stand back, let me come

Chapter 327 327: Really Tang Di's Love [2 in 1]

Chapter 327 327: It's Tang Di's Love 【Two in One】

"It's natural."

Shen Tang is very easy to talk about.

She looked forward to reaching a business cooperation relationship with Xu Jie, but it should not cause a gap between her and Wu Xian, Xu Jie and Wu Xian.It is better to avoid unnecessary misunderstandings as much as possible, but Shen Tang's understanding made Xu Jie confused.

His original intention was to use this as a bargaining chip.

After all, it is only an "agent", although the risk has plummeted, but the profit is far less than that of a monopoly.

At this time, it was time to discuss profit distribution, but Shen Tang's overly magnanimous attitude of wanting nothing made him troublesome.

Shen Tang changed the subject and said with a smile: "However, based on the relationship between me and brother Zhaode, this matter should not be a big problem."

Xu Jie: "..."

Looking at Shen Tang's smile, Xu Jie really wanted to ask an inappropriate question—"Tang Di's love" in Gu Chi's mouth, and "the relationship between me and Brother Zhaode" in Shen Jun's mouth. The relationship between the two families is very good. Does Mr. Wu know about the oil in the oil?
Xu Jie couldn't answer, so he could only smile awkwardly.

Unavoidably, he heard more words that made him feel full of slots. Xu Jie was about to take the initiative to control the rhythm of the topic and shift the focus to the discussion of profits, but Shen Tang said, "It doesn't matter."

"It doesn't matter?"

Xu Jie frowned inwardly.

How can there be business without talking about this?

He doubted Shen Tang's sincerity in promoting the cooperation.

Shen Tang smiled: "Wang Chao has been telling me how good the annotations are in the past two days, and he has a very good reputation in Tianhai. How can I, a layman, understand business matters? Naturally, business matters must be handed over to me. People who understand it can do it. Wenzhu can make up his own mind and let me know. Compared with this, I want to plant seedling varieties in Wenzhu's hands, how many crops a year, what kind of soil is needed, and how to take care of them to increase the number of acres Produce……"

Xu Jie didn't respond on the surface.

My heart was already dumbfounded.

How could he make up his own mind about this kind of thing?

Don't treat him like an outsider at all!

Xu Jie couldn't help shaking his heart.

Could it be that he used the heart of a villain to judge the belly of a gentleman before?Thinking wrong?In fact, Shen Jun and the Wenxin scribes under his tent are all sincere children who have no city and wholeheartedly for the people?Don't care about profit, only care about people's livelihood?

But that doesn't make sense at all.

Shen Tang didn't wait for him to straighten out his train of thought and asked again: "How many sets of farm tools can Wenzhu provide? For me, the more the better. If there are rich farming cattle, we will also need them even if they are older. Wenzhu also saw it, Fu Gu is so poor that she doesn't have many cattle. Now the plowing of the land has to be troubled by a few warriors, but this is only a temporary solution, and it won't last long..."

Xu Jie was speechless.

There must be Zhao Dayi among the "several brave warriors"!

"...I can't make up my mind on these issues, so I'll write them down and go back to discuss with the lord." Because Shen Tang played his cards completely unreasonably, Xu Jie couldn't negotiate even if he wanted to, and they let you make up your own mind, and what's the point? What can be negotiated?
Shen Tang completely disrupted his rhythm.

Immediately afterwards, requests for farm tools and cattle were made.

Xu Jie was not given a chance to react at all.

Until Xu Jie left, he was still in a daze.

Shen Tang looked at the direction Xu Jie was leaving, curled the corners of his lips, held the teacup containing the boiling hot tea in both hands, took a small sip to cool it down, and took a sip carefully.The hot tea enters the mouth, slides down the throat, the warmth spreads from the inside out, and the nose is cleared.

At this time, Gu Chi came out from behind.

He said: "Why does my lord treat him so well?"

Brothers have to settle accounts clearly.

Anyone with a discerning eye can tell that good wine is "priceless". Once it is shipped back to Tianhai, it will be snapped up, especially those literary scholars and brave fighters. How much profit is there?The protagonist pushed it out in a few words, and the loss was too great.

Gu Chi figured it out a few times just now.

Shen Tang said: "Treat him well? How can we count as killing him?"

Is her advantage so easy to take advantage of?
The juvenile Li's bright face was full of jokes, it was the eyes staring at the unsuspecting prey.

Sneered: "This is a no-cost business. How much wine is given out is not a problem, the problem is how many farm tools, seedlings, and cattle can be bought back! I have repeatedly said that I have a "deep love for Tangdi" with Wu Zhaode. It will surely reach Wu Zhaode's ears, how dare Xu Wenzhu take advantage of it? Don't worry, he won't do something ugly."

Shen Tang said: "This is one of them."

Gu Chi raised his eyebrows with a smile: "My lord, do you have other plans?"

Shen Tang smiled like a cunning fox who stole the bacon from the neighbor: "It's natural. Wu Zhaode and Xu Wenzhu don't have a close relationship. The two are not so much the main ministers, but more like cooperation. Xu Wenzhu is devoted Helping each other financially, Wu Zhaode gives power and affirmation - but is this relationship really stable?"

Gu Chi wanted to understand Shen Tang's little Jiujiu.

"Using this to separate the two?" Gu Chi is not optimistic, "Even if the separation is successful, with Xu Wenzhu's temper, he will take refuge in another force no less than Wu Zhaode, such as our old acquaintance Gu Ziyi, it is absolutely impossible Help me and others."

Nor is he destroying his prestige.

It is that their foundation is too weak now.

Newly sprouted saplings.

How can we provide shade for Xu?

Shen Tang said: "Who knows what will happen in the future? I just want to see how big Xu Wenzhu can make this business and how much money he can make! The more he earns, the more jealous Wu Xian will be—unless Xu Wenzhu is willing to share Give Wu Xian [-]% to [-]% of the profits. But why does Xu Wenzhu do this? As long as Wu Xian is jealous."

At the critical moment, Xu Wenzhu may be an important pawn.


He is the "great kind man" who gave her all kinds of necessities.

Pronounced "Great Kindness", written "Great Injustice".

"This is the second." Shen Tang took a sip slowly and said with a smile, "As for the third, it is to attract Xu Wenzhu to invest in us. He must have seen the changes in Fugu in the past two days. Even if he is not optimistic about this place , But reciprocating, it also symbolizes giving something new... Merchants, betting long, there is no shame. If you invest a small amount of money, you will lose, and the right is to form a good relationship."

Gu Chi: "..."

Shen Tang noticed his gaze and asked, "What's wrong?"

Gu Chi shook his head: "It's nothing."

He just wanted to complain.

Maybe, maybe, maybe the main character is a lotus root?The whole body is densely packed with heart eyes.

Yang Mou was playing so well, Xu Wenzhu, as a literary scholar, probably didn't react to it—of course, he, who was in the middle of the game, probably couldn't react either.After all, Shen Jun is such a rare sincere child, how can he have evil intentions?

Even if he has bad intentions, he is still a literary scholar by his side.

Gu Chi took the blame for this scapegoat.

Shen Tang asked him with his eyes - would I believe this?

Gu Chi replied with his eyes——Xu Wen wrote a letter.

Shen Tang: "..."

Let's sympathize with Xu Wenzhu in advance.

When Xu Jie left Fugu, he took [-] jugs of fine wine with him and paid a large deposit.He stated that he would discuss with the protagonist Wu Xian as soon as possible and try to give a specific reply within a month.Shen Tang personally sent him outside the city.

Zhao Feng reluctantly grabbed Xu Jie's hand.

He asked him to give his reply to his family members.

When the gratitude was over, he went back.

Xu Jie: "..."

He felt like his hands were going to be crushed!
These fools!

"Shen Jun, goodbye!"

Xu Jie brought two hundred jars of wine and a New Year gift for Wu Xian, and the group left in a mighty manner, disappearing to the end.

Shen Tang stretched his waist.

With a wave of his little hand: "Let's go back and continue working on the kang. Watch the tide, and strive to complete the goal of one kang per family this year!"

Gu Chi saw that Shen Tang was in a good mood.

Also said: "Okay! No one will freeze to death by then."

Shen Tang smiled and frowned upon hearing this.

His eyes were like hanging pearls, as if he really saw that picture.

"Well, let's go!" The motorcycle under his crotch started to trot briskly, and the bell around his neck jingled.

The field path is unparalleled.

"My lord, wait for the pool."

Gu Chi immediately patted his horse to catch up.

Zhao Suan outsider Feng touched his nose: "..."

Tianhai and He Yin are neighbors.

The journey from He Yin Zhi Office to Tian Hai Zhi Office is not long, and Xu Jie and his party are quite skilled, and if Wu Xian Zhi's flag is displayed, there will be no obstacles and robbers along the way?I went back smoothly all the way, and took a short rest to meet the lord.

Wu Xianzheng is discussing with everyone.

Hearing the announcement, he was surprised: "Wen Zhu came back so soon?"

As soon as he heard that it was Xu Jie, Qin Li, who was about to resign and leave, stopped and silently moved half a step forward—he wanted to hear first-hand news from He Yin.What He Yin has become under the rule of Shen Tang and others, the evil plotters and assistants should not be underestimated.

Wu Xian still liked Xu Jie very much.

Although Xu Jie seldom gave advice for him, he was generous and used money to help him solve a lot of troubles.

"My lord, the solution is back."

"Wenzhu, sit down!" Wu Xian's face almost overflowed with joy, "When did you come back? Look at Wenzhu's weight loss, did you suffer a lot along the way?"

Xu Jie naturally replied that it was his duty to share the lord's worries, and the trip went very smoothly without any trouble.

Wu Xian asked: "How is my Shen brother?"

The corner of Xu Jie's mouth twitched slightly.

Inexplicably feel that the protagonist is similar to someone's style of painting.

Open and shut "Tangdi's love", "Brother Zhaode", "Brother Wu".Could it be that this relationship is a two-way relationship between the two of them?
He still learned this word from Shen Jun.

It fits perfectly here.

Xu Jie had already sorted out the manuscript on the way, so he didn't hesitate to answer.He told about what he had seen and heard in Fugu City, and also talked about Zhao Dayi's recent situation that Wu Xian was most concerned about—of course, he covered up Zhao Feng's [-] acres of farmland every day.

If this is said, the lord will really wipe away tears.

It's not an exaggeration but a statement of facts, with a criminal record.

There are six generals under Wu Xian's tent, one of them went to the gate of hell to protect Wu Xian in his early years, and his snobbish brother and sister-in-law withheld supplements during his recovery. Wu Xian came to see his pitiful appearance, and felt distressed immediately Gotta cry.

Frankly speaking, brothers and sisters are inhuman.

To treat his sweetheart so harshly.

Anyway, Zhao Feng himself didn't complain, and even praised Shen Jun who let him cultivate the land, so he still didn't hold fire.

Wu Xian listened attentively.

From time to time, I exclaimed one or two sentences, "Dr. Shen is high righteousness", "Dr. Shen is benevolent", "It is a blessing for He Yin to have Di Shen like this".

Xu Jie: "..."

One by one, "brother Shen" slid from his left ear to his right ear.

My mind is full of "brother Shen, brother Shen, brother Shen".

Xu Jie couldn't help suspecting that "Tang Di's Love" was real!

Finally, and most importantly——

The recipe for brewing wine in Shen Tang's hand.

Of course, Xu Jie didn't explain everything carelessly, he still used a bit of spring and autumn style of writing to weaken Shen Tang's threat, and his position has shifted from neutral to one side.Wu Xian and the others were all immersed in the magical effects of those wines.

There is only one person who is always vigilant and sober.

"The annotations are confused." Qin Li said with a cold face.

Xu Jie looked up at Qin Li: "Why did Gong Su say that?"

Qin Li said: "Given time, Shen Tang will become a disaster!"

He Yin's change was completely beyond his expectation.According to the various reconstruction measures described by Xu Jie, the whole situation can be seen at a glance. Whether it is the person who gave the order or the person who carried out the order, neither should be underestimated.This person is still their neighbor!

The speed of development, the speed of growth is too fast!
Qin Liguang couldn't help his scalp numb just thinking about it.

Xu Wenzhu still wants to seek skin from the tiger?
Ha ha, many people don't care about this.

This is obviously a cat with no threat.

Although born like a tiger, the essence is too far away.

Ha Yoon is developing fast?
That place was so rotten that it couldn't be worse. If you just send someone there, it will be obvious if you make some changes.

Qin Gongsu thinks highly of Shen Tang too much.

Xu Jie expressed his position, and immediately there were many good friends who were willing to give face and help to talk—and he was full of curiosity about the wine in his heart, wishing to order it now.

After all, Qin Li is not from Tianhai.

It is inevitable that the local circle clings to each other.

In the past, Zhao Feng was there to help him, but now he is alone and helpless. Seeing that the overall situation has been settled, Qin Li couldn't help his temper and spoke harshly.

"Fortunately, Wenzhu is well versed in the way of doing business, but he doesn't know that the real profiteering is the dominance of one family. Since there is a good recipe for wine making, you can get it. It's no reason to give Shen Youli a share, don't you feel bad?"

Being choked by Qin Li, Xu Jie also lost his temper.

He went back angrily: "How can Gong Su say such a thing? The lord and Shen Jun hit it off immediately, and they have a personal friendship. This is something that all the allies in the alliance know. Since the two are brothers and sisters, Gong Su is still here to encourage this kind of rape." If the people in the world know about the robbery and robbery, how can they misunderstand the lord. Please be careful with your words, Gong Su!"

It would be even better if we could do it again.

Wu Xian had an awkward expression on his face, he didn't even know that he and Shen Tang "loved each other at first sight, and they were never against each other".

Qin Li is his brains, and Xu Jie is his money bag.

It's not good to help either one.

Wu Xian was about to leave this matter behind, but Qin Li snorted coldly, looked at Xu Jie with cold eyes, and said, "As a scholar, the Patriarch of the Xu family acts like a snobbish businessman with short-sighted eyes? Oh, I don't agree with you My lord, Li suddenly felt unwell, so I will take my leave first..."

Wu Xian: "..."

It's over-

As expected, Xu Jie revealed a look of anger.

Wu Xian could only quickly make amends and separate the two, allowing Qin Li to take "sick leave" and gently telling him to take good care of him.

Seeing Qin Li being angered away, Wu Xian seemed helpless, but in fact said in a serious tone: "Wen Zhu."

Needless to say, Xu Jie understood.

Xu Jie said softly: "Forgive me, my lord, it's because I've been reckless."

Wu Xian took his hand and said sadly: "Wenzhu is my left arm, and Gongsu is my right arm. You two are the closest and most important people to me besides my close relatives. When you fight, you are my right arm. In other words, it is self-mutilation of both arms, do you understand the text notes?"

(End of this chapter)

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