stand back, let me come

Chapter 495: Chapter 495

Gu Chi is the one who knows best about the invincible attack.

Therefore, he calmly held down his lord who was about to jump up, and asked Lin Feng softly: "Ling De, what happened?"

Lin Feng pointed behind him: "My lord, you can tell at a glance."

She was well-informed at such a young age, but she had never seen such a weird scene.Lin Feng led the way, walking briskly, and even squeezed out what little literary energy he had, using [Chasing the Wind and Scenery], while explaining: "It melts the gold!"

Shen Tang followed closely and was dumbfounded.

Staring wide-eyed: "What do you mean gold has been melted? Turned into gold water? Or—Dogecoin Shiwu deceived us with fake gold?"

If it was the last one, she would be able to pick up soldiers and horses and fight back now, and plow the land of the king's capital back and forth! "

The voice fell, and the destination has been reached.

Shen Tang was completely stunned.

Several subordinate officials assigned to Lin Feng to sort out the accounts also watched helplessly. Not far away, there were several open boxes, and pieces of yellow and golden bricks were broken into golden mist, connected into one piece, and turned into sublimated water flowing backward into the sky. The fog is so beautiful.

This is what Lin Feng said "turned into gold"!
"Damn, what the hell? This——what is his uncle doing? Shi Wu and these little bastards actually lied to me with fake money? Lied to me!" Shen Tang was dumbfounded, and his anger rushed up immediately. In my heart, both fists were clenched.

Knuckles crunch.

The back molars rubbed hard, tensing the cheeks.

Everyone didn't know what was going on, and they didn't dare to go forward to save them, but they all felt the same, heartbroken and bleeding.

This scene didn't last long.

Since Shen Tang and the others came over, it took only a dozen breaths of time.


"Why is there still fake gold left?" The boxes were all open, and a part of it was lifted to the sky, but there was still a lot left inside. She held back her anger and waited for a long time, and then stepped forward to pick it up when she saw that the gold hadn't moved any more. one piece.

The starting weight is extremely heavy.

Except that the smelting and purification technology is not good enough, resulting in insufficient fineness, and the appearance color is not so positive, everything else is the same as real gold.With a sullen face, Shen Tang weighed, and squeezed his fingers hard, leaving a few shallow finger marks in a short while.

It's not like a fake.

Even if she admits her mistake, it's impossible for everyone to admit her mistake, or is it that Shiwu used some magical secret skills to protect the gold, and some means are needed to successfully withdraw the gold, otherwise the gold will go back after leaving the vault? ? ?

If so, it will be a big loss this time!
Shen Tang's heart was heavy, several plausible guesses flashed through his mind in an instant, the corners of Gu Chi's mouth twitched when he was forced to listen to her, he stepped forward and said softly: "Master..."

Hearing Gu Chi's voice, the grievance that was suppressed before finally couldn't help gushing, tried hard to purse the corners of his mouth, suppressed the urge to pout his mouth to stop tears, and used a playful and teasing tone as much as possible.

"Sigh... It seems that I don't have this kind of wealth luck. I wanted to transport the money back to repair Longwu County and give benefits to everyone... Especially you, who have been with me for so long, except for the second year of He Yin. It's better, other times the salary has been short of catties... I can only wrong you to be poor for a while..."

It was getting harder and harder, and I even felt a little frustrated.

Patting Gu Chi on the shoulder: "There will be bread! Get through the hardest moment in the early days of entrepreneurship, and we will make a fortune!"

Gu Chi: "..."

Jiang Sheng: "..."

I don't understand some words, but I can understand the general meaning, but——has the lord misunderstood something? ? ?
Gu Chi took a deep breath.

Interrupting Shen Tang still wanting to babble.

"My lord, do you know what was just now?"

But Shen Tang's reaction was to slump his shoulders, snort listlessly, and turned his head away not wanting to answer the question.

She is not in the mood.

Gu Chi explained: "First, this is not some secret technique to protect the treasury and recover the gold and silver. You can rest assured about that."

Shen Tang managed to pull himself together: "What is that?"

Jiang Sheng said: "I will come back after all the money is gone."

Gu Chi followed suit and nodded.

Shen Tang: "This... sounds familiar???"

Relying on her impressive memory, she remembered where she had heard it.Jiang Sheng did mention it before, saying that there are scholars with a literary heart who are born with a special nature, and their speech reserves are flawed. They rely on the Krypton Gold Dafa to obtain an unlimited literary spirit, sweeping the audience.

As long as you have enough gold and silver in your hands, you can be super god.

"No! What does this have to do with our gold? We don't have such a wonderful literary scholar among us! Krypton gold is 999, shouldn't you krypton your own gold? I mean, you should spend your own money. ?” Shen Tang stamped his feet and turned around, “Could it be that you can spend whoever’s money you want? No one’s name is written on these gold...I’m confused!”

"This point, Chi also can't figure it out, but the appearance of the golden brick disappearing just now is indeed a peculiar situation of the eerie saying of 'the daughter comes back after all the money is gone'." Gu Chi paused, looked at Lin Feng ordered, "Ling De, check how much is missing."

Lin Feng accepted the order with a nod.

Because she had already counted these boxes, she counted them all in a short while, and replied: "5000 taels of gold."

Shen Tang: "???"

Gu Chi: "..."

Jiang Sheng: "..."

The three of them tacitly recalled the 5000 taels of gold that Shen Tang was begging for with a smug smile as he snapped his little finger not long ago.Is there any connection between the two?It can't be a coincidence, the protagonist disappears as much as he mentions, right?

Shen Tang was the first to react, his eyes turned black, and he shouted: "Wait, wait——Is it Kang Jishou who cheated on me?"

Jiang Sheng asked back: "What does it have to do with him?"

Kang Shi didn't need to "come back after all the money is gone".

Shen Tang was so angry that he jumped up and down, biting his fingers and pacing back and forth, his brain's CPU was overloaded: "He's 'losing every bet' bad my luck, think about it, wealth is also a kind of luck, right? Since I met this guy , I have never been rich!"

It used to be possessed by the god of decline.

Now it is possessed by a poor ghost!

Gu Chi couldn't help but say something fair: "Here, before I met Kang Jishou, didn't the lord never get rich?"

Shen Tang opened his dead fish eyes and gave a faint warning.

"...Gu Wangchao!"

Gu Chi closed the microphone wisely, the lord was angry.

Jiang Sheng had a thoughtful expression on his face.

Just when he was suspicious of someone, he had a vague premonition, and when he raised his head, he saw a little gold falling from the sky, hitting Shen Tang's little head.Fortunately, the long hair was bound, so I didn't feel the pain.She raised her hand to wipe it, it was warm.

Fuck, could it be bird droppings?
But the tactile feel is round and firm.

When it was taken down, it turned out to be a triangular piece of broken gold.

She said: "This gold shape looks familiar..."

Weigh it, it looks like five grams.

Gu Chi: "..."

What did he think of.

Jiang Sheng: "..."

What did he suspect.

Shen Tang remembered it all at once, and said, "The one that hit the wounded soldier last time was also broken gold in this shape..."

Touching the head, it is rare to be favored by the goddess of luck.

This made Shen Tang's depressed mood feel better.

Gu Chi added on the sidelines: "The gold and silver dispersed by literary scholars of this kind will end up with their own unique traces."

Shen Tang smiled wryly: "That's because I have to thank this 'boy who spreads wealth'. I lost five thousand pieces of gold, and it's a dime for nothing... I'm not considered poor. Oh, forget it, let's just leave it like this..."

It is impossible to sacrifice Kang Jishou even if he is angry again.

She was both helpless and relieved: "I can roughly guess some. I remember that Ji Shou's way of literati is 'every bet must be lost'. If he wants to 'every bet must win', he must add enough luck. His Not enough, of course my lord pays the bill. He should be in the Yonggu Pass right now, and I don’t know what the situation is. If you spend 5000 taels to hold the Yonggu Pass and protect the creatures in the pass, 5000 taels—”

She tilted her head and spread her hands indifferently.

"Let's go away."

Compared with the lives of the staff and common people under her account, not to mention 5000 taels of gold, she would throw 5 taels of gold!

After finishing speaking, he swept away the gloomy look on his face.

It was an open-mindedness without any falsehood.

Jiang Sheng: "..."

This made him completely choked up when he wanted to say something speculative, and the content that was extremely close to the truth stuck in his throat and surged.

"My lord, actually..."

Shen Tang put the triangular pieces of gold into his purse.

Tighten the tether, lest it melt too.

In my heart, I was secretly grateful to the boy who spread wealth.

Keep yourself from being poor and penniless.

"Rectify and rectify, let's go back." Shen Tang interrupted Jiang Sheng's words, and she didn't want to hear the rest.She said open-minded, but her heart was still bleeding, she needed time to lick the wound slowly, and wait for time to heal the wound.

With her own way of being a prince, she will not be so poor that she will starve to death, which is a blessing in misfortune.

"As a human being, you have food, a house to live in, a job, ideals, and a can bear it without money!"

Shen Tang patted Jiang Sheng on the shoulder, calmly told Lin Feng to record all the remaining gold, silver and jewelry in the account.

It is convenient for follow-up arrangements.

Soldiers shed blood and die for her, but they cannot let their family members cry with them.The post-war pension compensation reward is the top priority, as long as the remaining money does not disappear.

Lin Feng bowed his hands in response to "Wei".

Jiang Sheng opened his mouth, but swallowed it back.

Gu Chi heard out the door and asked, "What's going on?"

Jiang Sheng whispered: "Oh, you'll know when you get back..."

Shen Tang's logical thinking cast a big blame on Kang Shi who was far away in Yonggu Pass.


He also recited this pot willingly.

Yonggu Pass, on the battlefield.

The wind is surging, and the drums of war are shaking the sky.

The king in the main tent of the Ten Wuzhong Army had a livid complexion, so gloomy that he could almost drip water. He angrily grabbed the gold armrest of the throne, losing control of his strength and leaving twisted finger marks.Others did not dare to speak out, and all of them were hit by [Speaking and Seizing Voice].

They can understand the king's anger.

In the three battles between the two armies, they were full of confidence at first, and they were sure to win all three games, severely defeating the enemy, but in the first battle, Su Shiyilu was careless and lost to Chu Jie.

In the second game, I wanted to use the specially arranged killer to target Chu Jie. If he can be cut in front of the battle, the morale lost in the first battle can be doubled to make up for it, because Chu Jie is the main general of Yonggu Gate, and he is the leader of Yonggu Gate. The blow to soldier morale is doubled.


On the way, an unknown brave warrior jumped out.

They watched Chu Jie ride his horse and return to Yonggu Pass, disrupting the planned plan.That's all, if you can win the second round, you can kill this unknown pawn, who knows - this brave fighter is hiding everything!

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