kind of Dali pill?
Before he could figure it out, several feet of sword energy struck down his head.


With his only eye, he saw the other half of his body fell to the other side—what happened? ? ?


Bandits from both sides fought in the flames.

Blood splattered, making people's cheeks flushed.

The guards of this Bingfang are much stricter than imagined, and there are only four warriors above the fifth rank!
Shen Tang raised the sword and killed two of them.

The remaining two hurried over.

Shen Tang pointed at them, smiled and gestured with the middle finger.

  Seeing this passage, it should be revised.

(End of this chapter)

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