stand back, let me come

Chapter 498: Chapter 498

Chapter 498: 498 flags beheading Yama (Part 13) [ask for a monthly ticket]

The ground was swept by strong winds, and the snow drifted backwards into the sky.

Numerous evil spirits visible to the naked eye surged from the ground.

After a few breaths, they turned into blurred figures, probably due to lack of strength. These figures have ethereal figures, blurred faces, damaged armor and various weapons.If you look closely, you can still see blood-like traces.

Obviously, this is a team that has charged and killed on the battlefield, and the bloody evil spirit rushed to the face.Even standing still can give people a strong sense of oppression.It is roughly estimated that there are about [-] people. Although the team is loose, the momentum is high and high.

In front of the team, there were three relatively solid silhouettes of generals. Their armor was more complete than those behind them. The horses under their crotches were covered with blood-stained full horse armor.

The person in the middle is the most powerful.

That scolding came from his mouth.

This scene is not unreasonable and grand, but it is a bit ridiculous in the eyes of the Shiwu side - when the Xin Kingdom was in its heyday, the border barriers were alarmed and called out more than ten thousand elite soldiers. One step closer.

Su Shiyilu suffered a lot back then.

Yonggu Pass has been able to defend and block Shiwu for so many years. This army of heroic spirits under the border barrier is an absolute hero!

What a pity, what a pity.

Their strength is linked to the strength of the border luck.

From more than ten thousand elite soldiers degenerated into more than ten thousand remnants and defeated can I not be embarrassed?It can be seen from this that the state of Xin was captured and brought into the halfway state of Geng, how far the national fortune has declined at this time!As long as you cross this formidable pass, no one can stop Shi Wu!

On the city wall, Chu Jie and the others were also in complicated moods.

The one who touched me the most was Chu Jie.

The state of Chu destroyed the country back then, which is very similar to the situation today.

The border barrier was vulnerable to the army of Xin Guo, and then there was a tragic confrontation, and finally the country was destroyed...

At this time, Kang Shi and Chu Yao turned their attention to Xun Zhen who had not said anything for a long time, and the former even bowed and bowed his hands in a big salute, and said in a deep voice, "Please also ask Hanzhang to help out!"

Xun Zhen had been watching the battle for so long, and was also waiting for this opportunity, and was about to say yes, but a very familiar male voice suddenly sounded in his ear, making his movements stagnate.When Kang Shi saw Xun Zhen's gaze suddenly cast somewhere, he also looked puzzled.

The mountains and haze are confused, only the mountains are looming.

That place is nothing special.

Chu Yao seemed to have noticed something.

Wenxin scribes have many ways to transmit sound into secrets, but no matter what they are, the basic principle is to use Wenqi to build a communication bridge through the ubiquitous Qi of heaven and earth.He really felt a fleeting strange cultural atmosphere just now.

This means that someone contacted Xun Zhen just now.

"Mr. Hanzhang?"

Chu Yao didn't doubt that Xun Zhen would change his mind.

The old man still has this vision.

However, he wanted to know the identity of the visitor.

When Xun Zhen came back to her senses, her expression was a little complicated: "Don't lead your troops out of the city later, the time has not yet come."

Chu Jie almost exploded when he heard this.


If you don't take advantage of the opportunity when the heroic spirit is still there, and lead the troops to fight together, the remnant soldiers in the city will not last long, let alone pose a threat to the Shi Wu army.According to Xun Zhen's meaning, do you want to watch the national border barrier be broken?

If you lose this opportunity, you can only stick to it.

Shi Wu came prepared, and all kinds of siege equipment had been deployed behind the formation, even though they were in great danger, they couldn't do it.

Xun Zhen said: "This matter is complicated."

Chu Jie's tone became more serious: "Mr. Xun! Don't play tricks!"

Xun Zhen sighed softly, with a sad look on her face for some reason: "Don't worry, today's Yonggu Pass will never be lost, and I would like to swear to everyone with my heart! Of course, if General Chu doesn't believe it, I'm not going to let you go!" Then you can drive your troops out of the city."

"What will happen if you leave the city at this time?" Chu Yao asked.

"No matter, at most sacrifice some soldiers for nothing." Xun Zhen looked at Chu Yao, as if she wanted to ask something, but she swallowed the question back, and said, "I heard from my friend that Shen Jun holds a heavy weapon to kill the enemy. You might as well take advantage of it." This opportunity to 'secretly hide the old warehouse'?"

Xun Zhen didn't know how many people knew about Shen Tang's holding the imperial seal, so she didn't ask in public to be cautious.

Only use the word "heavy weapon" instead.

However, the listener is interested and knows it well.

"The wings are weak, and the heavy weapons are dull, so you can't kill the enemy." Chu Yao heard what Xun Zhen wanted to express, but it was not enough.

It's not that I haven't thought about replacing the old border barrier with a new one, but my lord's national seal does not have enough national destiny, and the situation is no better than it is now.It is also easy to scare the snake.Before Zheng Qiao is completely useless, he can't take this risk.

Xun Zhen smiled: "The heavy weapon is slow? Coincidentally, someone brought the whetstone to Shen Jun. Wuhui might as well wait for a while."

Chu Yao frowned sometimes, and sometimes relaxed.

Others are also thoughtful.

Only Zhao Feng was eating melons and was at a loss. What kind of riddles are these two people playing?What is a heavy weapon?He didn't even think about the "National Seal", after all, it was a "hot potato".

When you don't have it, you long for it, and when you have it, you urge your life.

Chu Jie finally gritted his teeth.

The decision to send troops has a slight upper hand.

Until Chu Yao said: "Believe this time."

While speaking, his eyes fell on a certain place.

Raising his hand to stop the generals under the account from asking for orders to kill the enemy, he said sternly: "I'll wait—then take another look!"

In my heart, I was wary of Xun Zhen.

Even if the other party dares to swear with a literary heart, the matter is of great importance. If this kid tricks them, the other party will be the first to die in the city!
Under the city, outside the pass.

Shiwu saw that the city gate was always closed tightly, and the guard guard had no intention of sending troops out of the city, and let the remnant soldiers of more than ten thousand heroic spirits fight, he immediately laughed at Chu Jie, a coward.After being tough for so many years, it's ridiculous to be a coward at a critical moment!
"So—kill them all!"

With one command, it's ready to go.

Not to mention that the ten Ukrainian soldiers were dozens of times stronger than the Heroic Spirit army, and their equipment was far superior to the latter.The latter is transformed by obsession, and the body is formed by the national destiny contained in the national border barrier, and the strength cannot be compared with that in life.Even in life, it was difficult to resist such a tyrannical enemy, and they were completely defeated in less than a quarter of an hour.

Shi Wu will lose even three fights in a row, and his morale is low, but he is still invincible. The further he advances, the higher the momentum.

The guards on the walls responded with arrows only.

Chu Jie looked at this scene completely red-eyed, clenched his fists and creaked his knuckles - he didn't know these heroic spirits of unknown ages in the city, but without exception, they all guarded this grand pass with sincerity. Never regret.

Now they are allowed to fight bloody without support...

How could this be so?

Since Xun Zhen said that the time has not yet come, driving the soldiers out of the city would be to send the soldiers to death in vain, so should he go to the head office by himself?I saw Chu Jie leaping, and as a result, two figures landed on the ground, like two sharp knives cutting into the enemy's formation.One is him and the other is Zhao Feng.

"Dayi!" Chu Jie was startled.

"Hahaha——this is a heart-to-heart connection!" Zhao Feng was very happy, and swept away the anger of watching the battle in the city.

Xun Zhen was amazed and admired.

Looking up in a certain direction——

In the place where mountains and mist were lingering and no one was there before, a figure in green robe suddenly appeared at some point.This person is thin and thin, standing against the wind, his robes are filled with cold wind, hunting sounds, his eyes seem to be black and blue, his lips are dead white, only his eyes are burning.

Chu Yao also noticed this person.

"It was him?"

(End of this chapter)

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