stand back, let me come

Chapter 920 Chapter 920: Yuanhuang 5 years [please vote]

Chapter 920 Chapter 920: Yuanhuang’s fifth year [please vote]

"I think this will work. Three provinces, six ministries, nine temples and five prisons... The only trouble is that we don't seem to have that many people." Shen Tang muttered while flipping through the information.

In order to ensure the stability of power status, high-ranking officials must be given to their own people.It's just that her team has always been streamlined and simply not full.Even though a batch of talents were recruited a year ago, these people are still in the "internship period" and their abilities and temperaments still need time to be tested and verified.Her current approach is to streamline the staffing of various ministries and cut off all redundant officials, leaving only those with actual duties.

If there are overlapping functional conflicts, let them be put aside for the time being.

"Is it enough for the Zhongshu Province to provide twenty establishments?"

Qishan's face darkened: "How is it possible?"

No matter how streamlined the Zhongshu Province is, it still needs four or fifty people, right?

Only twenty positions are given. Does the Lord expect all twenty people to be "half-hearted"?With a share of salary, you can do the work of three people.Zhongshu Sheng was responsible for drafting edicts, issuing orders and making decisions, and was responsible for all official reports in various places within Kang State.

Has she ever thought about what the outcome would be?
Shen Tang was surprised: "Isn't it enough?"

So he pinched his fingers and counted: "Zhongshu Ling, Zhongshu Shilang, Zhongshu Sheren, You Sanqi Changshi, You Jianyi Dafu, You Buque, You Shiyi, Living Sheren, Tongshi Sheren... There are also officials such as the Lingshi and the Pavilion Chief..."

According to this volume of information, there is one Zhongshu Ling, two Zhongshu Shilang, six Zhongshu Sheren... 16 General Secretary... and dozens of other officials such as Lingshi and Pavilion Chief.No matter how you calculate it, twenty establishments are really far from enough.

She frowned tightly, and after a long while, she exhaled a breath and reluctantly said: "35, no more!"

A larger establishment means more salaries to be distributed.

Although the treasury seems to be quite sufficient, it is for her original streamlined team. If a complete official system is established and all departments are crowded, Shen Tang is afraid that she will not be able to pay her salary next year.Zhongshu Province gave 35 people, which was the biggest concession!

Looking at the reluctant lord, everyone suddenly had a strange idea in their minds - no dogs would go to Zhongshu Province.

Shen Tang continued to stroke down.

"The Ministry of Menxia... also gives 35 establishments?"

Qishan's face darkened again, and he faced his lord head-on under the watchful eyes of his colleagues, saying: "No, it's impossible!"

If the lord adopts this set of official systems, Menxiasheng, Zhongshusheng and Shangshusheng, Qishan will definitely be thrust into one of them as an officer.The number of positions is only so small, whoever suffers will be unlucky.No matter what the outcome is, there is nothing wrong with working hard.

Invisibly, because of the act of praying for good, everyone's favorability value quietly increased by one or two points - Menxia Province is responsible for reviewing, promulgating, rejecting, and deliberation matters, and such a large department only gives 35 establishments, which is better than Zhongshu Province in those days. It's been a hard life.

Shen Tang muttered: "Why isn't it enough?"

The chief of the Menxia Province is called Shizhong. In some countries, the family has a big business and has many posts. Huangmen Shilang and Shizhong alone have six people each. Some countries have streamlined the number of posts, with two people each.The number of people such as those who record things under the sect, make history, live in the palace, Fu Baolang, etc. is uncertain.Shen Tang took a quick look and found that the number of posts in the Menxia Province in the intelligence was between [-] and [-].

In a moment, Shen Tang's expression surpassed Qi Shan's.

She gritted her teeth: "160!"

Give ten more positions above the minimum standard!

Qishan said: "Two hundred!"

Shen Tang: "160 five!"


"170, no more!" Shen Tang slapped the table and made a final decision, not giving Qi Shan a chance to continue to retaliate, but he said sincerely, "Yuanliang, we are still a small business now, 170 employees are enough too much."

It is still unknown when it will be filled.

Seeing that Qi Shan still wanted to speak, Shen Tang hurriedly raised his voice: "Stop—Shang Shu Sheng, I will definitely give you more positions!"

Shangshu Province commanded six departments and 24 divisions.

The six bureaus are similar to the six bureaus used by Shen Tang before: Shi, Hu, Cang, Ke, Bing, and Fa. Lin Feng's hucao is in charge of households, temples, and teaching and farming, which corresponds to the household bureaus in the six bureaus.Each of the six ministries has four divisions, for a total of 24 divisions.

For example, the Ministry of Personnel has four departments: the Ministry of Personnel, the Division of Feng, the Division of Honors, and the Examination of Merits, which are mainly responsible for the selection, awarding, and examination of officials.

Shen Tang did not casually confirm the position this time.

Instead, mentally calculate the necessary list.

The chief officer on the official list of the Shangshu Province should be one Shangshu Ling and one left and right servant, but she saw that some countries directly crossed out the Shangshu Ling and left the six ministers in charge of the left and right servants.Each of the six departments has one minister, one to two assistant ministers, each of the 24 divisions has one lieutenant, and two deputy ministers... Not counting the staff of the 24 divisions, there are 93 people here...

If we include the larger staff...

Shen Tang frowned.

No matter how these departments are cut, it is impossible to cut them to double digits.

She could only sigh and give her position first.

Go back and slowly select talents to fill in.

"Why don't I cut down all three provinces... This will free up a lot of posts..." The 24th Department of the Sixth Department was directly managed by Shen Tang herself. She thought about the scene in her heart and shook her head secretly.Although it would save a lot of trouble for the king to take over directly, and it would also be conducive to the concentration of power and avoid power struggles, but there is a major prerequisite: the king must be energetic...

Once you do this, you won't be able to be lazy. If in the future, other departments are set up to replace the three provinces just to be lazy, won't the problem come back again?There were too many positions given out, and the treasury did not have enough money to pay salaries, so Shen Tang gave up the idea.

the most important is--

She planned to hand over the three provinces to Chu Yao and the others.

They are absolutely loyal to themselves. Not only are they not burdened by their family background, they don't even have any relatives.They will help her wholeheartedly and have no selfish intention of hurting her.Naturally, Shen Tang had no need to worry about the struggle between imperial power and prime minister power.

Gu Chi listened to Shen Tang's thoughts.

My scalp felt numb for the first time.

Of course, it's not because of Shen Tang's thoughts - these are the most basic skills of a country leader. If you don't even have this thought and keep trusting anyone, the people below will start to worry about their lord's mind - What made Gu Chi's scalp numb was that with the Lord's trust and respect for his subordinates, Qi Shan and Chu Yao would never be able to escape the three provinces.

There is only one left——

Don't let it fall on you.

Part six in particular.

Judging from the six positions given by the Lord, Shangshu Province was definitely an overtime hell in the early days!Gu Chi weighed his own body, and he was sure that he could not withstand the torment.

Just when Gu Chi's eyes were spinning wildly, thinking about who was most likely to be the unlucky guy, his lord had already begun to cut down the posts of the fifth prisoner of the Nine Temples: "Taichang Temple is in charge of sacrifices, medicine and music? Cut it down." Already..."

Among them, the most severely damaged ones were Guanglu Temple, Zongzheng Temple and Taipu Temple. There was no other reason. The reason given by Shen Tang was very reasonable: "...Guanglu Temple is in charge of court gatherings, sacrifices and royal meals. It’s enough to manage the court, is there anything else necessary? I am the only one in the royal family at the moment! I have no elders to support, no children to raise, and no people of the same clan or generation in between... When one person is full, the whole family will not be hungry. Feed me How many departments does one person need? So, cut it off..."

Somasaji’s reasons are the same as above.

This department manages the daily affairs of the royal family.

Taipu Temple is even more useless.Manage the royal carriage, horses, and travel.

Shen Tang always travels on two legs. If she wants to be lazy, she just summons a motorcycle to travel. Those fancy ceremonial equipment are just a waste of her money!I wonder if she is still heavily in debt?She was too lazy to spend money to support such a department.

As for Taifu Temple, Sinong Temple, Dali Temple, etc., Shen Tang's knife was not too harsh and only cut off two-thirds.Some of the responsibilities of these departments overlap with those of the six departments and 24 departments.The normal situation should be for them to keep each other in check, but Shen Tang is now short of people and money, and cannot afford to support idle people and play the role of checks and balances.

In comparison, the posts of the fifth supervisor are well preserved.

Not only are they well preserved, she also increased the budget for the Imperial College, the Shaofu Prison, the Ordnance Supervision and the Capital Water Supervision, and the number of posts has not been changed much.The only unlucky guy is the general prisoner: "How about cutting down the general prisoner by [-]%? As long as he can live in the palace or something like that."

Shen Tang himself is not a person who likes extravagance.

For her, she only sleeps on one bed and lives in one house, so there is no need for an overly luxurious palace.She is not one of those kings who likes to recruit beautiful women to fill the inner court.The habit of possession is not included, and the palace for housing people is omitted.

Shen Tang's proposal was opposed.

People don't just mess around with palace construction. If there are orders from the Ministry of Industry for major projects, the general supervisor will also actively participate in the construction.When Shen Tang heard this, he immediately thought of these Mohists in Beijiu and nodded: "That's fine, I'm just careless. Let Zhoukou be the general supervisor and master craftsman, and then select two of the other Mohists with good skills and conduct. Serve as a young craftsman.”

With Bei Jiu's ability, it is completely enough.

Chu Yao was writing down the contents of the discussion.

Beijiu was the first official explicitly appointed by the lord.

He asked: "What grade is the master craftsman?"

Although the official systems used by various countries are quite similar, some names and official ranks are different.Typical examples include Shizhong and Huangmen Shilang. In some countries, they not only have high status but also have real power. However, in some countries, they are low-level officials with empty duties.

Naturally, official grades are also different.

Shen Tang thought for a while: "From the third grade? Or from the third grade?"

Chu Yao thought about it for a while: "Let's start with the third grade."

My lord's current team is too streamlined. If the official rank is set too high, it will not be conducive to stable management in the future.

If we follow the popular template in front of us, except for Taichang Temple, the chiefs of the nine temples are of the third rank, and the rest are of the third rank. Among the five prisons, except for the Du Shui Jian, who is the fifth rank, the others are of the third rank.Even the six books of ministers are only at the third level...

Shen Tang had no objection to Chu Yao's proposal.

"Okay, from the third level."

She continued to scroll down.

Opening up again to cut posts.

"Wu Hui, in my opinion, the three provinces in the palace should be omitted, right? It's difficult for all parties, and I can't afford to support these people." The so-called three provinces in the palace are the secretaries' department, the palace's ministers and the chamberlain's department. "The secretary's department will be kept. The library can't be cut... The palace department should be saved if possible. It's enough to have more than a dozen people to take care of daily life. I think the chamberlain department can be completely crossed out, um, cut off..."

The Ministry of Internal Affairs is generally led by eunuchs.

Specialized in managing the trivial matters within the royal court.

Again, Shen Tang can feed herself and the whole family is not hungry. In her opinion, there is really no need to spend money to support hundreds of female workers and eunuchs.Her current living situation is very good, and she doesn't need to be so extravagant and wasteful, wasting people and money.

Everyone sighed when they heard this.

What else could they say?
When they cut down the staff in various departments before, they thought that they would be so busy that they would be exhausted in the future, but they did not want the master to be more cruel to her and cut off all the relevant departments that served her and the royal family.Depending on what the lord wants, she prefers to directly erase these departments.


This will not work!
Chu Yao and others firmly opposed it!

The three provinces within the palace must remain, at least on a smaller scale.At this time, Qin Li came out to speak and advised in a gentle voice: "Even if the lord does not consider himself, he must also consider the future princes and princes. Furthermore, if the royal family does not have the proper etiquette, it will make the world laugh at them. They I won’t think that my lord is simple and frugal, but I will think that my lord has no dignity as the ruler of the country.”

Shen Tang said: "Does dignity depend on these external objects?"

Qin Li patiently persuaded her.

"A person depends on his clothes, and a horse depends on its saddle. First respect the clothes and then the person, first respect the skin and then the soul. If the ruler of the country does not display the honor guard, over time some people will be overstepped and disrespectful and lose their sense of proportion."

Shen Tang shook his head: "No one has the courage."

Tired of living and want to try her martial arts?
Qin Li smiled and said: "I believe that with the ability of the Lord, no one dares to despise him. However, it is not good for the country if the Lord is too frugal and simple. If the superiors do good things, the subordinates must follow them; if the superiors do evil things, the subordinates must also follow them." . If the king is like this, the people below will naturally follow suit. If everyone wears linen clothes and faces the sky, to whom will those silk brocades and rouge powder be sold?"

Appropriate simplicity is conducive to eliminating waste, but excessive simplicity is self-torture and is not conducive to boosting the domestic economy.

Shen Tang scratched his head: "Oh, that's true."

People who enter the inner court are all from innocent backgrounds. If all their positions are cut, some people will lose their livelihood jobs.To some extent, allowing these people to serve in the inner court also increases employment opportunities.

Alas, these departments should be cut by [-]%.

She is the only one in the royal family, so there really is no need to waste too much.

She doesn't know if she will be singled out. If she is singled out in the future, it will be too late for the inner court to add more people and increase the number of employees.

But it's not needed now.

After determining the number of posts in the above departments, Shen Tang glanced at a few more lines on the slip in his hand and raised his finger to point at Gu Chi.

"Wang Chao."

Gu Chi's scalp felt numb after being named.

He stood up and held his hands in his hands: "Chi is here."

Shen Tang pointed out the official position to him and spoke with absolute professionalism: "Yu Shi Tai, Yu Shi Dafu, I leave it to you."

Just expose the impeachment and she will back it up!

In an instant, Gu Chi felt countless pairs of hot eyes staring at him from behind, filled with envy and jealousy!Because he was the second official confirmed clearly after Beijiu, and because the Yushitai usually did not have a Yushi doctor, Yushi Zhongcheng was the chief.

Shen Tang not only set it up, but also gave it to him.

The key is Gu Chi's way of being a scribe...

Gu Chi's eyes instantly turned black. He felt that after taking office, he would replace Qi Shan and become the one with the highest hatred among the courtiers - there was no need for evidence to be exposed by Yushitai!

  It would be a pity if Gu Chi did not join the imperial censorship and become the censorial doctor.

  PS: There is harmony in the article, and the third officer is the third high-ranking officer. He changed it and changed it to the chief officer...

(End of this chapter)

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