stand back, let me come

Chapter 496: Chapter 496

Seeing the back of Chu Jie going away, the ten-black military general was naturally unwilling to let him go, and Zhao Feng easily blocked him when he chased again.His face changed suddenly, and his body retreated a few feet uncontrollably, wanting to grit his teeth.

"Where is the thief from, report your name!"

Zhao Feng grinned, his eyes were ferocious, and he showed his sharpness: "You are worthy of knowing your Nai Weng's name?"

This is the second time he calls himself "Nai Weng".

The humiliation is similar to the power of greeting the eighteen generations of the other party's ancestors with the mother as the radius and the household registration book as the center.

That Shiwu general has a high status in Shiwu.

Where can I stand this humiliation?
He cursed a ten-black foul language in his mouth.

Immediately afterwards, without talking nonsense, he raised his hand and came straight to Zhao Feng's face.His figure was extremely fast and agile, and there were even ghostly afterimages along the road, which were difficult to catch with the naked eye. Seeing this situation, Zhao Feng became serious.With a clang, firmly catch the blow to the head!
In the past two years of being squeezed by Shen Capitalist Tang, Zhao Feng's martial power has not regressed, and even because of the growth of his mood and his further understanding of martial arts, he has leapt to a higher level as a whole.With the meaning of the warrior, the strength has doubled!
He is more sensitive to martial energy and the energy of heaven and earth.

As long as the enemy is still in this world, the air of heaven and earth will tell him his position and actions, and it is not difficult to deal with.Regardless of whether the ten-black warrior would be critically hit or not, he closed his eyes arrogantly in front of the other party's grim expression.

"You—" Ten Crow General was furious, "Die!"

Attacks are more intensive than rainstorms.

The swung air blades interweave into an invisible net.

But he didn't expect Zhao Feng to follow up calmly, it was too late, and he could avoid it by easily moving.

He was out of breath for a long time, but he couldn't arouse people's enthusiasm, and his expression was calm and unwavering.Even though his eyes were closed, the Shi Wu military general could still read the contempt that Zhao Feng wanted to express—a brave warrior?That's it?Such a useless general?

The ten black generals gritted their teeth.

On the city wall, Chu Jie frowned.

Chu Yao said: "You are lucky."

With Chu Jie's current consumption, the ten-black general under the city might drag Chu Jie until he blew himself up.

Chu Jie secretly adjusted his breath to restore his state, and Master Yu and Chu Yao came to help, and the Dan Mansion that had been consumed a lot was refilled, and it recovered to [-]% in an instant.He smiled and said: "It's really good luck. In the past, people who didn't show the mountains and didn't show the water would kill people as soon as they made a move. Looking at Dayi's state, he should be only a thin line away from breaking through... It's been a long time A member of the Tiger General."

Chu Yao nodded: "Indeed."

Zhao Fengben was the twelfth-class left watch, and if he broke through, he would be the thirteenth-class middle watch.You must know that due to the limitations of talent, age, and various resources, it is more difficult for a warrior to be promoted as his strength progresses.

The battle of Xiaocheng was only a few years away from Zhao Fengjin's promotion.

It's only been a little over two years now, and he's about to break through again... This speed can make many young and famous warriors envious.The key is that Zhao Feng also comprehends the meaning of warriors. There will be almost no obstacles in his cultivation in the next few years, and his strength will inevitably soar.

Chu Yao said: "...It's just a pity..."

Chu Jie asked, "Why is it such a pity?"

Chu Yao: "Unfortunately, his lord is not my lord."

No matter how great a favor is, there is a time when it will be repaid.

Zhao Feng returned to Wu Xian's side sooner or later, and Dayi helped reclaim wasteland, build bridges, build roads, build kangs and move bricks, and led his troops to help guard the pass without hesitation.After this battle, he should also leave.

It's okay for Wu Xian and the lord to continue "Tang Di's deep love". If one day the sword is shown, Zhao Feng will be the enemy.

Therefore, it is a pity.

Such general talent is in someone else's bowl.

Chu Jie understood Chu Yao's unfinished words, and said: "I heard that there is a sixth-rank general under Wu Xian's tent, and the weakest is the tenth-rank Zuo Shuzhang. To win over so many talents to work for him, there must be someone extraordinary. Shen Jun is under a lot of pressure."

Don't look at him, who has been gentle and harmless since he was a child. Now that he is old, he has a little more kindness of the elders, which dilutes the sharpness when he was young, but how much does Chu Jie know about him?
Chu Yao raised his eyebrows and pouted his butt, he knew what was going on in the opponent's stomach.Chu Wuhui, a literary scholar with a literary heart, was more decisive and vicious than a brave warrior.In terms of sharpness, no one is more murderous than Chu Yao.

It's like this when I was young, and it's the same when I'm old.

These years have not dampened his ambition.

Just hide deeper.

That Mr. Shen...

It's kind of bad luck to be targeted by him.

If it wasn't for the inappropriate scene, Chu Jie would still want to chew on some snacks—because Zhao Feng defeated the ten-black general to death, and the outcome of the field has been divided, there is no suspense—he said: "Shen Jun's advantage And the disadvantages are very clear, too young."

Being young means that the future is unlimited, and it also means that the foundation is shallow.It has a false name but has no basis for impressing literary scholars and brave warriors.How easy is it to start from scratch?With Zheng Qiao's words, Shen Tang moved out of Heyin County, which he had worked so hard for for two years, and gave it to others as a wedding dress with a lot of fruits.

Chu Jie ignored the faint chill on Chu Yao's body, and said with a smile: "Son of the Tianhai Wu family, his ancestors have been prominent for several generations, with family background, fame, prestige, and heritage, all of which are not lacking. Apart from being young and having a national seal, Jun Shen seems to have no other strengths." gone."

It's normal to not be able to attract talents like Zhao Feng.

Not only Chu Jie knew this, but Shen Tang also knew it.

Martial arts fighters also need to have a meal.

You can't generate electricity for love every day.

Chu Yao stared coldly at his ex, Fa Xiao.

Tong knew: "This battle is over, you should also make a decision."

Shen Tang's tent is a serious partial subject.

Wenxin literati can carry any one at will, but there are very few warriors who can provide the guarantee of force.

Lu Jue and Bai Su are talented but they are not easy to use. It is too late to start, and it takes time to grow.Even if he is forced to use martial arts, he will not be able to grow up to the level of commanding an army in a short period of time. The only two people who can still see are Gong Shuwu and Xian Yujian...

But compared to Zhao Bong who is about to break through...

Can't compare.

No matter how good my protagonist can fight, he can't end every time.

Chu Jie raised his eyebrows, provocatively: "How can you be sure that your lord will come back? Thirty thousand black heads, one must be left behind!"

Chu Yao showed no sign of weakness: "The old man is still alive to talk to you, isn't that proof? Just wait..."

Not only did he want his predecessor to send more than 2 elites under a small account, but he also wanted to recruit Chu Jie to work hard, so that the lord barely had a high-level warrior who could handle the tripod.As for old grievances, that is his private matter, and he can handle Chu Jie.

Chu Jie has been suppressed by him since he was a child, unable to turn over.

Today, of course, too.

Chu Jie snorted: "Okay, let's talk."

The implication is to consider.


He sneered: "The ugly words are up front. Shen Jun has to provide the military salary normally. We soldiers, marching and fighting are just trying to make a living. To put it harshly, if you have money, you are your father, if you have milk, you are your mother. If you have nothing, you are your life and death enemy." .can he afford it?"

Just as he was speaking, Zhao Feng under the city kicked the ground and leaped forward, accumulating strength in his hand with the four-edged beast claw copper mace, swung out the light blade for more than ten feet, and smashed it down on the head of the ten black generals.He knocked him off his horse with one blow, and then approached him again, attacking Douhou again, causing the head under Douhou to split open like a watermelon, and bright red juice dripped out.

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