stand back, let me come

Chapter 303 303: Workplace Inner Volume [Seeking Monthly Ticket]

Chapter 303 303: Workplace Inner Volume [Seeking Monthly Ticket]

Shen Tang went back to the government office, and Qishan came out from nowhere. His eyes switched back and forth between Shen Tang and the two of them. Looking at his expression, he seemed to be thinking about where his lord rolled back from a pigsty, and why he was so dirty. so?

Praying for kindness seemed to be heartbroken: "My lord!"

Kang Shi's heart skipped a beat when he heard this voice, he was afraid of seeing Qi Shan now.Seeing the latter striding towards him, his eyelids twitched wildly, and he hurriedly said, "Yuan Liang, it's not what you think."

Shen Tang also subconsciously said: "I didn't ride a pig!"

Shen Tang only went back to the pigpen to have a look at that big booby that was a jerk.Every time he murmured that he wanted to kill it, it jumped up very fast. When Shen Tang saw it, he thought of the good things he had experienced with his little friend Zhai Le, so he kept it.

I don't know where Xiaofang went back to her hometown.

Is it safe and smooth along the way?
Others think about others when they see things.

Shen Tang is seeing pigs and thinking about friends.

Kang Shi: "...Riding, riding a pig???"

Praying: "..."

Does this count as self-inflicted? ?

Qishan secretly took a long, deep breath, tried to suppress the blood pressure that was about to move again, and tried to squeeze out a forced smile - can't be angry!Don't be angry!This is the protagonist he personally selected!This protagonist is only in his early twelfth year with all his plans!

If there is any conflict, we can communicate.

It's not worthwhile to be angry.

In a few breaths, Qi Shan gave himself psychological counseling.


"Ji Shou, what's the matter with you?"

His lord is dirty, dusty, and smelly, he can force himself to endure it, and he can clean it after washing.

But there is no need to be patient with Kang Shi.

He noticed two obvious black footprints in front of Kang Shi's body. There were red scratches on his arms, back of his hands, and fingers, some of which were even scabbed. At first glance, he looked like he had been scratched by a wild cat.

But who is Qi Shan?

He is a senior excrement shoveler with rich experience in raising cats, and he can tell at a glance whether it was scratched by a cat.

Rather than saying that the mark was scratched by a wild cat, it is better to say that it was scratched by someone.Thinking of some of Kang Shi's peculiar hobbies, Qi Shan's eyes immediately became very "nuclear".

Kang Shi raised his hand to look at the wound on the back of his hand and arm. It was okay if he didn't pay attention, but when he noticed the existence of the wound, he felt fine and dense pain spreading along the wound, and said with a sullen expression: "Don't mention it, I bumped into it on the road. You are a messy thief. You are not good when you are caught, and you beat and bite and scratch..."

"Stealer? Captured?"

Kang Shi replied, "Naturally."

Stealing from the lord and him and wanting to escape?

But when he thought of the miserable appearance of that thief, Kang Shi's anger was also extinguished.Survival is not easy, adults with strong limbs are like this, let alone orphans without parents?
The thief was not very old, and he had no other means of survival except begging and stealing.Fortunately, I met them this time, and if I met other people, no one would take a second look even if I was beaten to death in the street.

Kang Shi: "Take two more days to improve your memory."

Qi Shan said: "I still have some wound medicine in there, you take it and treat the wound carefully, don't leave any filth behind."

Although it is winter now, the cold weather is not easy to breed filth, but those thieves who are at the bottom do not like to clean themselves, their bodies are dirty, sour and smelly, who knows what their hands have touched, and what dirt is hidden under their nails?
As a shit-shoveling officer, Qishan has a good relationship with Su Shang, and daily interactions (such as taking a bath for Su Shang) will inevitably get scratched twice, so he always has wound medicine for promoting blood circulation and strengthening muscles.

Kang Shi nodded.

Most of the ruins of the main hall of the government office have been cleared, and the sorted out letters have been moved to a temporary tent.

Why not put it in another room?

Hehe, because more than half of the other rooms in the government office have also collapsed, and they are basically uninhabitable. Shen Tang wanted to scold her when he heard this.

Qi Shan came back only after hearing the news.

"...Then where do I live at night?"

Qi Shan said: "My wronged master will spend the night in the tent, Shan has already sent people to clean up other places, and we will move tomorrow."

The local snakes were cleaned up, and their house was vacated. With a little cleaning up, it would be fine as a temporary residence.

Shen Tang: "..."

I knew so-

When attacking those houses, she restrained herself a little.With a bitter face, Shen Tang took a bath in the temporary tent and changed into clean clothes.After eating some food casually, we are ready to continue the night battle with lights on.


When will she achieve freedom of rest?
Looking at the pile of slips that had hardly gone down, Shen Tang rested his chin in a daze, or she had a lot of [divisions] [body], and it would be fine for one person to break it into several people.Thinking of this, suddenly Shen Tang, who was possessed by the second stroke, put down the pen in his hand and formed a seal with both hands.

"Ka, give me some new moves!"

Holding a stack of new bamboo slips and documents in one hand, and raising the curtain of the tent with the other to pray for goodness: "...???"

Shen died on the spot Tang, quickly put down his hands.

"Why didn't Yuan Liang inform you when he came in?"

As a painter with the soul of the middle school burning in her body, she also felt that this scene made her so embarrassed that she could pick out three rooms and two halls.

Qi Shan said: "Notified."

Shen Tang: "..."

Fortunately, Qishan didn't ask Shen Tang what the strange gesture was, nor did she ask her what kind of birdsong she was muttering.

It's normal to think about it again, the pronunciation is different in ten miles, and the customs are different in hundreds of miles. Even if you are praying for good, you will not know all the dialects.

But this second-year illness gave Shen Tang inspiration.

She picked up the pen and looked at the side face of Qi Shan who was not far away, with her head lowered as she handled the letter, and a bold idea sprouted in her heart.

"Yuan Liang."

"The lord said." Qishan is good at multitasking, focusing on the official affairs at hand while not forgetting to respond to Shen Tang, "Listen well."

"Does Yuanliang have the spirit of speech that incarnates outside of the body?"

Pray for a pen and pause.

He didn't speak but looked up at Shen Tang.

it is more than words.

My lord, which word spirit do you want to harm? ? ?
Shen Tang read the above information from his subtle eyes, and immediately curled his lips and said: "Yuan Liang, what kind of eyes is this? I just think these things are too much. With so few people, when can they finish it? You say right?"

Qi Shan said indifferently: "If the lord didn't say these things just now, you can read two more copies, do you think so?"

Shen Tang: "..."

Forced to ask: "Just tell me if you have this kind of eloquence!"

Qishan said: "Yes, but it is not easy to learn."

Multitasking is not easy to manage.


Qi Shan didn't expect that the reason why the protagonist wants to learn it is for multiple people to deal with the paperwork piled up on hand, which is too extravagant.

After half an hour.

Kang Shi brought over the statistics of household registers registered today for Shen Tang to have a look, lifted the curtain of the simple tent, and saw three protagonists at once! ! !The three protagonists looked up at him at the same time, smiled at him, and waved at the same time.

Also called him at the same time: "Ji Shou is here."

Kang Shi: "..."

It is not correct to say that there are three protagonists.

One of them is normal, but the other two can be seen to be formed by the condensation of Wen Qi, which should be the embodiment of Wen Qi.

Kang Shi immediately turned his eyes to Qishan.

Qishan turned her face away, avoiding his sight and asking.

Kang Shi: "..."

This is the first time he has seen someone willing to expend the "half-hearted and half-hearted" speech spirit with a huge literary energy, and call out the incarnation of cultural energy, just to catch up with government affairs.My lord, what a ruthless person!
Seeing his indescribable expression, Shen Tang asked, "Ji Shou doesn't think this method is very efficient?"

She was still waiting for Kang Shi to praise her.

Kang Shi nodded perfunctorily: "Yes, yes."

The piles of letters piled up in the tent were less visible to the naked eye.

"It's good if you have it." Shen Tang was a little smug, he is really a little genius, and asked again, "Ji Shou didn't think about it before?"

Is she really a unique genius? ? ?

Kang Shi's expression was indescribable: "Any kind of literary spirit incarnates, not only consumes a lot of literary energy, but also seriously depletes the mind. Wenxin scholars are also different from martial arts warriors. The recovery of literary energy is relatively slow. Generally, no literary scholars will do this..."

The military qi of a martial arts warrior exhausts the body, while the cultural qi of a literary scholar exhausts the brain. Once overused, it will cause a splitting headache.It's just a salary, there's no need to work hard for three jobs, right?Kang Shi expressed his incomprehension to this introversion.

"There is absolutely no need to work hard."

Reject malicious introversion in the workplace.

Shen Tang: "..."

The result of extravagant abuse of culture and incarnation to handle government affairs is that Shen Tang almost couldn't get up the next day. It seemed that [-] Gong Xichou hit her left brain with a hammer, and [-] Zhai Xiaofang hit her right brain with a hammer. Her head was buzzing.

Overwhelming and redundant memories are fighting in the brain.

She stood upright like a salted fish, motionless.

It took a while to recover.

"Using Wenqi Avatar for overtime work, you really have to be cautious." Shen Tang somewhat understands the fundamental reason why Wenxin scribes are not popular in using Wenqi Avatar for workplace introspection. If this thing doesn't have the physique of "Na Lu Duo", don't try it lightly. .

Shen Tang's life recently is very regular.

Open eyes, get up, get dressed, wash, use morning food, work, eat two pancakes to fill stomach when hungry, continue to work, work until the sun rises and then the sun sets, rest for a while, eat food, continue to work, work until the moon Transit.

Shen Tang was deeply suspicious. According to this life schedule, this He Yin has not yet been built. She would either have a lumbar disc herniation, or be patronized by hemorrhoids... Back in the day, I was not so social when I was urged by an editor! ! !

I have been busy for several days, but I don't know what night it is.

After finally being able to take a breath, Shen Tang finally escaped temporarily from the sea of ​​work and stretched his waist. Not far away, two cultural incarnations "Shen Tang" also beat their shoulders and pinched the bridge of their noses. Loosen stiff limbs.

Yes, culture incarnate.

Shen Tang found that after using Wenqi Avatar continuously for three or four hours, he only had a headache for a quarter of an hour the next morning, and the headache time gradually shortened as he became more proficient in using it.Shen Tang did not hesitate to start the ultimate introversion mode of the protagonist in the workplace!

Exchange a quarter of an hour of headache for eight hours of efficiency.

It's so fucking worth it!

The more you use it, the better!
"Hiss—after more than half a month of busy work, I will be able to relax a little—" Shen Tang was doing stretching exercises facing the lotus pond.

Although most of Zhang's house was destroyed, the remaining part is still exquisite and luxurious. Just talking about the small lotus pond in front of him, it took a lot of manpower to bring in running water from the moat outside the city, and put a huge piece of water at the bottom of the lotus pond. warm jade.

Before the downfall of the Zhang family, maids and servants surrounded the lotus pond with huge silk and satin every day, or burned charcoal fires, and through generations of improvements, the lotus pond was in full bloom all year round, green and moving.At this moment, I can still smell the clear lotus fragrance.

"Mr. Shen."

It was the familiar little official that day.

Shen Tang: "Is there something wrong?"

In other words, go to work if you have nothing to do.

Didn't you see that she, the sheriff, is so curly?
"Shen Jun, what should I do with the beggar who was caught that day?"

Shen Tang has been so busy these days, day and night, his perception of time is a little slow, and he can't remember how long that little beggar was locked up.He asked, "How long has it been closed?"

The little official replied, "It's been six days."

Shen Tang was startled when he heard the words: "Six days?"

It's been a long time.

After a few days, he probably learned enough lessons, so Shen Tang asked the little official to let him go, and he had to take charge of one more mouth after closing it.

The little official got the order and was about to go down but was stopped, she said: "Wait - you bring that beggar here."


The little official took the order and went down.

Shen Tang rested enough and continued to work.

Wenqi incarnation is still busy, it's not good for her to be lazy as the main body.I was so busy that I forgot the time, and I didn't even know when the little official would bring the beggar and how long he had waited outside the door.

When she found out, the sky outside was darker than before.

"come in."

The little official bowed and said, "Wei."

After speaking, he winked at the beggar standing behind him.

The beggar followed the little official into the room, and before Shen Tang could speak, he plopped on the ground and gave Shen Tang a big gift.

This time, the three Shen Tangs all stopped what they were doing.

"Get up, what does it look like kneeling?"

Kneeling is not popular in this era.

Don't say that she is just a sheriff, even if she meets the lord, she doesn't have to kneel, she just needs to perform a common ritual, and only the gods and Buddhas of heaven and earth are eligible to enjoy kneeling.Shen Body Tang got up and walked around the table, grabbing the thin beggar from the ground with one hand.

The beggar at this time is quite different from before.

Not only was it clean, but there was no smell on her body, she even changed her clothes into a decent coarse sackcloth that was full of patches, and she wore a pair of clean and warm old shoes on her feet.Seeing this, Shen Tang glanced at the little official, thinking that the little official had specially asked the beggar to wash up before coming back for "face".

Her eyes were very obvious, the little official hurriedly explained.

"This is Mr. Kang's meaning."

"Ji Shou?"

The little official said, "Yes."

On the first night when the beggar was locked up, Kang Shi privately told people to clean up the beggar well.It is said to be in custody, but it is not thrown into a cell. The place has not been cleaned up, it is cold and sour, it is ventilated on all sides, rats and insects are crawling all over the ground, and there are dried excrement and urine everywhere. A beggar in thin clothes goes in. A few days, a day and a night of confinement are enough.

The beggar was locked in a woodshed.

The accommodation conditions are not very good, but they will not freeze to death.

Shen Tang asked her: "Why are you kneeling on me?"

"Thank you Shen Jun for avenging Xiaomin's family."

Beggar raised his head, revealing a small face with several chilblains and scars. Although he was born thin and his cheeks were sunken, it could be seen that he had a beautiful foundation.If it is well cared for, it will be a little beauty when the facial features are opened.

It's a girl.

Suddenly remembering that day when the beggar's mouth was dirty, that rich vocabulary could really make the generals who shouted and scolded in front of the battle ashamed, Shen Tang's expression was subtle for a moment, emmm... I can't understand how Qi Shan and the others felt when they were jumping up and down. Feeling.

The beggar said again: "Second sorry for bumping into Mr. Shen that day."

  Since work has started, is there less chasing books?
  Very few subscriptions

(End of this chapter)

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