stand back, let me come

Chapter 302: 302: Beggar

Chapter 302: 302: Beggar

"Ji Shou, do you think this idea works?"

Kang Shi nodded and said, "Naturally."

Although this inspiration is just the lord's temporary idea, it is indeed feasible.Whether it is holding a market, holding a lantern festival, or holding a "sports meeting" in the mouth of the lord, the essence is to enliven the lively atmosphere and boost the people's livelihood and economy.

The protagonist's idea is novel and has these elements, so it can naturally be adopted, and other links will be discussed after gathering people.


It can be seen from this that the protagonist is very playful.

Thinking of this, Kang Shi couldn't help but smile slightly.

"Then what game do you think is both fun and beautiful?" Shen Tang really didn't know much about entertainment and sports in this world, so he muttered to himself, "There must be a very fierce confrontation process. The onlookers can't even guess it! By the way, and the most important point, it is not allowed to use martial energy or literary energy, and only rely on the physical body to fight..."

Otherwise, there is no suspense at all about the outcome, and it is easy to cause large-scale damage, lose control of the situation, and accidentally injure the audience.

Kang Shi thought about it for a while: "Such as throwing pots and archery, polo and Cuju, Shuanglu Liubo, shooting and covering money and fighting herbs?"

Shen Tang: "..."

Good guy, Kang Shi is also good at playing.

It's just that many of what he said are loved by literati and children of aristocratic families. Generally speaking, they are not down-to-earth!

For ordinary people who don't understand, it doesn't seem to be much to watch.And what Shen Tang needs is competition, collision, confrontation, and passion, so that the common people in the field can't help but want to shout, roar, or even copy bricks to fight in the end!
Shen Tang muttered: "Apart from what you mentioned, apart from archery, polo and cuju, it's not as good as throwing a handkerchief to arouse the atmosphere. For the common people, if you let them watch two groups of people make appointments, it's better than watching a few people throw pots and shoot. fun..."

Kang Shi carefully pondered what his lord meant.

He doesn't understand, aren't these fun?

Kang Shi thought it was okay.

Shen Tang asked back: "Do you really think those are fun?"

Kang Shi: "..."

Shen Tang's original intention was to say that these games are not very fun, but Kang Shi thought of Shuanglu Liubo, a game with a gambling nature, and his own poor game experience, and his face was a little unhappy.Like a heart-piercing knife, he was "dripping with blood".

The game is a good game...

It's just that his way of being a scholar is too bad.

The game experience is extremely bad.

Hey, it's still interesting to play cards with all kinds of beauties.

Winning or losing is not important, the important thing is to feast your eyes.

"Forget it, let me do it." Shen Tang was full of fighting spirit, rolled up his sleeves, "I'll teach you how to play!"

Kang Shi: "..."

He seemed to be able to foresee his cousin Qishan's stinky face and resentful eyes, and he would inevitably be scolded.

What are you scolding?
Scold him for misleading his son_(:з)∠)_
The two of them walked through the low-rise buildings where the poor and ordinary people gathered, and when they were about to turn a corner in an alley, Shen Tang seemed to feel something, and avoided sideways, and at the same time grabbed the black and thin figure who was throwing himself into her arms with one hand. of an arm.

The other arm of the man was reaching his waist.

The target was the jade ornament worn by Shen Tang.

This black and thin figure didn't seem to expect that he would be arrested. When he was arrested, he reacted extremely quickly and struggled, scratching Shen Tang's face and eyes with his long nails with thick dirt.

Shen Tang subconsciously leaned back to avoid, but did not let go of the restraint.

Kang Shi grabbed Hei Ying's collar with one hand.

As a result, there were two dirty footprints on his chest.

Although this black and thin figure is neither tall nor burly, he is not small in kicking people.Seeing that he fell into the hands of an adult man, a trace of panic flashed across his face, and he opened his voice to call for help.

"Help, the abductor has ripped off someone's clothes—"

The man's voice was extremely shrill and piercing.

Kang Shi was attacked at close range, and his eardrums were itchy.

"Shut up, what are you yelling!"

He subconsciously shouted.

As a result, the struggling black shadow scratched the back of his arm and hand, and the wound quickly burst into red, with blood dripping out.He gasped in pain, suspecting that what he had caught was not a human but a feral wild cat.When the nearby common people heard the movement, they picked up their things to come over, and surrounded Shen Tang and the two, with wary eyes.

Kang Shi let go and left the black shadow behind.

As soon as Hei Ying's black and red cracked feet landed on the ground, he slid into the crowd of common people, trying to escape in the chaos.

As a result, he tripped over something heavily and fell to the ground before he could move his feet, and Wen Qi tied up the little thief tightly.

The words in Hei Ying's mouth changed again.

"...The Zhang family came out to harm people again!"

"...the animals came out to catch people again!"

As soon as these words came out, the ordinary people who had just retreated because of their literary spirit all had fierce eyes.Before Kang Shi could say anything to explain anything, Shen Tang saw a thin old woman holding a full tiger cub and splashing it on them vigorously.

"Go to hell!"

The old woman looked ferocious.

Shen Tang quickly caught Kang Shi and retreated.

As the turbid yellow and foul-smelling liquid fell to the ground, a strong stench hit his face, and one or two drops splashed on the corner of Kang Shi's clothes.

Seeing clearly what it was, Kang Shi and the two of them turned dark as if they had splashed ink from an inkstone.His eyes were sharp, Kang Shi didn't hesitate, and pulled out the sword at his waist with a bang.

As Kang Shi's sharp sword was unsheathed, the atmosphere was tense.

No matter how good Shen Tang's temper was, sparks appeared.

Inexplicably being targeted by thieves, seeing through the thieves' tricks and being framed, and now being attacked by ordinary people with tigers full of overnight urine-what's the matter, do you really think that if there are many people, you can bully the few?Seeing this, the common people who came up were afraid that they would become the dead souls of Kang Shi's sword, and one person was even more stern, threatening: "You two, don't mess around, the county guard will not let you go!"

Shen Tang almost laughed angrily when he heard this.

"is it?"

There have been sharp-eyed people sneaking away to fetch rescuers.

As a result, the rescuers who moved in were the little officials who were one step ahead. When the little officials heard that the "legacy" of the local snakes had harmed the common people, they tensed up instantly, and ordered a few servants to rush over.

The expected bloody scene did not happen, and there was no sign of escape from a fight. He almost thought that he had been raped by the common people.

You must know that the government has issued a high amount of arrest warrants for "legacy drugs", and common people will report it from time to time, but nine times out of ten it is false, and some common people even collude with their families to make false accusations in order to cheat rewards.Severe reprimand several times, but no corrections have been made.

The same trick this time?

"What about people?"

The little official asked with a bad face.

The old woman who splashed the tiger came out.

He raised his hand and pointed in one direction, "There."

These two thieves are so arrogant!

I wonder if the sky in Fugu City has changed?
The little official was suspicious, and secretly said, "It's weird."

If "Legacy" would wait obediently for them to send someone over, they would have escaped long ago.The little official followed the instructions of the old woman and the common people, and then - saw two stinky faces, even the curves of frowning and pursing lips were similar!

The little official's scalp was numb: "...Shen, Shen..."

Shen Tang said: "Why is it heavy?"

When Kang Shi saw the little official coming over, he put the blade back into the scabbard—he was really angry just now, and had the intention to kill, but in the end he suppressed his emotions, what is the fuss with these common people?
Heyin's land is poor and bad, and it's normal for troublemakers to be everywhere.

Facing Shen Tang's anger, the little official didn't dare to speak again.

Kang Shi manipulated his literary spirit and threw a ball of smelly things to him, the petty official subconsciously reached out to catch it, the stench almost sent him to see the King of Hades, and his hands were also stained with fishy filth.The little official looked disgusted and wanted to throw the things out.

Finally endured it.

Upon closer inspection, it turned out to be a dirty child.

This child was very fierce, and he was restless in his hands, he opened his mouth to bite when he got the chance, and the little official was almost bitten.

He has seen many of these children.

There are many such babies in Fugu City.

They don't have parents, and they cheat and steal everywhere in order to make a living. Could it be that they stole from Shen Jun and his wife?

This terrible idea sprouted in the little official's mind.Looking at the hatred, disgust, or surprise in the eyes of these common people towards the two of Shen Jun, the little official has guessed the truth in a wild way.

"Where do you get this reward?"

There was a middle-aged man with a sharp mouth and monkey cheeks, and a tattered dress pushing away the others, leaning forward and rubbing his hands to ask the little official, smiling, revealing a mouthful of turbid, uneven, and severely worn yellow teeth.

If he gets close, the little official will suffer.

First he was attacked by the stench, and then he was attacked by the man's bad breath, and he wished he could pass out on the spot.

He said angrily, "Reward? What reward?"

The man was dissatisfied with the attitude of the little official, and his expression was a bit ferocious: "I have made meritorious service! If you dare to covet my meritorious service, I will sue you!"

"Okay, if you have the guts to deal with what you have!" Turning around, he threw the biting beggar to the others, and waved, "Take it away!"

Shen Tang didn't want to be called out to reveal his identity, so the petty official didn't expose it. Everyone thought that Shen Tang and the two were the "Zhang family villains who picked up people's clothes" as the beggar said, and they all looked contemptuously.If it wasn't for the fact that the little officials were there, I wish I could throw some more shit.

But the beggar was very emotional.

He spit and cursed in Shen Tang's direction.

Hey, not to mention, the vocabulary of curse words is quite rich.

Maybe it's because he spends a lot of time in the market, he can spit out all kinds of dirty words, and it's even more basic to call himself father, mother and ancestor.

The little official was terrified when he heard it.

After leaving, the little official said cautiously: "Mr. Shen?"

He was quite afraid of Shen Tang.

Although Shen Jun is not tall and young, the scene of killing seven families and their minions on the high platform in a row, with heads arranged neatly one by one, left an indelible psychological shadow in his heart.I am afraid that Shen Tang will kill those common people in a fit of anger.

Shen Tang said: "Go back."

The little official cupped his hands and said, "Wei."

The beggar who was cursing Shen Tang in a fancy way looked at it, and immediately froze in place.Hearing the cursing in his ears stopped, Shen Tang turned his head and glanced at Qi'er indifferently.Beggar met her eyes, shrank her shoulders, and subconsciously took a step back.

Shen Tang sneered: "Now you know you're afraid?"

Beggar opened his mouth, but said nothing.

Shen Tang asked the little official to give the beggar a pair of straw sandals.

The little official said: "But..."

Shen Tang's expression was indifferent: "Just give it, I'm not small enough to care about a beggar. However, stealing, hurting people and slandering are true, so I'll arrest you and lock me up for a few days, so I can remember it well."

The beggar's feet were extremely dirty, at first glance he thought they were black and red.Upon closer inspection, I realized that the black is filth, and the red is open chilblain wounds.Different from the overall skinny, a pair of ankles are particularly bloated and thick.

It looked like people lost their temper.

 _| ̄|●

  I’m really going to be pissed off by AKKO’s keyboard, which is limited to the year of the tiger. The letter keys suddenly failed, and I said it was necessary to install the driver. After downloading the driver, there was a problem with the wired link. I kept telling me that there was a problem with my operation—I TM, is there any operation required to plug in a cable?Updating the driver requires a wired connection, but their keyboard’s wired connection is not working. There is a problem, and the driver needs to be installed... What about the matryoshka? ? ?
  Gan, I was delayed for half an hour because of this shit, and I can only make up the remaining [-] words tomorrow.

(End of this chapter)

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