Chapter 326: 326

The attendant was shocked when he heard this.

He said: "Parents mean to agree to Shen Jun? If so, Wu Gong may not be able to explain..."

As Xu Jie's personal attendant and right-hand man, he knew a lot of inside information, and he was also aware of the delicate relationship between his parents and Wu Xian, and between the Xu family and the Wu family.

The Wu family where Wu Xian belongs has several generations of prominent ancestors, and there have been many strong men of the Sangong Jiuqing level, and the change of the country will not affect the prosperity of the Wu family.In Wu Xian's generation, there is no decline, and to some extent it has gone a step further.

And what about Wu Xian?

This son had a reputation as a chivalrous man when he was young, he was generous with money, made many friends, and had a good temper.

With enough prestige accumulated over time, many friends are willing to follow Wu Xian's lead and do something big!
And Xu Jie was born in the Xu family of Tianhai.

What is Xu's most well-known strength?
Rich, rich, still rich!
Pile gold and jade, rich princes.

But in terms of ancestral achievements, fame, and foundation, they are not in the same order of magnitude as the Wu family, and there are not many descendants of the clan who can give it away.Under Wu Xian's account, Xu Jie has always spent more money and effort but said little, and has maintained a neutral position all year round, which is somewhat affected by this shortcoming.Be kind to others, and don't take the initiative to make enemies.

The squire is well aware of this.

He was worried that Wu Xian would be afraid of his parents doing so.

Seeing the attendant's worry written all over his face, Xu Jie laughed dumbly and said, "Where do you want to go? It's unknown what the relationship between the lord and Shen Jun is. Even if the two are really 'at odds', at the moment The situation has to be 'face-to-face'..."

Again, Zheng Qiao is not dead yet.

It is not a good thing that the protagonist Wu Xian is too outstanding.

Shen Jun was able to clean up He Yin like this in a short period of time, which shows his ability. It is better to have one more ally than one more enemy.From the perspective of outsiders, that is, Zheng Qiao, it is far more reassuring for these two people to be able to restrain each other than a single family.

There is a high probability that the lord and Shen Jun will not break up.

Not only will they not, they may even have close contacts.

Under this premise, Xu and Shen Jun have normal business dealings. Is there any problem?


Xu Jie smiled lightly: "If this can be used to catch Shen Jun's lifeline and make him rely on Tianhai unconsciously, so as to slack off his own development and become a subordinate vassal in disguise. He Yin becomes a buffer zone between Tianhai and other forces, and can make the lord even more rest assured."

The attendant was dumbfounded.


Xu Jie Boliang sneered: "Why not?"

Merchants also have thunderous means of killing people without blood.

And this is often ignored by the world.

Seeing that the parents had their own ideas, the attendant stopped talking immediately.As Xu Jie's bodyguard and right-hand man, his duty is to protect Xu Jie's life and carry out the orders given by his parents.Even if the order is for him to commit suicide!

Xu Jie said: "See you again tomorrow, Gu Wangchao."

According to his guess, Shen Jun should not end soon.

Xu Jie's speculation was very reasonable, but what he didn't expect was that Shen Tang was not an ordinary person, so naturally he couldn't speculate with the thinking of an ordinary person.It was half past noon on the second day when Xu Jie saw Gu Wangchao with blue eyes and a sleepy face.

Xu Jie was puzzled: "Wang Chao encountered a difficult situation?"

Slightly closer can still smell some strange smell.

Gu Chi's expression was indescribable. Seeing the sincere worry on Xu Jie's face, his cold heart finally warmed up. After a long while of silence, he sighed heavily after Xu Xie questioned him.Xu Jie knew at a glance that Gu Chi was finally going to show off his fox tail, so he heard Gu Chi sigh: "Isn't the lord..."

"What's wrong with Mr. Shen?"

Xu Jie asked very cooperatively.

Gu Chi complained to him that his lord was not a human being, and vomited bitterly: "My lord, I don't know where I got the inspiration from at night, so I had to make some kind of kang... Didn't Qi Yuanliang find out about it in the morning? This fellow I don't distinguish between black and white, I'm innocent, my lord wants to play with mud, that's what I prompted???"

He was even more wronged than Dou E.

Xu Confused Solution: "..."

To be honest, he is ready to weigh his interests.

The result is this?

That's it?

These few words of Gu Chi sounded strange when put together, and even the attendants beside him were confused for a moment.

Shen Jun...

Playing with mud? ? ?
Xu Jie then asked, "What is the kang?"

Gu Chi said: "It's just a bedding, and I burn a fire under the bed to keep warm... My lord received news yesterday that 23 common people died of freezing to death in the severe cold, so my lord came up with this idea."

The attendant couldn't help but ask the shock in his heart for his parents: "Light a fire under the bed, is this going to cremate someone?"

Gu Chi: "..."

Xu Jie pretended to reprimand: "Excuse me!"

The attendant woke up and saluted and apologized.

Gu Chi hurriedly smoothed things over and said: "Don't blame him, don't blame him, Chi didn't make it clear. What the Lord said about the kang is to build a high platform in the house, spread mats on the high platform, pass through the chimney, and build an east kitchen stove. Lying on it can keep warm and keep out the cold..."

That's a good idea.

Following Gu Chi's description, Xu Jie constructed a rough outline of the kang in his mind, which seemed to be good.It's just that he has a problem, the soil kang needs a fire for heating, and dry firewood and charcoal fire are needed to make a fire.Since the common people have these gadgets, wouldn't it be more convenient to directly use the brazier for heating?Furthermore, firewood and charcoal are also an expense.

Common people may not have this economic strength.

Xu Jie these questions, Gu Chi also asked Shen Tang.

The answer is that charcoal is not safe for fire.

Failure to maintain air circulation in the room can easily cause carbon monoxide poisoning, and the toner may also cause a dust explosion.

Gu Chi doesn't know what kind of poison carbon monoxide is now, but according to the Lord, it should be hidden in the charcoal fire. Once it burns and volatilizes in a relatively sealed environment, it will poison people to death if it accumulates to a certain concentration?
Secondly, it is not necessary to use firewood for heating a kang.

Hay, straw, fallen leaves, and even livestock manure are fine.

Compared with some rich and powerful dudes, it is already cheap to arrange young and beautiful "warm beauties" with fragrant skin to warm their hands in winter, and use their chests to keep warm, or arrange dozens of hundreds of women to take off their clothes and sit around to "warm" to almost nothing.

A smile appeared on Gu Chi's face: "If the kang can be built, it will be a good deed for the common people in the north."

Xu Jie listened carefully and nodded from time to time.

He also said: "Let's not say that this method is quite innovative, even if it can't be achieved, at least Shen Jun's thought of spending on the common people is worthy of praise. Why would Mr. Qi call it 'playing with mud'?"

Can playing with mud and playing with mud be the same thing?
Gu Chi: "..."

I didn't know how to answer for a while.

Answering truthfully will damage the image of my lord who is wise to the outside world.

After all, a lord who loves to ride pigs and prays for goodness from time to time so that one Buddha is born and two Buddhas ascend to heaven doesn't sound very smart.After thinking for a long time, he still decided to leave a fig leaf for the image of his protagonist, and he was vague.

Xu Jie was too sensible to ask any more questions.

He also had a better understanding of Shen Tang's "hard work". According to what Gu Chi said, Shen Tang came up with the idea of ​​Tukang at night, and he dragged him to the construction site to make gestures and passionate speeches in the cold wind. Because of this, the fundus of the eyes is black and blue.

Hearing Xu Jie's praise, Gu Chi's tongue was bitter.

There is still a way out for the introverts among the colleagues, but the protagonist who takes the lead in introverts simply does not give him a way out, not to mention him, even if Lord Yan passes by the door, she will be caught by her, and she will work overtime overnight to recreate the book of life and death! ε=(ο`*))) Alas, life is unfortunate!

Xu Jie probed further.

"I have some ideas about this kang, but there is still something missing. I don't know if it's convenient for Fang to take a look."

Gu Chi said: "My lord and Wu Gong are friends of Tang and Di, so what's the inconvenience of a mere kang, please!"

Xu Jie: "..."

Boy, it's only been one night.

The relationship between the two lords went from place to place, and the temperature rose in a straight line.

It has actually evolved to the level of "Tang Di's deep love"!

If Xu Jie didn't know that Gu Chi had another purpose, he might have been bewitched by Gu Chi's enthusiasm and lost his eyes.

Shen Tang's mobility has always been off the charts.

She wanted to make an earthen kang, so she immediately called several craftsmen to discuss it, and they simulated it on the spot while discussing it.

It doesn't matter if it's bad, it's all over again.

Shen Tang was responsible for providing a general idea of ​​the kang, functional distinctions, scratching his head, digging out the only memory, the remaining parts and the difficulties in construction technology, and discussing with the craftsmen to overcome them.When Xu Jie came over, he saw Shen Jun squatting on the ground without any image, forming a circle with a few dusty craftsmen, muttering about something.

"...The earth kang can't have such a big space, so how many things do you have to burn to heat it up? It's raised to raise it up? Isn't there a lot of sand and mud outside? If it's not enough, we move gravel to fill it up... Tsk, there is still a lack of bricks..."

Hearing footsteps approaching behind him, Shen Tang turned his head.

A muddy face was revealed.

Xu Jie almost couldn't recognize him, this young man who rolled back like mud was the Shen Jun he met yesterday.

"Why did Wangchao come here?"

Gu Chi pointed to Xu Jie and said, "It was Wen Zhu who heard about the concept of Tukang and had some other ideas, so he came over to have a look."

Shen Tang and Gu Chi looked at Xu Jie together.

Xu Jie: "..."

Did he say it was an excuse letter he just said casually?

A flash of inspiration flashed in his mind as he drove the ducks to the shelves.

With a light cough, he also joined the discussion.

Of course, the Patriarch of the Xu family, who is full of "nobility", will not squat down like Shen Tang and ruin his image.

After the discussion ended, the time flickered by an hour.

Xu Jie secretly observed the two Shen Tang and Shen Tang who had no abnormal expressions, and couldn't help muttering in his heart-it's fine if Shen Jun doesn't say anything, why didn't Gu Wangchao mention the wine?

Didn't mention it one day, and didn't mention it the next day.

Seeing that Xu Jie was about to leave on the third day.

Still nothing.

Xu Jie was ready to take the initiative.

Or use Zhao Fengdang as an excuse to introduce the topic.

Although Zhao Feng is a brave warrior with powerful force, he has been fighting all the year round and left many hidden injuries to his body.

These days at Shen Tang's place, the old injury has not recurred, and after careful inspection, I found out that it is the credit of those fine wines!
Zhao Feng, who works diligently to cultivate the land every day: "...???"

Shen · Introverted King · 007 Lover · Tang: "There are hidden wounds in righteousness? I was careless and negligent, and I didn't notice it."

Xu Jie: "Mr. Shen doesn't need to blame himself for this. A brave warrior will not easily let others know where his weaknesses are. It is very embarrassing to say that there are many children in the family, guest officials, and private tribes. All the brave warriors are suffering from illnesses. Xu is the head of the Xu family, so he should have the responsibility to help them. I wonder if the wine brewing recipe in Shen Jun's hands can be..."

Shen Tang refused without waiting for him to finish speaking.

"Everything else is easy to talk about, except this one. This is the 'treasure' of the Shen family that has lasted for generations, and I want to pass it on to future generations. Although I don't feel sorry for my son, I am afraid that I will do it myself. A hundred years later, you will be surrounded and beaten by your ancestors."

There was no room for negotiation with Shen Tang's words.

Xu Jie also knew the result and was not disappointed.

After all, fools sell recipes for brewing wine.

A one-shot deal can only be earned once.

If wine is made and then sold, the income can flow steadily.

Xu Jie sneered, and then apologized: "Xie also knows that this request is rude, and I hope Shen Jun will not blame him. However, as the head of the Xu family, he still has to work hard for it-I don't know how many such things Shen Jun has in his hands. Spirit wine?"

Without waiting for Shen Tang to answer the number, he directly declared the possibility that Shen Tang might ask for a lot of money and pay back the money on the spot.

Shen Tang can supply a limited amount to Fugu Department Store every day, even the common people, as long as they have wine sticks in their hands, they can exchange them, so it can be seen that there will never be a shortage of stocks.Even if it's almost sold out, can't it be brewed again?

"Wen Zhu's words mean that you want to eat them all?"

Shen Tang was already thinking about where to cut the knife.

Xu Jie said: "Not really."

What's the use of clearing all the warehouses at once?

In case Shen Tang made a move to "turn his face and be ruthless", he swept away all the goods with his front foot, stabbed Shen Tang in the back of his foot, and resold them at a low price, so much goods would be in his own hands.

Xu Jie is a cautious person.

He was going to ask for one or two hundred jars symbolically first.

If Tianhai can open the way smoothly, then sign a long-term cooperation contract with Shen Tang, and it will be sold as an intermediary agent, and he will not take the risk of hoarding goods.He just helped Shen Tang sell the goods and make a profit from it.

Such as labor, transportation, commission.

Swallow it in one gulp?
He is not stupid.

Shen Tang had no objection to this.

"Wenzhu has such sincerity, so I naturally have no need to object. But, as you have seen, there is nothing you want in Heyin, what are you going to use to settle the bill with me?" Shen Tang frowned worryingly, and said with a wry smile, "If it's silver money, to be honest, it's not very useful. What's most lacking now are goods and small coins like copper coins that can be circulated among the common people... It's not afraid of a joke in the text, I don't even need it for spring farming next year." There is a shortage of seedlings and farm tools, so..."

Xu Jie listened carefully on his face, but was slightly startled in his heart.

He didn't expect that Shen Tang would bluntly tell the real purpose, and he didn't mean to play tricks with him, it was so sincere that people couldn't bear to refuse.But Xu Jie is a rational and literary scholar.

"Sowlings and agricultural tools...I'm afraid I need to ask my lord for instructions on this matter, and Xie alone can make the full decision."

No matter how good the relationship between the two is, it is not a family.

Xu Jie deliberately exaggerated the situation to leave enough room for negotiation.

  Ah, the missing thousand words are still too late.

  Definitely tomorrow, I will make up two thousand

(End of this chapter)

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