stand back, let me come

Chapter 499: Chapter 499

Kang Shi also saw the green-robed scholar.

Startled for a couple of times: "Xing, Xingning?"

As soon as I finished speaking, I realized that it was wrong.


This green-robed scribe is not Yan Xingning at all, but an incarnation of [Zi Xu Wu Yu].If it wasn't for the wrong occasion, Kang Shi even wanted to go over and ask clearly what's going on!What is Yan Xingning brewing in his stomach?
Chu Yao asked: "Is he the deity of Yan Xingning?"

The deity and the avatar are still easy to distinguish.

Kang Shi shook his head: "No, it should be nothing."

"What does he want to do?"

"Shi... I can vaguely guess how many points..." Kang Shi's tone was slightly astringent, and he was always very clear about one thing - Yan'an's way of literati is a double-edged sword, which can kill both the enemy and himself.Combined with the current situation, Kang Shi can make a good guess.

Chu Yao asked: "Is it beneficial to us?"

Kang Shi nodded: "Favourable."

Although Chu Yao didn't know the reason, but judging from Xun Zhen's words and Kang Shi's attitude before, he also understood a little bit.

"Is he in danger of his life?"

Kang Shi showed a wry smile.

"About... ten deaths and no life."

Chu Yao immediately stood in awe.

Kang Shi looked at the figure in the distance, but he couldn't help but see the image of drinking in a boat and swimming in the green lake when he was young.At that time, the two were still teenagers, and they were a little unhappy when they first met.Although they don't know each other, but after some in-depth talks, they become their confidants.

The young man was high-spirited, and he had the instinct to be competitive and show off to each other in his bones. He was a little dissatisfied when he heard about Yan An's literati way for the first time.This way of scribes sounds nothing special. Where can the two sides fight?
You can't hurt or kill the enemy, you can only transform into two avatars that are no different from the real one and walk outside for a long time, which is of little use.

Yan Xingning doesn't drink well.

After a few cups, there will be blushing cheeks.

He was smiling, his clear eyes stained with drunkenness: [Ji Shou's words are wrong, there is no truly useless way of literati in the world, it's just that mediocre people haven't found the right use.My essays may sound useless at first glance, but in reality they are very useful. 】

The boy's still immature face was full of pride.

Kang Shi smiled: [How big is it? 】

Yan'an's tone was somewhat unruly: [If the monarch is faint, violent and innocent, and loses his country's important weapon, I would like to turn into a sharp blade and make it known to the world!How about my writing and Dao, which can hold a heavy weapon in a country, and can shelter the common people from suffering for a while?Can it be useful? 】

Kang Shi: […]

I don't know if it's useful or not, but this cowhide is really boasting.I couldn't be cowardly anymore, and immediately blew it back fiercely-my scribe's way of "every bet is bound to lose" can save the building from falling, reverse the victory or defeat, and determine the overall situation of the world.

In a word -

Afterwards, the two young drunks debated for hours on the question of "whose way of writing is the best and most critical", and for a while they forgot about the sky.In the hangover boat, let the boat canopy float among the lotus leaves in the sky, and feed the mosquitoes all night.

I didn't know Yan'an's plan before.

It's all clear now.

Kang Shi stared at the incarnation of his friend in the distance without blinking, and heard his own voice saying: "Xingning's way of literati is called 'False and Nothing'. The moment he acquired this way of literati, he knew how powerful it is, Therefore, I have been hiding my clumsiness from the outside world, falsely claiming that I can only maintain two culture qi incarnations for a long time. In fact, this is not the case. 'Nothing exists', this is a fiction..."

Chu Yao listened carefully.

Kang Shi took a deep breath, and continued: "So, his way of literati can reject what has happened, and turn 'real' into 'virtual'... and his incarnations of 'virtual' and 'nothing' are actually different. Representing two engines will..."

Yan Xingning's way of literati can only be used twice.

If it is used on himself, such as refusing the reality of his own death or serious injury, turning it into nothingness, he will completely become an ordinary person after two times.If it is used on others, it is equivalent to using one of your own life to equal the two lives of the target...

It is because of this that Yan An has been hiding his clumsiness.

If Lord Xin knew the truth, his way of literati would definitely become the opponent's life-saving talisman, or two lives!

This is not what Yan An wants to see.

After hearing this, Xun Zhen understood: "So that's the case, no wonder he is so sure that this matter can only be done by him alone."

Looking at the ten-crowded army under the city wall, and the crumbling national border barrier with countless cracks, Chu Yao fully understood: "If what he rejects is the reality that the national border barrier has been shattered, can he forcibly reshape the national border barrier?"

Kang Shi answered this question with silence.

As for the re-emerged national border barrier in a strong state, no one knows whether it belongs to Zheng Qiao's national seal or Shen Tang's Xin Guoxie.Unless Zheng Qiao came here in person!Yi Yan'an was cautious, and must have left behind.

Under the city wall, the ten black army is as imposing as a rainbow.

The border barrier that had blocked them for more than 200 years showed signs of defeat for the first time. Facing dozens of catapults and densely packed martial arts attacks, the already illusory city walls showed cracks, and the cracks expanded with the attack.



King Shiwu tightened his grip on the armrest nervously.

At this moment, all their firepower was concentrated on the national border barrier, ignoring Zhao Fengchujie who entered the battle to kill, and ignoring the desperate fighting sounds of those heroic spirits before they dissipated.As if smashing it, Shi Wu could see the future of sending troops south.

Fertile fields, mansions, women, gold, silver and jewels... are all twisting Miaoman's body, beckoning and winking at them!
"All-out attack!"

The general who commanded the army roared loudly.

It wasn't until the last heroic spirit of the general was pierced by thousands of arrows and dissipated like smoke that the border barrier let out a hoarse moan, completely shattered, and turned into countless crystal debris, which melted into the snow, and scattered all over the world.

Shi Wu's eyes are completely red-eyed.

Even though the national border barrier stretches for dozens of miles and is as high as a moat, it is under the full attack of Shiwu at this time until it disappears, exposing the steep and rolling mountains behind the national border barrier, and the majestic pass standing between the mountains——

Victory is within reach!
Even Su Shiyilu, who suspected that Yongguguan had a backhand, couldn't help the vibration of his chest throbbing at this moment.

The border barrier has been broken, and Yonggu Pass is within easy reach!

He lowered his qi to his dantian, expanded his voice with martial energy, and spread his voice to all parts of the army.The drums of the attack from Shiwu's side were already resounding, and the momentum of the whole army was condensed into an illusory beast tens of feet high, eager to devour this pass.

But how could things end like this?

Wu You looked down at the situation below.

The coldness in his eyes finally felt a little relieved.



Like thousands of thunder rolls overhead.

Before the Shi Wu army could charge a few steps, the ground under their feet shook suddenly and violently, and a towering city wall that was almost materialized rose up in full view, with flags fluttering on the wall.The barrier stretches for dozens of miles vertically and horizontally, and is more than ten feet high, chilling the face.

On the bright red flag, there is one and only one word.

Rao was mentally prepared, and everyone in Yongguguan was stunned. Chu Jie, who was red-eyed, was almost distracted when he was stabbed in the waist by a soldier, and he muttered: "What the hell is this?"

They are all like this, not to mention Shiwu.

"National, national border barriers... have risen again?"

This operation is really unexpected.

What they didn't expect was that there was someone cheating on Yongguguan, and they even activated an unreasonable super cheating!
Xun Zhen jumped to a high place, letting the wind fill her sleeves.

Personable: "Gentlemen, I will go first."

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