The rookie of online games is crazy

Chapter 1000 Something Similar to Puji Spiritual Embryo

Chapter 1000 Something Similar to Puji Spiritual Embryo

Ji Xiaoyan was aggrieved.

Standing in the stone building on the city wall of Qingcheng, Ji Xiaoyan looked depressed when she looked at the city town stone that glowed with blue light in the center of the lotus sculpture that she had inlaid into.

After hearing Elder Qingyi's advice, Ji Xiaoyan happily went up to the stone building, and found a platform in the center of the stone building, which was carved with various patterned insects and fish, with a stone lotus flower on the top.This stone-carved lotus is very delicate, each petal has a different shape, and the pattern of the petals is carved on it, layer by layer, even for someone like Ji Xiaoyan who has no appreciation ability to look at it. Needless to say, this thing is really well done!In the center of the stone lotus is a lotus pod that is also carefully carved. In addition to the lotus seeds, a small hole is reserved in the center of the lotus pod. Judging from the size, it should be specially prepared for the insertion of town stones.

So, after Ji Xiaoyan touched the lotus flower of the stone curiously, he took out the town stone and put it in the center of the lotus pod.Fortunately, all the players, including Ji Xiaoyan, received that system notification, but as the current owner of Town Town Stone, Ji Xiaoyan also received another system notification very depressingly, that is, Town Town Stone only needs to be maintained for one second. The buff status enchantment will eat up a little of Ji Xiaoyan's mana.

That is to say, as long as Ji Xiaoyan wants to let all the players and NPCs in Qingcheng get the enchantment of that buff state, she must maintain her mana, squat in the stone building of the city wall, and can't leave too far away!Watching his magic value blue bar drop little by little, Ji Xiaoyan rejoiced that fortunately, he was the main profession of mage, and he didn't look at it like ordinary warrior players, and only had such a pitiful little mana value blue bar; On the other hand, Ji Xiaoyan felt the most depressing thing was that no matter how long her blue stripes were, she couldn't resist the blue-absorbing town stone, so she had to grab bottles of blue-replenishing potions all the time and squat in the stone building , while watching the siege of the monsters under the city wall, he honestly drank the potion.

The blue medicine made by Brick has several flavors. At the beginning, Ji Xiaoyan could drink it differently, but if he drank too much, the tongue buds in his mouth seemed to rebel. Every time he drank a bottle of blue medicine, Ji Xiaoyan felt as if he wanted to spit it out.

"Xiaoyan, are you okay?" Brick looked at Ji Xiaoyan's obviously abnormal expression with some worry, and asked in a low voice.Seeing that Ji Xiaoyan would be fine in the stone building, Xuan Mo and Freesman volunteered to kill the monsters on the city wall. Gaga was not released because of its size, and the rest were Only Brick and the figure floating on Miss Ji Xiaoyan's shoulders disappeared and disappeared.

"Not good!" Ji Xiaoyan saw that the blue bar went down again, and after holding up a bottle of blue medicine and drinking it in one gulp, he said to Brick with a bitter face, "I'm almost drinking it." Vomit. How long will it take for this monster to attack the city?"

"I just went to take a look. It seems that the first wave of mutant monsters has been killed!" Brick thought for a while, and said to Ji Xiaoyan, "Now they are still resisting the second wave of monsters."

"Ouch..." Ji Xiaoyan retched as if acting strangely, and said with a mournful face, "It's only the second wave. How many more waves of monsters are there? How long will I have to drink this potion?"

"I heard from Xuan Mo, it seems that someone is spreading the word that there are only five waves of monsters attacking the city!" Brick patted Ji Xiaoyan on the shoulder comfortingly, and said to her, "Survive the first four waves of monsters attacking the city!" That's good, when the fifth wave arrives, the mutated monster must have arrived very early, as long as the mutated monster is killed by then, the siege battle will be over."

"Mutated monster." Ji Xiaoyan murmured with an uneasy expression, looking at the distant horizon through the door of the stone building.The mutated monster in Brick's mouth is probably the BOSS in the player's mouth. The current players and NPCs have only killed the first wave of BOSS, and there are four more waves to follow.The taste of this potion is now in her mouth, it is simply the most unpleasant taste of poison.It's not that she hasn't thought about whether she should take a break from the status given by the town stone, but when she thinks about the system announcement, if she changes the status, many players will definitely be dissatisfied. Player, she is in trouble for clearing the city.

"That... Xiaoyan, otherwise I'll go and ask Uncle Qingmi to help you, do they have any good things there?" Brick thought for a while and asked Ji Xiaoyan: "This way you won't have to suffer .”

"Master Qingmi, what good things do they have there? You see, there is nothing I can use in such a big treasure house in Qingcheng," Ji Xiaoyan said dejectedly.

"I don't know for certain, how can Master Qingmi have the same thing as Puji spirit embryo." Brick lowered his eyes and whispered to Ji Xiaoyan, "As long as you have that thing, Xiaoyan, you don't have to worry about magic. Not worth enough."

"Where does Master Qingmi have such a thing? I remember that the Puji spirit embryo is not only used to wash the marrow of the Yijing, so that people can learn healing spells well? That thing can also increase the storage of mana value ?” Ji Xiaoyan frowned, looked at Brick and asked.

"It's not Puji spirit embryo, it's just something similar to Puji spirit embryo." Brick thought for a while, and then continued to Ji Xiaoyan: "I actually heard that, it seems that Master Qingmi didn't like it at the beginning. Lord Guitu and Lord Shendrill secretly sneaked to where they lived and looked through the small treasure cabinets in the two houses, and found a few good things from inside. Because Master Qingmi is very powerful, and He was not caught, so Ghost Map and Master Shendrill had no choice but to ask questions. Uncle Qingmi also felt a little guilty, so he didn't dare to rush into the house of Ghost Map and Lord Shendrill to make trouble. Go out and curse at the door."

"Is there such a thing?" Ji Xiaoyan was suddenly curious, and after drinking a bottle of blue medicine every day with a wrinkled face, he asked: "Speaking of which, didn't you follow my master, Lin Qianye? Did the Juli Clan dig holes? How did they know about Uncle Qingmi?"

"Master Qianye said this!" Brick smiled, and said to Ji Xiaoyan: "It seems that Master Qianye went out for a stroll one day, and I don't know where he heard the news. After he came back, he told us Said, Master Qingmi is not loyal enough, and he is not called on such a fun thing as stealing things. If he goes, he will definitely remove all the things in the treasure pavilion, and he will not talk to Master Qingmi at all. Like Uncle, he only took one or two things away. Because of Master Qingmi’s actions, Guitu and Master Shendiao have set up a magic circle or something in the house. Master Qianye went to see it once, and found that there was no way to do it again. After the attack, they simply did not contact Uncle Qingmi, leaving him to yell outside the City Lord's Mansion every day."

"Well, the relationship between the two of them is not very good! Besides, Master Qingmi is also, he stole something from others, so he has the nerve to scold people every day!" Ji Xiaoyan said a little speechlessly, the old man Qingmi did not go to call Lin Qian It's normal to be together at night!The two of them basically started bickering as soon as they met, how could they be so good that they wanted to steal things together!

"Maybe he's thinking about it, so he won't be suspected like this!" Brick also said something blushing for the old man Qingmi, and then looked at Ji Xiaoyan and said expectantly: "I remember Master Qianye said However, Uncle Qingmi got a few spirit jades from those two hidden treasure pavilions, they are all good things."

"What is Lingyu?" Ji Xiaoyan was curious.

"Spiritual embryo is the essence of the I Ching, and spiritual jade is to expand the meridians and increase potential." Brick thought for a while, and said to Ji Xiaoyan: "There is a kind of spiritual jade that can directly expand Xiaoyan's magic power after you use it. Potential, increase your usual mana recovery and mana storage. I think if Master Qingmi really finds a spirit jade, he might not have a piece of such spirit jade anywhere!"

"The question is, if there is one, can I use it?" Ji Xiaoyan was pleasantly surprised for a second, and then said worriedly in the next moment: "Besides, the uncle didn't say he would give it to me when he got it, and he might not have anything. What's the use?"

"This." Brick hesitated for a moment, and then said: "I think it's better to ask first! Anyway, Master Qingmi and the others are not mages, and it's useless to take such things. I'm sure I am willing to give it to you! As for whether it can be used, I will know after I get it!"

"Okay, then Brick, you can go ask me!" Ji Xiaoyan thought for a moment, then nodded and said, "Be careful, let Xuan Mo or Friesman take you there! Otherwise, I will let Jiajia go." Come out to protect you?"

"No, no, I'll just go out and call Shang Xuanmo!" Brick quickly waved his hands and said, "Jajia is standing here, I'm afraid it will be difficult to even turn around."

"That's right!" Ji Xiaoyan laughed immediately when he heard the words, and after watching Brick leave, he sighed again and glanced at the blue potion in his hand.It would be great if the old man Qingya really had something that could increase mana and restore it automatically!
Hey. After Ji Xiaoyan pinched her nose helplessly and drank another bottle of blue medicine, she finally looked at the only little Mimi who was with her now.

Speaking of which, since Xiao Mimi transformed in Shacheng last time, her presence around her has decreased.In the past, she couldn't prevent players or NPCs from seeing it, but now it's better. Basically, no one can see the little mist around her. Even she can only see a translucent little mist floating in the sky. shoulder to prove that the little thing is still there.This made Ji Xiaoyan couldn't help but wonder whether after a while, Xiao Mimi would disappear and return to the side of the city lord in Shacheng
 PS: Thanks to "[Dian Dian]" for the pink ticket!

(End of this chapter)

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