stand back, let me come

Chapter 919 Chapter 919: Yuanhuang 5 years [please vote]

Chapter 919 Chapter 919: Yuanhuang’s fifth year [please vote]

There is progress in the grain seeding matter, and Shen Tang takes reassurance.

As for bargaining?

She couldn't be more relieved to leave a few to Gu Chi.

Shen Tang was relieved, but Wu Yuan was so frustrated that even his low blood pressure was gone, and his blood pressure was soaring every day.The people here in Beimo came well prepared. Once they encountered a point that they could argue with, they took the initiative to stir up their emotions, trying to use their excitement and momentum to take advantage and pursue the victory. However, they encountered Luan Xin, who was slow to do anything. Damn it, how can the emotions here in Beimo match up?
This is like being thrown cold water on your emotions emotionally, or being interrupted while you are having a good conversation. It's okay once or twice, but if it happens three times, four times or five times, who can survive it?No matter how well-mannered you are, he will provoke you into nameless anger. When you are angry, you will easily make mistakes.

Gu Chi accurately understood the other party's thoughts.It's just that most of these people were tipped by Wu Yuan and were very cautious during negotiations. They even deliberately exposed flaws in their hearts and took the initiative to expose the "bottom price" for fishing.Gu Chi was not easily fooled either. The two sides went back and forth, scheming, and arguing over the price of a standard-quality tea brick. Gong Cheng listened to it for two days.

The purchase price from Beimo and Shen Tang's offer were only twelve cents apart.Both sides refused to give an inch for these twelve coins, cutting them off penny by penny.Naturally, Beimo wanted to make it as cheap as possible and wished he could wipe out the twelve cents. On Shen Tang's side, he presented the facts, reasoned, and estimated the cost, and refused to lose a penny.Gong Cheng watched as Bei Mo was completely angered by Luan Xin.One person was so angry that he opened his eyes angrily. He grabbed the objects at hand and threw them on the ground, speaking in BeiMo dialect.

Gu Chi understands the Northern Desert language.

The quarrel between the two parties escalated into a physical conflict.

If he just drew his sword without using his literary spirit, the matter should not be a big deal.Gong Cheng watched the excitement for a while, then continued to sit outside the tent with his arms folded, basking in the sun.The temperature in the first month was still very cold, and even the sunlight shining on the body was chilly. There were quarrels in the tent behind him, and from time to time, the sound of clothes torn to pieces could be heard.Gong Cheng was yawning when Wu Yuan ran out with his back bent.

Gong Cheng didn't want to use the word "vulgar" to describe his friend.

So, to change the word, sneaky?

"Is there a fight inside?"

Gong Cheng looked at Wu Yuan's crooked hair crown.

Wu Yuan smoothed up the hair hanging on his forehead and straightened the crown, with a slightly frightened expression: "Are they all so noisy?"

Wu Yuan did not end the negotiation personally.

He represents the Northern Desert Royal Court and is the leader of the envoy team.As the leader of Kang State, Shen Tang did not come in person, and it was not easy for Wu Yuan to get started.He had a more important thing to do, which was to follow Shen Tang to see the grain seeds. The grain seeds were related to Bei Mo's plans. Wu Yuan had to be cautious, fearing that Shen Tang would use the grain seeds to harm Bei Mo. He would leave early and return late. Time will pass on the progress of negotiations.

I had time to take a look today and almost became a fish in a pond.

Gong Cheng said quietly: "Not bad at all."

Wu Yuan's face turned livid: "It's an insult to gentlemen."

Gong Cheng reminded: "My side makes the first move."

Negotiation is just a matter of words, how can I get started?
The people here in Beimo are very popular and have poor self-cultivation. When Luan Zhengyi drags them down from time to time, their tempers will rise. Once they get angry, they can't control their actions. Isn't this a good way to hand over the handle to the other party?According to Gong Cheng, these twelve coins are definitely a loss.

Wu Yuan felt aggrieved: "That Luan Gongyi is really..."

He couldn't think of the right words for a while.

A slight smile finally appeared on Gong Cheng's face: "I went to inquire about it, and Luan Gongyi has always been like this, not responding quickly."

People are born like this, it really is not intentional.

Wu Yuan couldn't help but mutter and complain: "Why did Shen Youli recruit such a person? Doesn't she feel uncomfortable discussing things on weekdays?"

When someone with a more impatient personality meets Luan Xin, he gets really angry!

Gong Cheng: "Maybe it's because I'm used to it, or maybe, because of Luan Gongyi's leg, I have more patience."

They have been staying at Shen Tang camp these days.

Although Gong Cheng did not have much direct contact with Shen Tang, judging from what the sergeant heard, the leader of the Kang Kingdom was decisive in killing others, but he was kind and gentle at home, especially the old, weak, sick and disabled.In this regard, he is not like the leader of a country.

When Wu Yuan heard this, he muttered something vaguely.

Negotiations finally came to fruition.

Of the twelve articles, Beimo only managed to save two.

In addition to tea bricks, the price of salt was also discussed.

Shen Tang is the exclusive supplier, and there is not much room for negotiation in Bei Mo. In addition, Bei Mo has a plan - when Bei Mo is ready and sends troops south to attack Kang State, how much tea and salt will be needed?As much as you want!Even if Shen Tang takes advantage, how many years will she be able to take advantage?Henhenxin gritted his teeth and admitted it, and Beimo also used "generousness" to once again show his sincerity in the mutual trade.

As long as she can let her guard down a little, it's not a loss.In addition to these two major items, horses and farming tools were also discussed.

The proportion of brave warriors in the army is not high, and not all brave warriors can transform into war horses. War horses are not only used for combat. The demand for horses from the outside world remains high.Most areas in the Northern Desert are natural horse farms, which have absolute advantages in breeding. Horse exports are a major economic pillar in the Northern Desert.Shen Tang naturally had to buy horses in order to establish communication at the post station.

The Northern Desert Negotiation Mission, as a seller, instantly cheered up.

When it was the turn of the plowing tools, my few words became wilted again.

Shen Tang needs Bei Mo's horses, and Bei Mo also needs Shen Tang's farming tools. Good farming tools can greatly improve work efficiency and farmland output, but Bei Mo doesn't have many technology trees in this area, and the manufacturing industry is still at a low level. When they were just out of the womb, the farming tools they used were old models from decades or even hundreds of years ago.

A typical example of a set of farming tools being passed down for three generations!

After preliminary negotiations, Wu Yuan and others didn't want to stay for a long time.

This happens to be the seventeenth day of the first lunar month of the first year of Yuanhuang.

When Shen Tang received the news that Wu Yuan and his party left Linxiang County, she finally breathed a sigh of relief: "Bei Mo is really good at grinding. Once Gong Yunchi leaves, I can finally relax for two days."

With Gong Cheng's current strength, staying in his own base camp, any secret could be stolen by the other party if he is not careful.Shen Tang didn't care at all on the surface, but secretly he was nervous and didn't dare to relax.Now they are finally gone and completely unblocked!

Even though I say I'm relaxing, I can't actually relax.

According to Shen Tang's original plan, she planned to finalize the current official system before the seventh day of the first lunar month and spread the arrangement along with the year name throughout the country.As a result, Wu Yuan had to trade with each other as soon as he arrived. Shen Tang was busy with matters in Beimo and postponed the official system again.

Yuanhuang first year, the eighteenth day of the first lunar month.

It was also the penultimate day before Qishan left for Sibao County.

Shen Tang notified everyone two days in advance that a meeting was going to be held. In a sense, it was considered a court meeting. Anyone who could not afford to be ill would come.She even made a special trip to an open venue to avoid the crowd being uncomfortable.

When everyone arrived, the seats had been arranged.

Just take your seat according to your name.

There are also several brochures placed on the desk.

Shen Tang has not officially announced to the world, and everyone still calls her lord.Shen Tang waved his hand: "No need to be polite, let's vote based on the principle of fairness and justice."

It is said that things like the official system are either inherited from the predecessors or slightly modified on the basis of the predecessors. Whether the names should be taboo and whether the official responsibilities should be deleted or modified should all be taken into consideration.Everything is based on the will of the king.

Call Shen Tang lazy. She collected all the official information she could find and eliminated the redundant and cumbersome ones. There were still more than a dozen sets left.

Call Shen Tang diligent, she let everyone vote by themselves.

Shen Tang saw that no one spoke: "We are all our own people, what's wrong with choosing a nicer name for yourself?"

When entering the officialdom, people are often referred to by their official titles: "Look at this, under the king of the country, there are three princes and three orphans, the prime minister, the commander-in-chief of all domestic and foreign military affairs, and the chief minister of Otsuka... A mistake made him think that the chief minister of the tomb, a certain A certain massacre? But this one sounds pretty good, Tianguan, Diguan, Chunguan, Xiaguan, Qiuguan, Dongguan... It's just that it's too complicated, and the titles are hard to pronounce."

Everyone: "..."

I rejected this whole thing in my heart.

For example, the Heavenly Official has a subordinate official named Yuzhengshang Dafu who is responsible for drafting edicts, the Nayanzhong Dafu serves the king, the Sihuizhong Dafu is in charge of financial auditing, the Food Department Zhongdao is in charge of the diet of the king... he is also in charge of the guards and eunuchs, and others. The facial features are somewhat normal. The local official is in charge of household land, the summer official is in charge of military affairs, the autumn official is in charge of criminal law, and the winter official's functions are similar to those of the Ministry of Industry...

Shen Tang took out another volume and opened it, saying: "This set is quite special. Under the king, there are internal and external officials..."

Of course, she had no intention of adopting it.

Shen Tang took out another one, and everyone also opened the volume. They secretly breathed a sigh of relief. This is normal.According to the information collected, this is relatively popular, and the Northwest Continent and other regions also use this set as a template for deletion and modification.

  Take a leave of absence.

  I recently signed up for personal training and went to check in every afternoon. I haven't lost much weight, but my complexion looks better than before.

  PS: Time flows directly into the fifth year of Yuanhuang, and the plot fast-forwards to one year before the attack on the Northern Desert.

(End of this chapter)

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