stand back, let me come

Chapter 497: Chapter 497

Chapter 497: 497 flags beheading Yama (Part 12) [ask for a monthly ticket]

Ten black generals lay limply on the ground, glaring blood gathered on the ground to form a small pool of water, the audience seemed to be quiet for a moment, except for the howling of the north wind.Zhao Feng tilted his head to relax his muscles and bones, sank into his dantian, and yelled in the direction of Shiwu.

"How can there be any Zhuzi going out to fight against Naiweng?"

The sound wave with strong murderous intent instantly spread to the entire Shiwu army.The soldiers in front who were less courageous stepped back a few steps, fear overflowed from the bottom of their hearts, and their morale was low.At this time, the chief accountant king of the Chinese army looked gloomy, but a cluster of cold fireworks was burning in his eyes.He was very embarrassed at the moment, and he rushed to break through the level with arrogance, but he lost two games in a row.

Zhao Feng must be killed today!

"The first to capture the flag and behead the general will be rewarded with 5000 taels of gold! A mansion, a thousand hectares of fertile land, and hundreds of beauties will be rewarded!" King Shiwu knew how to mobilize his enthusiasm. Fuzzy pass.

"All of this is behind this majestic pass!" As he said, the king of Shiwu patted the armrest and got up, luckily moving his dantian, and shouted loudly, "You are all the bravest sons of Shiwu. The king took off the head of this child?"

Under the reward, there must be a brave man.

5000 taels of gold, a mansion, a thousand hectares of fertile land, and hundreds of beauties, this is something no one can resist!
Even if there is a military general out.

It was a strange and unremarkable face.

The strength is quite outstanding.

He even issued a military order on the spot.

King Shiwu was naturally delighted, and poured wine for him personally. The general drank it all in one gulp, threw the wine bowl to the ground heavily, turned around and left.Su Shiyilu frowned, but didn't say anything, but he was not optimistic that this person could beat that Zhao Feng.

Don't look at Shiwu's use of gold and silver power to attract talents here and there, and they are eager to seek talents, but they are very xenophobic in their bones, especially the group headed by Shiwu Xungui, and they look down on these things that can be bought with money.Those who rise to the high position are often Shiwu Xungui or their confidantes. The recruited talents are treated well on the surface, but they have no access to the real core.

A bunch of short-sighted idiots!

Su Shiyilu cursed secretly in his heart.

At this moment, a fool came out and whispered.

"This son has not made much achievements on weekdays. Is it too rash to hand over the crucial third battle to him?"

Su Shiyilu sneered: "Then why didn't the general end the battle and take the head of this vicious thief as an offering?"

Who is not hearing and seeing?

"Whispering" is nothing but "deception".

Seeing that the person who opened the mouth was Su Shi Yilu, that idiot didn't dare to offend him, but when he thought that the other party was showing signs of losing power, and there was a strong candidate for the reserve standing behind him, he felt his waist stiffen.He replied: "Of course it is because of self-knowledge. After all, it is not my strong point to be fierce and fierce, but the general's defeat was unexpected, and the defeat was so disgraceful."

"You—" Su Shiyilu was furious.

King Shiwu came out to reconcile the two.

It's nothing more than internal strife in normal times. If these people really follow Su Shiyilu's lead, he would feel uneasy, but if the current situation breaks out again, how will the next battle be fought?Su Shiyilu and that idiot could only hold back their anger.

Outside the tent of the Chinese army, drums were beating to shake the sky.

It just didn't last long before it dropped down.

On the other hand, the cheers at Yongguguan were loud.

It turned out that the No. 2 Shiwu general had supported a hundred and eighty moves in Zhao Feng's hands, but he was still knocked off his horse by the opponent's pair of bronze maces, and went the old way of his predecessors.It's just that this man was obviously much more durable than the last one, spattering Zhao Feng's blood.

He wiped it off nonchalantly.

Laughing wildly: "If your luck is bad today, why don't you withdraw your troops and go back and cry with the girls at home, and change the way!"

The faces of the Shiwu people were too dark to look at.

They have fought with Yongguguan for so many years, and both sides have won and lost each other. It is not that Shiwu has never lost, but it is unprecedented for a general to lose three battles in a row.And even if he loses, the military commander can retreat whole body, instead of giving away the heads of the two!
King Shiwu looked at the broken wine bowl on the ground with a seemingly calm expression, but actually the muscles of his cheeks trembled slightly and his cheeks were tense.How much he trusted the idiot who asked for a fight just now, and the slap in the face hurts so much now.Why jump out without the ability?

The idiot who offended Su Shiyilu made a sound.

"This, what should I do?"

The back of Shiwu does have an advantage in numbers and force, but the soldiers and horses of Yonggu Pass also occupy the geographical advantage of Xiongguan.At this time, there is a morale bonus of three consecutive victories. Even if the border barrier is shattered, it is not easy for one's own side to forcibly break through.

Da Wang Sen asked coldly, "What do you think?"

The idiot who was asked choked and didn't dare to speak.

At this time, an adult prince came out.

He suggested: "At this time, the only way is to attack by force."

You can't take someone back in despair just because the general loses in a row and is afraid that the opponent's morale will be like a rainbow?The morale of one's own side is at a low point. If you do this, firstly, the formation will be difficult to maintain, and secondly, if you are not sure, Chu Jie will dare to seize the opportunity and lead his troops to chase and kill.

Well, Chu Jie is capable of doing this.

Another prince couldn't wait to come out, clasped his fists and said bluntly: "There are only [-] remnants and defeated generals left in Yonggu Pass. If they don't attack today, they will be alert and well prepared in the future. If they want to attack again, I'm afraid they will have to pay a higher price." .”

King Shiwu had already made a decision in his heart.

He came to Liwei today.

And made complete preparations.

If Ming Jin withdrew his troops and led his troops to withdraw, the blow to morale would not be insignificant, and it would also damage the prestige he had built up over the years.The loss was not insignificant, and it was not what he wanted.

This battle can only advance, not retreat!

In the blink of an eye, my mind is set.

He said: "Attack!"

The drum sounded for the command to attack.

Su Shiyilu followed the others to get up and take orders.

On the other side, Zhao Feng saw that the Shi Wu army didn't respond, he spat in their direction, and swaggered back to the city on his horse.When I went back, I still didn't forget to say: "No strength, no strength, one match and one pass—"

Shiwu, that's it?
As soon as the front foot returned, the back foot saw the movement of the Shiwu army. The seemingly disordered army formation suddenly changed in an orderly manner, with a tacit understanding.Zhao Feng was busy recovering his martial energy with the help of several Wenxin scribes, and he became serious when he saw this situation.

Fighting will be just a warm-up match.

Increase your own morale and suppress the enemy's fighting spirit.

The real tough battle is just about to begin.

"It really is this—"

Kang Shi's eyes burst out with intense hatred.


The changes in the formation of the ten black troops below are exactly the same as the information disclosed by Qishan before!The ten black troops below advanced in an orderly manner towards Yonggu Pass.Just as the army approached a certain distance, the border barrier hidden in the mountains and mist in the distance suddenly buzzed.

Ripples like water ripples.

The ground shook slightly, and an imaginary towering city wall rose from the ground, looking like an enlarged version of the Yonggu Pass.

In the void, a vague human voice shouted——

It is like the voice of one person, but it is also the sound of thousands of troops and horses.

"Whoever crosses our border, kill!"

  I guess it is really impossible to eat things like bone broth to supplement calcium.I drank two bowls happily last night, and suddenly broke out in a cold sweat around six o'clock in the morning. I obviously felt terribly cold, cold and painful, but the sweat couldn't stop like a faucet.After running three times, I felt better... I went back to sleep, still sweating.

  It seems that the previous stomach upset was also caused by eating big bone soup ribs_(:з」∠)_
(End of this chapter)

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