stand back, let me come

Chapter 328 328: Xue Ye coaxes persuasion

Chapter 328 328: Xue Ye coaxes persuasion

Wu Xian temporarily stabilized Xu Jie.

However, he knew that Xu Jie was not the biggest trouble.

He returned to the backyard full of melancholy. His side wife, Mi Shi, was Wu Xian's most beloved concubine in the past two years.After listening to the maid's announcement, she greeted her early with a gentle smile, serving the towel festival and serving thoughtfully.Relying on Wu Xian's favor, Mi's occasionally dared to ask questions about the front yard: "Xian Lang encountered some troubles outside, why does he look so depressed?"

"It's not a big deal, it's just..."

Wu Xian took the twisted cloth towel and wiped his face.

Mi turned around and took the moderately warm copper basin from the servant girl, squatted down and put it down.Wu Xian rubbed off his shoes and put his feet in warm water.She raised her hand to signal Mi to get up, these menial tasks were busy for the servants, and she, a concubine, did not have to do these dirty and tiring tasks.

Madam Mi side pursed her lips and smiled coquettishly.

"Serving the virtuous man and showing off his face, how can it be considered a dirty and tiring job?" Mrs. Mie said so tenderly, but after listening to Wu Xian's words, she got up and sat beside him, and the conversation turned back, "The virtuous man You haven't said who made you unhappy."

Wu Xian didn't intend to hide it either.

It's not a big deal after all.

He also wanted to learn from Mrs. Mi Cian, and ask for advice on how to coax a person well.When Mrs. Mi Chou heard the words, her blessed goose egg face stiffened for a moment, but she suppressed her sourness and asked cautiously, "The virtuous man's new favourite?"

Wu Xian: "...No, it's Gongsu."

Mrs. Mi Fang: "..."

Don't look at her as a female family member in the backyard. Before she became Wu Xian's concubine, she was only the lead dancer of the family's dance team. She is not well-educated, but she also knows the main core members of her husband's account.After all, if you offend these people, no matter how much love you have, it will be turned into smoke in an instant——Wu Xian's ears are soft, but it doesn't mean he can't understand.

This "Gongsu" should be Qin Li.

Mrs. Mi can remember that when Wu Xian got Qin Li's help, this man was so happy that he jumped three feet high, which shows how important Qin Li is to him.In the blink of an eye, Mrs. Mi's heart turned a few times, and she already had an idea.

"How did Xianlang offend Mr. Qin?"

Mrs. Mi's ability to observe words and expressions is not weak.

With only a few words from Wu Xian, she knew that no matter what happened, Wu Xian would blame himself for the fault.

She couldn't speak ill of Qin Li without winking.

Not only can't, but she has to speak from Qin Li's standpoint and criticize her husband well!Sure enough, Wu Xian was not angry.

Wu Xian said helplessly about today's episode.

Qin Li was squeezed out and left angrily.

Wu Xian held Xu Jie steady, but he didn't know how to coax Qin Li.

Qin Li also hit Xu Jie's taboo this time.

He has known Xu Jie for many years, so he knows him well.Usually he is silent, and likes "peace is the most important" in everything, but it really doesn't mean that Xu Jie has no edges and corners-not only does he have sharp edges, but he is also good at hiding knives in his smile. Gong Su can offend him very much this time.

Mrs. Mi Fang: "..."

Inexplicably, she felt that the scene in Wu Xian's mouth was familiar.

Several wives and concubines in the backyard compete for favor, isn't that the case?
However, she dared not say it out loud.

If she dared to say that Wu Xian's confidants were fighting for favor in the backyard, Wu Xian and those under him would kill her.Mrs. Mi Fang smiled gently: "Think about it, Mr. Qin, who is Mr. Qin saying and doing for?"

Wu Xiandao: "Of course it's for me!"

Qin Li is afraid of praying for goodness, and also afraid of Shen Tang who is assisted by praying for goodness. Before the danger has matured, killing him in the cradle is the most reassuring way to deal with it.It's just——Wu Xianzhen didn't think it was serious enough, Qin Li was too impatient.

Mrs. Mi said: "Since it is for the sake of the virtuous man, Mr. Qin's piousness can't get the virtuous man to come to apologize in person? The virtuous man is the master and he is the minister, but you are like-minded friends. What can you say directly?" Did you say it?"

Wu Xian was stunned for a moment.

The arches and insteps of the feet rubbing against each other in the copper basin stopped.

After a while, he hurriedly got up, regardless of the cold ground, stepped on it with wet feet, and walked out the door.

Mrs. Mi side hurriedly got up and followed.

Amusingly persuaded: "What is Xian Lang doing in such a hurry?"

"At least put on your clothes neatly before going!"

If Wu Xian went out from his own house and got cold and sick, and Mrs. Zheng asked about it, it would be difficult for her to explain it here.

Wu Xian could only restrain his impatience.

Dressed in a hurry, and left without looking back.

Mrs. Mie sent him to the gate of the courtyard until the figure of the man disappeared at the end of Xiaoshizi Road.Walking out of her courtyard is a well-decorated garden, with rockery and flowing water, exquisite plants and flowers, and even the fish in the pond have no worries about food...

All are well cared for.

Mrs. Mi leaned on the door and watched for a long time.

"Ma'am, let's go back, and be careful not to catch a cold."

After being persuaded by the close maid, she turned around with a sigh.

Mourning in his mouth, his beautiful eyes showed a little sadness: "Catch a cold? If I'm sick, would Xianlang be so nervous?"

The maid was puzzled.

Just habitual flattery.

"My wife is always favored, and the parents will naturally be like this."

Mrs. Mie shook her head when she heard the words, her eyebrows frowned slightly, and she said worriedly: "You don't understand, he won't. Qin Gongsu can help the virtuous man achieve great things. He is angry, and the virtuous man is worried. Look at the backyard!" Can a flower touch his heart so much?"

Maid: "But, it's different."

Mrs. Mie asked her, "Why is it different?"

The servant girl said: "Mr. Qin is the arm of the parents, a person who can be used, but Mrs. is the favorite of the parents, the birth mother of Erlang."

How can these two identities be the same?

It is impossible for Mr. Qin to replace Madam.

The servant girl didn't understand her brain circuit very much.

Mrs. Mi Chou sighed again: "You will never understand."

In the final analysis, it is the same, whether it is subordinates or concubines, they are all the people Wu Xian needs, and the latter can be replaced by younger and more beautiful women at any time, but how many talents like Mr. Qin can replace him? What about people?
Easily discarded when not needed.

Mrs. Mi Fang also really envied Qin Li.

Qin Li could make her husband bow his head sincerely and rush to apologize, but what about her?I usually live my life cautiously in the backyard, relying on the love of my husband.Love is the key to whether she can continue to live in a comfortable nest away from poverty, hunger, and war, without the hardships of the rain and wind outside, and enjoy the glory and wealth.

If it were not for Wu Xian, she would not know where she died now.

In all fairness, Wu Xian is a good guy.

What is even more fortunate is that Mrs. Zheng is not mean and has never treated them badly.But is this the kindness and generosity of his wife?Not necessarily, people simply didn't really pay attention to these side rooms, they are just beautiful decorations that can be walked in the backyard.

Mrs. Mi Chou laughed at herself sadly.

Wu Xian obviously didn't know Mrs. Mi's thoughts.

Wearing a thick fox fur cloak, he braved the wind and snow and carried a lantern to knock on the door of Qin Li's house, abruptly waking Qin Li up, um—Gong Su hadn't gone to sleep either.He saw the people in the wind and snow clearly by the light of the lantern, and asked in surprise: "My lord?"

Wu Xian silently greeted the bad weather.

"My lord, come in first."

Qin Li was angry and funny.

How much guessed Wu Xian's intention.

Wu Xian took off his cloak, followed into Qin Li's house, raised his hand to wipe off the goose feather snow on the cloak, and rubbed his hands to keep warm: "Why doesn't Gongsu have a charcoal basin, and the house is so cold?"

Qin Li asked someone to light a candle.

Said: "Using Wen Qi to protect the body can avoid severe cold."

Wu Xiandao: "Isn't this a waste of energy?"

Also drains the mind.

Who would deliberately do this when there is nothing to do?
It's not that the family is too poor to afford that little charcoal fire.

Qin Li closed the fire folder and responded quietly.

"got used to."

Wu Xian heard the meaning of his reluctance to talk deeply, so he stopped asking, changed the subject, and said solemnly: "I came to disturb Qin Qing in the middle of the night, but it was actually for daytime affairs."

The essence of an apology is to go straight to the point, straight to the point.Beating around the bush and not getting to the point for a long time will only make people irritable.

Qin Li's face was covered with the words "it really is so".

Said: "My lord is here to serve as a lobbyist for Xu Wenzhu?"

Wu Xian waved his hand: "No, no."

He paused, got up from the mat, and bowed to Qin Li's shocked and puzzled eyes to apologize: "Actually, it's because of today's side-line... It's my fault... Qin Qing please forgive me."

Although Wu Xian didn't reprimand either Xu Jie or Qin Li, but from the fact that Xu Jie was supported by local people in Tianhai, and Qin Li was angered away, it can be seen that the tacit agreement is also sideways.

Qin Li raised his eyebrows: "...My lord, there is no need to do this."

Wu Xian carefully observed his expression, trying to get a glimpse of Qin Li's true emotions from this calm face.

"...Then Qin Qing is not angry?"

Qin Li couldn't hold back, shook his head helplessly and said: "Who is the lord who is Li? This kind of conflict and ups and downs are inevitable. It is impossible for colleagues and colleagues to have no disputes. Li doesn't care about such small things, but -"

Wu Xian heaved a sigh of relief after hearing the previous words.

But as soon as the "but" came out, my heart hung up again.

"But what?"

After careful consideration, Qin Li decided to speak out—since he chose to assist Wu Xian, he couldn't watch him step into a trap, but his honest words were harsh, and it would inevitably be unpleasant and offend one or two people who didn't deal with them.It's just Xu Jie, he will be afraid?
"But Xu Wenzhu..."

Wu Xian interrupted him in a low voice: "Wenzhu is the most taboo for others to talk about the businessmen of the Xu family. Qin Qing's disdain for merchants today will inevitably be hated by him. Can't say any more."

Qin Li's eyes were complicated.

But he continued: "Li does not despise merchants, but just hates those who pursue profit but ignore the overall situation."

Qin Li is not a person with multiple family backgrounds. When he is really down and out, how much dry food can this thing be exchanged for?
It's just that Xu Jie's choice made him really angry.

Wu Xian could hear the meaning behind his words.

Said embarrassingly: "This is a bit serious, Wen Zhu still knows the seriousness of the matter. If there is a problem, Dayi will warn the police...Wen Zhu should have weighed it..."

Qin Li snorted softly.

"There is no such thing as a perfect balance in this world. People who are too greedy will eventually be eaten back by greed." Qin Li naturally knew that Xu Jie would not do anything that was unfavorable to Wu Xian, but because of the benefits given by Shen Tang, Xu Jie turned Instead, I changed my attitude, hoping to bring about a friendly relationship between the two companies, hello, hello, hello everyone.

This kind of thinking is quite dangerous.

In Qin Li's view, it was a betrayal that wasn't considered a betrayal.

Wu Xian also knew that Qin Li was thinking for his own benefit, so naturally he couldn't force the latter to do or not to do, but it was necessary to say a few heart-to-heart words to him.The whole sentence is not persuasion, but every word is persuasion.

What did you say?
Just say how much Xu Jie "donated generously".

For Wu Xianneng to develop so fast, he needs people under his command, food and money, and money. In addition to Wu's own solid background, the support of his followers is also indispensable to Xu's full support.As long as Xu Jie didn't actually betray, stab a knife, or do something unforgivable, even if Xu Jie said that he liked his concubine in the backyard, Wu Xian would agree.

The implication——

Qin Li is a smart person and naturally understands.

Xu Jie doesn't speak easily, and once he speaks, it's hard to refuse.

Speaking of this level, Qin Li had no choice but to take a step back: "My lord's words, the etiquette will be kept in my heart."

Just try not to confront Xu Jie with the tip of the needle.

With Xu Jie's interest-seeking personality, if you don't deal with him, you will push him into the arms of the enemy-Xu Jie can't leave Wu Xian's account, but as the head of the family and the head of the clan, someone in the clan invests in loyalty to others, and he also Can't stop it?

There are always more ways than difficulties.

Seeing Qin Li being wronged for himself, Wu Xian endured the tone and said with a guilty conscience: "Hey, I have wronged Qin Qing..."


It's that word again.

Wu Xian's little heart rose again.

"But what?"

Qin Li said: "However, we still have to be vigilant against Shen Youli."

Wu Xian was puzzled.

Qin Li was also too attached to Hei Chentang and Qishan.

He said: "I think Shen Youli is also very good. He is a sincere and enthusiastic young man. It is a blessing for the common people to meet him. Why is Qin Qing so afraid? Just because he is the lord of evil schemes?"

Qin Li shook his head and said: "That's not true, it's just that the moment Li saw this person, he knew that this person was not willing to be subordinated to others. The pure goodness and sincerity were just a disguise. Under this skin, there was a sun-swallowing bird. Moon's ambition!"

Wu Xian: "???"

He suddenly wondered if he and the Shen Tang that Qin Li said were the same person, but even so, there was no need to be afraid of Shen Youli so early.Form an alliance first, and then talk about it after dealing with others.

Such as Gu Ren, such as Zhang He.

Wu Xian has been unhappy with these two for a long time.

Especially that fellow Gu Ren.

Is it great to have more brothers?

"Furthermore, the more Li thinks about it these days, the more something is wrong."

"What's wrong?"

Qin Li didn't talk about it in detail.

He always felt that something was wrong, the Four Treasures formed an alliance, and Shen Tang ran ahead of time to take office. On the surface, he said that it was not easy to march and fight with a group of old and weak women and children. Coupled with the retreat of the rebels, he had to pursue quickly if he wanted to expand the results of the battle, so Fall behind.

But that was too much of a coincidence.

Everywhere is reasonable and everywhere is unreasonable.

But this is just his intuition and cannot convince anyone.

"All in all, be vigilant and beware, you can never go wrong."

He also wanted to tell Wu Xian to pay attention to Xu Jie's actions, don't let him be overwhelmed by the benefits given by Shen Tang, and do something arrogant, then it will be too late... But thinking about today's conflict, he swallowed the words go back.After all, Xu Jie is also the patriarch of the aristocratic family, not just a merchant, so he should have this awareness, right?

At this time, Wu Xian said: "Wen Zhu brought back two hundred jars of wine from Shen Youli, and sent fifty jars to my house. I don't know if the effect is true or not. Qin Qing is a good drinker, why don't you also bring a few jars?" "

No money.

Qin Li: "..."

Qin Li is full of worries, what about Xu Jie?
Hey, he's throwing a party.

(End of this chapter)

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